MIMO Multiband OFDM 55

Một phần của tài liệu Khảo sát ảnh hưởng của dịch tần đến hệ thống MB-OFDM (Trang 64)

Để tăng tốc đô ̣ dữ liê ̣u và khoảng cách truyền dẫn của hê ̣ thống UWB , sử du ̣ng kỹ thuâ ̣t MIMO là mô ̣t hướng rất hấp dẫn . Hiê ̣n nay, MIMO là phương pháp hiê ̣u quả để cải thiê ̣n hiê ̣u suất hê ̣ thống trong các môi t rường fading. Hầu hết các ứng du ̣ng UWB đều có kênh trong nhà với đô ̣ phân tán ma ̣nh , do đó kỹ thuâ ̣t MIMO rất phù hợp . Thêm nữa, tần số trung tâm của các ứng du ̣ng UWB cỡ GHz (bước sóng nhỏ), do đó khoảng cách giữa các anten MIMO có thể giảm đi . Bởi vâ ̣y , sự kết hơ ̣p công nghê ̣ UWB và MIMO là mô ̣t phương pháp hiê ̣u quả khả thi và hiê ̣u quả về giá cả để thỏa mãn yêu cầu tốc độ dữ liệu rất cao của các ứng du ̣ng vô tuyến trong khoảng cách ngắn tron g tương lai.


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Các hàm Matlab mô phỏng hệ thống MB -OFDM theo chuẩn ECMA -368. Mô phỏng đươ ̣c thực hiê ̣n trên phiên bản Matlab R2009a hoă ̣c R2009b.

1. Hàm chính để chạy mô phỏng main .m

clear all clc

close all hidden global pSys

sim_type = 0; %0=Simulator; 1=Measurement if (sim_type == 1)

pSys = meas_gui; pause(0.1); close all hidden pause(0.3);

meas_mbo; %generate TX data else

pSys = sim_gui; %open simulator GUI pause(0.1);

close all hidden pause(0.3);

%Tao ra kenh UWB,luu cac he so cua dap ung xung cua kenh vao pSys.h load_chann; %load CIRs

tic sim_mbo; toc end

2. Hàm thực hiện thu phát các packet sim_mbo.m

global pSys stResult; %pSys:chua cac tham so cua he thong, mot so lay tu GUI

stResult = []; %Luu ket qua can quan tam

bin_sink = []; %Luu luong bit thu duoc khi truyen 1 file %Initialize

%Thiet lap cac tham so cua bo phat TX va bo thu RX %pTX:cac tham so cua Tx

%pRX:cac tham so cua Rx [pTX, pRX] = init_par(pSys); %Cap nhat preamble ben phat pTX = update_preamble(pTX);

%Dong bo toc do lay mau trong toan he thong pRX.fs = pSys.fs;

%========================================================================== %Doc du lieu tu file, neu du lieu la 1 file

if pSys.in_type

fid_in = fopen('MIMOTB.jpg');

%Doc file va chuyen thanh ma tran co 8 hang bin_src = de2bi(fread(fid_in),8).';

%pSys.tblen: dong thu 649 trong sim_gui.m

%pSys.k:so bit trong 1 khung du lieu. Dong 713 trong sim_gui.m bin_pad = rand_pad(bin_src(:).',pSys.k-pSys.tblen).';

pSys.Npckt = ceil(numel(bin_pad)/(pSys.k-pSys.tblen)); end

%========================================================================== %Generate WiMax interferer

if pSys.flag_wimax wimax_interf = (10^(- pSys.PL_wimax/20))*add_wimax(pSys.fs,pSys.f_g,pSys.Pt_wimax); else wimax_interf = []; end %========================================================================== %Loop over chann_real

CFO_est_real = zeros(pSys.chann_real,size(pSys.SNR_min:pSys.SNR_max,2)); MSE_real = zeros(pSys.chann_real,size(pSys.SNR_min:pSys.SNR_max,2)); for real_idx = 1:pSys.chann_real

disp(['Channel realisation: ' num2str(real_idx)]) stCalc = []; %

%Neu du lieu ban dau la chuoi so ngau nhien, thi Npckt lay tu giao dien %GUI va do nguoi dung nhap vao o Packets

