A. Choose and complete the sentence.
. on your MP3 player . on the side . far away from you i,
1. The microwave oven has buttons 2. Telephones help you talk to people 3. You can download your favorite songs
. like news, cartoons, and music shows . Iike games, chatting, and e-mail
4. There are buttons for many functions 5. You can reheat your favorite snacks 6. You watch many things on TV
7. You do many things on the computer
B. Choose and complete the sentence using d. Discuss your choices.
i " there were no remote control
:jii . we didn't have a refrigerator
i , we didn't have a washing machine
. I couldn't call my friends when I wanted to
. there were no microwave oven
. we didn't have a computer 1. Food would go bad easily
2.We couldn't switch TV channels quickly 3. We couldn't surf the lnternet
4. I couldn't reheat the pizza fast 5. Washing clothes would be very hard 6. lwould be so unhappy
4. Practice Writing Details
A. Read the model essay on page 80 again. Match the idea with the details and write the letters.
a. One is the main body, and the other is the receiver.
b. All you have to do is just pick up the receiver and press the phone number, c. They are connected with a cord in traditional phones.
d. Cordless phones and cell phones have these two parts in one unit.
e. Then you can talk to the person on the other line.
Details 1. Telephones usually have two basic parts.
2. lt is quite easy to use a telephone.
B. Ghoose and write the details of the idea. Make your own sentences for question 4.
. First, you put on your earPhones.
. They usually have a small screen and buttons.
" You can listen to your favorite songs on it.
. You can download many songs on your MP3 player,
" They come in different shapes and sizes.
* Then, you press the buttons to find a song you like'
1. The MP3 player is a very useful device.
'+?:ilgBPj#g'g*Hffi s]ffieqEi-d
5. Write Your Beginning Paragraph The beginning paragraph introduces the topic of the essay
A. Discuss your topic with a partner.
1. What device is useful in your home?
2. What can you do with it?
3. What does it look like? What features does it have?
4. How do you use it? How often do you use it?
B. Read the beginning paragraph of the model essay on page 80 again and complete the chart.
Writing Guide Questions
l e What device is useful? Thetelephone is overy useful device.
; * What does the device do?
Ir What can you do with it?
ft sends ondreceives humon voice.
C. Make a plan for the beginning paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
Writing Guide Questions Beginning Paragraph of Your Essay
I * What device is useful? is o very useful device. i
* What does the device do?
What can you do with it?
6. Write Your Middle Paragraph The middle paragraph describes the main idea of the topic.
A. Read the middle paragraph of the model essay on page 80 again and complete the chart.
; Writing Guide Questions ii fUiddle Paragraph of the Modet Essay Z
* Write the topic sentence. Telephones look simple, ond they a?e eosy to use.
il il
!1il it :lit il t:
rl 1i
!l tiil ii
il il
!lil it 1.:i ::
'What does the device look like? Te_lgphgnes
_usuolly.hov_e- two bgs-ic.p9rts, . . . . ..
One is the moin body, ond the other is the receiver.
* How do you use it? It is guite eosy to use a te)epho1e,
B. Make a plan for the middle paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
Middle Paragraph of Your Essay
* Write the topic sentence.
*What does the device look like?
" How do you use it?
7. Write Your Ending Paragraph The ending paragraph adds one last thought to the topic.
A. Read the ending paragraph of the model essay on page 80 again and complete the chart.
Writing Guide Questions Ending Paragraph of the Model Essay
* How do you feel about the device?
Add one last thought to the topic.
r con't my life without telephones.
B. Make a plan for the ending paragraph of your essay and complete the chart.
* How do you feel about the device?
Add one last thought to the topic.
Write the title of your essay.
Use the chart in Activity 5C and write it.
Use the chart in Activity 68 and write it.
Use the chart in Activity 78 and write it.
8. Complete Your Essay
>> Photocopy the writing task form on page 1 13 and complete your essay.
Step't Title i
step3 Middle Paragraph gteYl ,Fndilu farryq1
&e15 Revise and Edi! Read your essay and *uLt *""."*r;;;;S;;.
