Impulsive Neural Networks of a General Type

Một phần của tài liệu Gani t stamov almost periodic solutions of impulsive differential equations 2012 (Trang 221 - 235)

We shall investigate the existence of almost periodic solutions of the system of impulsive cellular neural networks with finite and infinite delays








˙ xi(t) =

n j=1

aij(t)xj(t) + n j=1


+ n j=1





+γi(t), t=tk, Δx(tk) =Akx(tk) +Ik(x(tk)) +pk, k=±12, . . . ,


wheret∈R,{tk} ∈ B,aij, αij, fj, βij, γi∈C[R,R], μj>0, i= 1,2, . . . , n, j= 1,2, . . . , n, h >0, kij C[R+,R+], x(t) = col(x1(t), x2(t), . . . , xn(t)), Ak Rn×n, Ik ∈C[Ω,Rn], pk Rn, k=±12, . . ..

Fort0R, the initial conditions associated with (4.89) are in the form x(t;t0, φ0) =φ0(t), −∞< t≤ t0,

x(t+0;t0, φ0) =φ0(t0). (4.90) where φ0(t) P C[(−∞, t0],Rn) is a piecewise continuous function with points of discontinuity of first kind at the momentstk, k =±12, . . ..

202 4 Applications

Introduce the following conditions:

H4.33. The functions βij(t), i = 1,2, . . . , n, j = 1,2, . . . , n are almost periodic in the sense of Bohr, and


tRij(t)|=βij<∞. H4.34. The functionskij(t) satisfy


kij(s)ds= 1,


skij(s)ds <∞, i, j= 1,2, . . . , n.

H4.35. The functionφ0(t) is almost periodic.

The proof of the next lemma is similar to the proof of Lemma 1.7.

Lemma 4.20. Let the following conditions hold:

1. Conditions of Lemma4.18 are met.

2. Conditions H4.33–H4.35 are met.

Then for each ε > 0 there exist ε1, 0 < ε1 < ε and relatively dense sets T of real numbers and Q of integer numbers, such that the following relation holds:

(a) ij(t+τ)−βij(t)|< ε, t∈R, τ∈T , i, j= 1,2, . . . , n;

(b) 0(t+τ)−φ0(t)|< ε, t∈R, τ ∈T , |t−tk|> ε, k=±12, . . ..

The proof of the next theorem follows from Lemma4.20to the same way like Theorem4.7.

Theorem 4.11. Let the following conditions hold:

1. Conditions H4.26–H4.32 are met.

2. For the Cauchy matrix W(t, s) of the system (4.89) there exist positive constants K andλsuch that

||W(t, s)|| ≤Keλ(ts), t≥s, t, s∈R. 3. The number


i=1max,2,...,nλ1L1 n j=1


+ L2 1−eλ



1. There exists a unique almost periodic solutionx(t)of (4.89).

2. If the following inequalities hold

1 +KL2< e, λ−KL1 max


n j=1

(αij+βijμj)−Nln(1 +KL2)>0,

then the solution x(t) is exponentially stable.

Example 4.6. Consider the next model of impulsive neural networks









xi(t) =−ai(t)xi(t) + n j=1

αijfj(xj(t−h)) +

n j=1





+γi(t), t=tk, Δx(tk) =Akx(tk) +Ik(x(tk)) +pk, k=±12, . . . ,


where t R, {tk} ∈ B, ai, fj,∈ C[R,R], αij, βij R, μj R+, kij C[R+,R+], γi C[R,R], i= 1,2, . . . , n, j = 1,2, . . . , n, Ak Rn×n, Ik C[Ω,Rn], pkRn, k=±12, . . ..

Theorem 4.12. Let the following conditions hold:

1. Conditions of Lemma4.16 are met.

2. Conditions H4.28–H4.32 hold 3. T he number



i=1,2,...,nλ1L1 n j=1


+ L2 1−eλ



1. There exists a unique almost periodic solutionx(t)of (4.91).

2. If the following inequalities hold

1 +KL2< e, λ−KL1 n j=1



1 +KL2


then the solution x(t) is exponentially stable.


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