... affinities, and sensitivities to various environmental factors (e.g., pH, temperature, O 2 concentration and substrate concentrations). Thus, a better understanding of microbiology, ecology, and population ... situ hybridization (FISH) and microsensor techniques have a high spatial (at a single-cell resolution) and temporal resolution and great potential, and provide reliable and direct information about ... nitrifying bacterial populations and the in situ activity of these populations within the biofilms was discussed. Microsensors For analysis of microbial structure and function (activity)...
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 08:40
... TIN trang 57 HỆ QUẢN TRỊ CƠ SỞ DỮ LIỆU CHƯƠNG III LƯU TRỮ VÀ CẤU TRÚC TẬP TIN (Storage and File Structure) MỤC ĐÍCH Chương này trình bày các vấn đề liên quan đến vấn đề lưu trữ dữ ... trang 46 HỆ QUẢN TRỊ CƠ SỞ DỮ LIỆU khác với định nghĩa khoá sơ cấp (primary key), khoá dự tuyển (candidate key), và siêu khoá (superkey). Như vậy, nếu có một vài chỉ mục trên một file, có một vài ... tự toàn bộ file lẫn truy xuất ngẫu nhiên đến một mẩu tin. Chỉ mục đặc và chỉ mục thưa (Dense and Sparse Indices) Chỉ mục đặc Brighton A-217 750 Downtown A-101 500 Downtown A-110 600...
Ngày tải lên: 15/09/2012, 09:38
PHÂN TÍCH CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures)
... (cm 2 ) 38 2 CHƯƠNG 2 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures) Chương trình mô phỏng một chiều AMPS – 1D là một chương trình đa năng để khảo ... thấp 14 2 CHƯƠNG 2 CHƯƠNG TRÌNH MÔ PHỎNG MỘTCHIỀU AMPS – 1D (Analysis of Microelectronic and Photonic Structures) 15 2.1 Phương trình Poisson 15 2.1.1 Nồng độ điện tử tự do và nồng độ lỗ trống...
Ngày tải lên: 18/03/2013, 13:40
Long-term Performance and Community Analysis of Spirodela Polyrrhiza–bacteria Association Treating Phenol-contaminated Water
Ngày tải lên: 05/09/2013, 10:15
Functions and program structure
... command %s\n", s); break; } } return 0; } Because + and * are commutative operators, the order in which the popped operands are combined is irrelevant, but for - and / the left and ... this program, the functions push and pop could be defined in one file, and the variables val and sp defined and initialized in another. Then these definitions and declarations would be necessary ... applied to them, and the result is pushed back onto the stack. In the example above, for instance, 1 and 2 are pushed, then replaced by their difference, -1. Next, 4 and 5 are pushed and then replaced by...
Ngày tải lên: 30/09/2013, 06:20
Writing - Getting Started and the Structure
... remote and magnifi- cent island.” Then I considered the essay’s title: “The Island at the End of the Earth.” Hmm. In many seagoing cultures, the islands at the end of the world are where the dead and ... speed around eight pm and begin increasing expo- nentially; they double in size every hour One can imagine Billy standing at the helm and grip- ping the wheel with the force and stance one might ... Pierre, David Sullivan, Bugsy Moran, Dale Murphy, and Bobby Shatford are surely dead. The reader sees them clearly, sinking down and down and down, limp and open-eyed. The book continues, however,...
Ngày tải lên: 25/10/2013, 07:20
World Population and Area of the Countries
... 66,557,600 66 Falkland Islands FLK DepT GBR Stanley 12,173 12,173 2,970 67 Faroe Islands FRO DepT DNK Tórshavn 1,399 1,399 46,300 68 Fiji FJI Indep Suva 18,270 18,270 868,500 69 Finland FIN Indep ... Gibraltar 6 6 27,800 79 Great Britain (and Northern Ireland) GBR Indep London 244,820 241,590 60,094,600 80 Greece GRC Indep Athínai 131,940 130,800 10,666,000 81 Greenland GRL DepT DNK Nuuk 2,166,086 ... Ashgabad 488,100 488,100 4,775,500 216 Turks and Caicos Islands TCA DepT GBR Cockburn Town 430 430 19,400 217 Tuvalu TUV Indep Vaiaku 26 26 11,300 218 Uganda UGA Indep Kampala 236,040 199,710 25,632,800 219...
Ngày tải lên: 08/11/2013, 16:11
the risk and term structure of interest rates
... 1 Chapter 6 The Risk and Term Structure of Interest Rates Copyright 2011 Pearson Canada Inc. 6 - 8 Term Structure of Interest Rates • Bonds with identical risk, liquidity, and tax characteristics ... determined by the demand for and supply of that bond. • Investors have preferences for bonds of one maturity over another. • If investors have short desired holding periods and generally prefer ... slope upward when short-term rates are low and to be inverted when short-term rates are high; explained by the liquidity premium term in the first case and by a low expected average in the second...