%pSys.tx_seq = randint(1,1); pSys.tx_seq = ones(1,pSys.Npckt);

%Beaconing interval

%enbl_beac: cho phep beaconing, dong thu 539 trong sim_gui.m if pSys.enbl_beac

[pTX, pRX] = beaconing(pSys,pTX,pRX,wimax_interf,real_idx); end

%Update rate dependent parameters pRX = update_rate_par(pRX);

%Update frequency dependent parameters pTX = update_tx_freq_par(pTX); pRX = update_rx_freq_par(pRX); %Update preamble pTX = update_preamble(pTX); pRX = update_preamble(pRX);

%Loop over Npckt packets

CFO_est_frame = zeros(numel(pSys.tx_seq),size(pSys.SNR_dB,2)); for fr_idx = 1:numel(pSys.tx_seq),

disp(['Packet: ' num2str(fr_idx)])

%Cau truc packet(hay frame,hay PPDU): PLCP Preamble|PLCP header|PSDU %PSDU = Frame Payload|Frame Check Sequence|Tail Bits|Pad Bits

%Update preamble and frame parameters for TX pTX = update_pream_par(pTX, fr_idx);

pTX = update_frame_par(pTX);

%Generate PLCP header per PPDU frame

pTX.plcp_hdr = gen_plcp_hdr(pTX,fr_idx,pTX.rate_mode); %size(pTX.plcp_hdr) = 100 x 12

%================================================================= %Update number of symbols per frame (before TDS and FDS)

%TDS va FDS: ghep xen o mien tan so va mien thoi gian %NGUON DU LIEU

pSys.send = pSys.tx_seq(fr_idx); if pSys.in_type==1

%Du lieu ban dau la file

bin_input = rand_pad(bin_pad((fr_idx-1)*(pSys.k- pSys.tblen)+1:fr_idx*(pSys.k-pSys.tblen)).',pSys.k).';


%Du lieu ban dau la chuoi bit ngau nhien co phan bo deu %rand('state',fr_idx);

%pSys.k: dong 716 trong sim_gui.m bin_input = randint(pSys.k,1,2); end

%size(bin_input) = 8224 x 1, trong do 8224 = (p.pcktSize*8 + p.tblen) %p.pcktSize = 1024 (gia tri mac dinh tren GUI): so byte trong Frame Payload

%p.tblen = 32 bit cho Traceback length cua Viterbi Decoder

%================================================================= %Generate Npckt packets per channel realization

%Truyen du lieu toi anten phat

%Xao tron,ghep xen,dieu che bang co so(QPSK hay DCM),ma hoa MIMO,IFFT,chen CP,doi tan len

%BO PHAT TX [bin_scr,bin_enc,payld_mod,packet_tx_ser] = transmit(bin_input, pTX, fr_idx); %size(packet_tx_ser) = 53460 x 1 %================================================================= %Update preamble and frame parameters for RX

pRX = update_pream_par(pRX, fr_idx); pRX = update_frame_par(pRX);

%================================================================= %Pass through a multipath MIMO channel

%Truyen du lieu len kenh vo tuyen UWB %KENH VO TUYEN packet_rx_ser = mimo_channel(packet_tx_ser,pSys.h,pTX.Nt,pRX.Nr,real_idx); %size(packet_rx_ser) = 53460 x 1 %================================================================= %Add WiMax Interference

%Cong nhieu Wimax vao tin hieu %CAN NHIEU DONG KENH

if pSys.flag_wimax if numel(wimax_interf)>size(packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:),1) packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:) = packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:)... + repmat(wimax_interf(1:size(packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:),1)),1,pRX.Nr) ; else packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:) = packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:)... + repmat([wimax_interf; zeros(size(packet_rx_ser(pRX.pr_border+1:end,:),1)- numel(wimax_interf),1)],1,pRX.Nr); end end %=================================================================

