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the copepodologist s cabinet a biographical and bibliographical history 1 potx

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Trang 2

THE COPEPODOLOGIST'S CABINET ABogrgheMselBliopngbollier David M Dambaer

(ath They acai ey rng and Treeide quai ihe, Coppa een known ice heme of Are ye thee has ever bens tony fe dy —

Planned theese re ee the scones of copepods oh the yea ling copepods she partic copepods hough (lang known ane) tebe mols ewer) wer aly hswldged at member of same (has Craters ieyagheeofsaculycopgellsier The oman thề lanh hẹt mexeperane "nudelfự mothidisfdie a, ‘eh gc mate ar wel at -Rmmuionsnd iusrviomsronabesre mm of eopepnds a 0 RC) he st usta Gs he EneEerơng Frater copepod 8) che it aplanaon are ning copepods ——

J—— oped (73th fe ving manne copepod 7 “Sepa mcamerpbo (89) The ‘evens ha raion fo the mid

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1S NOT FOR ME, or any other ving man, te design opt se scenery to dress the players ‘even ta lap orbit hr ents and her entrances ean ut str to dschange with ely the umber fice ofthe nun ho manlpulsesthetinelghe-vhes đượ tị show, jus cin ‘on the performers ave ur the oughes working komedi in a drama which I neither did nor ever cold ewnpos and of whose inate

Trang 11

To Gayle Ann Heron

my teacher, my colleague, my very close frend, swith gratitude, expect, and afetion

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CONTENTS eo Prologue Acknowledgments xi » Introduction 1 : ‘errant not Cee 5 asec * 1 Classical Copepods wa | pclae asda et te te PS Lá Nature's Treasury blige Ronee Ẵ “ Lois alo pt Ate * 2 Something About Microscopes 17

Trang 13

Copepodologisr’s Cabinet 5 The Prince of Naceraliste tae mary 6 Linmacan Legacy rary be Johan en tore he age Simnay rane san Gay” herr ol ie Prevenearas pd Ny et oe 6 er 2A oats inner Rnd oom Apel ot et owi Bahl et pa de Moen penance eres ‘risa 24m ‘phan ts Gomme brary ts stent

ose Corl Keer ‘Ne Ao sg Ch

‘>See er phn haan Flea Bars

17 Discovered in Our Native Land Shane a amber 4 AForesight of Nature

tar fet “karan 7M ‘onorabicae "aan ees ohana Foch Wie Het 1 Neen See Ée” ‘Ohare Cosne in mee

Johann Conrad Baten {fear on 8 Jetann Berman eect 4 Oe ow sone Crap ter eh apse Egaim Gown eg Br BA 2 hme Sema 88 antelope Ties ‘aioe Anne Obie edu a Lanier Ea i Rokr Chrcran alga "eh tomy ng hae mb ay ph LA CecbrationofCruslaces

Trang 14

a4 Interrogating Nature iin Gl Tsun sor Tien 6 pee ago “hang Sạn 13, Monamenttoa Much-Loved Daughter - mm at ty hun yiey BE sha Yaghan Trop ‘eso mary 13, Copepod Cryptography ager doch Sng? ert die Wp 2 caer witam Sore en 2 ae ‘lmao 8 136 vs "`

pk deni of he Seda eae a Seen Cha

Trang 15


Ait isthe eonintdason of goad untoan {ond gamein aside wood oii n0 ropuaton be hath ancl

IE READER wey tk aequaneed wich I cnamecse litle copepads and sprecistes {heireebrared aleon che aquane age For thơ vo mm sec reieding ha indudel several deiing possi he eosin, Noval arbi nee isin he Go 9 pare ofan organisms comple sie name trangke CdmufnmanlielGuanere mi) This teemlslog te e mu () the ania of he specks fare ands ditt rom allotber spe ‘Set of de word in an ea atthe gal Serpion ois speces wld be inked bees

‘oatypespecinen deposi iy the freimergoe ‘nan appease hs parscalarenaipe slhoindestethat he specs from nar a ‘hog acesoy information i sea equine fap amet and could even messing) {he anil longs it te ges Claus wich eaerolnounbuesubecterdanensipea cee Species of hi es) the sees a iinet spe for it may ae Been decribed iat a (RgieiMe ody, was fst named and describ [ye samcooe named Ganneas (dst Guero eredhideserprn coche work by publication a

‘roca aly.) that in pe of Ganrus pla: ing is new species in ae genus is happened te [etheoldLasaeangens Momo) che specs smarts inte ani een assigned by ab ‘equ publication oa difeengenusnhacase

esr, ilps

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The Copepodologise's


ovine buttothe iter pat tthe ahora ‘Bede cobs nd tines and mets "eae srl lero he ay of that a een applied with soe jstiieaton to oped, shee has een sone There have bee fmey onde picid seller ‘hy hae seldom gien information about he pr Sonne hesocl context Leanna hes “edably done by hers: For any years my best ‘elected eenerat the ede copepod papers large manuorp prepare CB Wilson, op ©

{tote ‘This hes tw ben soprded Ofc đlagenetiethecselumebllogaghypngsrelby Veroort 98a 98) My intention pei ‘Meee te ceresrerE sex epee 2 papers tac ave bn vealed Aomplation wefulin ding dnpering ad dating alder Urea thự eure ir paps Za eee by Agus a, 85, 1853) Thistle own works and de tached memei on oc telekiteeeridee sebiEirnkngcxie, tnd grea eal ay oe know abou sme wc feud ito copepoteog am reine đàyimliedepsadaofdelimarbevlalnozdd ot lnk at eter Lingnar (China) Acar Review hindered he chat ome oppo ogra jor or minor may bavebeenvll Xr ‘nother edn Arte sour pres (tetimona, nex call uncer he author ame aber than by the bjeetpersen se mpirumE mien

cout ha additonal ts aes

‘Asths labor ofl scold ee tne owo fooshort and unGnihed No single ook could en ome the whole bographial end Biigrsph fal hinory ofthe sud of copepods il na Seplancra bara nepeenahionin

recoded photographs, ltr, and collections of Fulblicaion: Much undoubredl surest family Echves and in manus fled in stone ‘ound he we

‘urbe ad

Trang 17


cannot iron che hou, othe spo, oe he ok, ce the woe whic a he ounaton tint ong a Train he male foe Tew that had begun

‘J Aeon, Prd and Prep

12 This book sae berm long, Hear my aoks, nce cere the pus of cheap sa ‘ine and J hall never seen Norge at _rapidroprodiction)weaethe bepnningeterwen deathsdooe but defitely inthe alla wantea fpr eneuy seine wore pion tan exer tocord shou things only Know, have aw thar workers Burs G7), aco ulfoFonyscereen ‘wouldbe gained by others it ial: For fory yeas lend the unstaeaiy of ries lane earn Ute acquired iographierandbigrapbical work of ao; there are only 2 few enamgles of Snippets fen only by chance fravay places this beautial book inthe Unie ests bet in dey Bookstop, dark branes, and even cm Garay (sand of Schmelseaguiste werk of ` 6 -mlthgltmeerhoy hat By meịrhatbena doubly oe infinitely mare, ing hen eo hase Setar to eae by woy ofthe old erate che langage purchased copy of the inceoparabl St ‘Eowning day and places In conrax tothe set ml monograph thar had belonged Garey es whee des might beswepe aay and forgor rater, Eustace complete with» handsome bok fen, enonory respects the oles works though plate ataleoto he foundshecomplerenraryand the principle of poy and dhe ate hie for Squallyprecns monepaph of Case 80) ‘cr wth the species deveponsNereles, tha hat ben cen By Rober Gurney, ewe Wh revisions aod nproved description, cnat with boop ii dificult dese te vad ler works are sapere in rare, and ir fecnaions of ginal bok or paper wih ber tot necesty ove dues less ones reneh” rand ant yeneaiearomay ene al at inp moi nruig tresonke-Apsio TH me na Tokio tr thaney docomew es Ubi stoves cant ord ti Kẻ ely work com” elas ofthe shor ant eh pased sug ‘non to confound inom tehanleofoeoesovnlsppfecaeelcalogtese£ ‘Undosbred son othe monograph thaw cb- rer pneraions bringsaped knowledge sweat tainedduringthisumemayneerbearlabcinan —stasonsexperencebybreachingrhetmebare other ifr, ant few that at this ment seals beings he ean of preservation, Ten salbiey may well be arguted eins PreLuanacan copepod esate sare and

