Translation of the nominalizations with transposition procedure


Chapter 3: Findings and discussion 3.1. Translation of geological terminologies with transposition procedure

B. Mặt cắt ngang một dòng chảy mất nước điển hình cho các vùng khô hạn - nước từ dòng chảy đổ vào nước ngầm

3.5. Translation of the nominalizations with transposition procedure

In geological texts in general and technical documents, one of the most popular expressive ways to ensure the objectivity and avoid the subjectivity of the writings is using of nominalization (i.e. nouns or noun phrases) instead of verbs or verb phrases since in this case the authors do not need to mention the doer/agent of the actions. Nominalisation “is the single most powerful resource for creating grammatical metaphor” (Halliday, 2004: 656).

Through nominalisation, processes (linguistically realized as verbs) and properties


(linguistically realized, in general, as adjectives) are re-construed metaphorically as nouns, enabling an informationally dense discourse (Halliday, 2004: 656). That is the reason to explain why nouns and noun phrases are highly frequently used in geological texts. It can be seen that in these English texts, nouns and noun phrases are used to create formality, clarity, and precision for the texts.

3.5.1. Translation of SL noun phrases with TL verb phrases

As a matter of fact, the use of verb phrases and noun phrases in different languages is also different. While English language uses mainly noun phrases (NPs), Vietnamese language uses mainly verbs phrases (VPs). Thus, there is a tendency that the NPs are turned into VPs when translating from English into Vietnamese with shift or transposition procedure in which one word-class (NPs) is replaced with another (VPs). Noun phases in the following SL sentences are transferred into TL verb phrases:

Fresh-water heads can then be calculated and used for the determination of hydraulic gradients and flow directions.

Sau đó có thể xác định các cột nước ngọt và dùng để xác định gradient thủy lực và hướng dòng thấm.

Cedergren (1989) presents a complete discussion of the construction of flow nets, including those in anisotropic media.

Cedergren (1989) đưa ra một số phương pháp hoàn chỉnh để thành lập các lưới thấm, kể cả trong môi trường dị hướng.

3.5.2. Translation of SL noun phrases with TL noun phrases

There are some situations when the noun phrases in SL are translated with TL noun phrases. Although less common than the previously mentioned case, this case needs considering to create a variety of grammar structures in TL. First, nominalizations tend to be translated with corresponding TL noun phrases in definition sentences, like the following sentence:


The force potential is the driving impetus behind ground-water flow, and is equal to the product of hydraulic head and the acceleration of gravity.

Thế lực là nguồn lực của dòng nước ngầm và bằng tích của cột nước thủy lực và gia tốc trọng lực.

Another noticeable case is when nominalizations occur in independent phrases which can be separated from other parts of sentences with commas.

A flow net is especially useful in isotropic media; however, with certain transformations, it can be used with anisotropic aquifers.

Lưới thấm đặc biệt hữu dụng trong môi trường đẳng hướng. Tuy nhiên, với một số biến đổi nhất định, nó có thể dùng cho các tầng chứa nước dị hướng.

Particularly, noun phases in the sentences with empty subject There are frequently translated into TL in form of noun phrases like in the following sentence (see more examples in the appendix 1e).

If there is the steady movement of ground water in a confined aquifer, there will be gradient or slope to the potentiometric surface of the aquifer.

Nếu trong tầng chứa nước bị chặn có chuyển động của nước ngầm ổn định thì có gradient hay độ dốc mặt thế của tầng chứa nước.

It can be concluded that in most cases SL nominalizations or noun phrases are translated into TL verb phrases with transposition procedure to adapt to the common expressive ways of Vietnamese language (VPs rather than NPs). On the other hand, nominalizations can be transferred by adequate TL noun phrases, especially when these noun phrases appear in definitions, separate phrases and in the sentences with empty subject There.


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