The Steering Python Script

Một phần của tài liệu Python scripting for computational science (Trang 239 - 243)

5.3 A Simple Computational Steering Example

5.3.3 The Steering Python Script

When operating the oscillator code from Python, we want to repeat the following procedure:

adjust a parameter in Python,

update the corresponding data structure in the F77 code, run a number of time steps, and

plot the solution.

5.3. A Simple Computational Steering Example 219 To this end, we create a functionsetprm()for transferring parameters in the Python script to the F77 code, and a functionrun(nsteps) for running the simulationnstepssteps and plotting the solution.

The physical and numerical parameters are variables in the Python script.

Their values can be set in a GUI or from command-line options, as we demon- strate in the scriptssimvizGUI2.pyandsimviz1.pyfrom Chapters 6.2 and 2.3, respectively. However, scripts used to steer simulations are subject to frequent changes so a useful approach is often to just hardcode a set of approprite de- fault values, for instance,

m = 1.0; b = 0.7; c = 5.0; func = ’y’; A = 5.0; w = 2*math.pi y0 = 0.2; tstop = 30.0; dt = 0.05

and then assign new values when needed, directly in the script file, or in an interactive Python session, as we shall demonstrate.

Thesetprm()function for transferring the physical and numerical param- eters from the Python script to the F77 code is just a short notation for a complete call to thescan2 F77 function:

def setprm():

oscillator.scan2(m, b, c, A, w, y0, tstop, dt, func)

Therun(nsteps)function calls thetimeloop2function in theoscillatormod- ule and plots the solution. We have here chosen to exemplify how theGnuplot module can be used directly to plot array data:

from scitools.numpyutils import seq, zeros maxsteps = 10000

n = 2

y = zeros((n,maxsteps)) step = 0; time = 0.0 import Gnuplot

g1 = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1) # (y(t),dy/dt) plot g2 = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(persist=1) # y(t) plot

def run(nsteps):

global step, time, y if step+nsteps > maxsteps:

print ’no more memory available in y’; return

y, step, time = oscillator.timeloop2(y, step, time, nsteps) t = seq(0.0, time, dt)

y1 = y[0,0:step+1]

y2 = y[1,0:step+1]

g1.plot(Gnuplot.Data(y1,y2, with=’lines’)) g2.plot(Gnuplot.Data(t, y1, with=’lines’))

In the present case we use 0 as base index foryin the Python script (required) and 1 in the F77 code. Such “inconsistency” is unfortunately a candidate for bugs in numerical codes, but 1 as base index is a common habit in Fortran routines so it might be an idea to illustrate how to deal with this.

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 -1.5

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3

Fig. 5.1.Plots produced by an interactive session involving theoscillatormod- ule, as explained in Chapter 5.3.3. To the left is the displacementy(t), and to the right is the trajectory (y(t), y(t)).

The first plot is a phase space curve (y, dy/dt), easily created by extract- ing the steps0up to, but not including,step+1. We can write the extraction compactly asy[:,0:step+1]. To plot they(t) curve, we extract the first com- ponent of the solution for the same number of steps: y[0,0:step+1]. The corresponding t values are stored in an array t (note that we useseq from scitools.numpyutils to ensure that the upper limit,time, is included as last element, cf. Chapter 4.3.7).

A complete steering Python module is found in src/py/mixed/simviz/f2py/

This module imports the oscillator extension module, defines physical pa- rameters such asm,b,c, etc., and the previously shownsetprmandrunfunc- tions, plus more to be described later.

Let us demonstrate how we can perform a simulation in several steps.

First, we launch a Python shell (IPython or the IDLE shell) and import the steering interface to theoscillator program:

from simviz_steering import * We can now issue commands like

setprm() # send default values to the oscillator code run(60) # simulate the first 60 time steps

w = math.pi # change the frequency of the applied load setprm() # notify simulator about any parameter change run(120) # simulate for another 120 steps

A = 10 # change the amplitude of the applied load setprm()


5.3. A Simple Computational Steering Example 221 The run function updates the solution in a plot on the screen so we can immediately see the effect of changing parameters and running the simulator.

To rewind the simulatornsteps, and perhaps change parameters and re- run some steps, thesimviz_steering module contains the function

def rewind(nsteps=0):

global step, time

if nsteps == 0: # start all over again?

step = 0 time = 0.0

else: # rewind nsteps

step -= nsteps time -= nsteps*dt

Here is an example in the interactive shell:

>>> from simviz_steering import *

>>> run(50)

>>> rewind(50)

>>> A=20

>>> setprm()

>>> run(50) # try again the 50 steps, now with A=20

A session where we check the effect of changing the amplitude and frequency of the load during the simulation can look like this:

>>> rewind()

>>> A=1; setprm(); run(100)

>>> run(300)

>>> rewind(200)

>>> A=10; setprm(); run(200)

>>>> rewind(200)

>>> w=1; setprm(); run(400)

With the following function we can generate hard- copies of the plots when desired:

def psplot():

g1.hardcopy(filename=’’ % step, enhanced=1, mode=’eps’, color=0, fontname=’Times-Roman’, fontsize=28) g2.hardcopy(filename=’’ % step,

enhanced=1, mode=’eps’, color=0, fontname=’Times-Roman’, fontsize=28)

Hopefully, the reader has realized how easy it is to create a dynamic working environment where functionality can be added on the fly with the aid of Python scripts.

Remark. You should not changedtduring a simulation without a complete rewind to time zero. The reason is that thetarray used for plottingy1(t) is based on a constant time step during the whole simulation. However, recom- puting the solution with a smaller time step is often necessary if the first try leads to numerical instabilities.

Một phần của tài liệu Python scripting for computational science (Trang 239 - 243)

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