adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials, 2007, p 290

adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials, 2007, p.290

adsorption and diffusion in nanoporous materials, 2007, p.290

... Chapter 2 General Introduction to Adsorption in Solids 39 2.1 Definitions and Terminology 39 2.1.1 What Is the Meaning of the Term Adsorption 39 2.1.2 Phases and Components Involved in the Adsorption ... += f p kp Ep i iii ln 1 0αβ p E Z i i = −exp[ ]β Page 7 Wednesday, December 20, 2006 6:28 PM 8 Adsorption and Diffusion in Nanoporous Materials an...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:13

290 417 0
adsorption and diffusion (molecular sieves)

adsorption and diffusion (molecular sieves)

... the general principles of adsorption equilibrium and of the main features of sorp- tion kinetics in microporous solids, which generally depend on a combination of both equilibrium and kinetic properties. 4D.M.Ruthven 2 Sorption ... Rees, who pioneered the application of this technique in zeolite science and technology, passed away in 2006. Theory, ex- perimental principles, and...

Ngày tải lên: 01/04/2014, 10:07

411 327 0
biomechanics at micro- and nanoscale levels, v.iii, 2007, p.182

biomechanics at micro- and nanoscale levels, v.iii, 2007, p.182

... extracellularly, with aminoglycosides placed in separate perfusion pipette, or intracellularly, with aminoglycosides placed in the patch pipette. Extracellular perfusion pipettes were placed within 60 µm ... Flowchart of PDMS stamp fabrication, microcontact printing, and cell patterning. Insert is a top view photomicrograph of the PDMS stamp. Line width (w) of the patterns varies as...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:19

182 576 0
fundamentals of friction and wear on the nanoscale, 2007, p.713

fundamentals of friction and wear on the nanoscale, 2007, p.713

... pointing with the (100) direc- tion along the tip. However, the tip surface and with it the whole tip apex are at least oxidized and possibly contaminated through packaging, transport, and handling. ... coupled to a calibrated spring with a fix end. Double cantilever springs are typically used in order to minimize the tilting and/ or sliding between the surfaces when the spring is defl...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:24

713 368 0
biomechanics at micro- and nanoscale levels, v.iv, 2007, p.181

biomechanics at micro- and nanoscale levels, v.iv, 2007, p.181

... measured in a 3×FLAG-tagged prestin-expressing CHO cell are shown in Figs. 3(a) and (b), respectively. As shown in these figures, prestin-expressing cells and 3×FLAG-tagged prestin-expressing cells ... activity of prestin expressed in the generated cell lines was examined by patch- clamp measurements. The membrane capacitance versus membrane potential measured in a prestin-ex...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 14:42

181 431 0
physics of zero and one dimensional nanoscopic systems, 2007, p.346

physics of zero and one dimensional nanoscopic systems, 2007, p.346

... the fixed point reached, including the leading irrelevant operators, their physical content, and the exact leading temperature and frequency de- pendences of thermodynamic and dynamic properties. Although ... terms. In practice this means replacing the spin index σ in (4) with a combined index m that runs over all relevant atomic states. The spin-orbit and crystalline-electric-field...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:01

346 285 0
self-organized morphology in nanostructured materials, 2008, p.182

self-organized morphology in nanostructured materials, 2008, p.182

... this kind of matter possible as well as a range of applications in nano- and microoptics. 1.1 Introduction Nanooptics is about understanding and mastering the interface between the micro- and the ... Ziegler, in Thin Film Properties of Oligothiophenes, ed. by H.S. Nalwa, Handbook of Organic Conductive Molecules and Polymers: Vol. 3. Conductive Polymers: Spectroscopy and Physical...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:02

182 246 0
physics and chemistry of micro-nanotribology, 2008, p.290

physics and chemistry of micro-nanotribology, 2008, p.290

... the samples, supporting/driving components, and an optical system for measuring the distance or gap be- tween surfaces. The steel or aluminum chamber is designed for provid- ing a proper experimental ... sample in the normal direction. The upper sample is fixed on another supporting frame that may serve in the meantime as a driver providing the upper sample a movement inthetangential dir...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 15:09

290 384 0
advances in nanoengineering. electronics, materials and assembly, 2007, p.328

advances in nanoengineering. electronics, materials and assembly, 2007, p.328

... oxide, and nickel sulphide by a number of physical and chemical processes in b Ibid. August 30, 2007 9:42 WSPC/Advances in Nanoengineering 9in x 6in introduction 4 G. Davies Chapter 2. And in Chapter ... Molina-Aldareguia and Stephen Lloyd describe multi-layered inorganic materials, which have a range of potential applications including hard coatings and data stor- age sys...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2014, 13:38

327 1,4K 0