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Copepodologs’ Cabinet

few cfrenes From this prod rie worth poi ingout tha een some the pubieations From the ltedghteenhorcvdynineeentieetrurcrarelen sey felt ond Some af these have noe been “ond inthe pene eviews notwiheanding, thesuthohaslined through a prod during which ica been posible oobi by diligee peal ofthe pols second-hand natural natry book trade arse ibrary eared heey of ope pas leis Beting and pope o acknowledge ere teh earner grade he eapere services of the ‘ntiguarianDookdcale As repesetaie ewok mate mention in parscular Whedon & of hit Wess, Bernard Quart, Antony’ D Ll Anh uscias jk and Ch de Wyogaee “Or booksells ‘wonder fen Onehalfso press Sethe set ey sl

ich pio fc as opie ia ears, probably because chợ were gu sooner tn ie cham is ypcal for histosen However as sly few stp Beind the grim reaper on xe S=secereleieihoa kaithreetoethdf ‘ortespondence ino seo bdIeingj£xắ ø nạ {meee en ane There nore nan colic, both Fle and unfuliled For example, R Wolfendentson who Lieve met died nen owe ton Bor usally he consequences “This crersevsscomplelxrh gi rom many were aorable memories Mya personal dee and preset ple "are vac forthe sequsineance tts who give much asacance or who orherse wth emir research

renuraged Horus Thomas E Bowman, leandre Bean, soe i thi fr: ean Bas, E,W KA Bradsy,FennerChace, Norberto Della Croce eter Dohrn, Abraham Fleming, James Fraser Paul Galo ag Hansen Aer Handy Does

Heary Archur , Humes, Pal WA Ja chino Marin Johnson, 2 Kabat, Trevor inc, gene Koro Johannes Kr, Daniel Merriman '§ Moods, Oxi Pests, FD Ti, Alfied © Red Feld Rupee Ried Waldo Schmit elle Steves, “oka Took, W:Veroore Austin Willian MS ‘Wilko, Toren Wf and Selina Wright Bech cesofthe Net Years ‘Would thar ould ask agin of opepods Dusk of memory Richard, Fleming, Thomas Thompson and Georg Woe instilled 3 eaty appreciation ofthe story of he sty ofthe sea Distance and sometimes on miss junctions ee me fom mewn mer of eo ers eee fratnete ape terete sọc Feely gent corespondence Raby ere ide (Comps David Cate, Tako Chiba, CC Dass, [A De Decker, G8 Dee Delamare Deb teil, Berard Dusar ala A Ener, Jacques Forest cr Gry Albert E- Gunther, Maryvonne amon Planing Bleue, Ze ara, Helmut Kune, Sheina Marsal, Ere Mayr Theo dove Monod Helen Murphy Nichols, Wa Fram Nod, Joba Henne Obon, Edvard Reed

Freer 8 Rast Mary Sear, Sem G Sepe™ stale, Othiko Tanaka fan Theories, Odece “Teter Manuzo Una Teruo Yamada HareyC Yat rman) 2 Young, and Donald Zi, ‘Mach sowed co he te Thomas Saunders Eng Ish, the mos thought and generous teacher haveknown.Incverlf him without havingleared some ew hig his personaly continues exert sp eodinlyinRiseeeme EạliE sai reệc “ANftoleelHelgpagh,vhire may coniludoneto, thehistoryof manne cence keep he Bare bur

ơng acc bi staan mond ai shal shesyereanure ‘Special recognition ue be ge fais of our elon “pared pepsi fr une el pros nara generously shares Engen Cau’ dag

fer (Sabine ode and Mana Das dauhaer {Tenge George P Feta son (Chom Ms (Charl Fsh Mane Pland ih, Sten Faber _randson ard est Foss Richa), Edvard Fetes daughter (Mew Clay We Brooks), Hermann Freie sonata (Kure Seni, Mes Hen Gusher Raber Gurnee Ole Walker Kies seman dager (Hermann otson (Saburo) Mrs TabamochiMonandhernizce and Ger), Sei Kk ary Yanokawa Mrs Marie Roe Hane Walang Shafer daughter (Cra Scaler Oren, Thomas

Trang 19

Ser gtancun an Ade Soe ep Rome [ep Sen) Mi Sem Sr i A Ak ton MLS Wien fasta CharleSand ¬ ‘Of ayo geeaton, crac peso ecu -psmemtstetsey Ra ae Je Besd Feed Grieve, Roger Creme, Daas De rank D em, Aedun Reedsgen iveeEre Jacke oi, Lo: 4, iobem, Comsd Nhholen,} 8 E Maho, Hang B Michel Makexo Omer Shigeo Ooi, Rear Sherman, VS Shoal Jote Sri, and Jue Vidal And by correspon ‘ence, Krai dt, Tgea Borner Roland Hou ddr Cam Qing Chao, Mang Dean, Fr arrion, K Nglenanp, Rafa Lemait, © Markhaev, Es Mills: Onbe Invi de Pata, Nancy Rayner Anan Rie 5 Ro 0 spt Kl ant Chad Wake Teannoontok he seal vices of Kat nsandcuratorassclassandespeclly these athe UUnneriyf whinge Stennis on, an he Marne Bobi Labwatry (Wd

Hole) hee 1 ve pene sbstanal oe ih ctormous bein, Glowing copepod tats te tracks henelne CrpoeLaeee, BUnhevee, Musée Geeanograpighs Mona, posed mach pono encouragement and.» comprchensie Sy of chau drew and publctons encerning French copepodlogitInegucine Thomemais, Cuaxee Lcuetr allcsion a de Moseum sere Nace, ile da Hae, a

ony Adous povided unique mate ơn St, tah ad Lesucut Weer Mater, Director, Geers Muscum of Natural Hiswry, coed rtcl fullicorans he Wee tutor the acory of about FrangosNayr 1 Jon Simons, Mice, Leon contiteddetainseasemectthenany tao weds HoltuisandDe 8 erorofthe Nationaal Nat whe wre alin mee men Dr L Đ

‘heh Masur hae served ae arco trectis proving te ro the eee ‘Flew and Area ‘De Z Kata Pasi kg Sean Nai, sided and abet my passion though the magic ‘heal and coun dering ers © 9 Nur Ahir opm! the door 06 Deliche ae jor Mak Feat Sen cps of Mapaghidl fens hai wrod rig er oN nat Mancusi jae Lander Ae {Caton endef Scenes nl Benge ALi ‘stun See cheu osewexeasons henlxaatarelinieranme redeal ‘Sharon Ann Darlaer and er dogg bth eal and chara, ave Been te ight fy For Tang van Tellengeafesssa bom gosto Cast hie ap Damar ard Mile Lindeouy Dames, ‘shoadfaihiahesoncandinthebockshacehy al ee “ho inborn vi dose sa tod spf of igen a ey wil ne ain weaver they se mmenheel

Trang 20


In Nacore nothings insignias, non gmebk, ‘nothing sn acing repens All ee ee ir pres muiall eb ine ave meaning

Dos Cons Pear, Gren Lawes

|OPEPODS ate aquatic no water, no cope palsies the lm Unlike oe esece a Ings, copepod ve ver Fred themes ena None wat evrstung bys copepod ne bank truer ene eaten ys copepod arses of man inietly by way of copepods was nor ducoered nel ae in the nee century) Teresa ‘an bas neve yet ben ited bya plague Pode Ye chee ral crawaccant have sis Been of ep arco our ening word Ie any to imagine da copepods and mankind festcone pcs nmngtheeasbt Shere The ‘late large copepod prntescomoony infer ingfrestaer nde ah teen {heard ny prob wera cena ice” oe ice comparison opts that ‘hefabernen themarer one Indo eee ‘hechaecome down tut pee dy Mans se encounter with 3 evi cpxpaf was undobredy alum che diane missy pot hong sec s im e aundune ve {3 apining ape ina psy po! cnughe she oe ‘fa disteacedhominad A tough hand otal ‘rough bám orber aco eaity to make histone fa dilleen in Thủy srme te mi ban nỂ Ìnny hay che fading


