Inserting and configuring the SINAMICS S120

Một phần của tài liệu simotion_motion_control_communication_system_manual (Trang 145 - 149)

5.3 Configuring PROFINET IO with SIMOTION

5.3.13 Inserting and configuring the SINAMICS S120


You have inserted a SIMOTION D4x5-2 with integrated PROFINET interface in your project, a PROFINET IO subnet has already been created and the Sync-Master is configured.


The configuration is almost identical for all SINAMICS S120 and SIMOTION D devices.


1. Select PROFINET IO > Drives > SINAMICS in the HW Config hardware catalog. Then select the module, e.g. SINAMICS S120 CU320-2 PN.

2. Click the entry and drag the drive, e.g. V4.4 , to the PROFINET IO subnet. The Properties - Ethernet Interface SINAMICS-S120xCU320x2xPN window opens.

A suggested IP address will already be displayed here and the subnet will be selected.

3. Click OK to accept the setting.

4. In HW Config, select Station > Save and Compile Changes.

Setting a telegram in SIMOTION SCOUT

For V4.2 and higher, the telegrams are assigned automatically in SIMOTION SCOUT by means of symbolic assignment. For isochronous communication, a telegram must be configured (e.g. telegram 105) which enables the drive to be synchronized with PROFINET.

The telegram is thus automatically set in SCOUT during the configuration of the drive unit and following the assignment of an axis.

1. If you have not yet configured a supply and drive, click Configure drive unit in the SCOUT project navigator and drive unit.

2. Run the drive unit configuration wizard.

3. After you have closed the wizard, click Communication > Telegram configuration under the drive unit in the project navigator. Tab IF1: PROFIdrive PZD telegrams contains a list of telegrams. A telegram is not yet configured following commissioning of the drive since the drive has not yet been symbolically assigned.

4. Therefore, insert a new axis TO and run through the axis wizard. In the wizard, interconnect

5. Select Project > Save and compile all from the menu. This means that the addresses will be set up automatically with symbolic assignment. You can also trigger symbolic

assignment of addresses using the menu item Project > Set up addresses.

6. Once the axis configuration process is complete, click Communication > Telegram configuration under the drive unit in the project navigator. Tab IF1: PROFIdrive PZD telegrams now lists the telegram for the drive (e.g. SIEMENS telegram 105).

Telegram in HW Config

Alternatively, you can assign the telegram in HW Config. This is only possible if the drive unit and the drive have already been configured in SCOUT. You will then be able to proceed as follows in HW Config.


Symbolic assignment in SIMOTION SCOUT is recommended for telegram interconnection.

For this purpose, make sure that a check mark is applied for Project > Use symbolic assignment in the menu.

If you are using the symbolic assignment, SIMOTION SCOUT is entirely responsible for managing the telegram between SIMOTION and the drive DOs. In other words, SIMOTION SCOUT independently creates telegrams that all contain the necessary signals according to the technological configuration. SIMOTION SCOUT automatically manages the positioning of signals in the telegram and its size; the user is no longer able to influence this process or make any changes.

1. Select the inserted SINAMICS drive and double-click the entry SIEMENS / Standard telegram xx in the lower table for the drive.

The Properties SIEMENS / Standard telegram xx dialog box is called.

2. Select the corresponding telegram. After it is saved, the telegram can be also be selected in SCOUT, under <"Drive_device_xx"> - Communication > Telegram configuration in the project navigator. Alignment with HW Config is possible.

Settings for isochronous mode (V4.4 or higher)

For isochronous mode, the drive unit must be synchronized with the PROFINET cycle clock.

You can make these settings at the PN interface of the drive unit and on the SIMOTION device (Sync-Master).

Settings on SIMOTION device (Sync-Master)

1. In HW Config, select the SIMOTION device module, e.g. D455, and choose Edit > Object properties in the menu.

2. Click the Details... button on the Isochronous tasks tab.

This button only appears if you select the ...Assign I/O device isochronous check box.

3. Select the Automatic setting in the Details for servo dialog box under Ti/To mode. The cycle clocks and time constants for all IO devices (Sync-Slaves) on the PROFINET are then calculated automatically by the system.

Figure 5-50 Configuring an isochronous task on the SIMOTION device.

4. Click OK to close both dialog boxes.

Settings on the SINAMICS drive (Sync-Slave)

1. Select the SINAMICS drive on the PROFINET IO system and double-click on the entry of the PROFINET interface in the lower table, e.g. PN-IO.

The Properties PN--IO dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the Servo entry on the IO cycle tab under Assign IO device isochronously. The drive is operated isochronously. The time constants are calculated automatically.

Figure 5-51 Configuring an isochronous task on the PROFINET IO device

3. You can see the current cycle clock in Application cycle. To configure cycle clock scaling, you need to configure down-scaling by selecting Set system cycle clocks in the execution system. This is required if the servo cycle clock should be slower than the PROFINET IRT send clock, for example. However, the servo cycle clock must already have been taken into account in the PROFINET IRT send clock.

4. If necessary, switch to the Synchronization tab to select the Synchronization type, Sync slave in this case. This can also be set under Domain Management.

5. Confirm the entries with OK.


You must carry out further steps in order to include the drive in the sync domain (see Creating a sync domain (Page 128)), load the IP address to the drive (see Assigning device names and IP addresses to IO devices (Page 151)), and interconnect the ports (see

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