Step 5. Click the Advanced button to display the Remote Assistance Settings dialog box shown in Figure 15-22 and select the Allow This Computer to be Controlled Remotely check box.
Figure 15-22. Configuring Remote Assistance Settings
Step 6. If you want to allow connections only from computers running
Windows Vista or later, or Windows Server 2008 R2 or later, select the check box labeled Create Invitations That Can Only Be Used from Computers Running Windows Vista or Later.
Use the following steps to send a Remote Assistance invitation to receive help from an expert user:
Step 1. Access the System and Security category of Control Panel and select Launch Remote Assistance in the System section.
Step 2. This action displays the Windows Remote Assistance dialog box shown in Figure 15-23, which enables you to either ask for help or help someone else. To ask for help, click Invite Someone You Trust to Help You.
Figure 15-23. Windows Remote Assistance Enabling You to Either Ask for Help or Help Someone Else
Step 3. Select one of the three options on the following page, shown in
Figure 15-24:
• Save This Invitation as a File: Creates an invitation file in the Microsoft Remote Control Incident (MsRcIncident) format. You can use this method with Web-based email programs by sending it as an attachment.
• Use Email to Send an Invitation: Available only if you have configured an email account in the Mail app or installed another email client.
• Use Easy Connect: Uses the Peer Name Resolution Protocol to send the invitation across the Internet. The other person must also be using a Windows 7, 8.1, or 10 computer.
Figure 15-24. Remote Assistance Allows You to Send Invitations Three Ways
Step 4. The next step depends on the option you've selected from Figure 15- 24:
• If you save the invitation as a file, you are prompted for a name and location to save the file.
• If you use email, your email program opens and provides a prepared
message including an invitation attachment. Supply the email address of the expert who will be helping, and then send the message.
• If you use Easy Connect, you receive a password that you need to provide to the expert by another means, such as by phone. You can also click Chat to start an online chat session. See the next section for more information on Easy Connect.
Depending on from whom you are requesting information and how you are requesting it, you should make a selection that will best reach the expert user.
Whichever method you select for use, you can password-protect the session;
the Easy Connect option has already done that for you. If you have created an invitation for assistance and want to cancel it before it expires, you can use the View Invitation Status option and cancel the invitation.
After the expert receives the email or the invitation file, he can open Remote Assistance on his computer and select the Help Someone Who Has Invited You option previously shown in Figure 15-23. He can then open the
invitation file that the other person has sent and begin offering assistance to the user. He sees a Remote Assistance Expert console that provides a real- time view of the user’s session. This is called a shadow session. If remote control has been enabled, the expert can click the Take Control button, notifying the user that the expert is asking to share control of the keyboard and mouse. The user can prevent a remote control session by pressing the Esc key, pressing Ctrl+C, or clicking the Stop Control button in the chat window.
For more information about using Remote Assistance, including a detailed step-by-step procedure, refer to "User Remote Assistance to Let Someone Fix Your PC" at 050c-0f1b-1562-b15aaad6ab7d/use-remote-assistance-to-let-someone-fix- your-pc.
You can ask a user who is experiencing problems to make a recording of the steps she has taken. To do so, ask her to type psr into the Search bar or
Cortana in Windows 10 or the Start Menu Search text box in Windows Vista or 7. Then select Steps Recorder or psr.exe. This opens the Steps Recorder.
She can click Start Record, perform the steps that are creating the problem, and then click Stop Record when she's finished. At that time she can click Add Comment and then save the recording as a zip file that she can attach to
the email Remote Assistance request email message.
Configuring and Using Easy Connect
As already introduced, Easy Connect provides a simple way to create a Remote Assistance session between two computers running Windows 7 or later without the need for sending an invitation file. The user receives a
password that she needs to provide to the expert by another means such as by phone.
After the user has selected the Use Easy Connect option, the expert receives a Remote Assistance dialog box asking him to type the password that Remote Assistance provided to the other person. Using the supplied password, the expert can initiate the session, and the user’s computer validates the password and invitation before the user is prompted to start the session.
The following are several problems that might be encountered when attempting to use Easy Connect:
• The user's computer is running an older Windows version: For Easy Connect to be available, both computers must be running Windows 7 or later.
• Limited access to the Internet: If access to the Internet is limited on either computer, Easy Connect is disabled. Some corporate networks might limit Internet access.
• A router in the network doesn't support Easy Connect: Easy Connect uses the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) when transferring the assistance request over the Internet. Microsoft provides a utility for
determining whether routers are configured for PNRP. You should install PNRP on any router running a version of Windows Server, or enable PNRP on the router being used.
Exam Preparation Tasks
Review All the Key Topics
Review the most important topics in the chapter, noted with the Key Topics icon in the outer margin of the page. Table 15-6 lists a reference of these key topics and the page numbers on which each is found.
Table 15-6. Key Topics for Chapter 15
Key Topic
Element Description Page
Table 15-3 Authentication protocols for Remote Access
List Remote Authentication Group Policies
Step List Outlines the procedure used for creating a Remote Desktop Connection
List Connection protocols for VPN connections
Figure 15-7 Creating a VPN connection
Step List Configuring VPN Reconnect
Step List Configuring app-triggered VPN connections using Microsoft Intune
Figure 15-14 Configuring traffic filters using Microsoft Intune VPN policies
List The services and settings configured when enabling PSRemoting
Figure 15-22 Configuring Remote Assistance
Step List Requesting help using Remote Assistance
Complete the Tables and Lists from Memory
Print a copy of Appendix B, “Memory Tables” (found on the book website), or at least the section for this chapter, and complete the tables and lists from memory. Appendix C, “Memory Tables Answer Key,” also on the website, includes completed tables and lists to check your work.
Definitions of Key Terms
Define the following key terms from this chapter, and check your answers in the glossary.
Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP), Easy Connect, EAP- TTLS, Internet Key Exchange version 2 (IKEv2), Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP), Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 2 (MS-CHAPv2), Password Authentication Protocol (PAP), Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP), Protected
Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (PEAP-TLS), Remote Assistance, Remote Desktop, Remote Desktop Gateway (RD
Gateway), Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), Virtual Private Network (VPN) , Windows PowerShell