‘Custer ia Latin word of ag scaing ln ite spleens rutacana se the anima witht ‘ruta semifle ard sf mui, be covering dic fom hero

reyes some fairy with Crscaceae ext bers sina caby Yet some may sl ‘eerie colar hac barmalearecrneaceans, Mi ae the numerous wand feat th aecox Seach what ants are oa meadow pleic Likewt the ubiquitous pl bug: chewing eedngsin ct ‘nde ave rutaceany, aoe bugs Recaption of ome crtacans crabs tor stance poet back ther than eter his, The nce Babies Facedcancer checrabinthecontllanns at

{he later Greek an eter vets, Buby Gr the {heir ies outa of mans expen nd ave Thee waite on estan in dh cdswcsleeraelieartcefteLsenhereceetiaver “specially efor he ale rs (Seng 99 vot Knowledge of eospcanus sia he ‘snail ofthe ancient reac ‘eSsoenlly see Filed wth hla on ruses

fance, myth an ssundersanding, Then aw

Trang 21

2 The Copepodolgis's Cabinee enn act of Be ter lng rts sf ‘fry Fam srk 5 me

‘hey woul park geterineest wih elaget an mat CevwercxeMl myth ed wo welled an fabulous ales such as Olas Magnus epoca Inofalolatr om nother ater thats bis nderongthactcouldeatch and devours man The lanegasprschlegendawereseninehe indhesammaeksa[LaivA.G.Roe sedLeloewel ca 8o0s adeneertEroehusbealin sboiliedieeel inode ater Bos and his reson ed othe ‘ae thae Sir France Drake was kl nd exten by _ganecrabein he West nie Ahough Drake dd {Seine des ra bead bis en wi he ‘rab, no he oer way aroun In pice of me ‘salmptisofimancatinglbsrersanderatsewnthe Tangs of heeis no grve cree Inthe tetpone toe rd it AAG te Linnaeus Boh whom we shal aes shore Ih the od and bad comeribtors to one ue andingofaleypesofeustaceans numbered only 2 few hundred (Calman wt) Danng this lịng Fert afer acrdiblesaewith Arse natal

he bom new

history slowly comel fiom Rbnoudon sat cơn tur through oberon, ead some perimentaion, ro the meal asication oF Eolleetons sid nidal specimens ade the told blingofthefoundanionsofascence kas {he Swedish naturale Cal Linnaeus whe ne ‘duced ee binomial system co ology gg eer oir organism » pens and species ame, hat wou de em the long preceding contusion Forzooogysaproper scene these agreed to have begun with Linnaeus rent icon of is Soma Rata 78, nd by contention al pre ‘oe wor can Be gored wih espe oe a0 nomial oweer ther hear interest the suse and infistint pre-Linnacanhtracute ‘Wt the Sytem tra the stapes eestor ‘hemagnibcentachiverent hac quik allowed Post

ah ar ae

“he majority of Creaces under afer bath Ang atleast some meramorphoss, changing fons luralstagestothe ` ada fo Thismeacnonpons ipa Danish plstan Johan Lange, Shonh se std in769 Marin Saber, 3 Duch nacre, {Rade sir elation about she oly ated ‘ladocerans Tecate observations meron ies nec orooked or trucderaond long ime and required many onfrmarons John era very

‘Vaughan Thompions (0) now famous Brdings ofthe any of barnes co crastaceans, ater {than moll, asindeated by thee metamoepho fis were every bi a8 spring a che parenage ofsome paras copeods hitherto bbe tobe oops a achall group of puraing ana plants" ould he eiposnbl o eondade ory "hei al form tae these Zooper wer cope tre or even rataccans This Koalede Gpsseed by paintear rural rey oe che as at

Trang 22

marine ies and he zea accompanying tas Felated ro the ori of specesreathed ah nee "Ble quanity “Tenlae what was known of crustaceans around and qual tro0 0 what was known of sem 00, on am look to Linnaeus a editon Sytem Rate 173, where the evi clase nas encompassed in =

Fewlines Linnacasseapanding"Sstemo Nature ses ey Byte pps create ‘yisthireenth ands edition 788 The Hench elogie Anetee.Deener beleledreytling worthy of erustaceans in a single 15 volume BY "yp, hiscountyman Hen Mine Edwardes clas Sie "Natal History of the Crustacea” amped that thre cing ee fret truly weal ra tic on Crustacea Dealedingrmationwaapily compiled afer that me fer example, one compre eneie xuân theCAoger pore frm he os, required fou thousand pes and vers unred plates to decide the enntaceane collected onthe trol enceling Chale Expedition OF course informacion on she smaller crustaceans pale ‘heespanding knowlege ferataceans tn genera, tnd bythe misoos hee were substan mano ‘raps dediaed sly copepods, by chat ime 2 “atyeknetìniedl epepadedopr


InbeeneenthedispurategroupsofCrastaeaiethe "ny copepod bythe thousands witha gest dive sity of srucure and babs, and playing key oes farts ceevtxrbel Mecexom ef varie?” ote fishandotheraquatic animals, pluding the EpseslolciReleriiccekedismparEier animal group The strange ame copepod ifr Grek, meaning "uefooted” of paddle oor” and dates from 80, The histo peogresion of he sey of te oar footed crseacean the > ecco eis ete, ‘An excelent introduction to copepds followed ‘by extensive specialist infermation o the chau eatin and trocar, and tir evoktion ito merous eclopeal ices salable in Hoys and Bonsall 9) TfgsgtevsBnemehefneconthesurfieofiake re 3n che the contents nt a lass a you ‘anid many lelyandgeeringpartles daring rapidly dươughoúc Ýuhamragmlfingglse,many ofthe willbe seentatecopepo ined out bediticutto fing sucha sample without copepods om any lake ors

(Copeps hare not propele cherichestomants acento as have sone insets, scorpions, cen pede, ospiders: Honee, some ropeal rolee {er copepods at intermediate hosts of tapeworms deeper spematatepersceon a, “Thiswormcancausedangerovsabscessesunderthe is om lege ada Hate ee these parasites by eating infeed fish ohh hve eaten ‘the copepod cars) or by drinking water within Feced copepods Likewise, recently ws shown thateopepods can bes sgt carver ofalong known cogs, choler

Free-Living Copepods

‘Copepsarane ing and para fore ew be sen thar theca iyi rev seme of the later reed 3 lng ue

to be recognized at anima, uch se 25 copepods OF the feelin Specs Some are ofthe open ae and

steed" pepe thee ay ‘epasiveor hey mayhop ae slip around inthe nae at Timeseven gngshe appear foe of rain atthe auc Other fretving copepods fare bovonlivng and ate termed benches thee cra

cn or bro ie the brite, Dien specie copepod eal depths inthe oceans andinallpersstentbodesof fresh and ‘chi wate They eee bee oud ios pls formed in cetin pial plants igh of the Soto Ate cpg tishimimse aS have mage cles andstunning beat TWonetakerar simple example ee lving hat is at parasite copepod ike te conan es ter Cyl i sen ih heal a lowered nicroncpe) char he e-ilimetesong beds ‘iting press eryng si al hae er oowslappngcarapace alhoughheheadsegments 2ddsRsnleetegceteeairsrenksd(4 Thsensfsovalamectal xgmene) Tho vemyle, Called she "eplachora neds the ead (eh Fe prs of ppersags) as el as thes thracie (auliped) sepment and often the second thoracic segment The cehalthorxeshen allowed by Boe (ce fou) horace sements in some copepods the Tase ew (hoaccsgnere can Be fused: Ech ho acc aeent rm he second the sath fed ot oe porenly ersa prof wimminglegs


Trang 23

The Copepodologise’s Cabinet

oppo ops fret (aon apa) Prose ‘spre the eon

palomino tal apne ga) on Sinem, cs Mobi from Garey

“The head and thoracic seqments sngther ae somednes rerelo the posome" The pe Iesctnctseccns depending ich acest seyment The ort dint weton uly comprises 40 have aed segments escepin Panoptic eal thisistiegtalcomplex part atleast ofc

