Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

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Cambridge - Face2Face Starter Workbook 4 potx

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Bread and сheese wJw , ,lB ^l Сomplеtе thе wоrds. l t l_k_ fishаndriсе. z I d a I of milk. з l е__ a | ofvеgеtaЬlеs. + t l_v_ сhoсolatе. b) Tiсk (/) the sеntеnсеs in 2a) that arе truе for you. Pronunсiation : syIlab|es @ ^l Look at thеsе words. Notiсе thе numbеr of syllablеs. big = 1 syllablе British = 2 syllaЬlеs (Brit-ish) сomPutеr = 3 syllablеs (сom_pu_tеr) b) Writе thе numbеr of syllablеs in thеsе words. a) friеndly Ь) unfriеndly с) сhеap d) еxpеnsivе e) ugly fl bеautiful g) husЬand h) wifе i) grаndson j) grandсhildrеn Pronunсiation: /o/ and l t'l Help with Sounds, Student's Book p29 a) Look at thеsе piсturеs. Chесk yоu rеmеmbеr ihе sounds /о/ and, lьl. b) Loоk at thе vowеls in bоld. Сirсlе thе соrrесt vоwеl sоunds. 1 orаngе z Ьrothеr з husband 4 сhoсolatе 5 dосtor Spеlling: numbrrs ГЛ writе thеsе numЬеrs in wоrds. а) э fiуe d 99 Ь) 15 h) 1l с) 56 i) L2 83 31 d) 14 Food and drink (2) ffi P**lo thе сrossrлrord. ffi@ WW ed@ Iove, Iike, eat, drink, a lot of @ tDt 6ji sN\ ii?ж. жw : ^6в.lffi* Э A{W r-ФФ: mothеr lol lnl dоllar lol litl Watсh lol lьl lоvе lol lьl son |,ol |ьl 6 7 8 9 10 2 Ж IDI tDt lol @ e) 40 k) tl 28 l) 100 t lol @ сoffeе L!!t) щ umЬrel[a 4lVtу ъгvОrild Language Summary 4, Student's Book plO6 I like it! Phrases wi|h like, have, live, work, studу ffiffi @ r-oоk at piсturеs 1-10. Fill in thе gaps with thеsе word.s' 1IJJф hаvе football work сhildrеn live сentre tikе сar .:":*":*.' T-1 :::, .,:l: ool." |ь] сom1а:, . stцdу Еnglish study liте in thе W J l Е.l{) of thе work foт а Present Simple (I, you, we, they): positive and negative ffiЖ*i @) кеad aboutJosеf. Fill in thе gaps with thе positivе (*) or nеgativе (_) of lihе, hаvе,livе, worh or studу. My free time 4A and 4B Cl. a| Сhoosе thе сorrесt vеrbs. ! ""' t work /@Italian z like / live Japanеsе food з have / studу а nеw сomputеr ц like / /fye in an old housе- s work / studу Spanish в live / have in thе USA т live / have a good сamеra в like / work in a cafё s like / /iye сhoсolatе b) Writе six sеntеnсеs about yоu. Usе thе phrаsеs in 3a) and thе Prеsеnt Simplе positivе or nеgativе. I don't studv ltalian. I like laoanese food. Free time aсtivities ffi watсhТУ orDV D s nlav t s so to thе с а еal' o b) Тiсk (/) the things in 1a) yоu do in your frее timе. Po o with г. tЭ olav с r g___ s <s sotoс s go s- g 4B Present SimpIe (l, уou, we, thefl: questions and shoft answers ffi ,@ к"uа about thе Amеriсan roсk band Midnight. : Fill in thе gaps with thеsе vеrbs. '* *:':n l:"' :o: ':"" .:.::n 1"":. ""1.? Hi! Welcome to the Midnight website. Our names are Marсus, Luke and PauI and *e' in Chiсago, in the USA. We Iove our сity and we a lot of good friends here. Midnight p|ay roсk musiс and we, I-ike Radiohead, RЕM and Oasis. We go on tour* a Iot, and in our free time we o DVDs and s сomputer games. We aIso 6 . when we're on tour and wе '. Chinese food. We aIso o a Iot of sandwiсhes and 9 ''-'.' ' a |ot of сoffee! Rеad aЬout Midnight again. Тhеn fill in thе gaps in thеsе quеstiоns. 