A way of avoiding expensive callbacks to Python is to let the steering script compile the mathematical expression into F77 code and then direct the call- back to the compiled F77 function. F2PY offers a modulef2pywith functions for building extension modules out of Python strings containing Fortran code.
This allows us to migrate time-critical code to Fortran on the fly!
To create a Fortran callback function, we need to have a Python string expression for the mathematical formula. This can be a plain string or we may represent a function as aStringFunction instance from Chapter 12.2.1.
Notice that the syntax of the string expression now needs to be compatible with Fortran. Mathematical expressions like sin(x)*exp(-y) have the same syntax in Python and Fortran, but Python-specific constructs likemath.sin and math.exp will of course not compile. Letting the Python variable fstr hold the string expression, we embed the expression in an F77 functionfcb (= Fortran callback):
source = """
real*8 function fcb(x, y)
real*8 x, y fcb = %s return end
""" % fstr
If we instead of a plain Python stringfstrapply aStringFunction instance f, we may extract the string formula by str(f). However, StringFunction instances also offer a methodF77_code, which dumps out a Fortran function.
We could then just write source = f.F77_code(’fcb’)
An Additional Fortran Wrapper Function. One way of calling thefcbfunc- tion from thegridloop2routine is to make an additional wrapper function in F77 where we callgridloop2withfcbas the callback argument. Python will then call this additional wrapper function, whose code looks like
subroutine gridloop2_fcb(a, xcoor, ycoor, nx, ny) integer nx, ny
real*8 a(0:nx-1,0:ny-1), xcoor(0:nx-1), ycoor(0:ny-1) Cf2py intent(out) a
Cf2py depend(nx,ny) a real*8 fcb external fcb
call gridloop2(a, xcoor, ycoor, nx, ny, fcb) return
The Python script can compile both Fortran routines and build an exten- sion module, here named callback. Since the callback shared library calls gridloop2, it must be linked with theext_gridloop.so library. From Python we callcallback.gridloop2_fcb.
Building an extension module on the fly in Python, out of some Fortran source code in a stringsource, is done by
from numpy import f2py
f2py_args = "--fcompiler=Gnu --build-dir tmp2 etc..."
r = f2py.compile(source, modulename=’callback’, extra_args=f2py_args, verbose=True, source_fn=’sourcecodefile.f’) if r:
print ’unsuccessful compilation’; sys.exit(1) import callback
The compile function builds a standard f2py command and runs it in the operating system environment.
It might be attractive to make two separate Python functions, one for building thecallbackextension module and one for calling thegridloop2_fcb function. The inline definition of the appropriate Fortran code and the com- pile/build process may be implemented as done below.
476 9. Fortran Programming with NumPy Arrays def ext_gridloop2_fcb_compile(self, fstr):
if not isinstance(fstr, str):
raise TypeError, \
’fstr must be string expression, not’, type(fstr)
# generate Fortran source:
from numpy import f2py source = """
real*8 function fcb(x, y) real*8 x, y
fcb = %s return end
subroutine gridloop2_fcb(a, xcoor, ycoor, nx, ny) integer nx, ny
real*8 a(0:nx-1,0:ny-1), xcoor(0:nx-1), ycoor(0:ny-1) Cf2py intent(out) a
Cf2py depend(nx,ny) a real*8 fcb external fcb
call gridloop2(a, xcoor, ycoor, nx, ny, fcb) return
""" % fstr
# compile code and link with ext_gridloop.so:
f2py_args = "--fcompiler=Gnu --build-dir=tmp2"\
" ./ext_gridloop.so"
r = f2py.compile(source, modulename=’callback’, extra_args=f2py_args, verbose=True, source_fn=’_cb.f’)
if r:
print ’unsuccessful compilation’; sys.exit(1) import callback # can we import successfully?
Thef2py.compile function stores in this case the source code in a file with name _cb.f and runs anf2py command. If something goes wrong, we have the_cb.ffile together with the generated wrapper code and F2PY interface file in the tmp2 subdirectory for human inspection and manual building, if necessary.
The array computation method in class Grid2Deff, utilizing the new ex- tension modulecallback, may take the form
def ext_gridloop2_fcb(self):
"""As ext_gridloop2, but compiled Fortran callback."""
import callback
a = callback.gridloop2_fcb(self.xcoor, self.ycoor) return a
Our original string with a mathematical expression is now called as a Fortran function inside the loop ingridloop2.
Extracting a Pointer to the Callback Function. When F2PY interfaces a For- tran functionfcbin an extension modulecallback, we can extract a pointer
fcb._cpointertofcband send this pointer the Fortran subroutinegridloop2 as thefunc1external function argument. This procedure eliminates the need for the extra functiongridloop2_fcb.
The following Python function inGrid2Deff.pycreates an extension mod- ulecallbackcontaining the fcbfunction only:
def ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr_compile(self, fstr):
source = fstr.F77_code(’fcb’) # fstr is StringFunction f2py_args = "--fcompiler=Gnu --build-dir=tmp2"
f2py.compile(source, modulename=’callback’, extra_args=f2py_args, verbose=True, source_fn=’_cb.f’)
import callback # see if we can import successfully Another function callsgridloop2 with the function pointer for the fcb call- back function:
def ext_gridloop2_fcb_ptr(self):
from callback import fcb
a = ext_gridloop.gridloop2(self.xcoor, self.ycoor, fcb._cpointer)
return a
I think this is the most attractive way of using a Fortran function as callback in a Fortran subroutine. Nevertheless, there are other possible approaches that are even simpler in the current model problem, as described below.
Inlining the Function Expression. In the previous example, we generate Fortran code at run time. We can build further on this idea and generate the gridloop2 subroutine in the Python code, with the mathematical expression in the callback function hardcoded directly into the loop ingridloop2. That is, we eliminate the need for any callback function. The recipe goes as follows:
def ext_gridloop2_compile(self, fstr):
if not isinstance(fstr, str):
raise TypeError, \
’fstr must be string expression, not’, type(fstr)
# generate Fortran source for gridloop2:
from numpy import f2py source = """
subroutine gridloop2(a, xcoor, ycoor, nx, ny) integer nx, ny
real*8 a(0:nx-1,0:ny-1), xcoor(0:nx-1), ycoor(0:ny-1) Cf2py intent(out) a
Cf2py depend(nx,ny) a integer i,j real*8 x, y do j = 0, ny-1
y = ycoor(j) do i = 0, nx-1
x = xcoor(i) a(i,j) = %s
478 9. Fortran Programming with NumPy Arrays end do
end do return end
""" % fstr
f2py_args = "--fcompiler=Gnu --build-dir tmp1"\
r = f2py.compile(source, modulename=’ext_gridloop2’, extra_args=f2py_args, verbose=True, source_fn=’_cb.f’)
Now must now callgridloop2from Python without any callback argument:
def ext_gridloop2_v2(self):
import ext_gridloop2
return ext_gridloop2.gridloop2(self.xcoor, self.ycoor) Tailoring Fortran routines as shown here is easy to do at run time in a Python script. The great advantage is that we have more user-provided information available than when pre-compiling an extension module. The disadvantage is that a script with a build process is sometimes more easily broken.