. Tong quan ve de tai kem theo file dien tii (Mot ban bang tieng Viet, mot ban bang tieng Anh Highlight; moi ban dai khoang 400 tii tren mot trang gi4y kh6 A4, font
o Ketqua chinh cua d§ ta
De tai da xem xet cac de xuat truoc do ve mot so giai phap SDR cho truyen 110, II I, danh gia tinh on dinh va tinh phiic tap, kho khan cua giai phap de dua i so giai phap SDR cho DMT va OFDM. Ba ling dung truyen thong co ban dug hien tren FPGA bao gom truyen dan dua tren QAM, truyen dan dua tren Df truyen dan dua tren OFDM da dugc tien hanh trong thoi gian thirc hien de tai dugc cac ket qua nhat djnh
Ket qua thu dugc trong khi thirc hien de tai da hoan thanh dugc cac ngi
CO ban da dat ra khi dang ki de tai. Dac biet da danh gia dugc '^Anh huang cii true du lieu toi do on djnh giai dieu che OFDM ", nhu da gui dang tai tap ch
Summary of Project
Project Title : Some Solutions of SDR algorithms for Designing
Communication Systems on FPGA.
Code number: QC 08-12
Coordinator : Nguyen Quoc Tuan
Implementing Institution : Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunication, University of Engineering and Technology Cooperating Institution(s) : University Technology of Sydney
Duration: from 9/2008 to 9/2009
• Objectives:
Radio defined software (SDR) enables high programability for communication. In an SDR, all processed signals are completed by software. Thus, components of SDR-based system are flexible intelectual network protocols. Orthgonal frequency division multiplex (OFDM) and discrete multitone (DMT) that are used in multicarrier modulation (MCM) have become a common modulation technique for ADSL 802.11/g. 802.16e...). Solutions that aply SDR for FPGA to create software defined DMT/OFDM and to explore network protocols are looked for to enlare communication.
Obiective of the study is to design a transceiver system based on DMT/OFDM. The design is expected to support existing and future protocols so SDR is appropriate.
• Main contents:
Based on SDR, the study investigates possibility of designing tranceiver system by multitone modulation satisfying:
(1) IFFT/FFT modulation/demolulation with N = 64
(2) 16-QAM coding
(3) Cp provision guaranteeing sychronization of transmitting and re^ terminals;
(4) Control guard interval provision (loop extension) (5) flexibility
The study used SDR to design 2 FPGA-based MCM systems, the base DMT and the passband - OFDM. These two transmision systems consist of transmitting and receiving blocks. One of the crucial problems that the stu solved is to perform the clock, frame synchronization between transmittii receiving devices and estimate transmission channel to ensure commun quality. Issues of FPGA-based monocarrier communication (16-QAM) are des and applied to MCM communication within scope of the study.
• Results obtained:
The project reviewed previous proposals of SDR solutions for commun [10,11], evaluated stability and complexibility as well as problems of the solut recommend some SDR solutions for DMT and OFDM. Three basic appli' applied on FPGA including QAM-, DMT- and OFDM-based communication implimented during the project and have reached some certain results.
Obtained results generally meet what are required in project regis Particularly, the project has assessed "Impact of data structure onto the ' stability'' and the results were published in the national magazine of''Journal "
Ten de tai: Nghien cum cac giai phap cong nghe FPGA cho cac ung dung truyen thong
M a s 6 : QC 08-12
Ca quan quan ly de tai: Dai hoc Quoc gia Ha Noi
Dia chi: 144, duang Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay - Ha Noi Dien thoai: 04 3754 8664
Ca quan chu tri de tai: Truong Dai hoc Cong nghe
Dia chi: 144, duang Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay - Ha Noi Dien thoai: 04 3754 7461
T6ng chi phi thue chi: 25 trieu dong
Trong do: - Tu ngan sach Nha nuoc : 25 trieu dong - Nguon khac: Khong
Thai gian nghien cuu : 1 nam Thai gian bit dau: 5/2008
Thai .gian k6t thiic:. . 5/2009 va gia han cho toi 6/2010
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Ten cac can bo ph6i hgp nghien cuu:
- Chu nhiem d8 tai: Ths. Nguyin Qu6c Tuan - Nhung nguoi tham gia: Ths. Vu Xuan Thang
CN. Tran Viet Khoa CN. Trang Cong Chung
Tom tit ket qua nghien cuu:
Bk tai da tim hiSu cac kit qua ung dung SDR dua tren FPGA cho truySr
duac thue hien tai 1 s6 nuac tren thi giai. D I tai cung da xem xet cac han che c Chung loai kit FPGA cua Xillinx (Spartan, VirtexII/IIPro, Virtex4..) hay ciia Al thilt kl SDR tren cac he thSng do dl danh gia kha nang thilt kl va tim ra cac giai kl he thdng truyen thong dua tren FPGA.
Cac kit qua thu dugc trong khi thue hien dl tai da hoan thanh dugc cac m
ban da dat ra khi dang ki de tai. D I tai tiln hanh nhilu nghien cuu co tinh cong r dua ra mot san phSm SDR thu nghiem thilt bi dieu chi s6 da song mang (DMT \ dua tren cong nghe Xillinx. Day la kit qua co tinh cong nghe cao lan dau tien due tai Viet nam. D I giai thuat co thi dugc ap dung nhieu han vao thue te, de tai d danh gia tinh on djnh ciia SDR dugc thilt kl, toi uu hoa thilt kl de cho phep de c( lira lira chon phan ciing.
Kiln nghi vl quy mo va d6i tugng ap dung ket qua nghien cuu:
D I tai nghien ciiu co tinh cong nghe, gop phan tim ra cac giai phap cong nghs tren FPGA cho ling dung truyen thong dua tren MCM. De tai dimg a mirc do khi nang d6ng bo, nang cao hieu nang truyin tin giua hai may phat va thu ciia he th dan da song mang. Day la kho khan co tinh cong nghe phai vugt qua truac khi tie nghien ciru khac ve SDR tren FPGA cho truyen thong dua tren dieu che da sor Day la phuang phap dilu che so hy vgng sir dung trong mang di dong the he 4.
Chirc vu Thii truong co quan chii tri de tai
Chii tich hoi dong danh gia nghiem
thu chinh thirc
Thill CO quar
d^ T / L H I E U T R U U N
U(1NG RAN . ^ _ 4 H d P TAC QUOC TE p ^ . ^ _ 4 H d P TAC QUOC TE p ^