Ngày tải lên: 05/01/2014, 16:56
Tài liệu Designing a Domain and OU Structure for Group Policy docx
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 19:20
Ngày tải lên: 24/01/2014, 23:20
Tài liệu Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java Richard Wiene ppt
... solving, genetic algorithms, and complexity studies. He develops and presents training courses and intensive short courses and workshops on object -oriented problem solving and object-oriented languages. ... programming, and classical data structures. The software development principles associated with OOP provide a strong framework for presenting and implementing classical data structures. We adhere to and ... fits this bill. It provides constructs and predefined standard libraries that directly support and connect to the rich body of underlying OOP and data structure principles. We have chosen Java...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 04:20
Tài liệu Cognitive function and brain structure correlations in healthy elderly East Asians doc
... manual and a utomated measures of the hippocampus was lower (r=0.82; p b .001) as expected given the small size of this structure and the different landmarks used for segmenting this structure. ... parietal and midline occipital regions bilaterally. In spite of differences in diet, lifestyle and culture, these findings are broadly comparable to studies conducted in Caucasian populations and suggest ... conducted in Caucasian populations and speaks to the generalizability of processes involved in age-related decline in cognition and brain volume. Decline in cognition with age and effects of other...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu Đề tài " Moduli spaces of surfaces and real structures " doc
... we set π(α)=a, π(β)=b and we define π(γ):=c. (then abc = 1). MODULI SPACES OF SURFACES AND REAL STRUCTURES 591 and V. Kharlamov for a useful conversation, V. Kulikov and Sandro Manfre- dini for ... n 0 =3 ,and ν 3 =3yields the usual contradiction. Thus ν 3 =1=ν 2 and then m 3 = n 3 =2,ν 1 =2,n 0 =3,n 2 =2m 1 = m 2 and we have therefore the case d = 3and branching indices (2,m 1 , 2m 1 ) for G and ... the symplectic structure of an algebraic surface. The referee of this paper points out an important fact: the standard diffeomorphism between S and S car- ries the canonical class K S to −K S , and moreover...
Ngày tải lên: 14/02/2014, 16:20
Tài liệu Inequalities in Higher Education and the Structure of the Labour Market pdf
... public and private employment and self-employment.Generally,itwasmainlyAsian and whitegraduates whomovedinto self-employment and, even then,mainly thoseinthemedical and legalfields.Overall,onlyasmallproportionofgraduatesinthesurveywereinself- employment.Themovementbetweenthepublic and privatesectorwasmuchmore significant.Thepublicsectorisanimportantfirstemployer,particularlyforAfrican graduates.Otherracegroupstendtofindsubsequentjobsintheprivatesector,while Africangraduatestendtoremaininpublicsectoremployment.Thepublicsectoris cruciallyimportantforAfricangraduates–76,7%oftheAfricangraduatessurveyed found ... www.hsrcpress.ac.za 1 InequalitiesinHigherEducation and the Structure oftheLabourMarket Introduction Therelationshipbetweeneducation and economicgrowth and developmentinSouth Africahasbeenwidelystudied and itsimportanceacknowledged.Highereducation hasaparticularlyimportantroletoplayintheoveralldevelopmentoftheeconomy.It hasovertheyearsprovidedsocietywithhighlyskilled,professionalworkers and must continuetodoso.Highereducationalsohasakeyroletoplayinextendingeducational benefitstothedisadvantaged,thuscontributingtoequalopportunities and fairness. However,fortheserolestoberealised,theeducationsystemhastobeeffective and efficientwithimprovededucationoutcomes.Thechangingnatureoflabourmarkets isplacingapremiumontechnicalexpertise and occupationalcompetenciesaswellas onthematchingofeducationalqualificationswithprospectiveemployment.Allthis has ... secondary schooling.Overall,theproportionsofthoseenrolledinvariousfieldsofstudyshow amoveawayfromaconcentrationofgraduatesinhumanities and arts-relatedfields and an improvement in enrolments in science, engineering and technology-related fields, and inbusiness and commerce.Thesefiguresalsoshowashiftwithregardto race.ThereisanincreaseinAfricansenrollinginthefieldsofscience and business and commercerelativetothosewhoenrolinthehumanities and arts.However,itremains tobeseeniftheseenrolmentrateswilltranslateintosimilarproportionsingraduation ratesinthecomingyears. Table2:EnrolmentdistributioninthreeDepartmentsofEducation’sfieldsofstudy,by population group,2002 Fieldofstudy...
Ngày tải lên: 15/02/2014, 17:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Processing, catalytic activity and crystal structures of kumamolisin-As with an engineered active site pptx
... wild-type enzyme and of the E78H mutant, and the structures are very similar (r.m.s.d. 0.264 and 0.312 A ˚ for 350 Ca pairs). Crystals of the E78H ⁄ D164N mutant are completely different and contain ... The co-ordinates and structure factors have been deposited in the Protein Data Bank (accession codes 1ZVJ and 1ZVK for the D164N and E78H ⁄ D164N mutants, respectively). For comparisons, the structures ... time-dependent enhance- ment of the 57-kDa band with a concomitant diminu- tion of the 38-kDa and 19-kDa bands, as analyzed by SDS ⁄ PAGE (Fig. 3A). The 38-kDa and 19-kDa bands did not disappear completely...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 07:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "Applications of GPC Rules and Character Structures in Games for Learning Chinese Characters" doc
... al., 1990; Ziegler and Goswami, 2005) and of Chi- nese, e.g., (Lee et al., 2005), and is important for both young readers (Ho and Bryant, 1997; Lee, 2009) and adult readers (Lin and Collins, 2012). ... characters, Language and Linguistics, 6(1), 75–107. C H. Lin and P. Collins. 2012. The effects of L1 and ortho- graphic regularity and consistency in naming Chinese char- acters. Reading and Writing. ... class (i.e., grades 1 and 2), middle class (i.e., grades 3 and 4), or upper class (i.e., grades 5 and 6) and (2) speed level: the duration between the monsters’ popping up and going down. The...
Ngày tải lên: 19/02/2014, 19:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: Second messenger function and the structure–activity relationship of cyclic adenosine diphosphoribose (cADPR) doc
Ngày tải lên: 20/02/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu Báo cáo khoa học: "An Alignment Algorithm using Belief Propagation and a Structure-Based Distortion Model" pdf
Ngày tải lên: 22/02/2014, 02:20
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