Other researchers who are also interested in peer feedback can focus on other types of peer feedback such as verbal feedback. Additionally, this study focused on letter writing skills; so further research can examine peer feedback in other skills.
Be aware of the limitation of this study, it is suggested that further researches on the same issues should be conducted with a larger number of participants and other methods to achieve higher efficiency.
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This survey questionnaire is designed to investigate student’s difficulties
experienced in giving peer feedback in letter writing. Your responses are incentive help to the success of the survey. The data will be used only for the aim of the study, not for the other purposes. Your contribution is highly appreciated.
For all questions, please answer by ticking one or more of the boxes or writing in the given spaces
I. Personal information
*Your gender: Male Female:
*How long have been learning English?...year(s)
*How long have you been learning writing?: ...year(s)
* Have you ever written a letter of application to apply in a company?
II. Attitude toward peer feedback
1. In your opinion, is peer feedback is helpful to you?
If you tick NO, please skip question 2 If you tick YES, please skip question 3
2. In your opinion, the benefits of peer feedback in practicing letter writing is to………
Students can revise their writings effectively based on their friends’
correction and suggestion
Students can avoid all the corrected mistakes next time
Students can enhance their confidence in writing thanks to their friends’
encouraging feedback
Students can develop critical thinking thanks to the peer’s feedback Students can know how to self-revise their writing in general
3. Why do you think it is unhelpful to you?
Peer’s feedback contradicts my ideas Peers’ feedback is not reliable
Peers’ feedback is too vague and difficult to understand The peer’s feedback is unclear/ too general
The peer’s feedback discourages me
The peer’s feedback cannot help my writing improve III. Difficulties of giving peer feedback
Put a tick in the column of your choice with the rank from 1 to 5
1. Strongly agree 2. Agree 3.Neutral 4. Disagree 5. Strongly disagree
Level of agreement
1 2 3 4 5
4. Form (organization, full of parts, address and date
of writing)
5. Content ( ideas and expression)
6. Cohesion and coherence (organization and liking devices)
7. Lexical resource (vocabulary, word choice, word form)
8. Grammar rage (structures, verb tenses, article) 9. Accuracy (Spelling, Punctuation)
10. Giving general comments
IV. Follow – up activities after receiving peer feedback 11. Did you understand your peer’s comments?
12. Do you have any argument or discussion after receiving feedback?
13. Do you often revise your mistakes that your peer commented on your writing and rewrite at home?
14. Do you see your progress in writing when using peer feedback?
15. Do you expect to use peer feedback in the future?
V. Solutions to peer feedback difficulties Asking teacher/ peer for help
Searching for information on the internet Using reference books/ dictionary
Using learning application on the smartphone Establishing group discussion
Using a model text to compare
Reviewing some vocabulary, grammatical aspects needed before giving feedback.
Thank you very much for your cooperation!
APPENDIX II: INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS 1. Do you like peer feedback? Why/ why not?
2. Do you prefer the checklist or written feedback? Why?
3. Do you think giving peer written feedback is difficult or not? If yes, which are criteria that you have difficulties the most? (Lexical resource (word choice, word form, collocation), grammar aspects (structures, tenses, article) or giving general comments?
4. Why was giving general comments difficult to you?
5. What did you do to solve these problems?
6. Do you understand your peer’s feedback?
7. Do you have any argument or discussion after receiving feedback?
8. Do you often revise your mistakes that your peer commented on your writing and rewrite at home?
9. Do you see your progress in writing when using peer feedback? If yes, do you expect to use it in the future?
Questions The result
1. Do you like peer feedback? Why/ why not?
Like: 12
Reason: peer feedback help both their peers and them discover their strengths and weaknesses in letter writing
Don’t like: 3
Reason: their skills did not improve much
2. Do you prefer the checklist or written feedback? Why?
Checklist: 14
Reason: brief, convenient, time – saving.
Written feedback: 1 Reason: both apply and extend her knowledge to improve her skills 3. Do you think giving
peer written feedback is difficult or not? If yes, which are criteria that you have difficulties the most? (Lexical resource (word choice, word form, collocation), grammar aspects (structures, tenses, article) or giving general comments?
Grammatical aspects (verb tenses, subject – verb agreement, article): 12
Lexical resource (word form, word choice,
collocation): 15
Giving general comment: 10
4. Why was giving Low level of Writing long Giving positive
general comments difficult to you?
learning: 3 sentences: 6 comments: 1
5. What did you do to solve these problems?
Asking teachers/
peers: 5
Using internet: 8 Mobile apps: 3
6. Do you understand your peer’s feedback?
Yes: 1 No: 3 Uncertainty: 11
7. Do you have any argument or discussion after receiving
Yes: 10
Making clarification and required an explanation from peers
No: 5
Accepting the feedback and having no response.
8. Do you often revise your mistakes that your peer commented on your writing and rewrite at home?
Yes: 3
Rewriting the new version without looking at the corrected one.
No: 12
Reason: no patience and motivation.
9. Do you see your progress in writing when using peer
feedback? If yes, do you expect to use it in the future?
Yes: 12 No: 3