Michel Kulbicki 4 , Robert Myers 5

Một phần của tài liệu THE 10th INDO PACIFIC FISH CONFERENCE (Trang 127 - 137)

1 MARine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation (UMR MARBEC) – Institut de Recherche pour le D´eveloppement : UMRD248, Institutf ranácaisdeRecherchepourl0ExploitationdelaM er: U M R9190, U niversit´edeM ontpellier:U M R9190, CentreN ationaldelaRechercheScientif ique:

U M R9190− −U niversit´edeM ontpellier, P laceEug`eneBataillon, M ontpellier, F rance

2 MARine Biodiversity Exploitation and Conservation (UMR MARBEC) – Institut de Recherche pour le D´eveloppement : UMRD248, Institutf ranácaisdeRecherchepourl0ExploitationdelaM er: U M R9190, U niversit´edeM ontpellier:U M R9190, CentreN ationaldelaRechercheScientif ique:

U M R9190− −M ontpellier, F rance

3 Centre de recherches insulaires et observatoire de l’environnement (CRIOBE) – Universit´e de Perpignan Via Domitia, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Centre National de la Recherche

Scientifique : USR3278 – BP 1013 Papetoiai 98729 PAPETOAI, France

4 Ecologie marine tropicale des oc´eans Pacifique et Indien (ENTROPIE [Perpignan]) – Institut de Recherche pour le D´eveloppement – 52, avenue Paul Alduy, 68860 Perpignan Cedex 9, France

5 Sea Clicks – 9273 Silent Oak Cir West Palm Beach, FL 33411, United States

The reefish Atlas is an open, collaborative and reproducible initiative to gather, curate and diffuse openly taxonomic and biogeographic information about Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes.

Based on more than 650 reviewed checklists, the reefish Atlas website propose scientists, and more generally people interested in coral reef fishes, to browse, download and comment on the presence/absence patterns of more than 2000 Indo-Pacific coral reef fishes (belonging for now to 18 families, but more are to be incorporated) in more than 150 marine bio-regions.

Implemented in a transparent and reproducible manner, the reefish Atlas is open from the beginning and welcome expert discussions about the biogeographical patterns presented. On top of biogeographical patterns and pictures contributed by the reefish Atlas authors, the website is a hub gathering life history traits, threat status and taxonomic information available from other global data bases such as fishbase, the WoRMS or the IUCN red list. We believe the review and diffusion of hundreds of checklists is timely and will provide community acknowledged information to be used in scientific research and outreach.


A5/ Ecology & Evolution of Gobies

A Survey of Reproductive Morphology of Gobioid Fishes, Part 1: Rhyacichthys aspro

Kathleen Cole ∗† 1, Lynne Parenti 2

1 University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) – Department of Biology, 2538 McCarthy Mall, Edmondson Hall 216, Honolulu, HI 96822, United States

2 National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian (USNM) – 1000 Constitution Avenue NW Washington, DC 20560, United States

Reproductive morphology is an informative system for phylogenetics and evolution. The most recent molecular phylogenetic hypothesis of the Gobioidei proposes eightconstituent clades, of which the family Gobiidae is the largest. Reproductive morphology has been studied exten- sively in the Gobiidae relative to the other clades. Consequently there are few data available to construct hypotheses of the evolution of gobioid gonadal and accessory structures. To fill this gap, we have initiated a survey of reproductive morphology of representatives of all gob- ioid clades, beginning withRhyacichthys aspro (F. Rhyacichthyidae), part of a clade considered

”basal” within the Gobioidei; i.e., sister to all other gobioids. A detailed histological exami- nation of the reproductive system including gonads, accessory structures, and genital papilla morphology revealed some characters apparently unique toR.aspro, as well as characters more broadly distributed among percomorphs. Gobioids have an unrestricted, lobular testis; sper- matogonia are distributed along the length of the lobule. Among females, the genital papilla rests on an elaborate, fimbriated pad originating near the papilla base. The fimbriae have no apparent secretory structures; their function is possibly sensory. In males, the spermatogenic lobules form an unusual radiating pattern, for known gobioids, that converges on a medial col- lecting channel within the testis wall. Posteriorly the testis lobes remain separate; each becomes continuous with an associated accessory gonadal structure (AGS). In R .aspro, the AGS pro- duce secretions, store sperm, and form the gonadal duct that carries sperm and secretions into the genital papilla. Our ultimate goal is to survey reproductive morphology across all major clades of gobioid fishes to understand the evolution of these characters within a functional and phylogenetic context.


