helpped helped poped popped traped trapped grabbed grabed jumped jumpped
For words like hop, double the final consonant before adding -ed to make d hopped.
p ed tapped pp
74 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 1
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words Check true or false for each statement.
1. The first letter in the alphabet is A. true false 2. You eat lunch after dinner. true false
3. Chicks hatch from eggs. true false
4. If it is spring today, it will be winter soon. true false B. Vocabulary: Thesaurus Draw lines between
words with opposite meanings.
from sad
first get
send to
up down
glad last
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 1
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
To summarize a selection, tell about the main ideas, or what the selection is mostly about, in your own words.
As you read “What Grows?,” fill in the Summarize Chart.
Main Idea
Main Idea
Main Idea
76 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 1
F in c h es Gro w U p
n ch es g ro w b igg er an d soo n fly fro m t h e n est . o n ! F ly aw ay !
-Frequency Words:he words after, from, t, and soon i n the story. Fi n ch es m a ke n est s t o h o ld egg s. So m e n est s are in b ig o a k t rees . At Home:Ask your child to read the book aloud to you.
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 1 77
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
So m e n est s are in o dd t h in g s. Fi nc he s ma y m a ke n est s in p o ts an d bo w ls . A f in ch m a y m a ke a n est in a n o ld co a t!
A ft er a n est is m a d e, th e mom l a y s e gg s. T h e e gg s cr a ck an d t h e ba b ies g ro w . A t fi rs t, g ro w n -u p fi n ch es h elp t h e b a b ie s. Phonics: Underline the longo words in the story. Comprehension: Why do grown-up finches help the baby finches at first? 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Draw a line under the word that best completes each sentence. Write the word on the line.
1. Some glue is in .
tubes tulips tunes 2. I can ride on the .
music mug mule
3. It is to yell in class.
rub rule rude
4. I had a sandwich for lunch.
tuna tune tub
5. The plane in the sky.
flute flew few
6. The sea looks . blue blew bug
B. Go back and circle the letters that spell long u in the answers above.
blew cube glue tuba
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Suffixes are word parts added to the end of words to change their meanings.
-er means “a person who”r -less means “without”
-ful means “full of”l
A. Fill in the missing parts to make the word in bold.
Example: Kate is the best singer in the class.
1. Can you be the class helper today?
+ =
2. Kent felt hopeful.
+ =
3. The puppy is so playful!
+ =
4. The snowman is hatless.
+ =
B. Write two sentences about animals. Use the word
fearlesss in one sentence. Use the word playfull in the other.
sing + er = singer
80 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Sentences Write the missing words to complete the sentences.
1. What do you to do today?
2. We make something.
3. Let’s make a plate from clay and paint it with brushes.
4. Yes! I will help you on it.
B. Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Underline the context clues that help you figure out the meaning of each idiom in dark print.
1. I needed to understand the rules of camp. Tom helped me know the ropes.
2. Shells are a dime a dozen and easy to get on this beach.
3. The spelling test was so easy it was a piece of cake.
4. Meg acts fast. She does what Mom asks at the drop of a hat.
want our work could
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
To summarize a story, tell about the main events, or the most important things that happen.
As you read “A Talking Mule,” fill in the Summarize Chart.
82 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2
At Home:Ask your child to read the book aloud to you. J u ne a n d L u lu
o rk we ll wi th y ou Lu lu. e h a ve fu n . B u t I w is h y ou u ld t a lk ,” s ig h ed J u n e. !” y elp ed Lu lu. “ Yo u ve n ot as ked m e to!”
-Frequency Words:he words our, want, rk, and could in the story. Ju n e h as an o ld d o g . T h e d og ’s n a m e is L u lu . L u lu d oes w h at Jun e a sk s. L u lu is a g ood d o g .
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2 83
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
“W ill y o u p la y o u r t u n e Lu lu ?” as ke d J un e. So J u n e p la yed t h e fl u te , an d Lu lu t a p p ed t h e d ru m .
