Basic rules for using two PN IO interfaces

Một phần của tài liệu simotion_motion_control_communication_system_manual (Trang 78 - 81)

5.2 Properties and functions of PROFINET IO with SIMOTION

5.2.4 SIMOTION controllers with two PROFINET IO interfaces Basic rules for using two PN IO interfaces


The following rules must be considered in use of two isochronous PROFINET interfaces. The most important basic rules for the PN interfaces and the use of Servo_fast are sorted

thematically there.

Definition of isochronous PN interfaces

A PN interface is isochronous (i.e. assigned to servo or Servo_fast) if the following conditions apply.

● The PN interface is the IO controller and one of the IO devices is isochronous.

● The I-device is configured isochronously.

● Controller-controller data exchange broadcast is configured.


IO controller and I-device cannot simultaneously be configured isochronously (IRT) on a PN interface. One PN interface can be configured as the IRT controller and the second PN interface as the IRT I-device.

If a PN interface is configured as IRT and does not meet the conditions for isochronous operation, it will work asynchronously with respect to the Servo or Servo_fast clocks and therefore also asynchronously with respect to the second isochronous PN interface.

General rules when using the onboard PN interface (X150) and CBE30-2 PN interface (X1400)

● A higher-level, isochronous controller must always be connected via the CBE30-2 PN interface. This applies both to controller-controller data exchange broadcast

communication and to I-device communication with a higher-level controller.

● Lower-level isochronous drives or IO devices should be connected via the onboard PN interface.

● Both PN interfaces can be configured as a PROFINET IO I-device and/or as an IO controller.

● If a PN interface is used as an IRT I-device, it cannot be configured as a redundant sync master. Only the sync slave and sync master roles are possible.

Constraints on Sync master and Sync slave

● The CBE30-2 PN interface can be configured as the sync master, sync slave, or redundant sync master.

● The onboard PN interface can only be configured as the sync master.

● In the Sync domain of the onboard PN interface, there must be no redundant sync master if the CBE30-2 is configured as a Sync slave or IRT I-device.

Failsafe I/Os for using two PN interfaces

An F-CPU can only be connected to one of the two PN interfaces, because fail-safe I/O transfer areas can only be configured either on the I-device on the onboard PN interface or on the CBE30-2 PN interface (I-device F proxy).

The PROFIsafe telegrams are routed to the following drives:

● Drives on the SINAMICS Integrated and CX32-2

● Drives on the external PROFIBUS

● Drives on the onboard PROFINET interface (X150 interface)

● Drives on the CBE30-2 (X1400 interface)

The maximum quantity structure for PROFIsafe on PROFINET is therefore not increased by using a second PROFINET interface.

Use of Servo_fast

For the use of Servo_fast, the following rules apply.

● If Servo_fast is not used, either one or both PN interfaces can be assigned to the servo.

● If Servo_fast is used, the onboard PN interface is assigned to Servo_fast and the CBE30-2 PN interface can be assigned to the servo.

Constraints on the use of Servo_fast

● Only the onboard PN interface can be assigned to Servo_fast.

● If Servo_fast is used, only one CACF=MACF=1 (Controller Application Cycle

Factor=Master Application Cycle Factor) is permitted Servo and Servo_fast, i.e. the servo clock is taken over from the set send clock in HW Config and does not have to be set especially.

The following applies:

– Servo clock = send clock CBE30-2 PN interface X1400

– Servo_fast cycle clock = send clock onboard PN interface X150

● The onboard PN interface can only be operated as the sync master (not sync slave or redundant sync master).

This means that no controller-controller data exchange broadcast can be configured between the two SIMOTION controllers if the onboard PN interfaces of both SIMOTION controllers are assigned to Servo_fast.

● The onboard PN interface can be an IRT IO controller but not an IRT I-device if assigned to Servo_fast.

● If the Servo_fast is used, it is essential that isochronous IO devices are assigned to it.

Constraints on the clock ratio and cycle time of servo/Servo_fast

● Rules for the cycle clock ratio servo = N * Servo_fast – Servo_fast > 250 àsec: N = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, …

– Servo_fast <= 250 àsec: N = 4, 8, 16, 32, …(For 32: Servo_fast = 125 μs, Servo = 4000 μs)

● The minimum send clock for Servo_fast depends on the SIMOTION device (see also

"Adjustable cycle clocks") – D455-2 DP/PN: 125 μs – Other: 250 μs

● The maximum send clock for the servo depends on the source of the IO data.

– PROFINET is the source of the IO data: 4 ms

– SINAMICS_Integrated or PROFIBUS is the source of the IO data: 8 ms

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