Read each sentence. Write the contraction for the

Một phần của tài liệu reading triumphs practice book grade 2 (Trang 166 - 222)

1. She is my best pal.

2. He is a fast runner.

3. It is time to eat.

4. They are sitting in the grass. y

160 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 3

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Write the missing words to complete the sentences.

weekend, I get out my sled and hope it snows. I outside in my boots and

look at the sky. But there is never snow.

After awhile, I go back inside. I think I like spring .

any every walk better

B. Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts Choose a prefix or suffix from the box to complete each word in bold.

ful less ly un re dis

1. We can find a way to use these boxes.

2. My cat likes being cold and wet.

3. I lost my hat and now I am hat .

4. She walks too slow and misses the bus.

5. I felt happy when I didn’t ace the test.

6. Dad is glad that we are help .


Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 3

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

To summarize a selection, tell about the main events, or the most important things that happen.

As you read “The Stray Dog,” fill in the Summarize Chart.





162 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 3

Princ es s G oes to S choo l

e sc h oo l se n d s u s h ome . I o w P rin ce ss a t rea t j u st lik e ey d id in sc h oo l. ll h er t o s it. S h e s its ! T h en e c o m es an d s h e j u m p s. e d oes e ve ry th in g I as k . at a s pl en d id d o g!

-Frequency Words:ords any and lk in the story. P rin cess is m y p u pp y. S h e h as ba d h ab its . S h e ea ts ou r food. S h e j u m ps o n Sam m y. Sh e c h ews h er leas h w h en we ta ke h er fo r a w a lk . At Home:Ask your childto read the book aloud to you.

Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 3 163

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

“P ri n cess is a p ro b le m ,” sa id M o m . “ Sh e n eed s to be tr ain ed . W e m u st t a ke h er to sc h o o l.” Bu t Pr in ce ss do es n’ t w a n t to go t o sc h oo l. S h e is u p se t w h en we ta ke h er .

A t l a st , w e ge t P rin ce ss t o cl ass B u t l o ts o f ba d t h in g s h a p pe Sh e jum p s o n a t imi d p u pp y. Sh e bar k s. S h e w ill n o t d o an tri ck s. Phonics: Underline words that have a closed syllable.Comprehension: How does Princess act at the beginning of the story? Does she act the same or different at the end?2

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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Read each word. Draw a line to divide each word into syllables. Then write the syllables on the lines.

1. kitten 2. helmet 3. magnet 4. lesson 5. button 6. sunset

B. Complete each sentence using a word from above.

1. I wear a when I ride my bike.

2. My shirt is missing a . in/sect//

Closed Syllable

Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4 165

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Circle the word that completes each sentence. Write it on the line. Underline the suffix -err or -est in your answers.t 1. My sister is than me.

faster fastest

2. She is the kid in our class.

smarter smartest

3. That dog is the dog of all!

sweetest sweeter

4. Are they than us?

taller tallest

5. That is the bug I have ever seen!

smaller smallest

B. Write two sentences about animals. Use the word fastest in one sentence. Use the wordt taller in the other.r 1.


The suffix -er compares two things. The suffix r -est compares three or more things.

166 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Write a word to complete each sentence.

Some people think it’s easy to spell

names. My first name is Johanna. There are

letters in my first name. My last name is Sullivan. There are eight letters in my last name. I’m glad that I have only parts to my name. It was hard to how to spell such long names!

their seven two learn

B. Vocabulary Strategy: Thesaurus Write a

word from the box that means the same thing as the underlined word.

silent sleepy loud far

1. You need to be quiet when the baby is sleeping. q 2. The moon is distant from us.

3. I felt tired after my long run.

4. That noisy music makes my ears hurt! y


Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

You can use what you already know and what you learn from a selection to make inferences.

As you read “All About Kittens,” fill in the Inference Chart.

What I Read What I Know

My Inferences

168 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4

Se ve n Pup pie s

A good t im e t o ge t a n ew u pp y is w h en i t is s ix t o eigh t w ee k s o ld . T h is g ir l h as st ch ose n a p u p p y. S h e o ld s t h e p u p p y in h er ar ms . fee ls fuzz y an d sw ee t. T h ey re bo th so h a p p y!

