3.2. Solutions and recommendations to enhance employee‘s motivation
3.2.4. Set up the suitable training course and training policy to improve
In fact, BIDV does not pay much attention to its training and development program for its employees. Consequently, it needs to establish some programs on training and development because they will help the bank reach its goals, with more knowledgeable and productive employees. Training programs should be something that employees look forward to as a way to improve their overall knowledge and performance. Moreover, the ultimate goal of any training program is to product competent employees who can safely, effectively and efficiently perform the tasks required to meet BIDV‘s business requirements.‖
To build an effective training and development program, BIDV should select some employees who are considered training as a way to really bring them knowledge and career opportunities. When training cannot reach the goal, it not only costs much but also takes time. That is the reason why BIDV should consider what to do with new hire training, on the job training and continuous training and education in employee training.‖
A new hire training program provides a fundamental understanding of the position and how the position fits within the organizational structure. The more background knowledge the new employee has about how one workgroup interrelates with others, the more the new employee will understand his or her impact on BIDV.
Therefore, a solid new hire training program begins with the creation of an employee training manual, in either notebook format or online. This manual acts as a building block of practical skills needed to prepare the new individual for his or her position. In order for the new employee to understand current policies and procedures, the manager must ensure the manuals or online employee training are kept current. This includes any system enhancements and/or change in policy or procedure. In addition, it is necessary to keep the user in mind when designing training manuals or online training; keep the employee training material interesting for the learner. Use language that is not "corporate" and include images and multi- media. Much of this employee training and reference material belongs online in the bank‘s intranet. However, if the bank is not ready to embrace the online world, keep the manuals up-to-date and interesting. When possible, in computer training, incorporate visual images of the computer screen (multi-media screen capture) to illustrate functions, examples, and how tos.‖
On the job training includes having the new employee train directly next to an existing employee. This type of employee training allows the new employee to see firsthand the different facets of the position. Also, on the job training allows the new hire the opportunity to develop a working relationship with an existing employee. This type of employee training reinforces concepts learned in the initial training and should be used to reinforce and apply those same learned concepts.‖
Continuous training and education in employee training is just as important as the new hire training. When training new employees, it is able to see that they will only retain approximately 40 percent of the information learned in the initial training session. Therefore, a continuous effort must be placed on reminding the employee about various procedures and concepts. This continuing education can be formal or informal. The formal, or traditional approach, to employee training often includes a
member of management sending a memo to each employee. The informal, and often more appealing approach to a visual learner, is to send a one-page information sheet to staff. This information sheet, called a training alert, should be informative and presented in a non-threatening manner. Therefore, if the policy or procedure changes, the informal approach would better prepare the employee to receive this presentation. Prior to putting together, a continuing education employee training program, the managers must decide upon their desired outcome. One question that is important to answer is, "Do employees want the program to enhance the skills of the employee?" or "Do employees want to help the employee with personal development?" While there is some commonality between these answers, the main difference is the opportunity for the managers to mold future management team members. If the desired outcome is simply to enhance skills, with no personal development, the department will have an experienced employee that simply knows how to do their job a little better. While that is a positive outcome, the company is required to think "outside the box," and design a program that allows, and even encourages, critical thinking and problem solving. Therefore, when designing a continuing education program, the desired outcome should be a blending of both technical and personal enhancement. This type of training program will allow the employees the opportunity to develop solid management skills, coupled with a better understanding of their position and function, and how that fits into the relationship of the bank.