Sein Apart appendage haces fpr ‘career ude sometines "Te pina pment power co he teal with ean, samglxbdangeoealdamenanddomcbosp pendages There areurally hace ro eines in ‘ales Thee ca be thet, or ne correspon Ings evionsin formals Thee abdomil me mút te cal run ot conidered

segments’ The lve abdominal ego lo ha te ai opening Th geal compen, abomsnal Segre end ui fas rege mt erent {efered roa the -oromme? the posterior ener Per of the promme The mae urna, deere

{sual has Fie dscinct segments ps the caudal 2 fe ra urea, bore depending ‘cnbich acetal abdorinalseginetshate there rey Fa snc fw dir eins, used,

she caudal as,

Ai copepod have 2 abou pie ofl” oe snvenae athe ane end lowed by set ‘Focal “muhpars lao pet shar wl be decribed sort The le of the mouthparts are ‘hepa mailpads sally fom embeelopeal ‘oir the ao he hac appendages, TRlieongthsserEeeperroieermmuogtiesml c30r2aegleCvđep 48 pareb etslnsomeetr cSpepolesnpeeemeelol)bmeuicerueteeton {the aspen earner poster partie tony Allott rue ate atthe pote 1 the coalescence af the segments ad the

slifcaront fle ppg tht amoegtcs Characters pate relatos mon he a Specie The Functions of the diene apenas Ia be sed or shard: eng, ating eng, eling, gang, valong, dưỡng, sưmnink find mating, AIL appendages co some epee oa ther are armed” veh mint eth ne, tes sre scl, aed sna ongas eth

gia segment ofthe copepen head has 0 ap TenBgee AlICmavsee bemcer ha re pce Ente, oe pion each ofthe nen ewo flow

ingens copepod heat praloeallt

antenoues)s peal lars shan the second, SƯMassefa sayjebcumeh(uasmoej Te song -yenmecaadaluiecqertp†chfdgZ-tecoen: ‘ally iamous ‘Coacinuing oa evo rock, the a sangeet of the net Go spent and this ap Tenlsgahsenorivenund.nseodintheumevnyby

escipnrs This aexgtsloBoilysonilex ‘pn: eines ae ase ant ch bodes ace <aappeare, so tha the arachees of oppendag ‘Soran eppesags heather ia hard co ‘ermine The hin appendage pa comprises che

‘ands showing yet varie) amen he mạng 'apeeefor.psb,enhannleftr trang ganlin, pring Fuck For slog se, the pce of Srmandieinalare copepnd group Intnl workers Hever snow generally a as dour by pte char allopepse hve mane, sean rele stpes (Rocqr "The shin and ike Gre male and Stock 989) (asin

sla) the our appendage pe ae tees ee ke of any appendage The acon mala, she Ath piace erally several agreed sore a renal appeaer The second male maybe a gelxkhglumoeeteehruaelesaftodflesoc Say hetrisecvEoieeilscere Themailipeds te siath appendage pat often deg, which snared by ch eam, raslated from Lain 2 jee” The masts ae che row anterior of the dora apendge that In apc of een bing coneered wath the moor partstheyarenacheadappendages Thisoafusion res Heese the manip sepnent ir onli fi vo the head spears (cephalad the (and of che mailed at the mot parts cather chan "The ekiconay ac entropies a he llomingswinmiog gs

tweet ches ast ve appendage pts a par theese morphologies, Oaeesiator ir teh hs argc evo pain stra or ‘oe pai of maul, conjuring which pare ‘aenterarel wich ps inte of he prior anced ponte appendage and which appr

sgeepropel longo she poster pore che ‘od Sore levdlBewer.esnaugueddacdethrec

Trang 24

ae poset the pair of tnilipeds: bel there ine paelas foreach of hentai ‘et alehough in rey paternally ‘malted MoKofthrieloinkenpdtelibae sepstsefkes TheBGhpạruuanlglatarrame hilar reas sn mares ierences The ‘rtatonsntructre of thse appecdagein pte te speceaselegee (fabaa tra)

stage ered te “navplon” The mane Repl, From one of Ce legentasy Aegon was Hee bythe apeent-ertny Danish satura 0 ‘on hati ch adult oa dint pei, Parasitic Copepode Inadiioneoharingiary ie ing pein cope

pose show mor abundant and dines types ofa {San than ay other eneeacans (Clee 9) rustcea ve copepod pasaes Viral oy Fah ra owt ner more specie epond Dien specs imade diferent parece of paras e fh anatomy Spl, body srace, ear Ines ei Soe oie portoncarreeetd Inches long andthe age (eet up oon, noticing he epesings the oul doubeshin Engh) night be found on many Hind of Sch a selastomesbale Theeecwotteaeparneeron ‘he conoti ofan, bach esterase sie; te often eee Calman 9 abst 979)

Tape of he nuperfal eaemblae and in lurdshhowsotroanyspeseof lage pursing pos some ef hee speses aes ee eo Be Ao ‘oy late, Thi a expen of commergeot eeu erate Parsi likly rie indepednty fins oi 448ece lnds of el opp em nụ -repplylek"orgin beeretairthe sưng ofparsie specs that eben decribed Nee from one anceral species and them preted

Alldegresof pars aredeonstated bin the coped a al rads beeen Fo ee preiatey babes or «comple deport of a

tached slike dt pave upon he Dot, A ‘leer tariatonson stereo all peal

toh the youngs and olde sages, with the in ‘Very ew praise copes have ieee host 0u ức oúc Tắc peoneude nerooed aieelntanasetl vkh her luc sưn fa ty serneosdl AI he ccceude th perael "hấ hụch v nafồi an oon dc dư ve Sree-aviouvingcopepodie chat mse nda ce sedate The emesis te ally

‘Macing as place on the strvmediae hoe, Mer whith the males de The females se fel Spininsenchel befnalhost Agimthuisoanlly team The ial baatreapparane oh par ‘te depends input on the Bot peice face bop of te parante he howe and he ag af he ara This pair confuel mou ely ive Tutors apes đeeriptenafu ceeetelrhe spumber of eal pees eamibed Thee mistaken Fos erarue athe paraieeon che hose To ad toube comple thee hon are tli he ane a he sours fei confoson, {Bebnalhonsbo bchhindsathowscan feria {single peace pei fom dren pons

though ie proens faneshan 70 [enol ‘oleic move tan oneal foal Oae

diy ch shereanafrmaion npn, soaplmdike ern parasite enor resi of ‘kyeeratr nce most appendage The appendagecareearoesmalland piso are ean fen missed or damaged The ba comer ‘alec Theta he Sal fn ra reat larg geil comple "The teacsur sed enrnched attache ofthe

para the ow san per eats calle

cena hac Hansa pei

Trang 25

irre nina ny sapped peas The rnihe reliving adults nor ue passes; thee be the socaled eommensal or "asoctel) pe Copepodologis'’s ‘Ce ——_Sextharlneinclowe ‘eh ker organi The opepoologt fe and well definedcomtanatons Thar hae a neni aio ret testa Humes) —— In the oder Pneenoetaoe meaning“ i secs? fiom the time ube al reeling re em exept Bora ore ace ary he Iya Mek oie wel: wpe fhe msdtoor copepods compre oe subgroup ‘ein Emomastacs frase to 2 sbelss o he {Class Crasacen he order Copepoda Thinwaslur ther dviedinve outh with js: Poriostoma, mouth ais, thee borders 6) Gnarhonoms,

1< Thang mợmneeteme ren denne seal

{fh ov mata hh tee

“The mmting chaiieminn on his eae is thar of Bowman and Abel (8s) wherein eg tres encompased neat al kaon opens ‘he decade flwang Bowman and bees pics

i omer reek etal ete ies sự mu nthe tle postions of re Gam lex Thee changes ae tlc in Table 1 alter alae og) is meth tng that ech oer Suedapstonors piio,ĐMIA2SA-AEIEVEI taken collet eprsee cedistinet ypes Fall epepods now subclass As pei ‘Alclesuieatons hve tori wthLinsas In ngchoemanamlAlvlesdleufcseen sa ghvn

leo evga een ii copepod pea eellssonirein đụ teuie Sars sung suborder wile conned orden a

