Schannel Van Dijken 4 , Edouard Lavergne 1

Một phần của tài liệu THE 10th INDO PACIFIC FISH CONFERENCE (Trang 547 - 582)

1 Kyoto University – Yoshida-honmachi, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan

2 University of Tartu – ¨Ulikooli 18, 50090 TARTU, Estonia

3 Australian National University – Canberra ACT 0200, Australia, Australia

4 Conservation International – Vailima, Apia, Samoa

Mangroves are important sources of biodiversity and play a critical role in supporting the various life-history stages of many estuarine and marine fish species. Effective management and protection of mangroves are necessary to ensure that these benefits are maintained. It is well known that heterogeneity in seascape structure, such as patch area, diversity, and proximity to other habitats, has important influences on marine fauna; however studies with respect to fish communities within mangroves, especially in the South Pacific, are lacking. In order to facilitate the conservation of, and management decisions about mangroves, it is essential that practitioners and researchers understand how the spatial structure of mangroves in the larger seascape context influences the fish communities that inhabit them. The main objective of this research was to quantify the contribution of mangrove patch dynamics and habitat connectivity towards the assemblage structure and diversity of fishes within Samoan mangroves. A total of ten estuarine and non-estuarine mangroves were studied across Samoa using fish surveys and remote sensing of large-scale habitat structure. Fish populations were surveyed using underwater visual census and casting nets. Fishes were taxonomically identified, and their fork length and geographical location were recorded. Mangrove forest structure was observed by satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle sensors to describe mangrove patch area and density, canopy structure, tidal influence, and distance to neighboring habitats (for instance coral reefs, seagrass beds, and freshwater environments). Ordination methods, diversity measures, multivariate species- assemblage analysis, and applied hierarchical models were then employed for analyses. Important preliminary findings suggest that fish abundance and diversity within mangroves tend to be positively correlated with mangrove patch area, but negatively correlated with proximity to coral reefs. Distinct assemblage clusters were found based on ordination and multivariate analyses, and these can be explained by mangrove structure, and potential connectivity with nearby coral reef habitat. The results of this study give insight into the relationship between seascape structure and the diversity of fishes within Samoan mangroves and highlight important features that are useful for the management and protection of these important ecosystems.


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Three-dimensional structure, sand particle distribution and building simulation of the

‘mystery circle’ constructed by a pufferfish Torquigener albomaculosus


Hiroshi Kawase ∗ 1, Ryo Mizuuchi 2, Hirofumi Shin 3, Yuki Kitajima 4, Koh Hosoda 3, Masahiro Shimizu 3, Daisuke Iwai 4, Shigeru Kondo 5

1Coastal Branch of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba – 123 Yoshio, Katsuura, Chiba 299-5242, Japan

2 Symbiotic Network Design Laboratory, Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Osaka University – 1-5 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan

3 Adaptive Robotics Laboratory, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University – 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan

4 Pattern Measurement Group, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University – 1-3 Machikaneyama, Toyonaka, Osaka 560-8531, Japan

5 Laboratory of Pattern formation, Graduate School of Frontier Biosciences, Osaka University – 1-3 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka, 565-0871, Japan

Torquigener albomaculosus males (ca. 100 mm SL) construct a ‘mystery circle’, a nest site surrounded by radially aligned peaks and valleys of approximately two meters in diameter, for reproduction on sandy seabed. The males mate with females on the nest and care for eggs until hatching. Here, we report the answer to the most basic question, ‘How do the pufferfish males construct such a precise geometric pattern?’, together with three-dimensional structure and sand particle distribution of the‘mystery circle’. A three-dimensional structure model of ‘mystery circle’ was built by a photogrammetric range imaging technique, ‘Structure from Motion’ (SfM).

The 3-D model created a vertical- and cross-sectional structure of the ‘mystery circle’. Hereby, accurate height of peaks and valleys from seabed, length of outer and inner radius were revealed.

Frequent distribution of sand particles of the ‘mystery circle’ differed between two observational sites. On the other hand, most frequently distributed sand particles extracted from valleys and sent to the nest area did not differ between the two sites. Computer simulation suggested that radially aligned peaks and valleys were necessarily formed in following conditions: 1) puffers can recognize the central area; 2) puffers randomly push sand aside from the outside towards the center to make peaks and valleys; 3) puffers do not destroy previously made peaks of more than

Tidal pool fish diversity of Jeju Island, Korea

Hyuck Joon Kwun ∗ 1, Jinsoon Park 1, Hye Seon Kim 1, Ju-Hee Kim 1, Hyo-Seon Park 1

1National Marine Biodiversity Institute of Korea (MABIK) – 75, 101 Jangsan-ro, Janghang-eup, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do, South Korea

The species diversity of tidal pool fish on the coasts of Jeju Island was investigated by sampling relatively large tidal pools (n=7, 28.3–326.9 in area) in four regions. All 77 species (including two unidentified species) of fishes from 60 genera and 33 families known to occur in tidal pools are recorded. The families with the highest numbers of species are Gobiidae (11), Pomacentridae (eight), Blenniidae (six), and Labridae (five). Seongsan (eastern coast) exhibited the most diverse composition with 55 species, whereas Oedo (northern coast) had the least with 31 species. Twenty-one species occur all around the island and 27 species are registered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. The species richness of Jeju Island is high and these data will contribute to the conservation of fish diversity on the coast of Jeju Island.