%Add AWG noise to the signal %Cong nhieu AWG vao tin hieu

%Thuc hien thu tin hieu tai RX voi cac gia tri SNR khac nhau for snr_idx = 1:size(pSys.SNR_dB,2),

%============================================================= %Add white Gaussian noise

%Cong nhieu AWGN %CAN NHIEU AWGN packet_noisy_ser = add_awgn(packet_rx_ser,pSys.SNR_dB(snr_idx),pSys.perf_CE,pRX.pr_border,pSys.e nbl_awgn); %size(packet_noisy_ser) = 53460 x 1 %============================================================= %Perform down-conversion and baseband processing at RX

%Thu tin hieu tai RX

%Dong bit du lieu luu o bien bin_output %BO THU RX [bin_output,bin_deint,payld_eq,H_info,SNR_dB,H_pwr,E_ch,stSync] = receive(packet_noisy_ser,pRX,fr_idx,1); %size(bin_output) = 8192 x 1 CFO_est_frame(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stSync.CFO_est; %============================================================= %Ve gian do chom sao tin hieu thu tai snr_idx

figure(1) plot(real(payld_eq),imag(payld_eq),'.'); axis([-3 3 -3 3]); grid on %============================================================= %Compute BER per frame

%Tinh ti le loi bit tren moi packet %BER with coding: sau Descrambler

%BER without coding: sau Block Deinterleaving va truoc Viterbi Decoding

stBER =


%============================================================= %Accummulate results from Packet Detect (PD) and BER

%Gia tri dinh tuong quan cua chuoi PS Seq trong preamble stCalc.peak_max(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stSync.peak_max;

%Packet thu fr_idx da: tach thanh cong (=1) hay chua thanh cong (=0)

stCalc.detect(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stSync.detect; %TFC cua packet thu fr_idx

stCalc.tfc_det(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stSync.tfc_det; %Diem bat dau uoc luong cua packet thu fr_idx

stCalc.border_det(fr_idx,snr_idx) = min(stSync.border_det); %SNR(dB) cua packet thu frm_idx

stCalc.SNR_dB(fr_idx,snr_idx) = SNR_dB;

if pSys.tx_seq(fr_idx) == 1

%So luong bit chua ma hoa bi loi cua packet thu fr_idx stCalc.Err_mtx_uncoded(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stBER.Err_uncoded; %So luong bit da ma hoa bi loi cua packet thu fr_idx

stCalc.Err_mtx_coded(fr_idx,snr_idx) = stBER.Err_coded; end

end %end of snr-loop

%================================================================= if pSys.in_type

bin_sink = vertcat(bin_sink,bin_output); end

end %end of packet-loop

%Tinh BER va SNR voi channel realization thu real_idx %Trung binh tren tat ca cac packet

stResult =

accum_error(real_idx,stCalc,stResult,pSys.sim_type,pSys.k,pSys.tx_seq,numel(b in_enc));

%Tinh CFO uoc luong voi channel realization thu real_idx %Trung binh tren tat ca cac packet

CFO_est_real(real_idx,:) = mean(CFO_est_frame,1);

%Tinh Mean Square Error cua CFO uoc luong voi channel realization thu real_idx

sqr_err = zeros(numel(pSys.tx_seq),size(pSys.SNR_dB,2)); for fr_idx = 1:numel(pSys.tx_seq)

sqr_err(fr_idx,:) = ((pSys.CFO - CFO_est_frame(fr_idx,:))/pSys.CFO).^2; end MSE_real(real_idx,:) = sum(sqr_err,1)/numel(pSys.tx_seq); countReal = real_idx;

end %end of channel realization-loop

%========================================================================== %Neu phat di 1 file,thi ghi du lieu thu duoc ra file

if pSys.in_type

bits = pSys.k - pSys.tblen; dec_sink = bi2de(reshape(bin_sink(1:numel(bin_src)),8,numel(bin_src)/8).'); fid_out = fopen('RXImage.jpg','w+'); fwrite(fid_out,dec_sink); fclose(fid_out); figure ax(1) = subplot(1,2,1); img_in = imread('MIMOTB.jpg');

image(img_in); title('Transmitted Image','FontSize',12) ax(2) = subplot(122);

img_out = imread('RXImage.jpg');

image(img_out); title('Received Image','FontSize',12) %colormap(hot(256)) axis(ax,'off') axis(ax,'image') set(gcf,'Color','White') end %========================================================================== %Ve cac duong cong ket qua can quan tam

