Social strategies Asking questions

Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) UET it sophomores'''' English learning strategies for reading skills an exploratory research (Trang 50 - 54)


I.2. Language learning strategies for reading skills

I.2.2. Indirect learning strategies 1. Metacognitive strategies

I.2.2.3. Social strategies Asking questions

Asking for clarification or verification

During the time learners read, they may encounter things they are not clear about.

Therefore, asking questions helps them get closer to the intended meanings as well as aids their reading comprehension. In the reading process, learners can ask questions for clarification (when something is not understood), or verification (when learners need to check if something is correct). The questions can be posed to their teachers, their friends or others who are more proficient in English.

Cooperating with others Cooperating with peers

Cooperating in language learning is essential due to the social nature of language. Learners can learn from their peers by cooperating in numerous reading tasks done in groups through the process of questioning and negotiating.

Cooperating with proficient users of the new language

This strategy is slightly hard to apply in comparison with other strategies as proficient users of the new language are needed. In the case of learners, teachers are the most easily accessible proficient users. Learners can get advice on numerous aspects of their readings such as vocabulary, grammar, comprehension.

Empathizing with others

Developing cultural understanding

Language and culture are closely connected. Therefore, the background knowledge of the target language‟s culture can assist learners in understanding more thoroughly their readings. Learners can pick up knowledge of English-speaking countries‟ culture through lectures in classes, discussions with native speakers, books, travel brochures, articles from newspapers, magazines and the Internet, programs on television, and their own travel to those countries.


Becoming aware of others’ thoughts and feelings

In order to understand both literal and figurative meanings of various readings, learners need to be aware of writers‟ thoughts and feelings. This awareness helps them comprehend more thoroughly what is communicated in those readings.

In short, this chapter has reviewed different definitions of language learning strategies, their main features, their importance in language acquisition as well as various classifications. It has also given an overview of all learning strategies for reading skills proposed by Oxford (1990) including those that directly involve and require the mental processing of the target language and those that underpin the language learning process. In research field, there are a number of recent studies on teaching learning strategies for reading skills to students such as Chamot & Keatly (2003) and Pesa & Somers (2007) or studies on the effect of task difficulty on learners‟ use of strategies like Ikeda & Takeuchi (2003) and Oxford et al. (2004). However, these studies either aim at teaching learning strategies for reading skills to students with reading difficulties or mainly focus on direct strategies neglecting indirect ones. This study, on the other hand, explores all the learning strategies for reading skills that have been used by IT sophomores at University of Engineering and Technology, VNU with the emphasis on strategies that allow learners to control their own cognition, help learners learn through interactions with others as well as regulate their emotions, motivations and attitudes.


Một phần của tài liệu (LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ) UET it sophomores'''' English learning strategies for reading skills an exploratory research (Trang 50 - 54)

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