... termination, 16 dnaC gene, DNA-membrane interaction and, 21 DnaC helicase in DNA elongation, 15 in Escherichia coli elongation, 10±11 in replication initiation, 6±7 in termination, 16 616 INDEX DNA-deoxyribophosphodiesterases, ... 438 Chondromyces apiculatus, survival in nature of, 291 Chromosomal transfer, in conjugation, 471±478 610 INDEX MODERN MICROBIAL GENETICS Second Edition Mode...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 13:07
... the new pattern may be transmitted through many binary fissions. This transmission occurs independently of any change in nuclear DNA. It seems that there is a second hereditary mechanism, not ... in response to an environmental stimulus; and once it has occurred, it is transmitted through the egg. Almost certainly, it is caused by changes in gene activation and not by changes in the base ......
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 13:04
An introduction to modern cosmology 2d ed liddle
... intentionally left blank XIV Some fundamental constants Newton's constant Speed of light Reduced Planck constant Boltzmann constant Radiation constant Electron mass-energy Proton ... Isec" 1 Commonly-used symbols XV z redshift HQ Hubble constant r physical distance v velocity / frequency T temperature k-B Boltzmann constant e energy density a radiation constant G...
Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:34
Handbook of space astronomy and astrophysics 2d ed zombeck
... Cambridge University Press Handbook of Space Astronomy and Astrophysics Second Edition by Martin V. Zombeck ISBN 0 521 34550 2 (hardbook) ISBN 0 521 34787 ... (paperback) Dr. Martin V. Zombeck Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 60 Garden Street Cambridge, MA 02138 USA mvz@cfa.harvard.edu PDF made by © 2003 Leandro Da Vinci @ LEONARDO
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Modern operating systems 3rd ed
... Longer pipelines are com- mon. In most pipeline designs, once an instruction has been fetched into the pipe- line, it must be executed, even if the preceding instruction was a conditional branch ... executing instruction n, it could also be decoding instruction n + 1 and fetching instruction n + 2. Such an organization is called a pipeline and is il- lustrated in Fig. 1 -7 (a) for a...
Ngày tải lên: 27/03/2014, 21:32
The Healthy Life Cook Book, 2d ed. pot
... shelled nuts may be used for this roast. Some prefer one kind only; others like them mixed. Almonds, pine-kernels, new Brazil nuts, and new walnuts are nice alone. Old hazel nuts and walnuts are nicer ... nicer mixed with pine-kernels. A good mixture is one consisting of equal quantities of blanched almonds, walnuts, hazel nuts, and pine-kernels; where strict economy is a consideration, peanu...
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computational geometry algorithms and applications 2d ed - de berg
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basic concepts in biochemistry a student's survival guide 2d ed - hiram f. gilbert
... donor) and a group that can accept a proton (the accep- tor). Water can be both a hydrogen-bond donor and a hydrogen-bond acceptor. In an unfolded protein, the hydrogen-bond donors and accep- tors ... sequence. The one-dimensional information contained in the primary amino acid sequence of cellular proteins is enough to guide a protein into its three-dimensional structure, to deter- mine its...
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color atlas of biochemistry 2d ed - jan koolman, klaus-heinrich rohm
... amines (R-NH-R) and terti- ary amines (R -N- R n R ǥ )aminesareobtained from ammonia (NH 3 ); and thiols (R-SH) and thioethers (R-S-R n )arisefromhydrogensul- fide (H 2 S). Polar groups such as -OH ... base adenine is bound to C-1 of ribose by an N- glycosidic bond (see p. 36). In addition to C-2 to C-4, C-1 of ribose also rep- resents a chiral center. The E -configuration is usually fou...
Ngày tải lên: 08/04/2014, 12:41