To overcome the above-mentioned limitations, the following recommendations were made. First, since this study predicted the influence that reading self-efficacy can make on the use of metacognitive reading strategies, it appears insufficient to conclude the relationship between the two variables.
Therefore, experimental studies should be conducted to prove the causality between them. Second, to reduce common method bias caused by the use of self- report questionnaires, the combination of quantitative and qualitative methods is needed to triangulate the pool of data. For example, follow-up interviews, think- aloud protocols, and class observation can be conducted to confirm whether students actually use metacognitive reading strategies in their reading activities.
Third, generalizability is likely to be extended in several ways. For instance, EFL learners of different education levels such as high school and graduate levels should be investigated. Students of diverse majors from various universities in different regions across Vietnam should also be targeted. Additionally, further
studies may investigate whether cultural factors of the Vietnamese context can affect the results of unsupported hypotheses.
In addition, since some relationships between dimensions of reading self- efficacy and types of metacognitive reading strategies were not supported, it is necessary to replicate this study in different contexts to examine whether those relationships are significant. Further studies can also identify mediators that can link the relationship between reading self-efficacy and metacognitive reading strategies. It was found that reading self-efficacy for regulation could predict all types of metacognitive reading strategies; therefore, it is recommended to examine its role as a moderator to examine whether changes in reading self-efficacy for regulation may affect the association between reading self-efficacy and metacognitive reading strategies. Additionally, Le’s (2021) study found two factors that affected the students’ reading self-efficacy, i.e., performance accomplishments and vicarious experience. Since there exist differences in the levels of education, further studies may investigate factors affecting reading self- efficacy. This is to confirm whether the two above factors can also influence reading self-efficacy among students of different levels of education or there are other factors remaining to be explored.
Besides, as mentioned in the Limitation, this study only examined two types of planning strategies. Hence, further studies should examine all five types of planning strategies to provide a more comprehensive understanding of learners’
use of this strategy type. What’s more? Metacognitive reading strategies have long been confirmed to have a positive effect on reading performance, which suggests further investigations on the role of these strategies as a mediator or moderator in the examination of the association between reading self-efficacy and reading performance in the future. Last but not least, instead of examining genders and fields of study as control variables as in this study, further studies may investigate two-level interaction effects of genders and fields of study on the relationships between reading self-efficacy and metacognitive reading strategies.
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