Abel Sar suborder Feder) wee Calan (Cala Hart (and te gerade A ersten, Copia (vp), Monsees (Wari, Neodlpoa kp) Cain {Calg an era Lerman alley Sart Lema Theft othe seen sures tema fn the modern easaieation a ores although Suy EoiBc hết Do eral val oie oes ‘Shree, ar he dfinions were made me P= ‘ne The Noro wee reduced oa fly {Noteeldae) atin a edema Ceapens “TheCaiouaandeheLermeouawereaboamended to fai! (Caligaae aa Lerarocrie, bt the wer pacman new oder iphones ela[SeemzTieeel 8), fot nem Ics Acme sll anonlerSionosonatns ad lang len peosed ty Thor (83) a6 one ‘ofthe "er" embracing eopepads and fore Seotaly the same esos thar the "neo hiconghy notin teaserivend cali ‘ThswastrealsoorSanscjoposa whi ehad Proposed anes 686

Trang 26

7 Table ‘Copepod lassifiaton to family including ype genes of ailies (ater mae 1996) The aig ‘aldateoFapreoecapied and eplaced genus mame Introduction indicated by PS, ‘SUBCLASS COPEPODA Milne Edwards, 1830 [caro Sars 1908, ——— 2 "Aces Bed 885 Alida Sas 902 “patel ested 88 Avge Sas 905 “anges Cec 89 ype rosy 1950 puna So 98 Dobos Foushagen i, oo "ơn Fanhogen 389

Caan Leach, 6 ClocalandaeBernae, 968 Callens Caso, BE (Candacinae Giebechr dọc ‘inde Dana 6

Ceamapagtke Gedshr tien CamesgzKemer ta tasnocalnida Grech, os Clawson Gish 88 —— Diam Bevo, 36 50 —— Din Gece Hulse 965 —-—~ puter Fothage, 1973 Bucsaniie Gibco inn Dan 852 TS 2 net Pg) eerie Soe 908 esos este fan) Tact Gch, 898 (PN 65) Meccan, Thorp, BR —— Megesons Wolfen —— ‘ow sows seria Spor tte Boch 8 TeaolsuieGCrmkr ấu ovens os rages eh Moov ot Pak ere aa gg6 oko eae Mab Phone non flour 959 rnd Dov vn tsa 8e(PN am) Ica Gece, 95 hl ey Pacer So hed Scr oe Ica te oi heen eis

igconutcws ven tr Bagram Teen VÀ So 9 rye Ano 4 iron Tonka ose

Trang 27

Apacs oe “gh habe oi Ainge Hs 990 bun 98 merit Moar grc “i Bh 8 ancora 909 “Acne Nora 1 api PO, citi 5y KỲ E920 on Camlecengodacbex me Ganon Wertenl He Camaldselang ft nc A So 59 ear Gen rh cheyyeehheChagmsi, The kem ng ansddeT xen tai “neo to tt carole Co ane ope sp sạn ‘pinto a da 80 acghunponie Lo sạc "Rendenpere.T Set mỹ Diocese a6 ‘ts Boek ata 905 "anon Bae, amore Ha 990 tienda — Tape Me ean tp Laophneue Sx oy Lee mi Booe nĩi ‘cop Pp tae aon Ba mi Longe eica sar nk toni 8 on 9 (ON 865) eee is as lp)

Mace Dae ra Dana as Nebr Dio, giơ ate Soin taameceirdoelang gạt ——— — A See Parscenocariae Chappuis Parser Ree 5 ` liar Pp 9 glugaslorodti auner gys Pgs Meaark, 893, Police Sars ao udopeltidae Poppe, 894 iy hot (PN oy} ‘hear Dana tu “Tachi “acs long, 85, ars to — “ets Nera, 802 “Tangorieepidle Lan ái cà 80 “Thateeste Sars 908 “es Clas 188 “Tadae Seg 1910 Tie lor vi Onder YELOPOID ‘Archinoindelie Lang 1909 Sars, 6 a Tang mi AetdcelueThenl tâm ‘Acute Thiel 9 slope Sat herp ese y ‘Bejeoida “ưng The, tho Tote 859 yslopdae Burmester 934 ‘Gulp Malone sopmidue ‘Geli la 8 San Desoprpiae Ha ‘ep Tore nicola Sas 08

rely Bene 80 Ener WS ‘pas WS Auten 8 Lemieaie CB Wison 17 Tema Linus Mantra Legh Sharps 934 Mts Ligh Sharpe 954

Mesoglicae ‘Meoginks Guide noe de Zl

Trang 28

Norepiiie ana as “Oches Bain ‘xmas Ho 6 Thatcher 989 ¬ 98 Schsagprtdae CWS Auris, 85 ———- Speeohonile mm da Rocha luốc li ale POECILOSTOMATOIDA There 869 ¬

——— ances Huns “Anca Hues 8 Stok, 7 8 Bosal 96 ‘Anomocausidae Ansnopsdae “Anomnanas Game tin Sam lời Got, 64

“ane Sas 90 Anse Huse 988 “Athans Dela Vale 80

omolcbile "hls Noreen, Cl 882 Caine Benger Steck 957 ‘Ga Bq & Sock, 957

“CRescsslddae Ml Eas, 0 “Chonda Detar ‘Inui ible, 908 “Chase Koss 874

‘Canta Gesbrece 195 ‘Clana Caparde, Coane Sock rs ‘Ciloeir eck, 978 Coen Da 82 eet Da ah Ccacumaneaide Boulgand Delaare Debouee99

Chenmartl eer 954

Echaropilde Dlaaze Debuts anes Ru ti Terps Deana Deboutrile

Naver bina Ho oy Ena Doge 998 Ectonstetle Hư, la” rete Harm EnganibeRuemennn ti, ran Nos 2

` -

tGaemddioude Gamay Cea 85 Lực đây

— “emmaipø Machenke & Bonsall 98 Kells đa Gan mác ames 8 Boba 1396 1amppdaelglc 8M “mp Brus 858

enaneeldleHegmm 8s 990 Temas CB Win, toe LchontpdaeKosmann 2 Trdersdp Thơ 1)

—¬——- uta 2996 -Mammdem Body fix aie Yara 36 beds ge 8

Mricoide Boxguet & tock, 957 ‘gt Steer, 902 Ngoeghisr Chức Hơi “Nenink Krfrten ty

Naellelile Lạnh Bonsall, Mil (6 hene te ‘seal art, oushal Ml

Gabane 198

—¬- 96 ‘pk Hares 97 Oneal Giese 58 Once Pu ty

Pratnckie owl Porter tonal 77 & Huy, 190 Parada gs ——

Phase gs 7 aii Stems, oe Plena ea, ‘hora aa,

.¬ Pedant Chức i0 —— ‘oyna Hues & la gấ? Sabelipilde Gree am ‘Sable Sar 6)

Trang 29

0 The Copepodologis’s


Sphphaniclda Ho, 198s —— Ho, 084

Splanchootrophidae Noonan &T Seat 908 ‘Span Hancock & Nowa 88 $9mpdeldeeHume ‘Spi Voge & Banlall 396 Spoupeiidae Bocgue Sick 1957 ‘Suid Can & Cura,

Taeniganthiae CB ise, Tari Sui sợ “ThgnhonoloHac Aden 78 —— “Tiệc Ho, 967

‘Thamnomolgdae Hurnes Thmnonelgr Hues 969, & Basha 998

“Tuedfne Vetoo, gần

Ueepsdar Hong Stock 1972 ‘pi Sar 97 ‘Yahiade Hames 967 ine Hames 1967

Vaigamidae Thacher Robertson, 9 gona Thatcher & Roberson, 1984 erie Hume, 0 Xeyu Hune táo ‘order SIPHONOSTOMATOIDA Archeeyindae es, 196 Thott 859 ‘Aralacyine em, 996 —— ‘rete Boek 59 80 ascomyaonidae Thotl 89) Astrea Cusco ‘Avoca Bock, 859 Boclaopontedi Homệc ty — CaigdseĐornseersee Cage Males 785

Caherocerdae Stock, 888 ‘Calero bs Wilson, 9 (PN e903) CCeneelbleGiebsee dư Camarasa đạt

CCalsghilidaeTopuhi 960 'OakgƯ/e Tdpehi tien cecropidae Dan i862 ‘Cap Leach ie Chemeoratidae PB —— Hansen

