Modelling of FRP/Concrete Interfacial Behaviour

Một phần của tài liệu Finite element modelling of externally shear -strengthened beams using fibre reinforced polymers (Trang 68 - 74)

Debonding failures often govern the behaviour of FRP shear-strengthened concrete beams and prevent such beams from attaining their full load capacity. Consequently, the proper

Figure 4: Line interface element*

Figure 2.29: Discrete crack description [Lee et al., 2001]

modelling of the FRP/concrete interfacial behaviour is essential for developing accurate numerical simulations. For this purpose, appropriate interface elements are required that must be able to capture the interfacial nonlinearities, including slip, and account for all possible failure modes. To date, some key studies that have considered the FRP/concrete interfacial behaviour are those of Lee et al. [2001]; Wong and Vecchio [2003]; Lee [2003].

Theses studies lead to good predictions of the overall load-deflection response and load ca- pacity enhancements. However, they do not address the complete details of FRP debond- ing (i,e., slip profiles along the FRP/concrete interface).

In finite element analysis, two approaches can be adopted to simulate the debonding.

In the first approach, debonding is simulated by modelling the cracking and failure of the concrete elements adjacent to the adhesive layer. This approach, which is referred to as the mesoscale model, utilized a very fine mesh with element sizes (0.2 - 0.5 mm) being one order smaller than the thickness of the fracture layer of the concrete [Lu et al., 2005].

This method generally requires large computational resources. In the second approach, interface elements are utilized to predict the nonlinear behaviour between the FRP and concrete [Lee et al., 2001; Wong and Vecchio, 2003; Lee, 2003].

In the work of Lee et al. [2001], predefined discrete shear cracks based on the ac- tual major shear crack pattern observed from experiments were proposed to simulate the debonding failure of the FRP composites (Figure 2.29). To simplify the modelling, the crack pattern was idealized into several straight lines. The CFRP strips were bonded to the web over the shear crack. This was performed by an additional layer of elements over the concrete elements with both the CFRP and concrete elements sharing typical nodes;

i.e., perfect bond was assumed.



Umax • -


SaH SLIP (a)

F i g u r e 2.30: Constitutive relationships for bond interface: (a) elastic-plastic; and (b) linear elastic [Wong and Vecchio, 2003]


RWOA-1 (exp)



F i g u r e 2.31: Load-deflection curves for RWOA specimens [Wong and Vecchio, 2003]

T h e Wong and Vecchio [2003] model is perhaps considered to be the pioneering model in implementing FRP/concrete interface elements for shear strengthened beams. Two bond-slip models were proposed to simulate the interfacial behaviour: elastic, and elastic- plastic models (Figure 2.30). These models were based on the characteristics of the ad- hesive layer and neglected the characteristics of the F R P laminates and concrete. After doubling the concrete compressive strength while keeping the strain at peak stress un- changed [Wong, 2001], the numerical model was shown to give reasonable results in terms of ultimate load capacity. The numerical model was more accurate when the elastic- plastic bond relationship was applied. T h e linear elastic bond relation led to a premature shear failure. The predicted load-deflection curves, along with the comparisons against the experimental results, are plotted in Figure 2.31 and show very good agreement. The authors conclude that more clearly defined constitutive relations must be developed for the F R P / c o n c r e t e interface elements to further improve the modeling capabilities.

Perfect bond

Perfect j *- "J bond % ' t

Concrete "" '*/

element CFRP i element ;


Concrete element bond

(a) m Figure 2.32: Modelling of FRP/concrete interface behaviour at: (a) web; (b) flange [Lee, 2003]

A three-dimensional finite element model was developed by Lee [2003] in order to obtain overall strength improvement predictions for shear-strengthened beams. The slip between the concrete and FRP strips was modelled using structural interface elements.

Furthermore, since the CFRP strips were well anchored in the flange and soffit of the beam, perfect bond between the two surfaces was assumed at these locations, as shown in Figure 2.32. In that study, the bond-slip behaviour between the concrete and CFRP plates was established based on experimental results of shear-lap specimens. Furthermore, to correctly and accurately model CFRP debonding failure due to shearing failure of the concrete layer, a fine mesh was employed for the concrete layer lying between the outer surface and the steel stirrups. A linear elastic behaviour was used for the steel reinforcements since failure was observed to occur without any steel yielding. Overall, the numerical predictions were very close to the experimental loading capacities.

2.10 S u m m a r y

The latest advancements in using FRP composites to increase a beam's shear carrying capacity was reviewed and the behaviour of shear-strengthened beams was studied. In this manuscript, the published factors affecting the shear-strengthened beams were ad- dressed and the contradiction of certain parameters was observed. Among the parameters influencing such beams are beam dimensions (.i.e., steel stirrups, concrete strength, size

Slip modelled


Table 2.2: Review of structural modelling of shear-strengthened beams

Kali akin etal.(1996)

Arduini etal. (1996) Malek and Saad- atmanesh(1998)

Kachlakev et al. (2001)

Al-Mahaidi et al. (2001) Lee et al. (2001)


Wong and Vecchio (2003) Santhakumar and Chandrasekaran (2004)

Elyasian et al. (2006)

Program type

ABAQUS software In-house code ABAQUS

software ANSYS sofware DIANA software DIANA software DIANA sofware In-house

code ANSYS sofwatre ANSYS software

Structural modelling Concrete


8-node brick 8-node

brick 4-node plane stress 8-node brick

(SOLID65) 8-node plane stress

8-node plane stress 8-node brick

(HX24L) 4-node plane stress

brick (SOLID65) 8-node cubic


Steel elements

3-D bar


2-node bar 2-node (LINK8)

3-node truss 3-node

truss 3-node



truss (LINK8-3D)

3-D spar (LINK8)

FPvPs elements

4-node shell


4-node shell 4-node (SOLID46)

8-node plane stress

8-node plane stress 4-node plane stress (Q8MEM)

truss elements


shell (SHELL43)

Interface elements







2-node interface

2-node interface


No It is not available at the reference

Table 2.3: Review of material modelling of shear-strengthened beams

Kaliakin et al(1996)

Arduini etal(1996) Malek and Saad-

atmanesh (1998) Kachlakev etal.(2001) Al-Mahaidi et al (2001) Lee (2003)

Wong and Vecchio (2003) Santhakumar and Chandrasekaran (2004)

Elyasian et al (2006)

Material modelling Concrete


ABAQUS concrete

nonlinear behavior

ABAQUS concrete

ANSYS concrete

DIANA concrete

DIANA concrete

nonlinear behavior

ANSYS concrete

ANSYS concrete

Steel model

elast ic-perfectly plastic

elastic-perfectly plastic


elast ic-perfectly plastic

elast ic-perfectly plastic

linear elastic

elast ic-perfectly plastic


uniaxial tension- compression

FRPs model

linear elastic isotropic

linear elastic isotropic


linear elastic orthotic pic

elastic-perfectly plastic isotropic

linear elastic orthotic pic

linear elastic isotropic



Interface model






Mod. shear- lap specimens

elastic- plastic



Mesh sensitivity





N o

N o

N o


N o

Parameters studied

Concrete strength, FRP elastic modulus of elasticity and plate thcikness


Plate thickness, fibres orientation angle, steel stirrups spacing






Fibre orientation angle, concrete strength, tensile steel and

steel stirrups spacing The shear-lap test was modi fied for shear-strengthened beams

Một phần của tài liệu Finite element modelling of externally shear -strengthened beams using fibre reinforced polymers (Trang 68 - 74)

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