Gaussian curvature of embedded surfaces

Một phần của tài liệu Wilson p m h curved spaces from classical geometries to elementary differential geometry (Trang 135 - 145)

S is a circular cylinder), we see that the metric is locally Euclidean.

6.4 Gaussian curvature of embedded surfaces

Before studying the curvature of embedded surfaces, we recall some definitions for embedded curves. Suppose η : [0,l] → R2 is a smooth curve with unit speed η = 1; at each point P = η(s)of the curve, we letn = n(s)denote the unit normal to the curve atP, where by convention we assume that the ordered pair of orthonormal vectors(s),n)has the same orientation as that of the pair of standard basis vectors(e1,e2)ofR2. Asηãη=1, we obtain, on differentiating, thatηãη=0;

henceη(s)=κnfor some real numberκ. Recall that thecurvatureof the curve at the pointη(s)is then defined to beκ.

For any smooth function f : [c,d] → [0,l] withf(t) > 0 for allt, we may consider the reparametrized curveγ (t)= η(f(t)). Therefore, withγ˙ denoting the derivative ofγ with respect tot, we have


γ (t)= df

dt η(f(t)), and so

˙γ2= df




Nowη(f(t))=κn, whereκis the curvature atγ (t), and by Taylor’s theorem, for smallh,

γ (t+h)γ (t)=df

dtη(f(t))h +1

2 d2f

dt2 η(f(t))+ df




h2+ ã ã ã .

Sinceηãn=0, we deduce that

(γ (t+h)γ (t))ãn=1

2κ ˙γ2h2+ ã ã ã . Observe however that

γ (t+h)γ (t)2= ˙γ2h2+ ã ã ã.

Therefore, we have recovered 12κ as the ratio of the quadratic terms of these two expansions, and soκhas been defined independently of the parametrization.

Motivated by this, we consider now the case of embeddedsurfaces. GivenVR2 open and a parametrizationσ :VUS, we use Taylor’s theorem to expandσ, considered as a vector-valued function, near(u,v).

σ(u+h,v+k)σ(u,v)=σuh+σvk +1



+ ã ã ã,

noting here the well-known fact that the mixed partial derivatives are symmetric (Theorem 9.34 of [11]).

So the orthogonal deviation ofσfrom its tangent plane atP=σ (u,v)is (σ (u+h,v+k)σ (u,v))ãN= 1


L h2+2M hk+N k2

+ ã ã ã,

whereL=σuuãN,M =σuvãNandN =σvvãN.



P (u,v)

(u h, v k)


From the definitions ofE,FandG, we also have that

σ (u+h,v+k)σ (u,v)2=Eh2+2Fhk+Gk2+ ã ã ã .

Definition 6.14 The second fundamental form on V is given by the family of bilinear forms

L du2+2M du dv+N dv2,

whereL,M,Nare the smooth functions onVdefined above. TheGaussian curvature KofS atPis defined by


K >0 means that the second fundamental form is positive or negative definite.K <0 means that it is indefinite.K =0 means that it is semi-definite but not definite. We prove below in Corollary6.18that the curvature of a surface does not depend on the choice of parametrization.

Example Given the graph of a smooth function F(x,y) in two variables, the curvature at any given point is given by the value of theHessian FxxFyyFxy2 at

6.4 GAUSSIAN CURVATURE OF EMBEDDED SURFACES 125 the corresponding point ofR2, scaled by(1+Fx2+Fy2)−2(Exercise6.6). A point of R2is called anon-degeneratepoint forFif the Hessian does not vanish there. Thus a non-degenerate local maximum or minimum forF gives rise to a point of positive curvature on the graph. On the other hand, a non-degeneratesaddle pointgives rise to a point of negative Gaussian curvature; in one direction the graph curves positively with respect to the normalNand in the other direction it curves negatively.

A further example of negative curvature is at an “inner point” on an embedded torus. A calculation we perform below gives the curvature at any point on a surface of revolution, which as a special case yields the curvature on the torus.

Example Consider a circular cylinder inR3. Here, there is a locally Euclidean metric, induced from the locally Euclidean metric on the ‘unfolded surface’.