— 988 `

Coallongzsntdae Hume —— 4 Xu, 91 Dicken Miloe Edearl ti ‘Deel Hermann 804 Dinopondidae Maman, 67 ‘Dnpontina Sock 196 Dirvltdae Homes & Doh 1a ‘rie Hames & Doi 1980 ĐienidaeTamagud, tá)

ison CB ison, 1906 ` ‘ont Tho đạp Fein Humes 98) Thain Hames, 1987 nome or lợn ‘Emonole Brady 09 Eelam © Wison ne Tadactina van Benen, 3, turyptoridae C8 Wilson, 905 Turpion Mine wane 40 Hrshekidae Kaba 1979 Hatch Poche, 902

erpllebide Hansen 892 Terps Soest athe, 865 yponcoldae Heep 962, pono Heeaan, 962

rope Kabat da Lzmaeeeeitie Quan 933, Lermeopadidoe Mine Ewan rma desi 83 Lemmanihnepdae Kabat, 993 Lorantepr de sini 82 Mepaponiae epee 968 ———

Malinsachenae Brescia Lee, 2 Micxopoadac Gooding 997 ———

MgrepentMieSen, My Mop Grech 858 Nanaspdile Humes Ces 959 see Cas

Nicothoide Dana 52 Neto Adouin Ni war, a

Trang 30

Pandaridae Mine Edwards yo Pana Leach, 6 Peele Bares 4 "ema Oken 6

PiyllodkoldaeDelamareDebouevil Lier 960 lols DelamareDebouevile

‘Lauber 960

Pomc Cire 865 PebleoesidarC bị Wnhompnx dayne Hl, điện Ratatat Gish oy Rasmus Geet 1893 Splyae C8 Wilson, 119 “men Chư tạm

Sponpornicontdae Sock & Keron, 1964 ‘Sponge Stock & Klos ‘Sellcomtidae Humes ‘Stl thumerE.Cmeer nợ 6 Creasey 958 “Tanypleurdae Kabat, 969 “ptr Sens Luen tết ‘Treidae CB Wien 905 Tis Kaye 838

Venere Ligh hate, 34 rls Hessete Sith, 0)

enocclonaidae Brescia ze, 96 ————

(Order MONSTRILLOIDA Ser, 1901 Monseilidae Dang, 89


— AMsplru bosdk toc Introduction (Onder MORMONILLOIDA Houta 979

‘Mormon Gesbrch, 9t

Onder PLATYCOPIONDA Foshagen, 8 ayo Sars 9 ‘eso Sas 9

Onder GELYELLOIDA Has 988 (Gripsleae Roch Leche Moro 977 Gobel ouch Lscher Moutoue 977 AndhacheidaeM Sam,l70 LAnledereM Sam ly

Trang 31

CLASSICAL COPEPODS ls i ew entemplates the pees der ‘numeral marie how wisconsin and when and sây

T: SEAS were honored and reapectt in che snciet worl, They were a source of fod, 1 psssageeay and arc, che maining fst soi the nse of gods Such a bos ptt of mature ad eo be aroma #0 any —

Aristotle —

“The Gee philosopher Aristo had pondered ae ey af if raring onthe bron nine Hejudgemet, csc ere nyt, One theory -eeleaariBeela che burwhich he fore, sea that he seas were warred ad evaporite by Thesun Thewaereaprthoncoolaand lara,

Uahetwassheonpinospringsandries the we ‘el repeaed pain ad ga Aral vas born a Macedola withthe saci ‘ick ofthe king Artois renamed for many: thes, elu of which astute the young A

‘ctande sooneobecenquerafthe worl Inst ‘riot oud schol he Leu tharemph ‘sodnarura snc, tat mathemati met "Hmleepolhisandibensieereselinitalebeols “Mơn ạoƯểphững limtxgie was dạt he agnedonlyelacvelonsiherautxoflumsielei re đong ne oul be cae he Father fhe Se ‘tic Mctod, Another innovatonwasthewse oft student gather tna nay els pe

‘illyon che srutue and abt of anima Ae

sper alin comma his wig resource his Sen makings the Gsercood opera set ‘aie searth Aral herby prcated te Bs Selene election plants and nals, 05 from che Aegon counties One of Artic art surviving meses was Cat In all aera pet ef mee ire ly oe ep ch ‘coemplation ftekwer animal he tne ape ime (Durao tơn) “Aral comempated a nab of wast das sy animale butte me person ware ou ingino ood at Hoodese This group coresponds aproninately te ierabeates oo ‘et urter aden tetaccan led ma Tos} mca i, af moos and worms sects andersiacets(., dose wi heey custy {el} soy in scuba then the meant c3 befeeltongyxpads ‘enya place Alesse hy din Lin the euullbạcfandlsy “aeuebreotbedsamlpfarlưe attic copepod, ever were lace ery iene camper Tn Anwcades sbool snsdenlfe dau ven: seman te analy of enya rependston in Asniaals, Arsorleamicipated sac nooens of intent century Boley, sch ae an emis ‘racers belonging dhe level of genus appear Fw, hence belong tthe species and final tho dể he nid He alo came very lose ts coluronaey principles when he recorded chat "Notre paces ide by erm thangs lene

Trang 32

so animal ifs such a way thar iis impose ‘keormine dhe eatin of demarcation Thee aecertain etn theseconering wb one ‘rio be ar Io to decree htc they be Soil orgeable”(Durae 99), almhlrthegxeusere[d xhoeme ri thon te marine blog Aron le crcould ring andhecalled hem Aalephac afer ‘he Grek name fr nets among the Acalepe leno o Airs were the se pean elled Seams Arsiode placed ee erin erwen plane ant animals, under he cae) Zoophyta” Bat ey indeterminate sfc animals uch ay sponges, scans booze, ahd Fares ceptor cali peed ‘hecatchalZaopbyea wher sey emai force fae Hyman 140) The superdelreseblance ff some parasicopepods cones meanness frame eal he Staton, even cough they ate at wer dren branche Norwchstanding many sparks of insight and of the nil King Ieretherearemanyasigrevouserors Stee shh our ore of teehee cea, Ae Fetes Pare Aulede la t>mmngiog eợt, andthe resents arew fancier Gree In logy, there was noching compra fr tao teusnd pers Th steed defies bing be Arstote nigh red the Father of Biolgy However heaceomphatedmorinehirars than any ober ance of whom we ave «eon (Durant 9) Later yeas pave eceptonal weigh to Artoles commentaries pec there were -noeoetadcungebxrovloae “Test hosed of paste copeads must be ond Grin the aly teen: Arle a tiers ues ores an lie cc ‘eepabueatonofallantty Hewasappareny {heft eed he exter of these copepods sạseenghenRnhachared modeBriehecner Tosgrghen oRkcveeoden ArdeoleremsAel Is Hany of Animal th ram si seơdfd) arecormented asad bya gail bya worn wer ‘hei ich aks ke ascpon haste ze fperandcaseechangui ha cifequey ‘he words ump out ofthe water ke doping, ‘et ligt the bot” (Bn 908)

with certain Foquncy on ronan aay nee

fei hari would em ranean cote haveacitedthe imagination oft Srcaberer Je srsonly naturale Arstoleredied hs seal Sitnshetormofa scorpion maineiingthe notion sf acomfore tte hat Becae othe poate “anedestemites caudal appanage aden sas ‘eemblng etter ould be thoght of x suck Trợ eene risdmielle char Arto compared reuse ocharofa pe andl nocompare 0

ie esas aspect On the other and, had some hare ieee worn ice Anite aed the teen ver ‘mum There were arguments nách li shat

Pthape this parse war a pod rather hah oped, but the notaron “worm tệche và {he ether descrip pols, places wth theo Prrckk The nong ly Aetreie dy boy serpin oer mpl ees ts er ‘opis were undecied about placing these np i with secs rece err elk, Pliny the Elder

Re ane Gil sl on Hết at event what hey Knew about ania Mad ‘cee Tora acetone and, hi rot change sppreciayfrs vast lang tine The Roman cola Piy he Eller organi kno ‘ge of natural ance in bs enyelpedi thực evel Hits Sua Py clued an cer and scence ge go repection of Ae Jovy cbcratns ame word fr wor Ofde ras copepo, Py ak hac "he animals Seal oksike a sori, asthe ie oa spde