†Corresponding author: colek@hawaii.edu

Characterization of hybridization within a secondary contact region of the inshore fish,

Bostrychus sinensis, in the East China Sea

Shaoxiong Ding ∗† 1, Michael Miyamoto 2

1 State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361012, China – Room B1-215, Zhoulongquan Building, Xiangan Campus, Xiamen University, Xiamen City, Fujian

Province, China, China

2 Department of Biology, University of Florida – Department of Biology, Box 118525, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611-8525, USA, United States

The northwest Pacific marginal seas are a primary center of phylogeographic and evolution- ary research, because of their dynamic geographic history of falling and rising sea levels during the glaciations and interglaciations of the last one million years. Here, we present new molecular and morphological data for geographic samples of the four-eyed sleeper (Bostrychus sinensis), which reinforce the evidence for secondary contact and hybridization between two phylogeo- graphic lineages in the East China Sea. Specifically, we find that the secondary contact region is characterized by a low frequency of hybridization, where mitochondrial DNA introgression is relatively common whereas F1 hybrids are correspondingly scarce. Furthermore, the adult standard lengths of the two phylogeographic lineages vary geographically in a manner that is consistent with reproductive character displacement. Collectively, the molecular and morpho- logical data document that sleeper hybridization conforms to the classic ”tension/sink” model, where alleles are lost via reduced hybrid viability and/or positive assortative mating but are then replenished by dispersal from south of the secondary contact region. They also indicate that the two phylogeographic lineages are at an incipient stage of the speciation process. These results and conclusions for the four-eyed sleeper are presented as a case study for future research on the vicariance, secondary contact, and hybridization of marine groups in the northwest Pacific marginal seas.

Comparative assessment of morphological and pigmentation characters during larval development of species of 10 genera of F.

Gobiidae and one genus of F. Eleotridae

Tony Miskiewicz ∗ 1

1 Wollongong City Council – Locked Bag 8821 South Coast Mail Centre Wollongong NSW 2500, Australia

The Gobiidei are a very diverse group of fish comprising nine families with about 270 genera and 2,210 species. There have been a variety of studies undertaken using morphological, oste- ological and molecular characters of adults to investigate phylogenetic relationships within the group. Larval developmental series collected from southern Australian waters of 10 genera of F.

Gobiidae (210 genera, 1,950 spp)Arenigobius, Afurcagobius, Favonigobius, Gobiopterus, Paedo- gobius, Psuedogobius, Redigobius,Nesogobius, Bathygobius and Tasmanogobius, and one genus of F. Eleotridae (35 genera 155 sp)Philypnodon were assessed. For larval development series of species from these 11 genera, ontogenetic changes in morphometric characters and pigmentation patterns and the size at development of fins, notochord flexion and transition to juveniles for each genus will be described and compared. There was considerable variation in these larval characters between the two families and between genera. The larval development characters are assessed to determine similarities and differences between genera and then compared with the proposed lineages for these genera based on adult characters.


Diet and body shape changes of p¯ aroko Kelloggella disalvoi (Gobiidae) from

intertidal pools of Easter Island, Southeast Pacific

J Vera-Duarte 1, Claus Bustos 1, Mauricio Landaeta ∗ 1

1 Universidad de Valparaiso (CHILE) (UV) – Avenida Borgo˜no 16344, Re˜naca, Chile

This study assesses seasonal variation in the morphology and diet of juveniles and adults of the endemic goby Kelloggella disalvoi from intertidal pools of Easter Island, south Pacific, during September–October 2015 (spring) and June-July 2016 (winter), utilizing geometric mor- phometric and gut contents analyses. A set of 16 landmarks was digitized in 128 individuals.

