the inventor''s notebook, a ''patent it yourself'' companion 5th (2008)

the inventor's notebook, a 'patent it yourself' companion 5th (2008)

the inventor's notebook, a 'patent it yourself' companion 5th (2008)

... 23 What it is A PPA is a short version of a patent application that an applicant can use to establish an early ling date for a later-led Regular Patent Application (RPA). A PPA consists of the ... le a Provisional Patent Application (PPA) as a legal alternative to building and testing the invention. Let’s explore the PPA and its advantages and disadvantages. CHA...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:12

227 285 0
the inventor's notebook, a 'patent it yourself' companion 5th (2008)

the inventor's notebook, a 'patent it yourself' companion 5th (2008)

... 23 What it is A PPA is a short version of a patent application that an applicant can use to establish an early ling date for a later-led Regular Patent Application (RPA). A PPA consists of the ... le a Provisional Patent Application (PPA) as a legal alternative to building and testing the invention. Let’s explore the PPA and its advantages and disadvantages. CHA...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:14

227 248 0
patent it yourself, your step-by-step guide to filing at the u.s. patent office 15th (2011)

patent it yourself, your step-by-step guide to filing at the u.s. patent office 15th (2011)

... either (a) have the patent application examined right away for a relatively large fee, (b) have it examined in the normal course for a moderate fee, or (c) have examination deferred for a ... infringed and how to go after the infringer. You have a patent and want to maintain it. Read Chapter 15 on Maintenance Fees. You have a patent and want to sell or license it. Reac...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:10

628 1,2K 0


... capital gains and qualified dividends, and it would tax all capital income as ordinary income under the marginal tax rate structure. The Tax Policy Center (TPC) estimated that taxing capital ... individuals are currently able to shift their form of compensation from ordinary income to capital gains, and as a result, the lower rate on capital gains allows the very wealthy to av...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 21:20

32 252 0
patent it yourself 13th (2008)

patent it yourself 13th (2008)

... identify and distinguish it from others in the marketplace. In other words, a trademark is a brand name. An example of a word trademark is Kodak, a brand of camera. In addition to words, trademarks ... used as a substitute for the name of the goods. For example, if you’re making and selling can openers and have adopted the trademark Ajax, always use the words “can o...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 14:09

541 776 0
Research on factors affecting the student’s  satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University  of economics, in Vietnam.

Research on factors affecting the student’s satisfaction: a case study at the Da Nang University of economics, in Vietnam.

... Education 7. Parasuraman, A. , Berry, L.L. & Zeithaml, V .A. (1991). Refinement and reassessment of the SERVQUAL scale. Journal of Retailing. 8. Parasuraman, A. , Zeithaml, V. A. , & Berry, ... this variable are tangibility, assurance, responsiveness, reliability, and empathy. • Tangibles: physical facilities, equipment and appearance of personnel • Reliability: ability to perf...

Ngày tải lên: 18/04/2014, 16:25

24 791 2
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