1 д Whеrе do Marсus, Lukе and Paul Цue ? в In Сhiсago, in thе USA. thеy likе Сhiсago? в Yеs' thеy do. 3 д What musiс " thеy ." ? в Тhеy likе Radiohеad, RЕM and oasis. ',''@ 2^ thеv in thеir B 5A B 6A B 7^ Тhеy wаtсh DVDs and play сomputеr gamеs. еat " a lot? Yеs, thеy do. food thеy likе? Сhinеsе food. a lot of sandwiсhеs? в Yеs, thеy do. 8A a lot of сoffее? out a lot в Yеs. thеy do. Makе quеstions with thеsе wоrds. Тhеn writе thе short answеrs. .l writе / I / thе quеstions / Do ? Do Iwrite the ouestions? (,/) Yes. vou do. 2 I /уou / knоw /Do ? 5 today / wе / aсlass / havе/ Do'? (,/) 6 Pеtе and Andy / football / likе / Do ? (/) 7 your parеnts / Do / a сat / haуe ? (х) 6) buvffi Г@ @ Do thе plzz|е. Find thе thing tо Ьuy (o). Fill ;1{ fltrtr sHoP AssIsтANт сUsтoMЕR sHoP AssIsтANт сUsтoМЕR oK. ТhatЪ f|o.49, plеаsе. 6 Тhаnks a lot. Byе. b) Rеad thе соnvеrsatiоn again. Hоw bоx of сhoсolatеs? L this, that, these, those ffi ,','@ in thе gaps with this, thаt, thеsе or thosс. ln a shop ffi а) Rеad this сonvеrsation gaps with thеsе phrasеs. in a shop. Fill in thе fхг.цsе-me- coodЬye сan l havе No, that's a[[ How muсh are Do you,have Here you are сUsтoМER';"';i;,,;'' any AA battеriеs? sHoP AssIsтANт Yеs, thеy,rе ovеr thеrе, nеar thе . postсаrds. сUsтoМER Тhаnks. . thеy? sHoP AssIsТANт Тhеy'rе f,З.99 for four. сUsтoМЕR oK. And thаt Ьig Ьox of сhoсolаtеs' plеasе? sHoP AssIsтAшт, Surе. Anything еlsе? сUsтoМЕR ' thanks. muсh is thе D,,,,,, Days and tirnes Days of the week ffi o o Wfitе rhе days оt thе wееk. I 2 з 4 5 6 Mo л d a v Т l@] W.i." thеsе timеs with past or to. 1 tenpast nile Ю ю m W Ю m, W h Юl @ Ю 2 з 4 5 6 7 I W Т F S J| rll in thе sans With lhеsе words. v J€€ofids yeаr daуs months weeks hour minutеs а) thrее hundrеd seс_oо-d-s = livе Ь) thirty minutеs = half an с) forty-еight hours = two . d) twеnty-onе days = thrее е) fifty.two wееks = onе f) onе Vear = twеlvе l ,, , .j' Fill in thе sans with thеsе wоrds. \Дlhat |tЪ timе o"': Еxсusе mе' timе is half Talking about the time ffiffi д What в ltЪ it quartеr . plеasе? tеn. your Еnglish сlass? to six. Тime words ffi .Ф2 A B Te||ing thetime fiffi' Т:::.' p wit" thеsе timеs in twо ways. fifty Saturday . . : '; й tоmato Сhinеsе О . . l eiаht o,сloсk umbrеllа addrеss ] newspapеr offiсe lаnguagеs eight- Pronunсiation: sy||ab|es and word stress (1) G) w.i."thеsеwords o о { о О f- in thе tablе. footЬаtt ! sixteen сoncert оОo expensive Spelling: double letters ("1) .,.;l .s l Сirгlр tЪo мдg1d with the сorrесt spеlling. ilE7.,'\ J 1 smal /Фзj) 7 tеnis / tеnnis 2 tisuеs / tissuеs в ugly / uggly з сinеma / сinnеma 9 surnamе / surrnamе а shoping / shopping 10 batеriеs / battеriеs 5 magаzinе / maggazinе 11 managеr / mannagеr 6 сofее / сoffее lz dolaт / dollar Reading and Writing Portfo|io 4 ф8 йl , . months weeks hour minutеs а) thrее hundrеd seс_oо-d-s = livе Ь) thirty minutеs = half an с) forty-еight hours = two . d) twеnty-onе days = thrее е) fifty.two wееks = onе f). 100 t lol @ сoffeе L!!t) щ umЬrel[a 4lVtу ъгvОrild Language Summary 4, Student's Book plO6 I like it! Phrases wi|h like, have, live, work, studу ffiffi @ r-oоk at piсturеs 1-1 0. Fill in thе gaps with thеsе. time 4A and 4B Cl. a| Сhoosе thе сorrесt vеrbs. ! ""' t work /@Italian z like / live Japanеsе food з have / studу а nеw сomputеr ц like / /fye in an old hous - s

Ngày đăng: 08/07/2014, 22:20

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