Author Index

(DIPnet), Diversity of the Indo-Pacific Network, 80

Ozkundakci, Deniz, 246¨

˚Akerlund, Carolina, 352, 353, 357, 359 Aase, Johnny, 125

Abesamis, Rene, 133, 231

Acou, Anthony, 308, 315, 317, 321 Acuna, David, 296

Adam, Thomas, 425 Adams, Kye, 287 Adams, Mark, 50 Afanasiev, Pavel, 341 Afonso, Pedro, 271 Aguilera, Orangel, 420 Aguirre, David, 70 AKAGAWA, Izumi, 186 Al Hameli, Shamsa, 253 Al-Mourabit, Ali, 153 ALAMA, Ulysses, 76 Alcala, Angel, 231 Alfaro, Michael, 26, 103 Allan, Bridie, 392 Allen, Gerry, 50 Allgeier, Jacob, 162 Almany, Glenn, 225, 234 Almeida, Eduardo, 437 Alvarado Bremer, Jaime, 286 Anderson, Giulia, 282, 485 Anderson, Marti, 87, 296, 344 Andref¨ouet, Serge, 234

Andrews, Kim, 90 Antunes, Agostinho, 31 Aoyama, Jun, 321 Appleyard, Sharon, 276 ARCILA, DAHIANA, 381 Arcila, Dahiana, 20 Argyle, Phoebe, 458 Arnold, Rachel, 473 Asahida, Takashi, 241 Asakura, Hiroshi, 462 Asch, Rebecca, 387 Atema, Jelle, 229

Baitaliuk, Aleksei, 343 Baje, Leontine, 299 Baker, Ron, 117 Bala, Shirleen, 486 Balawa, Asakaia, 431 Ballesta, Laurent, 280 Bambridge, Tamatoa, 436 Bannikov, Alexander, 108 Barker, Jeremy, 87, 500 Barmintseva, Anna, 5, 8 Barreto, Helena, 105 Barrett, Luke, 362 Barrett, Neville, 335 Barriot, Jean-Pierre, 488 Bart, Henry, 495, 507 Barton, Diane, 22 Bartossek, Rita, 19, 21 Bates, Amanda, 414 Bax, Nicholas, 257 Bay, Line, 505

Baziret, Clement, 382 Beckett, Hermione, 4, 13, 16 Beckman, Crystal, 445 Beger, Maria, 80, 128, 217 BEGUE, Michel, 448

Bejarano, Sonia, 119, 131, 159, 449

Beldade, Ricardo, 199, 200, 205, 227, 242, 397, 399

Bellec, Laure, 312

Bellwood, David, 74, 118, 135, 155, 165, 175–

177, 326 Bemis, Katherine, 57 Bemis, William, 57 Bender, Mariana, 89 Bennett, Michael B., 271 Bennett, Scott, 379 Bergseth, Brock, 288

Berkstr¨om, Charlotte, 352, 353, 357–359, 363 Bernal, Moises, 401

Bernardi, Giacomo, 29, 30, 227 Bernardo, Lawrence Patrick, 231 Berry, Oliver, 257

Bertrand, Joris, 35, 91

Berumen, Michael, 19, 21, 34, 53, 145, 222, 225, 228, 231, 234, 272, 328, 330, 396, 402, 492, 504

Berumen, Michael L., 395 Berumen, Michale, 192 Besson, Marc, 240, 245, 248 BETANCUR, RICARDO, 20 Betley, Erin, 429

BIENVENU, Jean, 188 Bird, Chris, 80

Bird, Christopher, 41 Bispo, Regina, 403 Black, Bryan, 372, 384 Blandin, Agathe, 399

Bode, Michael, 145, 223, 225, 231, 234 Boerder, Kristina, 147

Bohensky, Erin, 295 Bond, Todd, 115, 513 Bongaerts, Pim, 333 Bonillo, C´eline, 312 Bonin, Mary, 136, 225 Bonsall, Michael, 78 Bonzi, Lucrezia C., 395 Booth, David, 400, 435 Bourillon, Bastien, 317 Bouvier, Corinne, 183 Bouvier, Thierry, 183 Bouyoucos, Ian, 255, 411 Bowen, Brian, 86, 90, 224 Boyle, Kelly, 206

Bradley, Darcy, 279 Bradley, Michael, 117 Brandl, Simon, 326 Braun, Camrin, 272 Brauner, Colin, 369, 373 Bravington, Mark, 257 Brazeau, Martin, 10 Bridge, Tom, 332 Briggs, Amy, 455

Broadhurst, Matthew, 271 Brooks, Andrew, 425 Brooks, Daxton, 196 Brooks, Edward, 255 Brouwer, Stephen, 137 Brown, Culum, 213, 216 Brown, Joel, 157

Brown, Jonathan, 156 Brown, Kelly, 431

Brownjohn, Maurice, 137 Brownscombe, Jacob, 255 Bruce, Barry, 445

Brunnschweiler, Juerg, 276

Bshary, Redouan, 180 Bucol, Abner, 231

Buriyo, Amelia, 352, 353, 357, 363 Burkepile, Deron, 177

Burridge, Christopher, 45 Busilacchi, Sara, 293 Buston, Peter, 124, 229 Bustos, Claus, 101 Butler, James, 293 Byrne, Michael, 285 Byrnes, Evan, 213 Cˆot´e, Isabelle, 397