%Duong cong BER-SNR(dB) figure(2) mean_real.BER = mean(stResult.av_BER_coded,1); mean_real.SNR = mean(stResult.SNR_dB,1); semilogy(mean_real.SNR,mean_real.BER) xlabel('SNR (dB)'); ylabel('BER'); grid on

%set(gca,'Xtick',0:1:25) xlim([0 25]);

%Duong con MSE-SNR(dB) cua loi uoc luong figure(3) semilogy(stResult.SNR_dB(1,:),MSE_real(1,:)) xlabel('SNR (dB)'); ylabel('MSE'); grid on %set(gca,'Xtick',0:1:25) xlim([0 25]); 3. Bộ phát function [bin_scr,bin_enc,payld_mod,packet_tx_ser] = transmit(bin_input,p,fr_idx) %*********************************************************% %************** Transmit User Data Frame *****************% %*********************************************************% %p: structure of TX parameters

%fr_idx: frame index

init_state = p.seed_mtx(mod(p.init_seed + fr_idx -1,4) + 1,:); %Scramber:bo xao tron du lieu

%Generate 1 x Nx vector of random data points bin_scr = bin_scrambler(bin_input,init_state); %size(bin_scr) = 8224 x 1

%Convolution Coder: bo ma chap

%Encoding bits with a Convolutional Coder

bin_enc = chann_coder(bin_scr,p.base_coderate,p.trellis,p.punc_pat); %size(bin_enc) = 10968 x 1

%Chen them cac bit 0 vao du lieu goc

%Do ghep xen tren khoi 6 OFDM symbol,nen neu bin_enc khong chia het cho 6 %thi phai chen them cac bit 0 vao de du 1 khoi 6 OFDM symbol nua

%pad with random bits to fit interleaver block size

%p.m = log2(p.M): so bit tren moi song mang con sau dieu che QPSK/DCM %p.Ni: So luong song mang du lieu

bin_pad = rand_pad(bin_enc.',6*p.Nsb*p.Ni*p.m).'; %size(bin_pad) = 12000 x 1

%Interleaver: bo ghep xen %Symbol and tone interleaver bin_int =

block_intrlv(bin_pad,p.s_depth,p.s_width,p.t_depth,p.t_width,p.c_shift); %size(bin_int) = 12000 x 1

%Modulation:dieu che bang co so

%Perform Gray-coded QPSK/M-QAM/DCM modulation

payld_mod = constel_map(bin_int,p.mod_type,p.m,p.M,p.Ni); %size(payld_mod) = 6000 x 1

%Chuyen dong bit tu noi tiep sang song song %Serial-to-Parallel Conversion

%So song mang du lieu Nd = 100

payld_par = reshape(payld_mod,p.Ni*p.Nsb,numel(payld_mod)/(p.Ni*p.Nsb)); %size(payld_par) = 100 x 60

%Time- and/or frequency domain spreading payld_spr = spreading(payld_par,p.tds,p.fds,p.PNSeq,p.Ni*p.Nsb); %size(payld_spr) = 100 x 60 % %Spatial multiplexing/ STFC payld_cod = mimo_code(payld_spr,p.mimo_type,p.Nt,p.Ni,p.theta); %size(payld_cod) = 100 x 60 %

%Reshape back to single parallel blocks

payld_cod = reshape(payld_cod, p.Ni, numel(payld_cod)/p.Ni); %size(payld_cod) = 100 x 60 Frame Payload


%Generate pilots

%So song mang pilot Np = 12 pilots =

gen_pilots(p.tds,p.fds,p.PNSeq,p.Npil,p.pil_cs,p.pil_ncs,p.Nhdr+size(payld_co d,2));