“I w a n t t o p ick t u li p s, L u lu . W yo u h el p m e?” as ke d J u n e. Lul u h el p ed J u n e p ick l o ts o f n ew t u li p s. Phonics: Findlongu words in the story. Circle each word. Comprehension: Describe the things tha Lulu can do.
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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
At Home: Reread aloud and talk about plants that grow.
Reread aloud with your child several times.
B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.
Speed too slow too fast just right
Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation
never sometimes always
Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word
Read with feeling never sometimes always
A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.
8 18 28 32 44
A plant is a living thing. Plants grow.
Grass is a plant. The grass by my home grows fast. It can grow high. First, I mow it. Soon it grows right back!
A rose is a plant. It grows. First, it is a bud.
After the bud, it is a big, yellow rose. 53
Mid-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 1
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
At Home: Reread aloud and talk about jobs to do around the house. Reread aloud with your child several times.
B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.
Speed too slow too fast just right
Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation
never sometimes always
Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word
Read with feeling never sometimes always
A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.
4 11 19 28 37 46
A Good Worker Needed Could you feed our cute pup, Ruth?
Will you take hay to our mule, Jed?
Do you want to play with our kids, Joan?
If so, we want you to help us with our work! We could use a good worker to help us five days a week. 52
Mid-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
car park
A. Draw a line under the word that best completes each sentence. Write the word on the line.
1. A lot of snow fell in the .
yes yard yell
2. Beans and peas grow on our .
fan frame farm
3. I cannot see in the . dark drag dash 4. It is fun to go to the .
pack park play
5. Is it time to the game?
stand strap start
B. Go back and circle arr in the words you wrote on the lines above.
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Closed syllables end with a consonant sound: nap kin
Put the two syllables together to form a word that matches the picture. Then write the word on the line.
1. rib bon
2. kit ten
3. rab bit
4. but ton
5. rack ket
6. muf fin
88 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Sentences Write the missing words to complete the sentences.
1. I a bunch of stray pups.
2. tried to lick my hand.
3. The pups so cute.
4. They make little barks.
B. Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Underline the context clues that help you figure out the meaning of each word in dark print.
1. Sam will open the can of beans.
2. I am sleepy, so I will rest. 3. Can you lift this box?
4. I ate some, and you can have the rest.
found funny they are
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Understanding the author’s purpose means understanding why the author wrote something.
As you read “A Funny Trip to Mars,” fill in the Author’s Purpose Chart.
Clue Clue
Author’s Purpose
90 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
At Home:Ask your child to read the book aloud to you. M a rs Is F a r A w a y
e cann o t v is it M a rs y et . B u t m e p oi n t t h ey w ill g o. I an t t o go , d o y o u ?
-Frequency Words:he words found, y, they, and are in the y. L iz an d C lar k wen t on a fu n n y tri p t o M a rs . I wi sh w e co u ld go t h er e. B u t I f ou n d th at we c a n n ot t a ke a rea l tri p t o M ar s y et .
M a rs is f a r a w a y. I t mi g h t ta ke a b o u t 2 2 0 d a y s ju st t o g et t o M a rs . T h a t is a l o n g t ri p in s p a ce . W e cann o t go t h at far yet .
M a rs is c o ld an d rocky . I t’ s p o les are d ar k . T h e p lan et M a rs is n ext t o u s, b u t i t is fa r fr o m th e Su n . W e ca nn ot live on M a rs . Phonics: Circle the ar words in the story.Comprehension: Why do you think the author wrote this selection?
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
girl burn fern perch
A. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Then write the word on the line.
1. I helped Dad make Mom’s cake!
birthday bird bright
2. She will the mix.
still stand stir
3. The dog has thick . far fire fur
4. Dad and Bert saw a . felt fern Fred
5. We see ferns.
thirty think then
B. Find the ir, urr or err in each answer above. Then circle it.
birthdayy bir
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Open syllables end with a vowel sound: go me
Put the two syllables together to form a word that matches the picture. Then write the word on the line.