Classical Copepods

Trang 33

Copepodologit's Cabinet

‘When the runs and the sword sh are coded che een more than doping thi ened 3 eine under the fs and iets so much sco fore thatcheyotenmpinttheloat They rns Soc farngeie ip wrth ey jp aaog Acrosthe ‘Ofte mary pubiatons about Py and his boat (Bian 908) satura ory ite one old (Uh 8p) vựh En exqusebookplae of hares Arwood Kofod (áp lag), kho te by with copepods a the cad sĩ che nineteenth ortug—md se nen (Denn 99) Phoy3 đenh a s mecgetesdeno esefenteen mevienel faetkr.hanfiecanerg- ‘donot Mc Vests, Py there Curious went Aesrbedinalong pases how the pumice oes, ‘omar the hazard and perished ny the Younger ace (ich 59 “Theprocessofratatingolererkbegana down ‘redo fected chert wee pepe if ‘ot ated a mia authors i neon go tucevn othe casa auhors A common me fal pase revered i ore dine eh the {neces thmescharshowedfor beens: ‘hors: Gracum ext aon pees Ips Grek it ‘anne be read Sometines they dl ote start svt he ld Ply whic wa sel he oem Tinie work of medieval rope: They woe caress ntcommirceoreling wonder ale une 995

Inehe Beanne Empresa eastern Meteranean sete thr arene eatin fuel ae unenlightened amosphere (Duran m3) “The Malle ges fase be ale pod of lence Up eo heel century thi covered ala ean expec casnlogy The Mile geo tot have adit closing date Br much thes Iencesurrouing cence persisted ding he i= teeth teh and feet eure, Zoology gan vo unl ding hispid, br chy regurtosereeates nothing frerataceans he wali cough of hat, Even ino tbessteeth Trleeseesbicieiciteraercseeehreet ology nth equeerfrenceso he ance wet Inst Arista Pliny swsacarceile Botdringthe Renaissance ph "rom Pliny’ ime nt che Mille Aes, ogy Jorophers an scholrs seared eo lok mare sr cunlyatce classic ets and che origins fea fovons A prime example was Caperitss ne

Increasing knoledge was aided most by discovery snesplrasonofnencouneies TheCrades the JpurmeysofMaro Pla, the enendedoyagesathe Fortes neh ico century and lly the

Trang 34

Guillaume Rondelet 2 September 07-10 966

pe ofthese ener eos was Guile Ronde bon in Moneplirin test of France ie fer wae 3 drupe ad supported hi son -wshetosulrmeloneatheUnatreyofMonpd ler Hondelercene is MLD nme hes ‘Samed Royal rsfeor inch Facey Trwasnorunusilartarrimerobebothpsian of Medicine, and profesor Unoal ower was hat Ronde tere ard did nce ih ely er tlnalas pro, Rondelewas ole vir tera ‘ono further bisiererin espn three monthsin Rome In le am te nara nt,

canlegluereeVeneeatrpnganbeprndpglial ‘une (Finger Rone wat gh ight a ee nl ng night for tology His sin suis were on gale nial andi tied fe uence eer feral at his contemporaries Rondel’ 4) Fame ren aide Pe Mars Pte Bok of ‘manne Babs Jan ubihhedeseed ands ‘Seequne antral kee tobi ecole fesnorony ah burslowhales el rsareans,

tls inser and visite terest Randle coved Aria een stent ewarhampredy cumbersome cla Fenn wih caridenof pce ienoesurpeie ingthatefied orate verre imerats

Uydavecton Rondeert Paces Marine meoeel Arioolek and compara anatr and Phyk pores on the paste of cna and DeOufee ie Ail ‘Theft pubdate pete th Merona tn hop aed inthe "Beetroot aS tr fi "helo isan enlarged a of heaped Frm ae 8) "ond nner ian and piper arin Zieh (96 dint ela Deeb 55 He ee ‘mony tats rte ode death The old ‘yu ea ayo Ae 98)

swordfish What was nos howe, wa Ronde ‘roof ofcbypersonalknowedgeafibeileanimal TnlyedinsuBeetieundtdedik.Dlssegite “ope: hey (Ovraetherarine gaya Ronles fered names the marine sells andar Tachednearthe pectoral inf adherenee, eet, tuna th the paraeae Sis eons bert doc vec evesicmen a Mere Shakes heady ofthe hose les gery accep ‘hr thie Belge Cac 0a Shaul nrcedspece Bran 0 Kabat) Ronee gurenteoldesrknown epeseneation ‘of acopepod Heals ited he copepod Iyaleouph thou added deta separate Conrad Gessner 2 March 6-15 December 5

“The el ofthe eae ore ty the appearance of anocer soil text 08 the Beso Ronde 2 Zunch, Swazi, was the moe imgonane ooloit ofthe Resascance He had sede and ‘ork wth Ronde in Monel ay 83),


Trang 35

The Copepodalogist's


volume mnths (hits Se bunds pgs) in Miny'spacer cls lai ‘hon ai) The tee lamer covered quad ede, bids and es, the fourth, publi af [Gates deth rom the Back Pag, dealt with

[nb trod fend! expres chs of co

‘cewih whom be comesponded, andso contained feock ote deal tenes ofa nastiness” (spb i the sume year Queen Beat et her ong,

lev pais opepod Gener described he sue ‘ueeandappearaneo heated pep ang {hat “becitoe they ae 20 sal for thang abo hs Feptogeleeresiciey epee roperorsl neff bron thera woh and sonal he dlpin so) an then not een ‘eve ha thiainalaheres ery song set iteanorbe ered except pulling co Kescks som ah thetunai partial) strkingthe weak nrc during the ght ser The Bak came very miserably omental with i plague than won winter” Gest tha he spe mendadheingroa-Tgnmnfdi (ekeam apes ‘pe ian 996) ania Gesner eral specs he wat wromgaboutitehangng as loki +22

seitinina se petabiy eer of de pepe fs Brule and sia fos, bt thee de Scipions ces age hat some of thơ my pds as wll Iwas nor unl the ate 1008 tha Teer drawings were produced, and more deta From meee Re

‘hepsi pped rch (the Feet yecesarcn ie gree Cla 9) and Nastrandun 3) Pom Brine)

Trang 36


-Wneie dạt Sdberme vn lien? ‘Was dich das Lites dink Mieden Augen a hn,


1 COURSE, Gosthe mean thatthe most ice ching of allie sce wath ally ronal ac unditrted popes that which isin on of you However eis equally eve that if you cannon pally the je of yr Aceon, no amount of reasoning vill make "hai Spurs dierent tn epee ai ies, as wll as che inteligeee, waster the Aeslopment investigators of copepods mentioned hee prize of miroscoper Several of che eet instrament Wie ethers the eimary goal was the petition and promotion ofthe microscope: ‘opepods were viewed only incon

‘The Compound Microscope Single ees to magni already viable ojeceshad then uted sce satu Tbe tae f eae in combination lef the nenton (perhaps beter ocrbed a 4 "sery) of che telescope ad the mieroscope, proba independent by several technicians, though Galileo 6-16) fen s ‘edited wth ce ereaion of bh Goya} The imcroneopensadevcewsedtoyiewobjectstoosmall robesentytheunaidegeeacraly datesfrom the ‘en ofthe sxteenh ener Bp 124 opticians in Tea England and Holland iatumen with which he cen community were making pact (parca medicine and bony made rap and shundane advances, “The na pert i ha pres ot

ons Wore Go, Src iPro

croscopes ass, when Robert Hooke, Secretary ‘oF the Royal Sociey of London, published Mire ‘poplin de fc comprbersveverkon te sre

‘ene theory, construction and potential For he ‘ett oe bed ous he wate cng the bjt asa double cones lensof short ol lengi stated co the btn of abe lage simple magitying lens tenlarge the ldo ew, ssf near the top ofthe mi abou oe ie owe the bl es at he op ofthe robe, as the Ibeomveeyelens ocla) prtected and shaded by | cup These mules setumente ere om pound” microscopes One of Hooke’ microscopes ‘ses ara naionalreasurof the Bri Mean (Gayand Cours 179) ‘After Hooke’ time, compound microscopes ‘ed avery floes conbinaons-with dieing ‘conver, conea, and plane sfce-r improve the ‘arnevefthe eld Condensrswereadedebeier oneralthe ght Draw suber with coarse and ne ‘Hjstments changed cheditances eten ens Sod eherefore seo the magoiRorion seedl aerhe cÄ9encc te lent bet, an therfore lo the ‘oa Mary of daca cence oe ue woeks of are, wth cured, kn nổ heueel Ta voi chlinlpioEflTbMpezEirse-k, The utwardappearancefhe bas inscument sembled Hooke unl the mire akhongh by then ena were nade of rasa