Shape changes related to size changes (i.e., allometry) were low (18.6%) and were seasonally similar. Body shape changes were mainly dorsoventral (44.2% of variance), and comprised pos- teroventral displacement of the premaxilla and bending of the body. The latter included vertical displacement of the anterior portion of the first and second dorsal fins, and the entire base of the caudal fin. Diets mainly comprised developmental stages of harpacticoid copepods (from eggs to adults), ostracods, isopods, gastropods and bivalves. Also, Pearre’s trophic niche breadth remained constant throughout development and did not vary between seasons. Nonetheless, significant dietary differences were detected in specimens collected during spring (main prey items: harpacticoid copepods and copepod eggs) and winter (harpacticoid copepods and cope- pod nauplii). Finally, there was weak but significant covariation between diet and morphology:

molluscivores were characterized by having an inferior mouth gape, whereas planktivores had an anteriorly directed premaxilla. Funding: CONA C21I 15-05.

Discoveries of cryptic goby species: history and perspectives in the Indo-Pacific

Ekaterina Vasil’eva ∗ 1, Victor Vasil’ev 2

1 Lomonosov Moscow State University, Biological Department, Zoological Museum (ZMMU) – Moscow 125009, Bol’shaya Nikitskaya Str., 2, Russia

2 A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS (A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution RAS) – Moscow 119071, Leninskij prosp., 33, Russia

The family Gobiidae includes about 2000 described species and is accepted as the second largest vertebrate families. However, the vast majority of its species distributed worldwide in both tropical and temperate habitats were not genetically studied, and until today some species are described based on external features from a few specimens or even in individual. At the same time, a number of genetic studies prove the conspecificity of some morphological or color morphs, as well as significant genetic differences between morphologically similar populations.

The first cryptic goby species were discovered in the Ponto-Caspian basin by karyological studies among ”freshwater Caucasian gobies” (Vasil’eva, Vasil’ev, 1994) which for a long time have been attributed to the same subspecies Neogobius platyrostris constructor. Recently, this group of morphologically and ecologically similar Ponto-Caspian gobies includes six species: Ponticola constructor, P. cyrius,P. rhodioni, P. iranicus, P. rizensis,andP. turani; the first four species demonstrate distinct karyological differences and are confirmed by molecular phylogeny. The mtDNA cytochromeb gene analysis revealed four phyletic lineages in the genus Proterorhinus, external diagnostic features of these cryptic species are not found yet. And the last discovered Ponto-Caspian cryptic species are widely distributed Ponticola gorlap and P. iljini from the Mangyshlak Peninsula distinguished by both karyological and cytochrome b gene analyses.

Recent genetic studies revealed cryptic species among several groups of Atlantic gobies, for example, in coral-reef Elacatinus, Tigrigobius, and Risor (Victor, 2010, 2014), and in widely distributed euryhaline frillfin goby Bathygobius soporator (Lima et al., 2005). Compared with aforementioned investigations, the number of genetic studies, resulted in the discovery of cryptic species in the Indo-Pacific, looks very scarce with respect to the greatest taxonomic diversity of gobiids in this area. Indeed, the alleged Indo-West-Pacific origin of Gobiiformes, the striking level of observed ecological and physiological adaptations in different species, the high habitat fragmentation, the isolation of small lagoon populations of coastal widespread species, and numerous freshwater insular populations suggest that species diversity is underestimated. In this respect, the most interesting for genetic studies are inshore gobies distributed throughout the Indo-Pacific in brackish and fresh waters, and coral-dwellers.


