Research Needs and Scope of Work

Một phần của tài liệu Analyzing skid resistance and tire road noise on porous pavement using numerical modeling (Trang 107 - 125)

From the extensive literature review conducted in this chapter, it is concluded that existing experimental studies are insufficient to allow a thorough understanding on the mechanisms of skid resistance and tire/road noise on porous pavements. The lack of appropriate numerical models discourages the optimization of porous pavement functional performance. Porous pavement design, therefore, fails to directly consider the frictional and acoustical performances simultaneously. To address this problem, the following research needs are identified.

 To develop numerical simulation models of skid resistance and tire/road noise for porous pavements, with proper representations of the porous layer properties.

 To analyze the phenomena of skid resistance improvement and tire/road noise reduction on porous pavements and to quantify the effects of major factors affecting porous pavement frictional and acoustical performances.

 To optimize the functional performances of porous pavements according to the numerical results and to improve the porous mixture design process to include the consideration of functional performances.

The primary objective of this study is to develop and apply numerical models to analyze the skid resistance and tire/road noise on porous pavements. The numerical simulations are cost- and time-saving and are easy to be implemented. They can serve as a complementary research approach to experimental studies. This study should enhance the understanding in the mechanisms of skid resistance and tire/road noise on porous pavements and provide a clear picture on the influencing factors. When integrated with existing design practices, the findings in this study should be able to predict the functional performance of finished porous pavements and could be used to optimize the mixture design. Furthermore, the models and analyses could also be


used in the maintenance management of porous pavements to help in deciding the maintenance strategies.

The present study will focus on the simulations of lock-wheel trailer skidding test and close-proximity noise measurement. These two tests are the most popularly used methods to date and the test conditions are clearly defined in the specifications.

Only the simple situation of straight traveling of vehicles at a constant speed is considered, since it is the standard test scenario and also the most common traveling condition on roads. Moreover, to simplify the problem and focus on pavement properties, only smooth tires with no tread patterns are adopted in the current simulation models. This is also because smooth tire experiences the most adverse skid resistance on wet pavements and generates a noise level with no much difference from that of a treaded tire on porous pavements. Based on the scope of this work, the following tasks are identified to be carried out in the remaining chapters.

 To develop a numerical methodology to replicate the drainage capacity of porous pavements using the finite element method, and apply this approach in the skid resistance modeling of porous pavements. The resulted overall FE model should be able to simulate the ASTM E274 lock-wheel trailer test on porous pavements and should be validated against experimental data.

 To develop an analytical framework to compare the frictional performance of porous and non-porous pavements under the same condition. This framework is then used to explain the mechanisms of skid resistance improvement on porous pavements and analyze the effects of major factors (such as porosity, porous layer thickness, rainfall intensity and vehicle speed) that can affect skid resistance on a porous pavement.

 To develop a numerical model simulating the close-proximity tire/road noise measurement according to ISO 11819-2 specification. The model should cover the major noise generation, amplification and reduction mechanisms, such as the

89 tire vibration, horn effect and pavement acoustic absorption. It may involve both the finite element method and the boundary element method. The model needs to be calibrated and validated against the experimental measurements as well.

 To apply the tire/road noise model to compare the noise levels on porous and non-porous pavements, and explain the mechanisms. The developed model is then used to analyzed the effects of major factors affecting porous pavement acoustical performance. These factors include porosity, porous layer thickness, surface texture and vehicle speed.

 To integrate skid resistance and tire/road noise performances into porous pavement design. The developed models serve as a tool to predict the frictional and acoustical performances of the finished porous pavement in the design phase and the extensive analysis results are used to optimize the mixture design. The identification of key variables and design criteria is an essential challenge in this task, as well as the valuation of safety and comfort benefits.


Table 2.1: Major mechanisms in tire/road noise generation and amplification

Generation mechanisms

Structure-borne mechanisms

Impact-induced vibration

Tread impact Texture impact Running deflection Friction/adhesion-

induced vibration

Stick-slip Stick-snap Air-borne mechanisms

Air pumping Air turbulence

Amplification mechanisms

Tire-pavement configuration Horn effect

Tire carcass Cavity resonance

Tread patterns

Helmholtz resonance Pipe resonance

Table 2.2: Effects of major influencing factors on tire/road noise variation (Sandberg and Ejsmont, 2002)

Influencing factor Noise level variation (dB)

Vehicle speed (30-130 km/h) 25

Road surface (conventional) 9

Road surface (including extremes) 17

Truck tire type (same width) 10

Car tire type (same width) 8

Car tire type (including width influence) 10

Studs in tire 8

Wheel load and tire inflation (±25%) 5

Road condition (wet/dry) 5

Temperature (0-40°C) 4

Torque on wheel (0-3 m/s2 acceleration) 3

91 Table 2.3: Coefficients in the linear equation describing the speed-dependency of

tire/road noise

Source A B Method Remarks

Anonymous (1971)

24.1 30.5


Truck, rib

9.3 41.6 Truck, Lug

Steven and Pauls (1990)

26.2 32.9


Porous 0/5

27.3 33.5 Porous 0/8

23.4 37.3 ISO surface

24.4 36.9 SMA 0/5

24.6 37.2 Surface dressing

21.9 39.9 PCC pavement

27.9 35.5 AC 0/11

27.1 36.7 Asphalt 0/11

Ivannikov et al.


7.1 37.6


ISO surface

11.8 36.3 SMA

10.7 36.8 porous

Steven et al.