Cahyani, Ni Kadek Dita, 471 Caillon, Sophie, 429

Caley, Julian, 123 Callier, Myriam, 150 Campbell, Colleen, 272 Campbell, Michael, 272 Campbell, Stuart, 119 Candido, Davi, 431 Cantor, Maur´ıcio, 79 Capobianco, Alessio, 11, 13 Cappo, Mike, 259

Cardoso, Sara, 404 Carleton, Karen, 338 Carlson, Peter, 167 Carnevale, Giorgio, 13 Carpenter, Kent, 47

Carpentier, Alexandre, 315, 317, 321 Carr, Pete, 194

Carter, Chris, 415 Carvalho, Gary, 506 Casas, Laura, 53 Caselle, Jenn, 167 Casey, Jordan, 189 Castiello, Marco, 10 Catalano, Katrina, 229 Ceccarelli, Daniela, 128

Chˆateau, Pierre-Alexandre, 440 Chabanet, Pascale, 433

Chabrier, S´ebastien, 488

Chacin, Dinorah, 352, 353, 357, 359 Chakrabarty, Prosanta, 40, 45 Chambers, Sherrie, 216 Chand, Namrata, 431 Chang, Yang Chi, 440 Chao, Anyo, 447 Chary, Killian, 150 Cheal, Alistair, 123, 421 Chen, Cerise, 43

Chen, Chaolun Allen, 440

Chen, I-Shiung, 511 Chen, Wei-Jen, 44 Chen, Yi, 380 Chen, Yun-Ju, 440 Chevallier, Damien, 274 Chiarello, Marl`ene, 183

Chin, Andrew, 252, 292, 294, 299, 444 CHINAIN, Mireille, 453

Chinain, Mireille, 451, 452, 456, 459, 460, 467 Ching-Ping, Lu, 286

Chiu, Mei-Yun, 511 Chiu, Yu-Wen, 440 Chlous, Fr´ed´erique, 114 Choat, Howard, 173 Choat, J., 396 Choat, John, 168 Clark, Malcolm, 340

Claudet, Joachim, 114, 122, 130, 140, 429, 436 Clausing, Rachel, 460, 465

Claverie, Thomas, 183

Clements, Kendall, 168, 173, 502 Clerkin, Paul, 283

Clobert, Jean, 227 Closs, Gerard, 246, 305 Closs, Gerry, 304 CLUA, Eric, 448 Cochran, Jesse, 272 Coelho-Jr., Clemente, 437 Coker, Darren, 330

Cole, Kathleen, 98, 105, 109, 110 Coleman, Richard, 224

Collier, Kevin, 246 Collin, Shaun, 300, 349 Comp`ere, Philippe, 208 Comte, Adrien, 442

Connell, Sean, 371, 378, 382, 388 Connolly, Rod, 128

Connolly, Sean, 80

Constantine, Rochelle, 219 Conway, Kevin, 324 Cook, April, 345

Cooke, Steven, 255, 416 Cordner, Elisabeth, 193 Cordova, Justin, 61 Corrigan, Shannon, 23 Cortese, Daphne, 242

Cowley, Paul, 36

Cowman, Peter, 80, 83, 89, 95 Craig, Maddison, 171

Craig, Michael, 72 Crandall, Eric, 80 Crandall, Eric D., 41 Crook, David, 22 Crow, Karen, 33, 490 Cuetos-Bueno, Javier, 116 Cuif, Marion, 237

Cullman, Georgina, 429 Curdia, Joao, 53

Curley, Belinda, 456 D’Alberto, Brooke, 299 D’Cruz, Ellen, 122, 140 Dacks, Rachel, 429

Darius, H´el`ene Taiana, 452

Darius, Taiana, 451, 456, 459, 460, 467 Davenport, Danielle, 22

David, Bruno, 246 David, Lecchini, 240 Davidson, Isla Keesje, 205 Davies, Neil, 41, 488 Davies, Peter, 335 Davies, Wayne, 338, 349 Davis, Andy, 287

Davis, Kathryn, 167 Davis, Randall, 260 Dayal, Roselene, 282 De Brauwer, Maarten, 327 de Bruyn, Mark, 506

de Busserolles, Fanny, 271, 338, 349 De Gracia, Brigida, 420

de Jong, Menno, 32

De Montgolfier, Benjamin, 274 Dearden, Richard, 10

DEBITUS, Cecile, 153

Dechraoui Bottein, Marie-Yasmine, 459, 460, 465

Deck, John, 41

Delrieu-Trottin, Erwan, 25 DeMartini, Edward, 396 Dempster, Tim, 362 Denis, Vianney, 440

Depczynski, Martial, 243, 361, 364

Diedrich, Amy, 295 Dillon, Erin, 279 Ding, Shaoxiong, 99 Ding, Wang, 203 Doblin, Martina, 463 Donahue, Megan, 166 Donaldson, Terry, 163

Donelson, Jennifer, 385, 401, 405–408 Douglas P., Nowacek, 203

Dowton, Mark, 325 Dubois, M´elodie, 130 Duchemin, Matthieu, 274 Duckettc, Drew, 23

Duffy, Clinton, 270, 285, 298 Dulvy, Nicholas, 256

Duncan, Murray, 414 Dunn, Daniel, 340 DUPAIX, Ama¨el, 188 Dupuy, Chistine, 321 Dupuy, Christine, 315, 317 Dutra, Leo, 431