%size(pilots) = 12 x 72

%Gan PLCP Header vao Frame Payload va anh xa song mang con %Tone mapping

%Data: 100, Pilot: 12, Guard: 10, Null: 6 payld_tones = tone_map([p.plcp_hdr payld_cod],pilots,p.mimo_type,p.Nt,p.Nhdr,p.N,p.Nsb); %size(p.plcp_hdr) = 100 x 12 PLCP Header %size(payld_tones) = 128 x 72 % %N-point IFFT payld_iq = sqrt(p.N*p.Nsb).*ifft([CE_map(p.CESeq,p.N,p.Nsb) payld_tones],p.N*p.Nsb);

%size(CE_map(p.CESeq,p.N,p.Nsb)) = 128 x 1 Channel Estimation Sequence %Channel Estimation Sequence: gia tri o bang 23 trang 44 trong ECMA-368 %size(payld_iq) = 128 x 73

%Chen CP hoac ZP = 60.6 ns

%Append CP or Zero Padding, p.pref_type: prefix/suffix type, 0=CP, 1=ZP payld_zp = add_pref([p.PSSeq_mtx(:,p.tfc)


%size(p.PSSeq_mtx(:,p.tfc)) = 128 x 1 Extended Base Sequence (Packet Synchronization Seq)

%Extended Base Sequence: gia tri o bang 4 -> 13 trang 25 -> 34 trong ECMA-368 %size(payld_zp) = 165 x 74, trong do 165 = (Nfft=128)+(Nzps=37)

%PLCP Header: cot 3 -> 14, Frame Payload: cot 15 -> 74

%Nhan xet: Extended Base Sequence (Packet Synchronization Seq) duoc chen %vao sau buoc IFFT, dieu nay giup RX co the thuc hien dong bo truc tiep %ngay sau khi doi tan xuong (downconvert)

%Xu ly da van toc hay thay doi toc do lay mau %Muc dich: bu lai dich tan lay mau SFO

%interpolated by p.fs and then decimated by p.Nsb*p.B

%Thay doi toc do lay mau boi mot he so p.oversamp = p.fs/(p.Nsb*p.B) = 3 %Giua 2 mau cua payld_zp chen them 2 mau

%p.Nsb: number of parallel sub-bands, p.B: Bandwidth of sub-bands, here B=528 MHz


payld_res = resample(payld_zp,p.fs,p.Nsb*p.B); %size(payld_res) = 495 x 74 => Nframe = 74

%Chuan hoa cong suat cua moi ky hieu

%Normalize transmit power per MB-OFDM symbol

sigma_s = std(payld_res,0,1); %do lech chuan cua payld_res theo cot for s = 1:size(payld_res,2) %so cot cua payld_res

if sigma_s(s) ~= 0

payld_res(:,s) = payld_res(:,s)./sigma_s(s); end


%Chen preamble (Packet/Frame Synch, CE sequence), PLCP header vao truoc PSDU %Packetize

%p.Nce = 6, p.Nhdr = 12

packet_iq = packetize(payld_res,p.Nt,p.Nce,p.Nhdr,p.tfc,p.cov_seq); %size(packet_iq) = 495 x 102

%Packet/Frane Synchronization cot 01 -> 24 %Channel Estimation Sequence cot 25 -> 30 %PLCP Header cot 31 -> 42 %Frame Payload cot 43 -> 102 %

%Introduce TX I/Q Imbalance and PN(inverted phase imbalance for TX) packet_imp = add_iq_imbal(packet_iq,p.g_tx,-p.phi_tx);

packet_imp = add_pn(packet_imp,p.var_tx,p.alpha_tx);

%Phan khoi du lieu thanh Nt luong noi tiep truyen toi Nt anten %Xep chong cac cot cua packet_iq len nhau,cu the nhu sau

% 00001 packet_iq(:,01) |---

% ... |Packet/Frane Synchronization % 11880 packet_iq(:,24) |---

% 11881 packet_iq(:,25) |---

% ... |Channel Estimation Sequence % 14850 packet_iq(:,30) |--- % 14851 packet_iq(:,31) |--- % ... |PLCP Header % 20790 packet_iq(:,42) |--- % 20791 packet_iq(:,43) |--- % ... |Frame Payload % 50490 packet_iq(:,102)|---