Let us take a parametrization given by

σ(u,v)=(cosv, sinv,u) with−∞<u<∞,αvα+2π. Therefore,

σu=(0, 0, 1),

σv =(−sinv, cosv, 0),

and so the first fundamental form isdu2+dv2, as previously calculated. The second fundamental form is readily calculated to bedv2. Thus, at any point of the cylinder, the second fundamental form is non-zero, but the curvature is zero.

There is a useful alternative definition for the functionsL,M andN in the second fundamental form.

Lemma 6.15 With the notation as above, the unit normal can be regarded as a smooth vector-valued function N(u,v)of the variables u,v. We then have that

L=σuãNu,M =σuãNv =σvãNu, andN =σvãNv.

Proof We note thatσuãN=0 andσvãN=0. Differentiating these equations with respect touandv, we obtain the claimed identities.

Proposition 6.16 In the above notation, if the second fundamental form is identically zero on V , and V is connected, thenσ (V)is an open subset of a plane inR3.

Proof If the second fundamental form is zero, then the previous lemma implies that NuandNvare orthogonal to bothσuandσv. SinceNis a unit vector, we haveNãN=1;

differentiating with respect touandvshows thatNuandNvare also orthogonal toN, and hence thatNu=0 andNv =0. A componentwise use of the Mean Value theorem implies thatNis locally constant, and then the connectedness ofV implies thatNis a constant vector. Consideringσ as a vector-valued function ofu,v, we deduce that σ (u,v)ãNis a constant, since we get zero when we differentiate with respect tou orv. HenceU is contained in some plane, given byxãN=constant.

There is another useful characterization of the curvature; it is this result which yields the fact that the curvature is independent of any choice of parametrization.

Proposition 6.17 If Ndenotes the unit normal of the surface patchσ, i.e.

N= σu×σv σu×σv, then at a given point,

Nu=u+v, Nv=u+v, where


M N =

a b c d


F G .

In particular, K=adbc.

Proof SinceNãN=1, we haveNuãN=0 andNvãN=0. SoNuandNvare in the tangent space atP, and may be written in the form


Nv=u+v, (†) for somea b

c d

. ButNuãσu = −L,Nuãσv =Nvãσu = −M andNvãσv = −N.

Taking the dot product of (†) withσuandσvgives

L=aE+bF, −M =aF+bG,

M =cE+dF, −N =cF+dG, i.e.


M N =

a b c d

E F F G .

Taking determinants, the final claim follows.

Corollary 6.18 K is independent of the parametrization.

6.4 GAUSSIAN CURVATURE OF EMBEDDED SURFACES 127 Proof By Proposition6.17,Nu×Nv =u×σv. Suppose we reparametrizeU by means of a diffeomorphismφ:V˜ →V.


V˜ φ //

˜ σAA

V ]] σ


We have seen in Remark6.4that σ˜u˜× ˜σv˜ = det(J) σu×σv, whereJ = J(φ)is the Jacobian matrix, and soN˜ = ±N, depending on the sign of detJ. In particular, N˜u˜× ˜Nv˜=Nu˜×Nv˜.

By the Chain Rule,

Nu˜= ∂u


∂u˜Nv, Nv˜= ∂u


∂v˜Nv, and so

Nu˜×Nv˜ =det(J)Nu×Nv. Therefore



= ˜˜u˜× ˜σv˜

= ˜Kdet(J) σu×σv,

and thusK˜ =Kas claimed.

A geometrically appealing result on curvature is the following.

Proposition 6.19 If S is an embedded surface inR3which is closed and bounded (i.e. compact), then the Gaussian curvature must be strictly positive at some point of S.

Proof SinceSis compact, there exists a pointPofSwhose Euclidean distance from the origin inR3is a maximum. We choose a smooth parametrizationσ :VUP, for some open subsetV ofR2, say withσ (u0,v0)=P. We use Taylor’s theorem to expandσ, considered as a vector-valued function, near(u0,v0).

σ(u0+h,v0+k)=σ(u0,v0)+σuh+σvk +1



σ (u0+h,v0+k)2= σ(u0,v0)2+2σ (u0,v0)ãuh+σvk)+O(2).

Since the left-hand side of this last equation is less than or equal to the constant term on the right-hand side for all small values ofhandk, we must have thatσ (u0,v0)ãσu=0 andσ (u0,v0)ãσv =0. IfNdenotes the normal toSatP, this implies thatσ(u0,v0)= λNfor some non-zeroλR— clearly, we cannot havePbeing at the origin, and henceλis non-zero.

