Revision on derivatives and the Chain Rule

Một phần của tài liệu Wilson p m h curved spaces from classical geometries to elementary differential geometry (Trang 87 - 91)

Before formalizing the concept of a Riemannian metric, we should recall various facts from Analysis about differentiating functions in several variables. This section 75

provides such revision as might be needed, but also allows us to fix on the most convenient notation for derivatives, at least for our purposes. The right choice of notation enables us for instance to give a precise meaning to the idea ofdifferentials, a concept treated rather cavalierly in some undergraduate textbooks, especially in Applied Mathematics.

SupposeUis an open subset ofRn; a mapf :URmis defined coordinatewise by real-valued functions(f1,. . .,fm)onU. The mapf is calledsmooth(orC∞) if each fi has partial derivatives of all orders. A smooth map is certainly differentiable (for which having continuous partial derivatives suffices). Thederivativeoff ataU is a linear mapdfa:RnRm(in some books, denotedDfaorf(a)) such that, for h=0,


h →0 as h0Rn.

Whenm=1, the linear mapdfa :RnRis determined by the partial derivatives off ata, namely


x1(a),. . .,xf


via matrix multiplication, i.e.

(h1,. . .,hn)




In general, whenmis arbitrary,dfa:RnRmis determined by them×nmatrix of partial derivatives ata, theJacobianmatrix

J(f)= ∂fi



Example We consider analytic functionsf :UCin one complex variablez, whereU is an open subset ofC. By definition, this means that, for anyzU,


|w| →0 as 0=w→0∈C,

wherefdenotes the (complex valued) derivativedf/dz. So if, forPU, we set f(P)=a+ib, andw=h1+ih2, then


If we now considerf as a mapUR2, then the linear mapdfP : R2 → R2is represented by the matrix


b a .

Given any smooth real-valued functionsu(x,y), v(x,y)on an open set UR2, and writingf(x+iy) = u(x,y)+iv(x,y), recall thatf is an analytic function of

4.1 REVISION ON DERIVATIVES AND THE CHAIN RULE 77 z =x+iyif and only if theCauchy–Riemannequations are satisfied, namely that

∂u/∂x = ∂v/∂y and∂u/∂y = −∂v/∂x hold everywhere. This essentially is the content of the above calculation.

In particular, we note that iff is a complex analytic function onUC, andP a point ofU withf(P)non-zero, thendfP preserves angles and orientations, since all non-zero vectors are rotated through the same angle, namely the argument of the complex numberf(P). If two smooth curvesγ1,γ2pass though the pointPU, the angle at which they meet is defined to be the angle between the derivatives γ1 andγ2atP. If the two curves meet atPwith an angleα, then use of the Chain Rule shows that their imagesfγ1andfγ2meet atf(P)with the same angle and the same orientation.

Playing a central role in the rest of the book will be the Chain Rule. SupposeURn andVRpare open subsets. Given smooth mapsf : URm andg :VU, then the compositefg:VRmis a smooth map, and has derivative atPV

d(fg)P =dfg(P)dgP.

In other words, this is summed up by the slogan that the derivative of the composite is just the composite of the derivatives. In terms of Jacobian matrices, it says

J(fg)P =J(f)g(P)J(g)P, where the multiplication here is just matrix multiplication.

Of particular importance will be the case whenU is an open subset ofRn and f :URis smooth. For eachPU, we have the linear mapdfP :RnR(an element therefore of thedualspace toRn). These then yield a smooth map

df :U →Hom(Rn,R),

where Hom(Rn,R) denotes the dual vector space, consisting of homogeneous linear forms on Rn, where the dual space may also be identified with Rn. More generally, any smoothly varying family of homogeneous linear forms on Rn, parametrized byU(i.e. given by a smooth mapg :U →Hom(Rn,R)), is called a differentialonU.

To understand this concept concretely, we should work in coordinates; if the standard basis of Rn is denoted by e1,. . .,en, there are corresponding coordinate functionsxi :RnR, defined by projection onto theith coordinate. As these are already homogeneous linear forms on Rn, the derivative (dxi)P is the same linear form, independent ofP. Thus the differentialdxiis a constant function ofP, and may therefore be regarded as a fixed linear form, namely the corresponding coordinate function onRn, given by

dxi(a1,. . .,an) = ai.

The homogeneous linear formsdx1,. . .,dxn provide the dual basis to the standard basis e1,. . .,en of Rn, that is dxi(ej) = δij for all 1 ≤ i,jn. We may wish to change the origin inRn, and then the functionsxi may acquire constant terms;

however, the corresponding linear formsdxiare still just the elements of the standard dual basis. A general differential onU may therefore, by definition, be written in the formn

i=1gidxi, with thegismooth functions onU, or equivalently as the row vector(g1,. . .,gn)of smooth functions.

If nowf : URis an arbitrary smooth function on an open setURn, the linear formdfP :RnRis represented by the partial derivatives atP,



(P),. . ., ∂f


(P) ,

or equivalently





Thus, as differentials, we have the familar identity that

df =



The Chain Rule also translates into a familiar identity on differentials. If g = (g1,. . .,gn):URn, whereU is an open subset ofRm(coordinatesu1,. . .,um

say) and thegiare smooth functions onU, then for any coordinate functionxionRn, we have

dxi= m



as differentials onU. We shall use this in particular whenm=n, andg represents the map corresponding to a change of coordinatesxi =gi(u1,. . .,un). We often then write

dxi = n j=1


Themoraltherefore of the last few paragraphs is that one may continue manipulating differentials in the familiar formal way, but we now have a rigorous interpretation as to what a differential is: namely, it is a smooth family of (homogeneous) linear forms.

There is a notational convention which we shall use frequently below. Ifα:RnRandβ :RnRare two linear (homogeneous) forms onRn, we have an obvious

Một phần của tài liệu Wilson p m h curved spaces from classical geometries to elementary differential geometry (Trang 87 - 91)

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