... approach to lexical semantics. Lexical semantics covers theories of the classification and decomposition of word meaning, the differences and similarities in lexical semantic structure between ... with the summary and the orientation for further research. PART TWO: DEVELOPMENT Chapter I – THEORITICAL BACKGROUND 1. Lexical semantics 1.1. Lexical semantics...
Ngày tải lên: 11/12/2013, 23:51
... state, and copresence among events and condi- tions. When events are not related in these ways, judg- ments of relative time must be mediated by copresence relations between the events and events ... cross the event horizon that separates lexical semantics from philosophy. On the other hand, our experience suggests that to avoid their use entirely is crippling; the lexical...
Ngày tải lên: 21/02/2014, 20:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Computational Lexical Semantics, Incrementality, and the So-called Punctuality of Events" potx
... soldiers and the doors possess proper subparts, along which the crossing and slamming events in (6b) and (7b) are measured, making those events non-atomic (there are several distinct subevents ... involving events specified in the AGENTIVE of bruit and article, produire interacts differently with its internal argument, and receives different event structures. The e~_ e_so~-...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 06:20
Báo cáo khoa học: "Result Stages and the Lexicon : The Proper Treatment of Event Structure" pot
... theory of event structure requires that enriched result states should be lexically represented, and will base on them a computational treatment of event structure within a feature -structure- based ... treatment of event structure 2.1 RSs with and without change-of-state I will argue here that different types of affectedness and RSs (e.g., entailing a CoS for telic e...
Ngày tải lên: 08/03/2014, 21:20
... causation and instrument domains are OPTIONAL and may be realized by syntactic alternations. Other time, space, action and func- tionality domains are IMPLICIT, and are neces- sary for all events ... ferences among verbs and the correspondence be- tween semantics and syntax. Our approach could be adapted to either of these systems and incopo- rated into them. The l...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 20:21
Ban dich BC cuoi cung TV nop 25-May-2010
... Tháng 5 /2010 Tập đoàn Điện lực Việt Nam (EVN), Ban Quản lý Dự án Thuỷ điện Trung Sơn (TSHPMB), Dự án Phát triển Thuỷ điện 31 11 Tham gia hội thảo WB- PMU 2 ngày 2 /2010 12 Tổng các ... Spencer, World Bank (February 27, 2010) Buổi họp cá nhân của trưởng nhóm PoE với ông Ngô Việt Hải, Trưởng ban Quản lý Dự án Thuỷ điện Trung Sơn (TSHPMB) (01/03 /2010) , Các buổi họp với t...
Ngày tải lên: 29/01/2013, 16:54
Microsoft press managing and implementing microsoft sharepoint 2010 projects nov 2010
... create SLAs, backup and restore, disas- ter recovery and business continuity, staffing, and training processes • Detail and carry out the installation and configuration of SharePoint 2010 • Create ... client. Documents and other information in a PMO can be centrally stored and maintained, effectively standardizing and streamlining communica- tions. Project managers can use...
Ngày tải lên: 06/08/2013, 17:51
Programming microsoft ASP NET MVC covers ASP NET MVC2 and microsoft visual strudio 2010
... HTML syntax and at least the simplest JavaScript commands and objects. The public interface of Web pages—the aforementioned markup mix—had to be written manually in the past decade. And this ... Giorgio Garcia and the entire team at Crionet and e-tennis.tv to serve better services to tennis tournaments and their related fans. Finally, I must mention my kids, Francesco (12)...
Ngày tải lên: 22/08/2013, 14:06