The thesis has focused only on using MMS to improve EV for the seventh- grade students at Le Van Thinh secondary school. From the limitations mentioned above, some suggestions for further study relating to this topic may be offered as follows.
It is suggested that additional research can be conducted on the MMS in other areas. They can use this research to conduct additional research on the application of MMS to the learning of other skills, such as writing, listening, speaking, and reading, or on how students respond to MMS as an effective learning strategy and to better comprehend how MMS facilitated their learning.
In addition, this activity employed a small sample size (n= 100), so it would be prudent to evaluate the efficacy of MMS with larger populations, various ages, and/or English proficiency levels.
During the course of this process, an innovative and comprehensive new knowledge system will be developed. Therefore, in the practice of teaching, instructors may make use of the MMS to transfer information to students and support students in the process of developing knowledge, which will facilitate communication between teachers and students. The use of color and visuals inside the MMS might also be beneficial to the learning process.
Because of this, the MMS may be seen as a teaching approach that is used to provide educational material and courseware and construct a knowledge network, all of which can help in the process of making instruction more effective. The application of the MMS is not restricted to only LEV. Reading, writing, and grammar arc only some of the other aspects of English education that might benefit from its use. The use of MMS will become more widespread in educational settings as a result of future study.
In conclusion, the MMS needs to play a significant function in the procedures of instructional delivery. The most important purpose of a mind map is to act as a tool that assists in the process of making connections between unrelated things, concepts, or entities. This might assist students in organizing and maintaining the information they have gained. MMS helps students to have a more in-depth grasp of their own knowledge by drawing connections between different types of information.
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