To Improve the Porous Pavement Design Procedures

Một phần của tài liệu Analyzing skid resistance and tire road noise on porous pavement using numerical modeling (Trang 334 - 383)

8.2 Recommendations for Further Research

8.2.3 To Improve the Porous Pavement Design Procedures

The analysis framework developed in this study incorporate the consideration of functional performance into porous mixture selection based on the comparison of functional performance indices (FPI) among alternative mixture designs. Although

315 mechanistic models are used in the predictions of skid number and noise level, the valuation of safety and comfort benefits and the projection of performance indices are largely subjective. This causes the proposed framework to rely heavily on the experts' experiences and judgments. More scientific methodologies should be developed in the quantification of benefits brought forth by a porous pavement installation. This has to be based on a large amount of practices in various porous pavement projects.

The appropriate valuation of comfort and health effects may present great difficulties in this task, because one has to include the subjective perceptions and socio-culture influence into the appraisal of traffic noise. Future research efforts should also be put on the development of a more objective interpretation of the performance indices.

This includes not only the projection rules from benefit value to index level, but also the approach to determine the weighting factors in combining multiple performance indices into a final PFI. Moreover, the current analysis framework covers only skid resistance and tire/road noise. More functional performances, such as the roughness, rutting resistance and rolling resistance, could be integrated into the framework when they can be mechanically evaluated from mixture parameters. Considering the fact that most tires traveling on roads have certain tread patterns and depths, it is also necessary to develop the relationships between smooth tire performance and ribbed tire performance based on future experimental and numerical analysis.

8.2.4 Application of Developed Models in Porous Pavement Maintenance

Besides assisting porous pavement design, the developed numerical models can also be applied in porous pavement maintenance to better retain the superior skid resistance and acoustical performances. One of the major tasks in porous pavement maintenance is to remove dusts and debris from air voids, because the clogging effect could dramatically decrease the functional performances. The proposed models can be used to predict the variations in skid resistance and tire/road noise with clogging level under different travelling conditions. Analysis on the simulation results can help


pavement engineers to determine the critical clogging level for routine maintenance.

Combined with a clogging analysis, the time and method for air void cleaning can be decided with a sounder basis.


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Một phần của tài liệu Analyzing skid resistance and tire road noise on porous pavement using numerical modeling (Trang 334 - 383)

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