... both ‘debt’ and ‘guilt’, and this moralistic undertone is not lost in the economic context of Schuldenmachen. 108 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance influenced by education and profession; ... rationalizations and confirmed to us that the key element is simply the degree of familiarity with the ‘cashless’ forms of payment. 104 The Psychology of Money a...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20
... 372 35–44 1004 873 336 1209 398 45–54 975 824 271 1096 355 55 years and more 74 3 610 1 37 7 47 555 Table 3.20 Consumption standard (in DM) and size of household Size of household Monthly income (net ... Psychology of Money and Public Finance Table 3. 17 Consumption standard (in DM) and education Education Monthly income (net average) Equipment level (a) Level of...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20
Author Gunter Psychology Of Money And Public Finance_6 docx
... rise of 196 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance in favour of economic development, whereas insisting on profit and income taxation may result in adverse effects. 3. Turning to the role of ... idea of someone who imposes the tax on the liable, and the word ‘duty’ conveys the awareness of fulfilling 202 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance Tabl...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20
Author Gunter Psychology Of Money And Public Finance_7 docx
... The Psychology of Money and Public Finance explain the creation of such money and its effects on the economy as a whole. Money in account’ or deposit money 1 is created not by government authority ... equations of total volume of money, money volume minus idle balances, and turnover velocity, and, on the other hand, the ‘total monetary demand’, which is nothing...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20
Author Gunter Psychology Of Money And Public Finance_8 ppt
... for, 37, 139 age and consumption level, 132 and consumption standard, 130 and income expectations, 68 and mental attitude, 67 and psychology of saving, 100 and saving, 24 and thrift, 60 and wishes, ... questions, 99–100 psychology of taxation, 1 57 210 early studies, 193 public finance roots of, 158–9 and Schmölders, Günter, 6–13 public finance theory, 184...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 10:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_2 pot
... other 48 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance or clearly remembered about their private property and also what their attitude was with regard to money and the value of money. 67 In this connection ... bank remittances and cheques; on forms and motives of money investments; on reactions to interest rates and premiums on savings; on confidence in the valu...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_3 docx
... income of main earner DM 600 and above Five or more 40 47 4422 Three to four 31313241 Less than three 292224 37 100 100 100 100 78 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance In ... home itself, and personal possessions. In an industrialized society moving towards a situation of material surplus, the key goals of budget 74 The Psychology of M...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_4 doc
... prime money metal, the ‘gold illusion’ has been and still is very much alive. Even though domestic money traffic has 108 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance influenced by education and profession; ... rationalizations and confirmed to us that the key element is simply the degree of familiarity with the ‘cashless’ forms of payment. 120 The Psychology of Mo...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20
The Psychology of Money and Public Finance by Günter Schmölders (Dec 12, 2006)_6 ppt
... process of education and realization extending over several generations. 158 The Psychology of Money and Public Finance because of the general lack of understanding among members of parlia- ment and ... listings of securities and details of wages from its tax-paying citizens, in some of the French- speaking parts there was open outrage and actual acts of de...
Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 08:20