-Frequency Words:he words seven, r, two, and learn in the y. T h is d o g g ave b ir th to s even p up p ies. A t f irs t, t h e p u p p ie s are f ed b y th ei r m om. T h e p u pp ie s cann ot see fo r th e f ir st tw o w ee k s. Wh en t h ey are a b out t h ree w ee k s o ld , i t is c o m m o n for p u p p ies t o st ar t w a lk in g an d b ar k in g . At Home:Ask your childto read the book aloud to you.

Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4 169

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

No w t h e p u pp ie s are ea ti n g real d o g food. T h ey lik e t h ei r f ood a l o t. T h ey li ck th e b ow ls c lean . Phonics: Underline three words in the story that have a closed syllable.Comprehension: How can you tell that t puppies like their food?

Th e pu ppie s le a rn ma n y T h ep u p p ie s le a rnm a n y ne w t h in g s. T h e p u p p ie s are fun n y. T h ey le a p an d yel p . T h ey ch ase t h ei r o w n t a ils . On e o f t h e p u p p ie s see m s ti mi d. I t a ct s s hy , b u t t h en all o f a s u d d en i t l ea p s u p ! 2

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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Which word in each pair has an open first syllable? Write the word.

Example: re/cess milk/man 1. ta/ken fab/ric 2. co/bra hap/pen

3. sub/mit re/cent 4. re/sult kit/ten 5. a/pron sud/den 6. but/ton ba/sic 7. be/gan rab/bit

8. in/sect pi/lot

9. si/lent back/pack 10. pic/nic to/ken


Open Syllable


Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5 171

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning.

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings.

A. Read these word pairs. If the words are synonyms, write S on the line. If they are antonyms, write A on the line.

B. Use a word from above to complete each sentence.

1. On Sunday I play my drums before lunch, and on Friday

I play them lunch.

2. The wind and snow make me feel . 3. Please the door when you leave.

4. Our puppy was when we first got her.

5. My pants got from planting in the garden.

1. cold chilly 2 big tiny 3. dirty clean 4. close shut 5. before after

172 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Write the missing words to complete the sentences.

When I was I could not reach the book shelf in my room. I can reach it. When I look at my books, I who gave them to me. I plan to my baby books to my little sister soon.

B. Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts Circle the correct word to complete each sentence. Then write the word on the line.

1. Frank a cake for my birthday.

baking baked

2. She up to five hundred.

count counted

3. I at the cute puppy.

smiled smiles

4. My dog up my best stuffed toy.

chew chewed

small now give remember


Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

You can use what you know and what you have read to make inferences about a story.

As you read “The Old Chest,” fill in the Inference Map.

What I Read What I Know

My Inference

174 Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5

At Home:Ask your childto read the book aloud to you. n sai d , “ I w ish I h ad br a id s.” o u r h a ir m u st g ro w t o l o o k lik e min e,” L u cy sai d . “T h at ill be w h en y o u are a l o t lde r!”-Fre

quency Words:derline the words nowl in the story. Lu c y’s B ra id s

Luc y h a d lon g b ra id s. S h e d id not lik e t h em . “I lik ed t h em w h en I w a s sm a ll ,” s h e sai d . “B u t n o w I loo k lik e a ba b y.”

Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5 175

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Phonics: Circle two words that have an open syllable.Comprehension: How do Lucy and Jen feel about the braids?

“J en, w ill y ou c u t m y h air ?” as ke d L u cy . “ I d o n ’t w a n t th ese b ra ids .” “No w a y! Mo m w ill b e an g ry !” sai d J en . “ A n d bes id es , t h ose b rai d s are so c u te !”

“T h an k s, ” sai d Luc y. “Ma yb I ca n fix t h em . I k n o w ! I w ill p u t t h em u n d er m y chin .” Sh e s h owe d J en. J en w a s sil en t fo r a m o m en t. Th en sh smil ed. 2

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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

At Home: Reread aloud and talk about pet training.

Reread aloud with your child several times.

B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.

Speed too slow too fast just right

Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation

never sometimes always

Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word

Read with feeling never sometimes always

A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.

8 18 28 39 50 59

My dog Blitzen can do lots of tricks.

When Blitzen wants to go for a walk, he scratches the door. Blitzen can go out and get my ball

in the rain. He grips it in his teeth. Then he comes back. He is the best dog. Still I wish I could train Blitzen to make me a sandwich for lunch! 60


End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 3

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

At Home: Reread aloud and talk about bobcats.

Reread aloud with your child several times.

B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.

Speed too slow too fast just right

Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation

never sometimes always

Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word

Read with feeling never sometimes always

A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.

