• With the U-wrap strengthening scheme, both failure modes are possible but when each failure mode might occur is a question that has not yet been answered. Special attention should be paid to this question.
• The effective bond length of the FRP plates influences their axial effective strain.
The published results regarding this variable are contradictory. In order to determine the suitable sheet height, more investigations are required.
• In this study, the shear-strengthened beams were analysed only under static loading.
It appears that no study has been carried out when the loads are applied in a cyclic manner in order to investigate the fatigue in bridge design. To understand such behaviour, further studies are recommended.
• The concrete material modelling available in the current finite element packages are not appropriate for complicated applications. The last proposition on future research concerns the needs of advanced concrete material modelling for use in the finite element analysis.
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Appendix A
A D I N A Concrete Constitutive Model
It is well accepted that concrete is a very complex material. The concrete constitutive model provided in ADINA may not be capable to simulate all structural applications.
However, it works well for simple applications, such as FRP shear-strengthening of rein- forced concrete beams. The concrete model is a hypoelastic concrete model. It is based on three features: concrete in compression; post-cracking model; and failure envelope.
The nonlinear stress-strain relation allows for weakening of the material under increasing compressive stresses. Failure envelopes that define failure in tension and crushing of con- crete in compression. A fixed smeared crack model is used to describe the post-cracking behaviour of concrete. The objective of this appendix is to provide a brief description of the characteristics of ADINA, version 8.4, concrete material model.
A . l Concrete in Compression
The general multiaxial stress-strain relations are derived from a uniaxial (incremental) stress-strain relation. When the concrete in tension the stress-strain relation is linear until tensile failure. In this case, an incremental relation between stress (a) related to the strain (i) through a modulus of elasticity ([C]). Such relation can be expressed as:
H = [cm (A.I)
e* strain, Epi
Figure A . l : Equivalent uniaxial stress-strain relationship under multiaxial state of stress
When the concrete is under compression and before the cracking initiated, the following relation is used to calculate t h e matrix of modulus of elasticity:
R •
•ism. pi
Ec[l - B{^)2 - 2C(^)3]
[l + A(£-£ + B(£-£)2 + C(£f)3}2 (A.2)
where, A = -^ f ^ + ( P3- 2 P2| £ - ( 2 P3- 3 P2+ l ) ]
T^-*P+m • B = [(2|-3)-2A], C = [(2-f+A]
and t h e values of Es = V-, P = A"- and t h e parameters ( eu, em, a ' anda' ) are computed in relation t o their corresponding uniaxial values (eu, em, auandcrm), as shown in Figure A.l as:
eu = (Ci7i2 + C 2 7 1 K (A.3)
4 = (Ci7i + C27 i ) ^ (A.4)
l\Vu (A.5)
CTm = 71*11 (A.6)