Dwyer, Ross, 217 Eagle, Janelle, 136 Ebert, Dave, 256

Ebert, David, 61, 283, 301 Egan, Eimear, 313

Eggertsen, Linda, 360

Eggertsen, Maria, 352, 353, 357, 359, 363 El-Sayed, Sanaa, 11

Eme, David, 87, 344 Emslie, Michael, 123, 421 Emslie, Mike, 126

Ender, Isabel, 291, 484 Endo, Azusa, 512 Erbe, Christine, 207 Erdmann, Mark, 219 Erisman, Brad, 387 Escalle, Lauriane, 137 Eurich, Jacob, 174 Ewing, Rodney, 41 Eynaud, Yoan, 193 FABRE, Pauline, 436 Faircloth, Brant, 26 Fairweather, Peter, 164 Fakan, Eric, 417

Faliex, Elisabeth, 308 Farcas, Adrian, 204 Fauvelot, C´ecile, 237 Feldheim, Kevin, 301 Fenner, Douglas, 128

Ferraris, Jocelyne, 433

Ferreira, Camilo, 371, 378, 388 Ferreira, Marta, 431

Ferse, Sebastian, 131, 159, 449 Ferse, Sebastian C. A., 119 Feunteun, Aurore, 274

Feunteun, Eric, 308, 315, 317, 321 Feutry, Pierre, 257

Fiandrino, Annie, 150 Ficklin, Darren, 495 Filardi, Chris, 429 Fine, Michael, 208 Finucci, Brit, 270, 298 Fisk, Aaron, 190 Fitzgibbon, Quinn, 415 Floeter, Sergio, 79, 83, 89, 95 Fobert, Emily, 240, 244, 477 Fontes, Jorge, 271

Fontoura, Luisa, 79 Fordham, Damien, 374 Fox, Mike, 193

Fox, Rebecca, 400, 408 Fr´ed´erich, Bruno, 56, 84 Franácois, Loăıc, 245

Francis, Malcolm, 219, 270, 285, 298 Franklin, Craig, 217

Frazao-Santos, Catarina, 254 Freitas, Rui, 254

Friedman, Matt, 4, 7, 11, 13, 16, 26 Frisch, Ashley, 225, 288

Fujisawa, Misaki, 185 Fujiwara, Kyoji, 491 Fukui, Yoshino, 68

Fulton, Christopher, 358, 361, 364 Furumitsu, Keisuke, 264

Gabillon, Alban, 488 Gaertner, Jean-Claude, 71 Gaither, Michelle, 32, 41, 80, 90 Gajdzik, Laura, 84

Galzin, Ren´e, 51, 71, 188, 423 Galzin, Rene, 189

Garc´ıa Herrera, Nur, 159 Garcia Jimenez, Alberto, 91 Garcia, Eric, 29

Garmendia, Vladimir, 160 Garot-Adrian, Cory, 315 GATTI, Cl´emence, 453 Gatti, Cl´emence, 452, 459 Gauff, Robin, 159

Gazit, Nadav, 429 Gelcich, Stefan, 114

George, Andrew, 48 Gerhardt, Karin, 295 Gerlach, Gabriele, 172

GHAFFAR, Mazlan Abdul, 76 Gibbons, Brooke, 140

Gibbs, Leah, 287

Gibson, Claudine, 270, 298 Gierl, Christoph, 104, 112 Gilbert, Antoine, 419 Giles, Sam, 4, 7

Gingerich, Philip, 11, 13 Gkafas, George, 32 Glass, Jessica, 36 Glaus, Kerstin, 276

Goatley, Christopher, 175–177, 326 Goetze, Jordan, 122, 140

Golani, Daniel, 348 Gold, Zachary, 195

Goldenberg, Silvan, 371, 374, 378, 388 Gon, Ofer, 347, 348

Goodman, Jane, 305 Gordeev, Ilya, 341 Gordon, Luke, 327 Gordon, Tim, 202, 210 Gordon, Timothy, 199, 397 Goren, Menachem, 348 Gouraguine, Adam, 424 Gourvenec, Susan, 115 Gouws, Gavin, 55, 348 Graham, Nick, 194 Grandcourt, Edwin, 253 Grant, Michael, 299 Grewe, Peter, 257 Griffiths, Marc, 502 Grosell, Martin, 383, 389 Grulois, Daphne, 237 Grutter, Alexandra, 180 Gu, Chary Jia-Rui, 355 Guilhaumon, Franácois, 96 Guillemot, Nicolas, 419 Guillerme, Thomas, 10 Gunasekera, Rasanthi, 257 Guo, Hongyi, 247

Hadiaty, Renny, 54

Halafihi, Tuikolongahau, 396, 458

Hamilton, Trevor, 369, 373 Hammer, Michael, 50 Hampton, John, 282 Han, Yu-San, 308 Han-Ran, Zhang, 494 Hanel, Reinhold, 338 Harasti, David, 335 Harazaki, Shigeru, 514 Harborne, Alastair, 161 Hardenstine, Royale, 272

Harding, Harry, 199, 202, 210, 397 Hardison, Ransom, 451

Harmelin-Vivien, Mireille, 71 Harries, Simon, 410

Harrington, Richard, 26, 36 Harrison, Hugo, 34, 145, 223, 225 Hartog-Burnett, Kynan, 172 Harvey, Euan, 296, 327, 344, 379 Harwood, D. Tim, 452

Harwood, Tim, 456, 458, 464, 467 Hata, Harutaka, 64

Hata, Hiroki, 182 Hayashi, Hiroaki, 491 HE, SONG, 504 He, Song, 222 Healy, Teleah, 444 Heenan, Adel, 166 Heinrichs, Shawn, 261 Heintz, Tom, 419 helme, herehia, 320 Helvik, Jon Vidar, 349 Hemingson, Christopher, 74 Herder, Fabian, 54