7 14 22 30 35 42 51 60

Some cats are pets. Some cats are wild. A bobcat is wild. Bobcats have

yellow-brown or red-brown fur. Their fur is streaked with dark stripes or spots. A bobcat has a short tail.

A young bobcat grows inside its mom for around seven to eight weeks. Then it is born. A young bobcat learns to hunt from its mom. It learns many lessons from its mom. 68


End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 4

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

At Home: Reread aloud and talk about whales.

Reread aloud with your child several times.

B. Partners Use the chart to check your partner’s reading.

Speed too slow too fast just right

Paid attention to periods, commas, end punctuation

never sometimes always

Accuracy skipped words self-corrected read every word

Read with feeling never sometimes always

A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.

11 21 34 45 57 67

What’s in the chest? It is not a secret. I will give you hints. This thing is black and white. In real life, it is not small. It is quite big. In real life, it can swim and can blow water from a hole. But it is not real. What is it? Think! I will open the chest and show you now. It is your old stuffed whale! 68


End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 5/Week 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Circle the word that best completes each sentence.

Then write the word on the line.

1.Many came to see the school play.

dogs young people

2. I want to a new notebook.

learn buy put

3.My bike has wheels.

two seven ten

4. I just read a book that made me .

here laugh give

5.I took a and saw a pretty garden.

walk school better

B. Draw a line to match the word with its definition.

1.small not old

2. two little

3. here one plus one

4.young 365 days

5.learn opposite of there

6.year get to know something


End-of-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 5

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

apple regal mussel

A. Circle the word that completes the sentence. Then write the word on the line.

1. The rose is red.

petal pan pumpkin

2. I at the joke.

glee giggle girl

3. I have one and one dime.

napkin nickel nuzzle

4. Please sit at the .

tale tell table

5. The horse went in the . stable steal spill

B. Go back and underline the second syllable in the answers above.

petal p



Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Homophones are words that sound alike but have different spellings and meanings. The words hare ande hair are homophones.r

A. Draw a line to match each word with its homophone.

1. ate rose

2. week one

3. won eight

4. sent weak

5. rows cent

B. Fill in each blank with a word from above that makes sense.

1. The newborn kittens are tiny and .

2. Please make five of desks in our class.

3. I a sandwich for lunch.

4. Grandma me a thank-you note.

5. I ran so fast I the race!

182 Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Sentences Write a word from the box to complete each sentence.

1. My dad a dollhouse for me.

2. I was happy when it was .

3. You can look inside the windows.

4. I think it’s the best dollhouse in the whole !

B. Vocabulary Strategy: Context Clues Read the pairs of sentences below. Use context clues from the first sentence to help you complete the other sentence.

Example: The sheep has brown wool.

The wool is brown.

1. The girl has a warm hat.

The hat is warm.

2. Burt has a good book.

book is good.

3. The cook has a huge pot.

The pot is huge.

4. The doorbell has a loud ring.

The ring is loud.

done through built world

sheep’spp p


Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Understanding the author’s purpose means understanding why the author wrote something.

As you read “Bridges and Tunnels,” fill in the Author’s Purpose Chart.

Clue Clue

Author’s Purpose

184 Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1

At Home:Ask your childto read the book aloud to you. B ri d g es h elp u s in l o ts o f wa y s. idg es b ri n g p eo pl e t o g et h er . ey ta ke car s, t ru ck s, a n d ains fr o m plac e to plac e.

Can you fin d a b rid g e in you r ty o r t o w n ? H o w is i t h elpf ul ?

-Frequency Words:ords built, doneorld in the selection. A beam br id g e is a si m p le A beam b rid ge is a sim p le k in d o f b rid ge . P eo p le m a d e th em lon g a g o. M a n y b eam b ri dg es w ere m a d e w ith a si n gl e lo g o r t ree . La te r, b eam b rid ges u sed five or s ix lo g s tie d to g et h er . T h at ma d e t h em st ro n g er an d m o re st a bl e. Le t’s C ro ss a B ri d g e

Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1 185

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Beam b ri dg es h ave c h an g ed a l o t. Beams are n o w m a d e o u t of m et a ls s u ch as st ee l. T h a t ma kes t h em st ro n g an d st a bl e. Beam b ri d g es can be f o u n d in m ost p ar ts o f t h e w o rl d .