1. do nut
2. ro bot
3. mu sic
4. ba by
5. ze bra
6. po ny
94 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words Check true or false for each statement.
1. Birds never fly. true false
2. One is less than four. true false
3. If we are apart, we are together. true false 4. If the dog has been good, she may get a
treat. true false
tiny sick fast close
B. Vocabulary Strategy: Thesaurus Write a
word from the box that means the same thing as the underlined word.
1. Please shut the gate as you go.
2. Jane is ill, so she cannot go to the show.
3. My kitten looks like a little bit of fuzz.
4. If you are quick, we can catch the bus.q
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
To find an effect in a story, ask “What happened?”
To find a cause in a story, ask “Why did that happen?”
As you read “Fern’s Team,” fill in the Cause and Effect Chart.
Cause Effect
96 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
At Home:Ask your child to read the book aloud to you. Irw in a nd the G am e
d id n ’t w in las t w ee k, ” sai d rn . “ B u t w e h a ve o n e last e, i t’s n ext w ee k .” w in an d Ve rn p lay ed b a ll get h er . “It h a s bee n a g rea t d a y!” th ey d .
-Frequency Words:ords one, been, ver, and together in the y. Ir w in p u t o n his base ball s h ir t a n d h is luc k y b ir d ca p . “I t is a g ood d a y for a gam e!” sai d Ir w in . “ I w ill g et a h o m e r u n !”
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
Irw in g ot h is b at a n d mi tt . He a n d hi s m o m w en t to t h e p ar k . “I t is a g ood d a y f o r a g am e! ” sa id Ir w in . “I w ill ge t f o u r h o m e r u ns !”
Ir w in sa w V er n w it h h is d a “W h ere is o u r t eam , V er n ?” as ked Ir w in . “T h e g am e w a s last w ee k! ” sa id V ern . “N o ! I m issed i t! I f o rg o t. I ’v n ev er misse d a g am e, n o t o n e! ” sa id Ir w in . Phonics: Underline the ir and er words in the story.Comprehension: What causes Irwin to miss the game? 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Draw a line under eer, ere, and ear in these words.r
here ear deer
veer mere tear near steer
B. Sort the words from above in the boxes.
eer ere ear
C. Use the words above to complete each sentence.
1. I will not cry a . 2. I had a tiny, bite.
3. My dad can the boat.
4. My home is the park.
5. I to the right on my bike.
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Prefixes are word parts added to the beginning of words to change their meanings. The prefix re-- means “again.”
The prefixes un-- and dis- mean “not” or “the opposite of.”-
A. Make words with the prefixes re-, un-, and dis-. Circle the prefix in each of your answers.
Example: card dis discard
1. start re
2. un paid
3. please dis
4. re read
5. load un
B. Fill in each blank with a word from above.
1. I will that book.
2. Try to the car.
3. Can you that box?
4. She will not do the job if she is .
5. Do not the teacher!
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Write the missing words to complete the sentences.
Mom said that I got a pet, I needed to save money so I can help pay for it. In ten weeks, I saved up to get a . Mom came
with me to the animal shelter. We got just in time to get the last dog!
B. Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts Circle the Greek or Latin root word that means the same thing as the word in dark print.
vis = see tele = far away
Example: The tiny bug was not visible.
1. I wear glasses to make my vision better.
2. The star is far away. I can see it better with a telescope.
3. When I want to see my grandmother, I go to visit her.
4. My aunt lives far away, but we talk on the telephone a lot.
there before dog along
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
You can use facts from a story to understand what you read. This is how you draw conclusions.
As you read “Who Is Best?,” fill in the Conclusion Chart.
Fact Fact
102 Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5
I’l l H e lp Yo u
n g on !” sai d Ra t. his is fu n !” sai d P ig . “ N ex t tim e, w e w ill b rin g Dog al on g it h us .” “I can ’t car ry bo th o f y ou ,” ke d R a t.
-Frequency Words:he words there, ore, dog, and along in story. R a t an d P ig sa t o n a r a ft in th e po n d . “Le t’s t a ke a sw im ,” sai d Ra t. “L et ’s sw im fro m t h e r a ft to th e n ea rest r oc k .” At Home:Ask your child to read the book aloud to you.
Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5 103
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
R a t j u m p ed in t h e po n d . “Y es , I am f a st er , b u t h a ve n fear . I w a n t you to g o w it h m e, ” yel le d R a t. “Ho ld m y ear s an d I ’l l ta ke you !” Phonics: Underline the ear words in the story.Comprehension: Why does Rat offer to help Pig get across?
P ig h a d a f ear o f sw immin g an d h e d id n o t w a n t t o g o in . “I d on ’t w a n t t o st a y h ere , b u t I d o n ot li ke t o sw im ,” sai d Pi g. “Y ou w ill ge t t h er e be fo re I d o. ” 2
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
At Home: Reread aloud and talk about the difference between real and make-believe. Reread aloud with your child several times.
B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.
Speed too slow too fast just right
Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation
never sometimes always
Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word
Read with feeling never sometimes always
A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.
9 18 26 36 46
Star said that she drove our car to Mars.
On Mars, flying cars zipped on top of the dark streets. She came home since she could not find a place to park. That is funny since she does not know how to drive! What do you think? Is this odd? Could you make this up? 55
End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
At Home: Reread aloud and talk about how girls’ sports have changed over time.Reread aloud with your child several times.
B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.
Speed too slow too fast just right
Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation
never sometimes always
Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word
Read with feeling never sometimes always
A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.
9 18 27 37 46
When she was a kid, my Grandma Gert liked to play baseball. She could never play on a team. Back then, baseball teams did not let girls play. I am glad that they let girls play baseball today. Grandma Gert has been to each one of my games. She is my very best fan! 54
End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 4
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
At Home: Reread aloud and talk about something that Spot does. Reread aloud with your child several times.
B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.
Speed too slow too fast just right
Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation
never sometimes always
Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word
Read with feeling never sometimes always
A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.
9 18 22 31 40
Dogs are fast. Spot is a dog. He runs from the park to the backyard. Spot gets there before I do!
Dogs like to play. Do you see the stick near the tree? Spot gets it and brings it back. Spot is a good little dog! 47
End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3/Week 5
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Underline the answer to each question.
1.What comes before second?
first soon one fi
2. What is something that is no longer lost?
never found before
3.What do you do in school?
work swim sleep
4.What word means in a very short time?
first after soon fi
5. What word means something that belongs to us?
our my they
B. Complete the letter with words from the box.
after dog funny want
1.I like to pet my .
2. I eat breakfast I wake up.
3.I to go to the beach.
4.I like to read stories.
End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 3
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
1. We each need a dish, a cup, and a . fort fork first
2. A tree fell in the . storm still chore
3. Do you like peas or ?
corn caps card
4. We swam and played at the . still short shore
5. My swing has a for a seat.
board bore hard
B. Underline the words with or, ore, or oarr in the answer choices above.
fork oar score
A. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Then write the word on the line.
Grade 2/Unit 4/Week 1
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Some long words are made up of two shorter words.
These are called compound words.
A. Draw a line to connect two short words to make a compound word. Write the words you make on the lines.
B. Fill in each blank with a word from above.
1. We set up the tents, and then we sat by the .
2. The stars were my .
3. The sky was bright red at .
4. Then we made .
C. Go back and draw a line between the two shorter words in each answer.
1. night fire
2. pan light
3. sun set
4. camp cakes
nightlight g g
110 Grade 2/Unit 4/Week 1
© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Write the missing words to complete the sentences.
I am going on a long boat trip. The waves are so high! I hope that I don’t . The boat is of kids. I like boating on the
fall full very water
B. Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Underline the context clues that help you figure out the meaning of each word in dark print.
1. May I have a cold drink of water?
2. My clothes got soaked in the storm.
3. The thunder made a big bang.
4. The fluffy white snowflakes felt cold on my skin.
5. I got an itchy red sunburn at the beach.
Grade 2/Unit 4/Week 1