%Resize transmit block to Nt serial streams packet_iq_ser = par2ser(packet_imp,p.Nt); %size(packet_iq_ser) = 50490 x 1

%Dieu che len dai tan cua Band Group #1 (cac dai con 1,2,3) %Up-conversion

samp = size(packet_imp,1); %So hang cua packet_imp

packet_tx_ser = zeros(size(packet_iq_ser)); %ma tran cot: X hang va 1 cot %p.Nt:so anten phat

for nt = 1:p.Nt

%Ma tran Band_ID cho Band Group 1 bandID_mtx = p.bandID_tx_mtx{nt}(:,:); packet_tx_ser(:,nt) = upconvert(packet_iq_ser(:,nt),p.Fc,bandID_mtx,p.tfc,p.fc_tx_vec(nt,:),samp,p. fs); %Bandpass filter

%bp_flt = dfilt.dffir(fir1(80, [p.f_tx_min, p.f_tx_max] .* (2/p.fs))); %packet_tx_ser = filter(bp_flt,packet_tx_ser);

%Dieu chinh cong suat phat cho phu hop voi PSD mask trong ECMA-368 %Match signal power to allowed PSD

packet_tx_ser(:,nt) = (1/sqrt(p.Nt)).* sqrt ( 10^(-

41.3/10)*((p.f_tx_max(nt)-p.f_tx_min(nt))/1e+9) * 50) .* packet_tx_ser(:,nt); end

%size(packet_tx_ser) = 50490 x 1 %

%Chain loss compensation

packet_tx_ser = 10^(p.losscomp_db/10).*packet_tx_ser; %

%Calculate PAPR (crest factor) per antenna in dB PAPR_dB =

20*log10(max(abs(packet_tx_ser),[],1)./sqrt(sum(packet_tx_ser.*conj(packet_tx _ser))/size(packet_tx_ser,1)));

%Chen fr_sep_sym = 6 symbol giua 2 packet %Insert fr_sep_sym between packets

%samp = 495: so bit/1 symbol packet_tx_ser = [packet_tx_ser;


%size(packet_tx_ser) = 53460 x 1, trong do fr_sep_sym*samp = 6 x 495 = 2970 %53460 x 1 = 495 x (108 = 102 + 6) 4. Bộ thu function [bin_output,bin_deint,payld_eq,H_info,SNR_dB,H_pwr_av,E_ch,s]= receive(data_ser_in,p,fr_idx,offset) %*********************************************************% %******************* RX Synchronization ******************% %*********************************************************%

s.detect = 0; %da tach thanh cong packet hay chua? 1=thanh cong, 0=chua s.tfc_det = p.tfc;

s.border_det = 1;

s.CFO_est = 0; %Gia tri CFO duoc uoc luong

upsamp = ceil(p.samp*p.oversamp); %samples within an RF OFDM symbol syncSamp = p.sync_sym*upsamp; %number of synchronization samples payldSamp = p.payld_sym*upsamp; %number of payload samples

fr_len = syncSamp + payldSamp; %frame length in samples

fr_sep = p.fr_sep_sym*upsamp; %number of frame separation samples fr_start = offset; %diem bat dau cua frame (hay packet) fr_end = fr_start + fr_len - 1; %diem ket thuc cua frame

%size(data_ser_in) = 53460 x 1 rx_pad = upsamp;

data_ser_in = [ data_ser_in; zeros(rx_pad, p.Nr) ]; %Chen them upsamp bit 0 de lam gi???

%size(data_ser_in) = 53955 x 1 end_idx = size(data_ser_in,1); %flag RX hopping on/off

%Xac dinh tren GUI, muc TFH trong RX

%RX co biet truoc TFC o TX khong? known = 1, unknown = 0 enbl_hop = p.hop_rx;

if fr_end + fr_sep > end_idx

error('Insufficient amount of data for down-conversion. Simulation

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