unix administration a comprehensive sourcebook for effective systems and network management
... I/O devices are treated in a uniform way, by means of the same set of applicable system calls. As a result, I/O redirection and stream-level I/O are fully supported at both the command-language and system-call ... existence UNIX has changed a great deal, adapting to new requirements; it is hard to compare today’s modern UNIX flavors with initial (now obsolete) UNIX versions. I...
Ngày tải lên: 07/04/2014, 15:43
... × ⎡⎤ = ⎣⎦ aaa a and ,,,0,,1 ,, (1)1 T il il il ilQ Q aa a +× ⎡⎤ = ⎣⎦ a . The estimated coefficients ˆ i a can be written as ,0 ,1 , 1 (1)1 ˆˆˆ ˆ T TT T iii iL QL − +× ⎡⎤ = ⎣⎦ aaa a and ,,,0,,1 ... scheme in [29] can only be available in OFDM systems with small maximum delay spread of the channel. In this chapter, we assume that the fading channel varies very fast so...
Ngày tải lên: 20/11/2012, 11:28
... Qualification and Training of Judges Standards should be adopted to measure the competence, performance and services of a bankruptcy court. These standards should serve as a basis for evaluating ... should aim to provide a fair balance that respects secured interests and treats them in a way that promotes stable financial systems and credit markets. 34. Transparency,...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 10:20
Embedded, Everywhere A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers pot
... remaining understandable and manageable by human operators, users, and in many cases—casual passersby, is a large challenge for EmNet designers. As an example, consider a transportation information ... CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 172 AN AGENDA FOR RESEARCH An EmNet-specific Research Agenda, 174 Predictability and Manageability, 175 Adaptive Self-configuration, 176 Monitori...
Ngày tải lên: 06/03/2014, 15:20
Embedded, Everywhere A Research Agenda for Networked Systems of Embedded Computers doc
... remaining understandable and manageable by human operators, users, and in many cases—casual passersby, is a large challenge for EmNet designers. As an example, consider a transportation information ... CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: 172 AN AGENDA FOR RESEARCH An EmNet-specific Research Agenda, 174 Predictability and Manageability, 175 Adaptive Self-configuration, 176 Monitori...
Ngày tải lên: 15/03/2014, 15:20
Towards a Thermodynamic Theory for Ecological Systems potx
... Santiago, Wolf Steinborn, Alexey Voinov, Maciej Zalewski, Nikolai Zavalishin and J. Zhang. We are also grateful to Valentina Krysanova, Valery Pomaz, Alison Schlums, Stephen Sitch and Anastasia ... serve, and had a second, a third, and a thousandth corporal and private also refused, there would have been so many less men in Napoleon’s army and the war could not have occurred...
Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 01:20
Tài liệu A Practical Aproach to Signals Systems and Control pdf
... 0 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Circle of radius ω n Imaginary Real Dependence of poles on damping factor ζ (ω n =1) )LJXUH 3ROH 'HSHQGHQFH RQ 'DPSLQJ )DFWRU 6WDQGDUG 6HFRQG 2UGHU ... 6\VWHPV DQG &RQWUROV $$ 5RGULJXH] F o 6LJQDOV 6\VWHPV DQG &RQWUROV $$ 5RGULJXH] F o LQFUHDVHG WKH UHVSRQVH EHFRPHV OHVV RVFLOODWRU\ &DVH &ULWLFDOO\ &...
Ngày tải lên: 13/12/2013, 01:16
Tài liệu Process Improvement For Effective Budgeting And Financial Reporting (Wiley-2003) doc
... today can help users create more ef- ficient and accurate budgets; and they can eliminate many duplicate spreadsheets. A budgeting program will enable you to standardize forms and reports, as ... may miss out on the most reliable and accurate information that is available. However, management must have the knowledge and ability to create a revenue budget when using a bottom-...
Ngày tải lên: 17/01/2014, 03:20
Tài liệu Cyber Forensics—A Field Manual for Collecting, Examining, and Preserving Evidence of Computer Crimes ppt
... Perot Systems, and Arthur Andersen as a programmer, system analyst, project manager, and auditor. Dedication Erienne, Kristina, and Andy Michael Jordan said it best, thus, what more can I say… I approached ... then: Coordinate the incident response effort♦ Act as a point of contact for the team♦ Act as a liaison between incident response team and management, legal and la...
Ngày tải lên: 18/01/2014, 06:20
Tài liệu A Practical Aproach to Signals Systems and Control doc
... HTXDWLRQV ZLWK FRQVWDQW FRHpFLHQWV \ 5& B\ /& \ /& X 5& BX \ 5& B\ /& \ /& X b X b /& X 7KH VWDWH VSDFH UHSUHVHQWDWLRQ ... & ' LV JLYHQ E\ B[ $ [ % X \ & [ ' X ZKHUH $ 6 $ 6 % 6 % 6 & 6 & 6 ' 6 ' 6 7KH WUDQVIRUPDWLRQ PDWUL[ 6 LV RIW...
Ngày tải lên: 25/01/2014, 04:20