Electromagnetic Waves Part 3 potx

Electromagnetic Waves Part 3 potx

Electromagnetic Waves Part 3 potx

... crosses the region of electromagnetic field while, in the second 83 Gouy Phase and Matter Waves Gouy Phase and Matter Waves 3 The analogy between classical light waves and matter waves is more apparent ... work was in part supported by the Brazilian agencies CNPq, Capes and Fapemig. 93 Gouy Phase and Matter Waves Electromagnetic- wave Contribution to the Quantum Structure...

Ngày tải lên: 19/06/2014, 21:20

35 239 0
Acoustic Waves Part 3 potx

Acoustic Waves Part 3 potx

... T F , given by () 2 2 /3 2 3 2 . BF F kT n m π ≡= = ε (8) Then the ratio χ = T F /T can be related to the degeneracy parameter 3 B n λ as, ()() 2 /3 2 /3 23 1 /3 2 FB TT n χπλ == (9) ... (3 π 2 ) 2 /3  9.6 and 2 2 /3 0 1 e r n = where r is the average interparticle distance. If k ~ 10 6 cm –1 is assumed, then near metallic electron densities i.e., n e0 ~...

Ngày tải lên: 20/06/2014, 22:20

30 141 0
Henry VI, Part 3 potx

Henry VI, Part 3 potx

... when the king comes, offer no violence, Unless he seek to thrust you out perforce. 5 Henry VI, Part 3 Shakespeare, William Published: 1591 Categorie(s): Non-Fiction, History, Fiction, Drama Source: ... lord! EDWARD O, speak no more, for I have heard too much. RICHARD Say how he died, for I will hear it all. 35 Than to accomplish twenty golden crowns! Why, love forswore me in my mother&a...

Ngày tải lên: 29/03/2014, 11:21

156 357 0
Maladies oculaires - part 3 potx

Maladies oculaires - part 3 potx

... Ophtalmol. Paris, 1960, 516, 35 9 - 36 3. ASHTON N. - Vascular changes in diabetes with particular reference to the retinal vessels. Brit. J. Ophthalmol., 1949, 33 , 407. BAILLiART P. - La circulation ... Arizona 850 13- 4496, USA. J Neurosurg. 2001 Aug;95(2) :34 6-9. Wyburn-Mason, R. Arteriovenous aneurysm of mid-brain and retina, facial naevi and mental changes. Brain 66: 1 63- 2 0...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05

44 382 0
Saturnisme quelles strategies de pepistage - part 3 potx

Saturnisme quelles strategies de pepistage - part 3 potx

... 20 03, 112 : 130 8- 131 3 BINDER S, MATTE TD, KRESNOW M, HOUSTON B, SACKS JJ. Lead testing of children and homes: results of a national telephone survey. Public Health Reports 1996, 111 : 34 2 -34 6 BINNS ... Journal 1996, 31 3 : 8 83- 884 FELDMAN W, RANDEL P. Dépistage de l’exposition au plomb chez les enfants au Can- ada. Guide canadien de médecine clinique préventive, Chapitre 25, 1994 :...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 10:05

32 406 0
Atlas de poche de physiologie - part 3 potx

Atlas de poche de physiologie - part 3 potx

... mmHg ( 13. 33 kPa) et une P CO2 , de 40 mmHg (5 .33 kPa). Dans le sang de l'artère pulmonaire pauvre en O 2 , la P O2 s'élève à 40 mmHg (5 .33 kPa) et la P CO2 à 46 mmHg (6. 13 kPa). ... (= 1,00) se répartit quantitativement dans le sang artériel de la façon suivante (B) : 0,60-0, 63 sous forme d'HCO 3 - dans le plasma, 0,26-0,29 sous forme d'HCO 3 - dans...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

34 349 0
Atlas de poche pharmacologie - part 3 potx

Atlas de poche pharmacologie - part 3 potx

... faible pour augmenter cette pres- sion (p .30 8); - localement pour obtenir une décon- gestion nasale ou du tissu conjonctif de l'œil (p. 31 8, p. 32 0), ou comme adju- vant d'une anesthésie ... (prophylaxie de l'angine de poitrine, p. 30 4). Les (3- blo- quants servent aussi à diminuer la fré- quence cardiaque (tachycardie sinusale, p. 134 ) et diminuent une pression arté-...

Ngày tải lên: 18/06/2014, 18:20

39 315 0