30.6 34.9


AC 0/16 with chippings on surface

33.5 33.0 SMA 0/4

34.2 32.6 SMA 0/6

30.4 34.9 SMA 0/8

27.8 37.0 Surface dressing 5/8

39.5 29.2 Porous 6/16

37.1 29.0 Porous 4/8+11/16

34.4 29.2 Porous 2/4+11/16

38.9 30.9 Gussasphalt 0/11+2/5+5/8

20.3 42.0 PCC transversely brushed

32.7 34.2 PCC with epoxy-durop 3/4

24.3 37.8 PCC burlap drag

27.6 36.9 PCC exposed aggregate


Table 2.4: Potential influences of pavement properties on tire/road noise (Sandberg and Ejsmont, 2002)

Parameter Degree of influence

Macrotexture Very high

Megatexture High

Microtexture Low to moderate

Unevenness Minor

Porosity Very high

Porous layer thickness High

Adhesion Low to moderate

Friction Low to moderate

Stiffness Uncertain

Table 2.5: Noise reduction on porous pavements in selected countries

Country Noise reduction [dB(A)]

Denmark 3 to 5

The Netherland more than 3 to 5 United Kingdom 5 to 6

France more than 5

United States 3 to 6

Sweden 7 to 12

Switzerland 7 to 9

China 3 to 6

Japan 4 to 6

93 Figure 2.1: General iterative procedure for elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication

Figure 2.2: Three-zone model for sliding tire on wet pavement (Moore, 1966)

Stress-Strain Relationship Modified Film

Thickness Distribution

Hydrodynamic Pressure Generation

Elastic Displacements

Reynolds' Equation

Reynolds' Equation Assumed Film

Thickness Distribution



Finish Yes



Figure 2.3: British pendulum tester

Figure 2.4: Dynamic friction tester

Figure 2.5: Accelerated polishing machine

95 Figure 2.6: Lock-wheel skid resistance trailer

Figure 2.7: Griptester

Figure 2.8: Side force and yaw angle Side Force

Tire Plane Direction of Travel

Yaw Angle


Figure 2.9: Mu-meter

Figure 2.10: Sideway-force coefficient routine investigation machine (SCRIM)

Figure 2.11: Pavement microtexture and macrotexture (Flintsch et al., 2003) microtexture λ < 0.5 mm

0-0.2 mm (amplitude)


0.5 mm < λ < 0.5 mm

0.2-3.0 mm (amplitude)

97 Figure 2.12: Skid numbers of different texture characteristics (Sabey, 1966)

Figure 2.13: Effects of vehicle speed and water film thickness on skid number (Benedetto, 2002)

Figure 2.14: Friction coefficient at different slip ratios (Hall et al., 2009)

Vehicle Speed (km/h)

Note: t refers to water film thickness t = 1.5 mm t = 1 mm t = 0.5 mm t = 0.1 mm t = 0 mm Dry pavement surface


20 40 60 80 100 120 140

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Skid Number


Figure 2.15: Illustrative relationship of tire/road noise and power unit noise with vehicle speed (Rasmussen et al. 2007)

(a) (b)

Figure 2.16: Texture impact and resulted tire vibration (not to scale) (Dare, 2012)

70 75 80 85 90

20 40 60 80 100

Speed (km/h)

Sound Pressure Level [dB(A)] Total noise

Power unit noise Tire/road noise

99 Figure 2.17: Test site configuration in SPB measurement (ISO, 1997a)

Figure 2.18: CPX trailer (Bakker et al., 2012)


Figure 2.19: Microphone positions in CPX measurement (ISO, 2013)

(a) CPX reference tire P1

(b) CPX Reference tire H1

Figure 2.20: CPX reference tires and tread patterns (Bakker et al., 2012)


(a) Single probe (b) Dual probe

Figure 2.21: Configuration of OBSI measurement (Rasmussen et al., 2011)

(a) Outer drum (b) Inner drum

Figure 2.22: Illustration of the two types of drum facilities used in laboratory Drum

Pavement surface Tire



Figure 2.23: Illustrations of the speed dependency of tire/road noise

Figure 2.24: Pavement texture direction

Figure 2.25: Noise level variations of different surface types with pavement age (Bendtsen, 1998)

(a) Positive texture (b) Negative texture

66 70 74 78 82 86 90

20 40 60 80 100 120

Speed (km/h)

Sound Pressure Level [dB(A)]

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Cars 2. Light trucks 3. Busses 4. Trucks with 2 axles 5. Trucks with 3 axles 6. Heavy trucks, more than 3 axles

Porous asphalt (18-22%) Porous asphalt (>22%) Porous asphalt (>22%) Dense asphalt concrete Open graded asphalt concrete

Sound Pressure Level [dB(A)]

Pavement Age

103 Figure 2.26: Measured sound levels on different types of pavement surfaces

(der Graaff et al., 2005)

Figure 2.27: Acoustic absorption spectra of porous layers with different thicknesses (Losa and Leandri, 2012)

t = 40 mm t = 60 mm t = 100 mm

t = 80 mm S: steer axle

D: drive axle T: trailer axle

PAC: porous asphalt concrete DAC: dense asphalt concrete SMA: stone mastic asphalt DSK: Dünne schicht im Kalteinbau


Figure 2.28: O'Boy and Dowling's model (2009)

Figure 2.29: Examples of low-order modes in the WFEM model developed by Kropp et al. (2012)

p: applied load per unit area w: normal displacement x, y: plane coordinate t: time

h: thickness R0: radius of tire E: Young's modulus ν: Poisson's ratio D: bending stiffness T: in-plane tension (a) Complete viscoelastic cylindrical model or the tyre belt

(b) A thin bending plate with finite width and in-plane tension Outer layer, r0

Multiple layer, r0 Annular bands Inner layer

Springs representing sidewalls and dampers Air pressure

Wheel hub fixed to ground Excitation force

Một phần của tài liệu Analyzing skid resistance and tire road noise on porous pavement using numerical modeling (Trang 107 - 125)

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