Taker irs) etled the vires of Culpeper and

Trang 37

18 The Copepodolegis'


Aconpand miceap fhe pe Sef nthe teeth ety Fram Dall

Searles double releting miroscpe (Clay and Couriprs) andl prec despa of tse

“Thebes htop ni pes, (hoe Peatewth its pprauniscen el) sh Alea al mp oy Mt Calpe ad thansich its cumberme ay be maags ‘sthmach more Ese andy means reece

Upccapble of hemng Obes ina leer and lage Tues suporey thn fom olen Peal ani eal ee as lias

‘Stee Appar

nha Seong she inher herons Magitr made ne bu het fi nthe Be

the Serf the Magner gradual he Oye enhex.hewdletApcnvrsamd vien Nam

Lia ciulr Pate fay at oie be

‘ound eM ape ee prope Cor Paced which Comtnanc contol pal et Inge nemo eich arms fh de {Qisaconie Lecking panna on of,

Peal eae he Losing tour eral the Sy dc pears onthe Oe

alcool Sie ith ood ‘ny aor glans ety Bre

ma Mth Conte Bees Mae Te tenis tad ede eee ee yraiciice i Irmo ean ira thoogh Examination, ‘Aliso ound Bory rll peerage #2 nyibepderLURE Tapirot Nipper ocakeup any Obecrrte

A major adsance in paca and proficiency sess made by Jn Cull Landon im 44 Inne ‘ons thiinaramene were fenced by Baker (CAPs new desig was am allan compact com Pound mirocope, with sage, adjonable miro ‘ondentes anda roid refocusing hoi 1 Sexe "owen lok (Clay and Coue 1975) "Tht wans6 secon hat eneditely pared thence ofmosrohermakers whorbersorehad to copy eto compte Some of hee cops were Ieee 9 a6 "Cul ronopes Cay mi roscopes were the Hest salable unt about 830, Slthough any fees in gocondcion would have (nel thet ene and remained in good service long afer she rine, Caf ike other maker also sold simple microscopes, and references to-CalPs ticroncopes” may have een iter ype ‘The Simple Microscope

Trang 38

of Lenawee aa o!NETS, wer used onthe we ofp” micoone There wee many ain Jp arian Ronsane spheiAl dị Beonsox ke hư bự reo of ety, bce ac oe as Ase meal plates each wh all ble dele vo boktehelens singe insrumene would feast numberof interchangeable lenses The mage ‘ation usualy ange! fom ao 010% (Clay and (Cours) The objec easly a thee od lent opening, Thre was a aort sere Eisen 62 ‘hur rod and perpendicular to cemetal plates sis Allowed the sete be putin acs successful renee resell enn burs eer pr {ane eeuirement was a outstanding el in i Dey tal ncoreigshe aerate! Sime miroscopesterednd forsee

‘ork on copepods to ha tne was conducted with 3c biekrropifo+il=odyiZcngeme ofthe simple microscopes were mounted im see teres ighcoorallingclaptraps pg i ‘Acompound mirespof ‘enh Prom Ge (8) the pe ae inthe mi ie thelr pertain Thc Fic ‘pocler" microscopes Cul of Landon made Äimpc cEersee the toi fac

tehangelle leuea and s miưar atachel tờ & ‘eeorbl rol mound tbs the lei Assembled and went nt a comput ease, Linnaes


Something About Microscopes

ad one ike tú (Ahlerem 549 Gunners 779) ‘ered Cul magni las ' dc soi coifpsetoe rouble Male recoded sme practical bie bout mi crocope(Ankeipsjandeven eftuswsh ra Ingo oneoFhsinsteumens (Maller 7885),


Suppote when hough s warm, and Fane fom, Waal not agumencsometines suppor?) An se posed by eetures Four king Ended with reason, yet by nature bind

‘And land some grave optician on the shor:

Ne chọc hen đhaph th may te, Close tothe part wherevision ght tobe tế fnả the thoghhk be se gi, “Thy cannot give ior make darkness ight

[sese they ow rat tothe wording rows Herat of, ara the prismatic hue, ‘Arman of depen eran se But alle gan for harangue = Well \Wharmonstrousesome vavlers wil all!

“Nhu Core Cụ, tên

Trang 39


Investigation af the word fall agar ofa he craig, Ang seim ‘ming and ding cette uo ee ead of te eheetth cen ‘me under he general beading of nec hax ala fen a acy fo ten and womes of got Isemesdedor] eal onarai characte, Heaness Wei, Oat f Nach Ark Fy inguire wha he peopl ae like ee, ane, “The se a comer!

HE SEVENTEENTH CENTURY willbe T remembered Feud oleae resounding wih 3 as one af the olden ape, new nu for th neal inca in kowled, p eulaty of the natural nord Th new scence of brlogy developed indr the ans of the Bed, Ike Haney: Descartes, Libs, Newton, Malpgh, ay and Leeuwenhoek There was en vigor of aquatic sincere Broa set, oped by rey reese acural monde Te entry gay energising of acer mcr ading that progress compel combine isan hat is Lied ners and sel sooty eer oot cetogh, An authors alianon with one oF many academies” war prolate on le pape ge ray n preference eo asscuion with anne $s Year Before open nae Bard wltmately ‘onindvduals and vemurable contac were fellow by tle segen:The old Arsoeelian seat sufced oly by looking ae natural objec ‘ent could fr knowledge be argued Por the ‘Sie of the 6008 chews revlunon Mans XE o mature an gel tà Bọn sai fauna, bs gRetel and nfueneel the mone tous changes ein plac

ssn Won Goer, Den des agen Wer ‘Thomas Moffett 1

“Teter tortie x opepd specie that Alen fom Rooker Aa wan the fshable Englah plpsican horas (Thorman) Moore jeoretimes pled Moi), wn is cir src miner Ana Tran, published post

Dane 978) nc x ee Bare fa animal thoes noe paraeicfopd te probably sinh, fare ofthe copepen genus Defethm (not Serbs adequately nel by F Heenan), AgparenlyMafiedderimles thee species be vặc te ase abo was uly a tis on worse sểmludesdig he hạt den 1900) Eells ‘shen desergion ae poor, ‘Subeul asresininsinerature in code on,

of was bo in Londo the and on & Scot habendasher He bce Camis lene ese, gradu in sand obained an MCA ini Ste shen ook pelts in ss Sten er one of Ronde ents, He pulse! bs medic thes thee fo 178 anc trated tag aly, Spi nd Germany Beton teu England: Cambie avant hen his

Trang 40

LD In hae yar, Mor was paticpane ina wze sur Dena, where e nena eesmeseairelxkhilesdrononerTnhoBnhe (ies afer the ea pend of sy Moti began along dedicaon rex ismedial practic: in ar hry, bee was copay oo sretnaturalistoratithandstade athe Tt ma amoment tothe pstraterthancac Iie oo ee are (Raen 7 I oh, Mere 3uaNormandyasgiyscnolhetrespeuedetle El of Ex hen he as pliant he Exot Remick, Motebecarea rember Pa: tee He pblhst eral boks an papers ny ‘medal obs Heals had mums coats ‘nS rans Drake lela Hodson) "Ofspecial tres ee esha Moers Amal sm Thur wan the ferro in ea Regaeing tise olume work pubes nye dpa os he pay adr

cst shal downy Phy ‘arid hth winged perder, ath cpa dn hes ae Tran kesfpeehftkesrernfdrrefedeDhdr ‘scanty sow an heen En

vier ith Moffrwastoinees what Ge snerhadbeen or quadeepedeand nkthae ofr reatac wae eewithany pe Rondel fae,

fensons of competion in tha bral of oolgy (Geel and son 999)

Paulo Silvio Boccone 2a Ape bi-2 Deemer 704

Ngày đăng: 09/03/2014, 14:20