Hernandez-Ortiz, Dalia, 116

Herwata Putra, Mochamad Iqbal, 261 Hess, Philipp, 460

Heuer, Rachael, 383, 389 Heupel, Michelle, 190, 252 Hewavitarane, Chintaka A., 308 Hickford, Mike, 313

Hicks, Andy, 246 Higuchi, Takatoshi, 308 Hillary, Richard, 257 Hills, Jeremy, 431 Hilton, Eric, 57, 58, 65 Hing, Martin, 287, 325

Hobbs, JP, 34

Hobday, Alistair, 415 Hodge, Jennifer, 67 Hodgson, Bruce, 142 Hoelzel, A. Rus, 32 Hoese, Douglass, 54

Hoey, Andrew, 194, 329, 396, 400, 408 Holbrook, Sally, 158, 162, 227, 425, 427 Holdsworth, John, 285

Holland, William, 451 Holmes, Thomas, 364 Holzer, Guillaume, 245, 248 Horie, Taku, 268

Horigue, Vera, 133 Hosoda, Koh, 517 HOSOYA, Kazumi, 503 Houghton, Leah, 192 Hsu, Hua-Hsun, 267 Huerlimann, Roger, 190 Huertas, Victor, 165 Hughes, Lily, 20 Humphrey, Craig, 376

Huveneers, Charlie, 164, 280, 445 Huyghe, Filip, 233

Hylton, Sarah, 292 Iacchei, Matthew, 90 Iida, Midori, 306, 307, 311 Illing, Bj¨orn, 413

Imai, Hitoshi, 508 Ingram, Travis, 304, 305 Irigoien, Xabier, 349 Iriogien, Xabier, 53 Isari, Stamatina, 53 ISHIKAWA, Satoshi, 76

Itagia Taelega, Faamanatuga, 508 Iwai, Daisuke, 517

Iwatsuki, Yukio, 47 Izumiyama, Michael, 490 Jaafar, Zeehan, 111 Jabado, Rima, 253 Jackson, Gary, 300 Jacob, Hugo, 245, 391 Jadloc, Claro Renato, 231 Jaffrezic, Florence, 465

Jain-Schlaepfer, Sofia, 417, 470 Jais, Jean-Philippe, 465

Jaiteh, Vanessa, 275 Jakobsen, Kjetill, 338 James, Nicola, 414 Jarrold, Michael, 376

Jarvis, Matt, 246, 304 Jasinski, Steven, 15 Jeng Ping, Wang, 250 JENNAN, Aurel, 188 Jennings, Simon, 194 Jentoft, Sissel, 338 Jing, Liu, 494 Johanson, Zerina, 4 Johnson, Kendall, 28

Jones, Geoff, 145, 174, 223, 227, 234 Jones, Geoffrey, 136, 225, 228, 332 Jordan, Alan, 335

Joung, Shoou-Jeng, 267 JOUVIN, Bruno, 453 Jupiter, Stacy, 429 Kaartvedt, Stein, 349 KAKIOKA, Ryo, 76 Kalfatak, Donna, 315 Kaplan, David, 237 Kapur, Maia, 396 Katayose, Go, 241 Kaufman, Les, 193 Kauwe, Keoni, 24 Kawakami, Tatsuya, 308 Kawanishi, Ryota, 182 Kawase, Hiroshi, 517 Keith, Philippe, 312, 315 Keller, Krystle, 215 Kerry, James, 180 Kexiong, Wang, 203 Kilduff, Liam, 70 Killen, Shaun, 242 Kim, Hye Seon, 518 Kim, Ju-Hee, 518 KIMURA, Mizuki, 186 Kimura, Seishi, 63 Kimura, Shingo, 308 King, Cragen, 324

Kingsford, Michael, 141, 172, 284 Kitajima, Yuki, 517

Klanten, Selma, 325, 435 Kline, David, 369

Knott, Nathan, 216, 287 Knouft, Jason, 495 Kochzius, Marc, 233 Kohli, Gurjeet, 456 Kohno, Hiroyoshi, 497 Kon, Takeshi, 106 Kondo, Masashi, 307 Kondo, Shigeru, 517 Kortet, Salme, 87, 500

Kosaki, Randall, 86 Kotani, Tomonari, 152 Koyanagi, Ryo, 307 Kraft, Derek, 224, 278 Kragt, Marit, 446

Kretzschmar, Anna Liza, 456 Kroon, Frederieke, 410 Krueck, Nils, 139

Kulbicki, Michel, 71, 95, 96 Kuroki, Mari, 308, 317, 321, 472 Kuwamura, Tetsuo, 185, 510 Kwan, Garfield, 369

Kwun, Hyuck Joon, 518

Kyne, Peter, 256, 257, 270, 298 Kyoko, Kuniyoshi, 462

Lafferty, Kevin, 279 LAGARDE, Adrien, 439 Laglbauer, Betty, 271 Lal, Monal, 282

Lam, Paul Kwan-Sing, 355 Lamb, Robert, 377

Landaeta, Mauricio, 101 Langlois, Tim, 115

Langlois, Timothy, 122, 140, 243, 300 Larsen, Thomas, 192

Larsson, Michaela E., 463 Last, Peter R., 269 Laubenstein, Taryn, 366 Laudet, Vincent, 56, 245, 248 Lavaki, Krystelle, 431