We now expand further, obtaining

σ (u0+h,v0+k)2− σ(u0,v0)2=E h2+2F hk+G k2

+λ(L h2+2M hk+N k2)+O(3).

Therefore, the quadratic form associated to the matrix λL+E λM +F

λM +F λN+G

(evaluated at (u0,v0)) is negative semi-definite. As the matrix E F


is positive definite, we deduce that the matrixλL M


is negative definite, and hence that the matrixL M


is definite (either positive or negative, according to the sign ofλ).

This in turn is just the condition thatLNM2is strictly positive, and hence that the

curvature is strictly positive atP.

Thus, if for instance we consider the locally Euclidean torus T, introduced as a metric space in Chapter3, we may deduce that it cannot be realized as the metric space underlying an embedded surface inR3. If an embedded surfaceS has a first fundamental form which is locally Euclidean, then the curvature vanishes — here, we implicitly use Corollary8.2below. If howeverT is realized as an embedded surface, then (as it is compact) the previous result says that the curvature would have to be strictly positive at some point, yielding a contradiction.

Finally, let us return to the case of surfaces of revolution; here it is easy to calculate curvature.

Proposition 6.20 With the notation for surfaces of revolution as before, the Gaussian curvature is given by the formula

K =(fgfg)g f(f2+g2)2 .

In the case when the curveηhas unit speed, this takes the form K= −f/f . Proof Recall that locally we have a smooth parametrization of the form

σ :(a,b)×,α+2π)US,


σ(u,v)=(f(u)cosv,f(u)sinv,g(u)). Moreover, as previously calculated,

σu=(fcosv,fsinv,g), σv=(f sinv,f cosv, 0), and the first fundamental form is(f2+g2)du2+f2dv2.

We also calculated that

σu×σv =(fgcosv,−fgsinv, f f), and that


The unit normal vector is

N=(gcosv,−gsinv, f)/(f2+g2)1/2. However

σuu =(fcosv,fsinv,g), σuv =(fsinv,fcosv, 0), σvv=(f cosv,−f sinv, 0), from which it follows that

L=(fgfg)/(f2+g2)1/2, M =0, and N =fg/(f2+g2)1/2. The curvature therefore is


EGF2 =(fgfg)g f(f2+g2)2 .

When f2 + g2 = 1, this takes the form (fggfg2)/f. Differentiating f2+g2=1, we obtaingg = −ff; substituting this into the previous expression, and using again the identityf2+g2=1, we obtain the simplification claimed.

Example As examples of the last result, let us consider the sphere and the embedded torus. The unit sphere is the surface of revolution corresponding to the curve η:(0,π)R3given byη(u)=(sinu, 0, cosu); we remark that thef2+g2=1 condition is satisfied. Sincef(u)=sinu, we haveK = −f/f =1 at all points.

The embedded torus is the surface of revolution corresponding to the unit circle with centre (2, 0, 0), which may be parametrized asη : ,α+2π)R3 (for

α a real number), where η(u) = (2+cosu, 0, sinu); again we observe that the f2+g2=1 condition is satisfied. Here,f(u)=2+cosu, and so the curvature is K =cosu/(2+cosu). In particular, it is positive for−π/2<u< π/2 (the ‘outer’

points of the torus), is negative forπ/2<u<3π/2 (the ‘inner’ points), and is zero on the two circles given byx2+y2=1,z= ±1.

We shall see in Chapter8that the curvature depends only on the first fundamental form (i.e. the metric), and does not otherwise depend on the embedding. Given this fact, we can identify the isometry group of the embedded torus, since an isometry must then preserve curvature. Given the calculation above, it follows easily that the group of direct isometries of an embedded torus is justS1, corresponding to the rotations about thez-axis. The group of all isometries containsS1as an index two subgroup, and may be thought of as a continuous version of the dihedral group. Unlike the case of the locally Euclidean torus, the action of the isometry group is clearly not transitive.


6.1 LetV be the open subset{0<u < π, 0<v <2π}inR2, and letσ :VS2be given by

σ(u,v)=(sinu cosv, sinu sinv, cosu).

Prove thatσ defines a smooth parametrization of a certain open subset ofS2. [You may assume that cos−1is continuous on(−1, 1), and that tan−1, cot−1are continuous on(−∞,∞).]