Ecological drivers of speciation and phenotypic evolution in gobiiform fishes

Tyler Mccraney ∗ 1, Michael Alfaro 1

1University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) – 612 Charles E Young Dr S Los Angeles, CA 90095, United States

Why are some taxa more diverse than others? Understanding the causal mechanisms that have resulted in variable species richness and morphological diversity across the Tree of Life is fundamental to evolutionary biology. Behavioral, morphological, and geological factors have been hypothesized to drive diversification by providing ecological opportunities that reduce competition among lineages, but testing these predictions has often been limited to small, geo- graphically restricted clades, or sparsely sampled radiations of diverse taxa. Here we construct a time-calibrated megaphylogeny (909 species, 32 genes) and use macroevolutionary modeling of speciation and phenotypic rates to test ecological drivers of diversification across the globally distributed Gobiiformes. We find accelerated rates of body size evolution in freshwater lineages and greater speciation rates in mutualistic clades, but no relationship between reef-association, diversification, and phenotypic evolvability. These results support the role of freshwater habitats and symbiotic behaviors as ecological drivers of diversification in gobies.

Goby fossils and what they can tell us

Bettina Reichenbacher ∗† 1, Christoph Gierl 1

1 Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Palaeontology Geobiology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) – Richard-Wagner-Str. 10, 80333 Munich, Germany

Fossils can document the first appearance of a given lineage, but are always younger than the primary divergence event. Bearing this caveat in mind, the fossil record can provide crucial data on the distribution and diversification of a lineage in the past. Here we present a re-evaluation of fossil Gobiiformes (gobies). Our objective is to place the fossil taxa in a phylogenetic framework in order to determine when and why diversification rates accelerated. To achieve this, we assem- bled a new morphological data set based on fossil gobies from historical collections, and modern species of all goby families and all gobiid and oxudercid lineages. Characters of the skeleton were scored for both fossil and extant species, and data from the literature was also included.

Our results show that the most ancient goby fossils are 42–43 m.y. old (middle Eocene). They likely represent stem gobiiforms. Based on our material, fossil gobies that were closely related to extant families first appear around 34 m.y. ago, in shallow fresh- or brackish water settings, often located near the sea. These fossils can be assigned to (or close to) the Odontobutidae, the Eleotrididae and the Butidae. However, these families may be much older, and their emergence might have been linked to global warming. Members of the modern Gobiidae and Oxudercidae appeared in marine settings 30–33 m.y. ago, but remained rare and of low diversity until 23–20 m.y. ago. They subsequently became abundant in marine and brackish habitats, but species diversity remained low. A significant increase in species numbers set in 18–19 m.y. ago, and may have been related to the formation of new habitats in the course of the closure of the Tethys.

Almost all known fossil gobies come from Europe, but this reflects the long tradition of palaeon- tological research in that part of the world, rather than the ‘true’ biogeography of past gobies.

New finds of fossil gobies from non-European sites, and especially in the Indo-Pacific realm, would significantly add to our knowledge of the biogeography and evolution of ancient and mod- ern gobies.


†Corresponding author: b.reichenbacher@lrz.uni-muenchen.de

Gonad Structure of Juveniles of the Hermaphroditic Goby Species, Eviota


Helena Barreto ∗† 1, Kathleen Cole 1, Jessica Maxfield 1

1 University of Hawai‘i at Mnoa – 2538 McCarthy Mall Edmondson Hall 216 Honolulu HI 96822, United States

Teleost fishes exhibit a dynamic range of sex-determining systems and reproductive strate- gies. This diversity has been extensively explored in the literature. However, the majority of studies have focused on gonochoristic fishes (i.e., those with separate sexes). The precise mech- anisms for sexual differentiation and maintenance of sexual function in hermaphroditic fishes remain poorly understood. We propose to useEviota epiphanes as a vertebrate model to inves- tigate the morphological structure of the ovotestis (e.g., gonad that produces both ovarian and testicular tissues) of juvenile individuals in order to provide insight into ovotestis development.

Specifically, this study focuses on investigating the distribution of both ovarian and testicu- lar tissues in the developing ovotestis of immature E. epiphanes individuals. We hypothesize that the relative proportions of ovarian and testicular tissues present in the ovotestis of Eviota epiphanes during the juvenile period differ throughout development according to social context.

The results of this study will provide us with a better understanding of how sexual function is determined and maintained in the ovotestis of a hermaphroditic fish.

Molecular phylogenetics and the diversification of the gobioid fishes

Một phần của tài liệu THE 10th INDO PACIFIC FISH CONFERENCE (Trang 127 - 137)

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