1. Warm up
A. Talk about the picture and read the essay.
,:.i :,,*
;1 .:;
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,3 :j
* a
The Hopping Kangaroo
Kangaroos are one of the most interesting animals in the world. They have a small head with a long snout. They have short arms and large powerful legs. Their tail is long and muscular. They can stand up like men, and they can hop like frogs.
Here are afew interesting facts about kangaroos. There are many different kinds of kangaroos, but all of them live in Australia. They eat grass, leaves and roots. They don't need much water. Kangaroos are marsupials. This me-,g1s that
. " ;rol ,"
mother kangaroos raise their babies in their stomach pou.ch. fhgEABi'kangaroo, called a joey, stays in the pouch for about 9 months.
Kangaroos hop when they want to move around fast. They can reach the speed of 50 km/h.
I think kangaroos are really amusing animals. I am glad they are part of the Earth family. I hope to vj Australia someday and see
hopping around.
B. Discuss the questions about the essay.
1. What do kangaroos look like?
2. Kangaroos are marsupials. What does it mean?
3. How do kangaroos travel fast?
2. Practice Vocabulary
'platypuses biil
- webbed
A. What do the aninrals lcok like?
swallows body forked
Look, choose and complete the sentences.
chameleons .- hedgehogs : seahorses
: tail spines , head i.i colotJul pointed ,. curled
\ ).\
1. ___*_: * are very interesting.
=. They have a long _. __.*
*" They have =____ __ ______,- skin.
2. . .____ are very interesting.
=. They have __ all over their body.
b" They have a
3. .______=: are very interesting.
=. They have a horse-like
b. They have a _*,-,-_ tail.
4. . . _ ._.. are very interesting.
*" They have a slender
*. They have a - -_ tail.
5. _ ____ are very interesting.
e= They have a like a duck.
b. They have, __ feet.
B. t Ghoose and complete the sentence'
i,. ..:..1t - .i- , .:. -.i . i.., r-ft I
, ,'',.'r ' ,':''" 1 . ChameleOnS live in and other tropiCal regions' : i.,,.Sf/gs. .,. i
! l::.. .. .. .r .,: -,r:
..,.'*t ieat,,,'; 2.They eat insects and small
ir :r:l::.1:.:r.'ir::: i:.:i::r:-:i:i
. ,, i
biffi..,,.,. 3. They can move their ..-- separately'
: I :r:.: . l:'-r:: ::r':l ii
4. They can change their
-- colors'
, ft it,,. '''
, . _:ra: r r l
' r':iib4[i]:rl
. '$Plne$.:.' . :. ...r':rir:r.r,'
.. ',:Asia, ,
-: i: .r
male . plqnKon
I upright . world
5. Hedgehogs live in Europe, , Africa and New Zealand.
6. They eat insects, snails, bird eggs, and
7. They roll into a: when they are scared'
8. Baby hedgehogs are born with beneath their skin.
10. They eat ...._...- and tinY shrimP.
11. They swim in an
--- Position.
, 12.The ***-* seahorse carries eggs in his pouch until they hatch.
13. Swallows live on all except Antarctica.
insects 'ngst, winter eontinents
14. They eat
but they don't like bees and wasps' 15. Many swallows migrate during the
16. They may come back to the same
3. Practice Writing Longer Sentences
A. Choose and complete the sentence.
I . to the same nest . in their stomach pouch . all over their body . during the winter 1. Mother kangaroos raise their babies
2. Many swallows migrate
3. Swallows may come back every year.
4. Hedgehogs have spines
j : . beneath the skin . ?roufld small rivers . on their head . for.9 months
5. New born baby hedgehogs have their spines 6. Baby kangaroos stay in their mother's pouch 7. Many chameleons have a large crest
8. Platypuses live in eastern Australia.
B. Choose and complete the sentence using when. Discuss your choices.
,i . they are scared
,i . they are flying
i . they want to move around fast
. they are not in the water
. they want to hide . they want to hunt
1. Hedgehogs roll into a ball 2. Platypuses dive into the river 3. Platypuses rest in a burrow 4. Kangaroos hop
5. Sparrows usually catch insects
6. Some chameleons change their body colors