3.2. Solutions and recommendations to enhance employee‘s motivation
3.2.6. Setting up the encouragement culture in internal bank itself
As mentioned above, some employees think that the managers do not understand them nor accurately evaluate their contribution to the bank. To deal with the problem, the establishment of an official performance appraisal system will become useful because both managers and employees are able to understand and evaluate employee working performance, from that giving out fair and appropriate decisions on some rewards which can be given to employees. Moreover, personal attitudes of
a manager towards his subordinate should not be revealed. It is all about work, and it is wise for the managers to respect what his employees achieve.‖
About the relationships between employees and their colleagues, many employees claim that some people are uncooperative in working and it is hard to share tasks or work in the same group with them. Here the researcher will propose some methods that can help BIDV achieve closer employee cooperation and promote teamwork in the office. Firstly, the managers should enforce a strict policy to clearly define their expectations regarding employee cooperation. They can add bold bullet points to address each type of work that requires teamwork and cooperation and how employees are required to perform in such instances. Detailed information should be included about the consequences of non-compliance and what type of behavior is considered as insubordination. After that, all the employees must sign a commitment to make this policy enforced.‖
Secondly, the managers should become good examples. No matter how firm and clearly defined cooperation policy may be, if the managers do not abide by employees may follow in their footsteps. For instance, if the Deputy Director holds meetings to give assignments but is consistently absent and unavailable, the employees may not take such team activities very seriously. This is the reason why the managers of BIDV should lead by example and conform to the bank‘s rules and regulations.‖
Thirdly, cross training method should be used. The term "cross training" means to teach individual employees how to perform multiple positions within BIDV.
Creating several "universal" employees allows them to easily move from one position to the next. Cross training aids in promoting cooperation because it enables employees from different positions to work together with ease and with a common knowledge of procedures. When cross training is done, employees are proficient in many aspects of BIDV‘s business, it reduces -- or eliminates -- responses like, "It's not my job" or, "I don't know how" when asked to help co-workers. Finally, the managers should create work groups to encourage teamwork and dependency.
Though the ability to work independently is a valuable quality, creating a sense of
dependency on one another can considerably enhance the level of employee cooperation in the workplace. By creating small work groups in which employees are expected -- or required -- to complete assignments as a unit, for instance, each piece of a project, each person relies on the others to complete the job successfully.
Employees participating in work groups tend to cooperate with each other because they are all working towards a common goal and are graded as a group rather than individually.‖