Lavergne, Edouard, 516 Lavou´e, Sebastien, 506 Lawrence, Alice, 93 Leaana, Rilloy, 508

Lecchini, David, 51, 56, 84, 188, 198, 208, 245, 248, 375, 391, 397

Lee, Chun-Hung, 440 Lee, Hui-Xian, 269 Lee, Mao-Ying, 515 Lee, Ming-An, 511 Legras, Ga¨elle, 71

Lehmann, Robert, 19, 21 Leis, Jeffrey, 223, 230 Lepoint, Gilles, 84 Leport, Guillaume, 134

Leung, Priscilla To-Yan, 355 Levu, Adi, 431

lewis, sarah, 261 Li, Chenhong, 28 Libby, Liggins, 70

Liggins, Libby, 37, 80, 87, 92, 344 Lightfoot, Damien, 19, 21

Lillian, Taulapapa, 508 Lin, Chia-Yen, 267 Lin, Chien-Hsiang, 420 Lin, Han-Yang, 511 Liston, Jeff, 9 Litaker, Wayne, 451 Liu, Kwang-Ming, 267 Liu, Min, 121, 355 Liversage, Kiran, 516 Loffler, Zoe, 329 Loiseau, Nicolas, 71 Lombarte, Antoni, 16 Loneragan, Neil, 275 Longo, Gary, 30 Longo, Sarah, 52 Lord, Clara, 312 Losen, Barbara, 460 Lovejoy, Nathan, 506 Lovo, Semiti, 431 Lowe, Christopher, 167 Lowry, Michael, 215 Luamanuvae, Sesilia, 508 Ludt, William, 45

Lumpkin, Travis, 15 Lyon, Stephen, 449 Lyon, Warrick, 285 M´erigot, Bastien, 71 Macdonald, chancey, 332

MacNeil, Aaron, 123, 129, 194, 421 MADI MOUSSA, Rakamaly, 239 Madi Moussa, Rakamaly, 433 Madin, Elizabeth, 79, 171, 180 Maeda, Ken, 307

Maes, Gregory, 190 Magalhaes, Karine, 437 MAI, Tepoerau, 153

Maisano Delser, Pierpaolo, 23 Majoris, John, 229

Marc-Andr´e, LAFILLE, 149 Marcionetti, Anna, 35, 91 Marie, Amandine, 276, 282 Marquet, G´erard, 315 Marsden, Islay, 458

Marshall, Justin, 271, 338, 349 Marshall, Paul, 114

Marthick, James, 257 Martin, Aliz´ee, 423 Martin, Tyson, 128 Mason, Luciano, 223 Mass´e, Lola, 433 Masuda, Reiji, 422

Matias, Ambrocio Melvin, 94 Matis, Paloma, 400

Matley, Jordan, 190 Matschiner, Michael, 338 Matsumoto, Akihiro, 268 MATSUMOTO, Soichiro, 186 Matsunuma, Mizuki, 59

MAWYER, Alexander, 436, 438 Maxfield, Jessica, 105, 109 Mazouni, Nabila, 71 McAndrews, Ryan, 131 McCall, Jennifer, 451 McCarter, Joe, 429 McCauley, Douglas, 279 McCauley, Robert, 207 McClure, Eva, 180 McCord, Charlene, 73

McCormick, Mark, 136, 169, 171, 174, 200, 202, 210, 227, 366, 376, 397, 417, 470 McCraney, Tyler, 103

McIlwain, Jennifer, 34, 327 McLean, Dianne, 115, 300, 513 McMahon, Kelton, 192, 492 McMillan, Peter, 347 McMillan, W Owen, 42 McQueen, David, 392 McWilliam, Jamie, 207

Meekan, Mark, 180, 200, 202, 259, 260, 372, 397, 446

Meeuwig, Jessica, 372 Mellin, Camille, 123 Melo, Marcelo, 346 Meng, Pei-Jie, 440

Mennesson, Marion, 314, 315 Mensinger, Allen, 211

Merchant, Nathan, 202, 204 Mescam, Gauthier, 265 Messmer, Vanessa, 225 Metcalfe, Neil, 408

Metian, Marc, 375, 391 Meyer, Carl, 289

Meyer, Christopher, 41, 189 Meyer, Lauren, 445

Meyers, Megan, 219, 285 Michel, Loic, 84

Michell, Craig, 53, 349 Michell, craig, 21 michener, Robert, 193 Mihalitsis, Michalis, 155 Miller, David, 19, 21 Miller, Michael, 319, 321 Miller, Michael J., 308, 317

Mills, Suzanne, 199, 200, 205, 227, 242, 397, 399

Miskiewicz, Tony, 100 Mitchell, Jonathan, 300 Mitsuo, Yoshito, 306 Miya, Masaki, 106, 422 Miya, Tshoanelo, 347

Miyagawa-KOHSHIMA, Kazuko, 181 Miyahara, Hirokazu, 181

Miyamoto, Michael, 99 Miyauchi, Shojiro, 152 Mizuuchi, Ryo, 517 Mochioka, Noritaka, 308 Mona, Stefano, 23, 25 Monarca, Patrick, 408 Moniz, Isadora, 245 Monroe, Alison, 395, 402 Montanari, Stefano, 505 Moore, Daniel, 32

Moore, Glenn, 50, 72, 324 Moore, Jon, 345

Morais, Renato, 118 Moranta, Joan, 424 Morat, Fabien, 189

Moritz, Charlotte, 423, 426 Morrison, Susan, 72

Morrongiello, John, 384

Motomura, Hiroyuki, 59, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 76, 491, 514

