As with shared folders, you can assign share permissions for printers. Select the Security tab of the printer's Properties dialog box to configure the options shown in Figure 14-28. By default, the Everyone group receives the Print permission and the Administrators group receives the Print, Manage This Printer, and Manage Documents permissions. Table 14-5 describes the printer permissions, including Special Permissions.
Figure 14-28. Changing Permissions for Shared Printers
Table 14-5. Printer Permissions in Windows 10
Parameter Description
Users can connect to a given printer to print documents and control print job settings for their own documents only. This can include pausing, deleting, and restarting only their own
documents in the print queue.
Manage This Printer
Users can assign forms to paper trays and set a separator page.
In addition, they can change the printing order of documents in the queue, pause, resume, and purge the printer, change printer properties, and delete the printer itself or change printer
permissions. Users with this permission can also perform all tasks related to the Manage documents permission.
Manage Documents
Users can pause, resume, restart, and cancel all documents.
They can also set the notification level for finished print jobs and set priority levels and specific printing times for documents to print.
Special Permissions
Enables the assignment of granular permissions, including Read Permissions, Change Permissions, and Take Ownership. To configure special permissions, click the Advanced button.
For more information on configuring printer permissions, refer to "Set or Remove Permissions for Printer Use" at us/library/cc719924(v=ws.10).aspx.
Configuring Location-Aware Printing
Location Aware Printing, first introduced in Windows 7, enables you to automatically print to a printer on the network your computer is currently connected to. For example, if you have a portable computer that you use both at home and in the office, you can print to the office computer when you are at work. Returning home in the evening, you print a document, and this print job automatically goes to the home printer without your having to change the default printer, thereby simplifying this task and reducing problems from attempting to print to the wrong printer.
Location Aware Printing in Windows 10 obtains network names from several sources, including the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) domain name at work and the SSID of your home wireless network. The Manage Default Printers dialog box then enables you to associate a default printer with each network to which you connect, and Windows automatically
specifies the assigned printer as the default when you connect to its network.
To use Location Aware Printing, you need to be running Windows 10 Pro, Education, or Enterprise edition. The feature is not available in Windows Mobile or the Home edition of Windows 10.
Use the following procedure to set up Location Aware Printing:
Step 1. Access the Action Center and select All Settings.
Step 2. Click the Devices option and then select Printer & Scanners from the settings menu.
Step 3. From the Printers & Scanners settings page in Figure 14-29, click the Let Windows Manage My Default Printer toggle to On.
Figure 14-29. Printers & Scanners Settings Page Enabling You to Work with Printers and Tell Windows Whether to Automatically Manage Your Default Printer
Step 4. Each time you use a printer on a specific network, Windows
automatically uses it as the default whenever you connect to that network.
If you want to change the default printer for a network, you can select a default printer while you are connected to that network. Access the Devices and Printers Control Panel applet, right-click the printer, and then select Set as Default Printer from the pop-up menu.
To stop Windows from changing your default printer every time you use a specific printer, you can turn off the Let Windows Manage My Default Printer setting. You can then manually manage your default printer, and it will not change even if you connect to a different network. With the setting turned off, you also have a new option in the Printers & Scanners settings page. It will identify the current default printer with the word Default just under the name of the printer. To change the default, select the printer you want to use, and then click the Manage button. From the Settings page of the printer, click the Set as Default button to make that printer your default.
Exam Preparation Tasks Review All the Key Topics
Review the most important topics in the chapter, noted with the Key Topics icon in the outer margin of the page. Table 14-6 lists a reference of these key topics and the page numbers on which each is found.
Table 14-6. Key Topics for Chapter 14
Key Topic Element
Description Page
14-1 Shows how to use EFS to encrypt files or folders.
Step List Shows how to back up EFS keys.
Step List Shows how to configure disk quotas.
Table 14-
2 Describes available disk quota configuration options.
Step List Shows how to enable object access auditing.
Step List Shows how to specify objects to be audited.
Figure 14-11
Advanced sharing settings dialog box enables you to configure several global file-sharing and network discovery options.
Figure 14-15
Advanced Sharing properties box allows you to set share permissions, user limits, and other options.
Table 14-
3 Describes available folder-sharing options.
14-16 Specifying shared folder permissions.
Paragraph Describes the concept of libraries.
Paragraph How to create a HomeGroup.
List Describes the interaction between share permissions and NTFS permissions.
Table 14-
5 Printer permissions in Windows 10.
Figure 14-29
The Printers & Scanners settings page allows you to set whether you want Windows to manage your default printer.
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory
Print a copy of Appendix B, “Memory Tables” (found on the book website), or at least the section for this chapter, and complete the tables and lists from memory. Appendix C, “Memory Tables Answer Key,” also on the website, includes completed tables and lists to check your work.
Definitions of Key Terms
Define the following key terms from this chapter, and check your answers in
the glossary.
administrative shares, auditing, certificate, decryption, disk quotas, encryption, Encrypting File System (EFS), hidden shares, library, public folder sharing, recovery agent, shared folder permissions, shared folders, system access control list (SACL)