Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel 7 pot

Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_3 potx

Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_3 potx

... thatsucha business modelcould be sustained in the longrunonlyifwages in Chinaremainextremelylow indefinitely.Ifthatis the case,howwillChinasucceed in drivingdo- mesticconsumptionandachievingamorebalancedeconomywhichis lessdependentonexports? Danger ... developed nationshasresulted in amassiveandirreversibleelimina- tionofjobs. * The realityisth...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20

27 166 0
Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_5 doc

Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_5 doc

... a primaryproblemwithcurrentwelfareprograms.Welfare, asitiscurrentlyimplemented,providesfewincentivesfor selfimprovementandlittlehopefor the future.Ittendsto result in apermanentunderclass,anditcertainlydoesnot create the typeofviableconsumersthatweneedtopower the economyof the future. The Power of Inequality The ideaofincentivesiscloselyt...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20

27 166 0
Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_6 potx

Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_6 potx

... The lights rotate in colorasjobsaresharedamong the workers firstaffectedbyautomation. The green lights initiallyrepresentasmallminorityof the lights within the tunnel.  Most peoplecontinue to be employed in traditionaljobs.Ifweweretowatch the ac- tion in the tunnel overtime,however,wewouldseethat The ... the lights captures ourinterestforat...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20

27 272 0
Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_7 pot

Brad Feld Reviews The Lights in the Tunnel_7 pot

... past the threshold,butonceinside,theyjoin the riverof lights asit courses over the panels on the tunnel walls. At first, we sensethat the businesses in the tunnel arestrainingsome- what ... stable and reinforcing. The vast majority of the consumers in the tunnel now glowwithapredominantlygreenlight.Astimepasses, the collectiveintensityof the light...

Ngày tải lên: 21/06/2014, 09:20

27 138 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_1 potx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_1 potx

... ob- viouslydon’tcaterdirectlyto the globalmassmarket,theyarenone- thelessintegratedinto the activitythatoccurs in the tunnel, andthey are heavily impacted by the overall health and vitality of the mass market. THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL ... Amazon marketarereplacedwithnew,morecompetitivestart-ups, often in completelynewanddifferentindustries....

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 231 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 ppt

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_2 ppt

... are growingdark.Nowweseethatmanyof the verybrightest lights in the tunnel finallyfeel the impactandalsobeginto losetheirlight. The ownersof the businesses in the tunnel areseeingmuchoftheirwealthgraduallydrainaway. The tunnel has ... that the hopes of even the remainingbrighter lights aregraduallyevaporatinginto the newemptinessof the tunnel. ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 330 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pot

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_3 pot

... cash drawer. Ifyouwere in oneof the lanesfurtherout,however, thingswerefarmoreinteresting.Yousealedyourmoney, paperwork,checkbook,etc.intoaplasticcylinderandthen dropped the cylinder into the providedopening. The cy- linder then traveled through an underground tube— propelled I think by some ... and computerfields, the paceofchangeisunprecedent...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 310 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 pptx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_4 pptx

... that peopledowant.Thatisobviouslyasillyassumption.Ro- bots,andotherformsofautomation,willbeusedinstead THE LIGHTS IN THE TUNNEL / 84 CopyrightedMaterial–Paperback/Kindle available @ Amazon sionsabout the people in frontofher,judgingthingslike theirattire,whethertheyseemimpatient,theirimportance and ... certainly well within the realmof...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 20:20

27 266 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_5 potx

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_5 potx

... thatsucha business modelcould be sustained in the longrunonlyifwages in Chinaremainextremelylow indefinitely.Ifthatis the case,howwillChinasucceed in drivingdo- mesticconsumptionandachievingamorebalancedeconomywhichis lessdependentonexports? Acceleration ... more preciseandreliablemanufacturingpossible. * Machinescan ...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 281 0
The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf

The Lights in the Tunnel Automation Accelerating Technology and the Economy of the Future_6 pdf

... to decline.Rememberthatwearetalkinghereaboutaverage workers.Toget the graphabove,youmighttake the dis- tributionofincomes in the UnitedStatesandthenelimi- nateboth the richestand the poorestpeople.Thengraph the averageincomeof the remaining“typical”people (the bulk ... proposedearlierisjustoneexampleof suchanincentive;otherswithexperience in tax...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 21:20

27 326 0
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