Motson, Katie, 431

MOUILLOT, DAVID, 120 Mountford, Jessica, 338, 349 Mourier, Johann, 280

Mugue, Nikolai, 8, 343 Mugue, Nikolay, 5 Mukherji, Sushmita, 299 Mumby, Peter, 139

Munday, Philip, 19, 21, 136, 366, 367, 376, 385, 389, 392, 401–403, 405, 406

Munday, Rex, 464, 467 Munroe, Thomas, 515 Munsterman, Katrina, 162 Murakami, Hiroaki, 422 Murdy, Edward, 111

Murray, Sam, 456, 458, 464, 467 Murray, Shauna, 456

Musilov´a, Zuzana, 338 MUTO, Fumihito, 76 MUTO, Nozomu, 76 Muto, Nozomu, 62 Mwale, Monica, 55

Myers, Elisabeth, 87, 344, 474 Myers, Robert, 96

Naboutuiloma, George, 431 Nagasawa, Hiroya, 462

Nagelkerken, Ivan, 117, 371, 374, 378, 382, 388 NAKAE, Masanori, 49, 208

Nakamura, Yohei, 370 Nalley, Eileen, 166 Nanjo, Kusuto, 497

Nanninga, Gerrit, 222, 225 Nash, Chloe, 73

Natasha, Janice, 282 Naylor, Gavin, 23, 251 Nazarkin, Mikhail, 17 Neale, Stephen, 136

Near, Thomas, 7, 26, 36, 45 Neat, Francis, 32

Nedelec, Brendan, 200

Nedelec, Sophie, 199, 200, 397 Nehmens, Melissa, 301

Nemeth, Richard, 156 Nerriere, Louis, 96

Newman, Stephen, 34, 372, 396 Nguyen, Hoang Minh, 372 NGUYEN, Van Quan, 76 Nguyen-Huu, Tri, 237 Nichols, Peter, 445 Nicol, Simon, 392 Niedererr, Katie, 196 Nilsson, G¨oran, 367 Nishida, Mutsumi, 106 Nishimura, Mio, 462 Noble, Mae, 364

Nyingi, Dorothy, 507 O’Connor, Jack, 240 O’Dea, Aaron, 279, 420 O’Donnell, Rory, 399 O’Keeffe, Kristine, 435 Oberhăansli, Franácois, 375 Oberhaensli, Franácois, 460 Ochavillo, Domingo, 390 Ogata, Mizuki, 422 OGAWA, Kazuhiro, 186 Oguro, Tamaki, 306 Okamoto, Makoto, 348 Olds, Andrew, 128 Oliveira, Rui, 404 Oliveira-Santos, Luiz, 83 Onda, Hiroaki, 308 Ong, Joyce, 372 Orlov, Alexei, 341, 343 Orlova, Svetlana, 341, 343 Orti, Guillermo, 20 Osenberg, Craig, 455 Oshiro, Naomasa, 462

Otake, Tsuguo, 308, 317, 321 Ou, Michelle, 369, 373 Ovenden, Jennifer, 22 Palacios, Maria, 171

Palacios, Maria del Mar, 169, 482 Pannell, David, 446

Papastamatiou, Yannis, 280, 290, 333 Pardede, Shinta, 119

Parenti, Lynne, 98, 111 Park, Hyo-Seon, 518 Park, Jinsoon, 518 Parker, Jack, 379

Parmentier, Eric, 84, 198, 208

Parravicini, Valeriano, 95, 96, 162, 189 Parsons, Darren, 392

Parsons, Miles, 207

Partridge, Julian, 115, 513 Pascua, Pua’ala, 429 Paula, Jose Ricardo, 403 Pauly, Daniel, 138 Pawley, Matthew, 296 Payet, Samuel, 34

Percival, Joseph, 516 Pereira, Pedro, 437

Perez Matus, Alejandro, 160, 354 Perry, Chris, 161, 170

Pether, Steve, 392 Pethybridge, Heidi, 445 Petit, J´erˆome, 146 Pezold, Frank, 28 Pickering, Tim, 308 Pickett, Brandon, 24 Pierotti, Michele, 42, 420 Piggott, Camilla, 243 Pillans, Richard, 257 Pilling, Graham, 137, 282 Pinheiro, Barbara, 437 Pinheiro, Hudson, 333, 334 Pinsky, Malin, 234

Planes, Serge, 23, 189, 225, 228, 234, 280, 290, 411, 426

Pollom, Riley, 256 PONZO, Nicolas, 453 Pope, Stephen, 392 Posu, Joseph, 293 Potts, Warren, 414 Pouil, Simon, 375, 391 Poulos, Davina, 244 Pratchett, Morgan, 505 Priest, Mark, 222, 225, 396 Prince, Jane, 122, 140 Prinz, Natalie, 449 Pruitt, Jonathan, 158 Pujol, Benoit, 221, 228 Putland, Rosalyn, 204, 211 Pyle, Richard, 333