6.2 Let γ : [0, 1] → R2 be a regular simple closed plane curve, given byγ (u) = 1(u),γ2(u)). Let S be the image of V = [0, 1] ×R under the map (u,v)1(u),γ2(u),v). Show that S is an embedded surface, and that, with respect to suitable parametrizations, the first fundamental form corresponds to the Euclidean metric onR2.

6.3 WithS denoting the embedded surface from the previous question, show that S is isometric to a circular cylinder of radius length(γ )/2π.

6.4 LetT denote the embedded torus inR3obtained by rotating around thez-axis the circle(x−2)2+z2=1 in thexz-plane. Using the formal definition of area in terms of a parametrization, calculate the surface area ofT.

6.5 Sketch the embedded surface inR3given by the equation (x2+y2)(z4+1)=1, and show that it has bounded area.

6.6 LetSR3denote the graph of a smooth functionF(defined on some open subset of R2), given therefore by the equationz=F(x,y). Show thatSis a smooth embedded surface, and that its curvature at a point(x,y,z)Sis the value taken at(x,y)by


EXERCISES 131 6.7 Show that the curvature of the embedded hyperboloid of two sheets, with equation x2 +y2 = z2−1 in R3, is everywhere positive. [Compare this result with the calculation in Section5.7.]

6.8 Sketch the surfaceSR3given byz=exp((x2+y2)/2), and find a formula for its Gaussian curvature at a general point. Show that the curvature is strictly positive at a point(x,y,z)S if and only ifx2+y2<1.

6.9 LetSR3be the ellipsoidx2/a2+y2/b2+z2/c2 = 1. IfVR2 denotes the regionu2/a2+v2/b2<1, show that the map

σ (u,v)=


determines a smooth parametrization of a certain open subset ofS. Prove that the Gaussian curvatures at the points(a, 0, 0),(0,b, 0),(0, 0,c)are all equal if and only ifa=b=c, i.e.Sis a sphere.

6.10 IfSR3is a surface of revolution with curvature everywhere zero, show that it is an open subset of either a plane, a circular cylinder or a circular cone. In each case, find local coordinates with respect to which the metric is Euclidean.

6.11 Letf(u) = eu,g(u) = (1−e2u)1/2−cosh−1(eu), where u < 0, andS be the surface of revolution corresponding to the curve η : (−∞, 0)R3 given by η(u)=(f(u), 0,g(u)). Show thatShas constant Gaussian curvature−1;Sis called thepseudosphere.By considering coordinatesvandw= euonS, show that the pseudosphere is isometric to the open subset of the upper half-plane model of the hyperbolic plane given by Im(z) >1.

[By a theorem of Hilbert, the hyperbolic plane cannot itself be realized as an embedded surface.]

6.12 Suppose thatSR3is a surface of revolution with constant curvature one, which may be compactified to a smooth closed embedded surface by the addition of precisely two further points. Show thatSis a unit sphere, minus two antipodal points.

6.13 Letf(x,y,z)be a smooth real-valued function onR3, and letSR3denote its zero locus, given byf =0. SupposePis a point ofS at which∂f/∂z(P)=0; show that the mapR3→R3given by


is a local diffeomorphism atP. Hence show that there exists a smooth parametrization of some open neighbourhood ofPinS.

Suppose now one knows that the differentialdfPis non-zero for allPS; prove thatSis an embedded surface in the sense of Definition6.1. ForPS, identify the tangent space atPas a certain codimension one subspace ofR3. [Such a surfaceSis called anunparametrizedsmooth embedded surface inR3.]

7 Geodesics

In the specific geometries we studied in earlier chapters (Euclidean, spherical, hyperbolic, …), the concept of linesproved central, as did their property of being (locally) length minimizing with respect to the relevant metric. In this chapter, we generalize these ideas and obtain the concept ofgeodesic curveson a general surface.

It turns out to be simpler to approach this via the energy of a curve rather than its length, but we shall see in Section7.3that the two approaches are closely related. The property that a smooth curve isgeodesicis in fact a local one, and this observation always enables us to reduce down to the case of an open subsetVR2, equipped with a Riemannian metric. We therefore study this case first.

Một phần của tài liệu Wilson p m h curved spaces from classical geometries to elementary differential geometry (Trang 135 - 145)

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