Electromagnetic fields and waves lorrain and corson

Scattering of electromagnetic waves   theories and applications , tsang , ding , kong

Scattering of electromagnetic waves theories and applications , tsang , ding , kong

... Scattering and Born Approximation Integral Expression for Scattering Amplitude Born Approximation 16 16 18 Plane Waves, Cylindrical Waves, and Spherical Waves Cartesian Coordinates: Plane Waves ... EARTH Tsang, Kong, and Shin * THEORY OF MICROWAVE REMOTE SENSING Tsang, Kong, and Ding * SCAnERING OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES: THEORIES AND APPLICATIONS Tsang, Kong, D...

Ngày tải lên: 17/03/2014, 13:40

436 401 1
Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pptx

Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pptx

... transform of the imaginary odd function is real and odd. Let and refer to real and imaginary, and to even and odd, and lower-case and upper-case letters to time and frequency functions. A summary of the ... real and imaginary parts are plotted on the - and -axes, and time runs down the axis of the screw. The complex conjugate of this signal reverses the -axis and gives...

Ngày tải lên: 17/12/2013, 06:15

49 454 0
Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pdf

Tài liệu Mathematics - Fourier Transforms and Waves pdf

... transform of the imaginary odd function is real and odd. Let and refer to real and imaginary, and to even and odd, and lower-case and upper-case letters to time and frequency functions. A summary of the ... real and imaginary parts are plotted on the - and -axes, and time runs down the axis of the screw. The complex conjugate of this signal reverses the -axis and gives...

Ngày tải lên: 22/12/2013, 21:17

49 384 1
Vibrations and waves

Vibrations and waves

... 84.—Inverted and uninverted re- flections in general, 85. 4.3 Interference Effects . . . . . . . 87 4.4 Waves Bounded on Both Sides . . 89 Musical applications, 91.—Standing waves, 92.—Standing-wave ... so-called subatomic “particles” were in fact waves. In this new world-view, it is vibrations and waves that are fundamental, and the formation of matter is just one of the tricks th...

Ngày tải lên: 19/01/2014, 14:34

100 312 0
Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums" docx

Báo cáo khoa học: "Using Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums" docx

... Conditional Random Fields to Extract Contexts and Answers of Questions from Online Forums Shilin Ding † ∗ Gao Cong§ † Chin-Yew Lin‡ Xiaoyan Zhu† †Department of Computer Science and Technology, ... framework based on Con- ditional Random Fields (CRFs) to detect the contexts and answers of questions from forum threads. We improve the basic framework by Skip-chain CRFs and 2D CRFs to...

Ngày tải lên: 23/03/2014, 17:20

9 605 0
stancil - spin waves - theory and applications (springer, 2009)

stancil - spin waves - theory and applications (springer, 2009)

... operators, A and B, such that Aψ = αψ (1.49) and Bψ = βψ + ϕ, (1.50) where α and β are scalars and ψ and ϕ are linearly independent functions. For ψ to simultaneously be an eigenfunction of A and B, ... magnetic materials are found in [1–4] and in standard texts on solid-state physics such as Ashcroft and Mermin [5] and Kittel [6]. D.D. Stancil, A. Prabhakar, Spin Waves, DO...

Ngày tải lên: 03/04/2014, 12:36

364 661 1
crowell. vibrations and waves

crowell. vibrations and waves

... in fact waves. In this new world-view, it is vibrations and waves that are fundamen- tal, and the formation of matter is just one of the tricks that waves can do. 1.1 Period, Frequency, and Amplitude The ... the roadway. “On hands and knees most of the time, I crawled 500 yards or more to the towers My breath was coming in gasps; my knees were raw and bleeding, my hands bruised...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 16:53

92 252 0
pain h.j. the physics of vibrations and waves

pain h.j. the physics of vibrations and waves

... the first chapter and Damped Simple Harmonic Motion the second. Chapter 10 on waves in optical systems now becomes Chapters 11 and 12, Waves in Optical Systems, and Interference and Diffraction ... dielectric to e.m. waves (207) Energy density of e.m. waves (208) Electromagnetic waves in a conductor (208) Effect of conductivity adds diffusion equation to wave equation (209)...

Ngày tải lên: 24/04/2014, 17:22

570 335 0