Queiroz, Nuno, 394

R¨uber, Lukas, 106, 107, 506

Radford, Andrew, 199, 200, 202, 205, 210, 397 Radford, Ben, 364

Radford, Craig, 204, 211

RAHARIVELOMANANA, Phila, 153 Rambahiniarison, Joshua, 271

Rau, Andrea, 465

Ravasi, Timothy, 19, 21, 367, 385, 395, 401, 402, 405, 406

Re˜nones, Olga, 424 Regnier, Thomas, 32

Reichenbacher, Bettina, 104, 112 Reid, Malcolm, 246, 304

Repolho, Tiago, 403 Revel, Taina, 451

Reynolds, Samantha, 217 Rhodes, Kevin, 116

Rhodes, Lesley, 456, 458, 464, 467 Ribas-Deulofeu, Lauriane, 440 Richarson, Marine, 303 Rico, Ciro, 276, 282 Ridge, Perry, 24

Riginos, Cynthia, 37, 41, 80, 92, 94, 475 Rima, Jabado, 256

Rios, Nelson, 495 Riou, Antoine, 433 Ritchie, Peter, 39

Roberts, Clive, 87, 344, 500 Robertson, D Ross, 42 Robitzch, Vanessa, 222 Rocha, Luiz, 333, 334 Roche, Ronan, 78 Rochester, Wayne, 293 Rodgers, Giverny, 407

Rodriguez-Dominguez, Almendra, 382 Roebeck, Unity, 508

Rogers, Abbie, 446 Rogers, Alex, 78, 340 Rogers, Paul, 285 Rojas, Yessenia, 359 Rongo, Teina, 456 Rosa, Rui, 254, 394, 403 Rosen, Alana, 15

Rossier, Victor, 35 Rou´e, M´elanie, 452 Rountrey, Adam, 372 Roupsard, Francois, 282 Roux, Natacha, 56, 248

Rummer, Jodie, 366, 367, 389, 411, 413, 416, 417, 470, 483

Rummer, Jodie L., 395 Russ, Garry, 231, 288 Russell, Bayden, 388 Ruz, Catalina, 160

Ryu, Taewoo, 385, 401, 405 Sabinot, Catherine, 433 Sado, Tetsuya, 106, 422

Sadovy de Mitcheson, Yvonne, 121 Saenz Agudelo, Pablo, 25

Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo, 222, 225, 228, 231, 234 Sakai, Yoichi, 185, 493, 510, 512

Sakanoue, Rei, 493 Sakurai, Momoko, 263 Salamin, Nicolas, 35, 91 Salinas-de-Le´on, Pelayo, 296 Salis, Pauline, 56, 245, 248

Sallan, Lauren, 15

Salles, Oc´eane, 221, 228, 234, 480 Salter, Michael, 161

Salzburger, Walter, 338 Samoilys, Melita, 78 Samson, Kimberley, 431 Sanchez, Caroline, 282 Sandin, Stuart, 178, 193 Sano, Mitsuhiko, 497 Santos, Catarina, 403 Santos, Jose, 437 Sarah, Smeets, 208 Sardinha, Gabriela, 79 Sarigol, Fatih, 32 SASAKI, Kunio, 49 Sasal, Pierre, 308 SATO, Mao, 49 Satoh, Nori, 307 Satoh, Takashi, 106 SAULNIER, Denis, 153 Saunders, Ben, 327, 379 Saunders, Thor, 22 Sbrocco, Elizabeth, 80 SCANGA, Virginie, 274 Schabetsberger, Robert, 308 Schiel, David, 313

schiettekatte, nina, 120 Schlacher, Thomas, 128 Schlatter, Emma, 124 Schliewen, Ulrich, 107 Schmidt, Ray, 507 Schmitt, R.J., 425

Schmitt, Russell, 158, 162, 227, 427 Scholz, Zoe, 242

Schrevel, Catalina, 274 Schulz-Mirbach, Tanja, 16

Schunter, Celia, 19, 367, 395, 402 Schunter, Celia M., 21

Schwarzhans, Werner, 16 Scolaro, Derek, 229 Senou, Hiroshi, 66, 343 Setiawan, Alvin, 392 Shantz, Andrew, 162 Shao, Kwang-Tsao, 511 Shcepetov, Dmitry, 343 Sheaves, Marcus, 117

Shimizu, Masahiro, 517 Shin, Hirofumi, 517 Shinohara, Gento, 489 Shinzato, Chuya, 307 Shirai, Kotaro, 306

Shivji, Mahmood, 276, 285 Sianipar, Abraham, 219 Sibat, Manoella, 460 Sigouin, Amanda, 429

Simpfendorfer, Colin, 190, 252, 256, 295, 299, 411

Simpson, Stephen, 199, 200, 202, 205, 210, 397, 417

Simpson, Steve, 209 Sims, David, 394

Sinclair-Taylor, Tane, 34, 75, 192, 222, 225, 330, 396

Siqueira, Alexandre, 83, 89 Sithole, Yonela, 55, 478 Siu, Gilles, 423

Skomal, Greg, 272 Smart, Jonathan, 299 Smith, Adam, 296 Smith, Brad, 196, 286 Smith, David, 424 Smith, Franz, 377 Smith, James, 215

Smith, Kirsty, 456, 458, 464, 467 Smith, Neville, 282, 392

Smith, Yanni, 292 Sogabe, Atsushi, 182 Sokowaqanilotu, Etika, 431 Solagna, Laura, 208

Solera, Leilani, 231 Song, Jiakun, 247, 380 Song, Lulu, 380 Sorenson, Laurie, 26 Souza, Coralina, 437 Spaet, Julia, 222 Speed, Conrad, 259 Spinks, Rachel, 406 Sporne, Ilva, 431

Srinivasan, Maya, 136, 225, 228 Stallings, Christopher, 359 Steele, Mark, 425

Stelbrink, Bj¨orn, 506

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