So m e b ri dg es are b ui lt w it h ste el ca bl es . T h is is t h e G o ld en G ate B rid g e in Cali fo rni a . I t is ver y l on g! It t o o k f ou r year s t o g et t h is b ri dg e d o n e. N o w , m a n y car s a n d tr u ck s are a bl e t o c ross t h is b ri dg e ea ch d a y. Phonics: Underline the words in the selection that end in -le. Comprehension: Why did the author wri this selection? 2

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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Vowel teams with two vowels, such as ea, ee, oa, au, ai, and oo can help you read long words. When two o vowels are together in a long word, they often stay in the same syllable. A vowel and a consonant, such as ow, can be a vowel team, too.ww

A. Put the two syllables together to make a word. Read the word. Write it on the line. Then circle the vowel team.

Example: seat belt 1. sea son

2. rain coat 3. six teen 4. el bow 5. Au gust 6. rac coon

B. Complete each sentence with a word you made. Circle the vowel teams.

1. I will put on my . 2. What is the coldest?

seatbelt eat


Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 2

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

careful S f

Prefixes are word parts added to the beginnings of words to change their meanings. Suffixes are word parts added to the ends of words to change their meanings.

lovely painful untie

A. Write new words by adding prefixes or suffixes. Write P if you added a prefix. Write

P S if you added a suffix.S

B. Fill in each blank with a word from the box. Circle the suffix or prefix in your answers.

1. My new dress is so .

2. My toothache was very .

3. I will my laces.

1. mind re

2. quick ly

3. count dis

4. un hurt

5. or act

Example: ful ful care

188 Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 2

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

A. Vocabulary Words: Cloze Paragraph Choose a word from the box to complete each sentence.

I am going to write a story my trip to Spain. I really liked Spain I got to ride a donkey. Once, I rode the donkey twenty minutes. I saw so many cool in Spain!

about because for things

B. Vocabulary Strategy: Word Parts Circle the word that best completes the sentence. Then write the word on the line.

1. I hope I get a for my birthday.

bike bikes

2. We have so many to read.

page pages

3. How many are in a week?

day days

4. My mom runs five every day.

mile miles


Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 2

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

When you compare, you tell how things are alike.

When you contrast, you tell how things are different.

As you read “We Need Teeth,” fill in the Compare and Contrast Chart.

Animal Animal Animal

Behavior Behavior Behavior

190 Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 2

At Home:Ask your childto read the book aloud to you. a in ta in h ea lth y t ee th , a lso n ee d to g o t o t h e n tist. b ru sh you r t ee th ea ch y. V is it a d en tist . T h at w a y u w ill a vo id p ro b le ms . Y o u ill b e a bl e t o u se y o u r t ee th r a l o n g t ime to c o me !

-Frequency Words:rcle the words things and n the story. H ea lthy T ee th

We us e ou r te et h a lot . W e m un ch . W e c ru n ch . W e c h ew . W it h out h eal thy te et h we co u ld n ot e n jo y m o st food s. H ow can w e k ee p o u r t ee th h ea lthy ?

Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 2 191

© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

Phonics: Underline three words with a vowel team syllable.Comprehension: Compare and contrast the different ways to maintain healthy tee

T h er e are l o ts o f th in g s w e can d o . F ir st , w e n eed t o b ru sh ou r te et h . T o m a in ta in h ea lt hy te et h , w e n ee d to b ru sh a t l east t w ic e d a il y.

T h er e are m a n y k in d s o f too thb ru sh es . W h ic h b ru sh d o you l ik e? A t im er can t ell yo u w h en t o st o p . I t w ill b u zz to le t y o u k no w . 2

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© Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

At Home: Reread aloud and talk about the directions.

Reread aloud with your child several times.

B. Read these silly sentences aloud to yourself or a partner. Pause at the single slashes (/) and stop at the double slashes (//). Make sure to change your voice when you read a question mark (?) or an exclamation point (!).

1.That puzzle/ did not dazzle!//

2. Did you see/ a little,/ red bird/ in the jungle?//

3.Rabbit and Pig/ did giggle/ and giggle.//

4.Do you think it is noble/ when kings dance/ in the castle?//

5. That metal bridge/ is not brittle!//

A. Read aloud the story. As you read, pay attention to the words and your reading speed.

8 12 18 25 33 37 44 53 57

Come to my birthday bash. Here’s how you get to my house:

Go through the Maple Road Tunnel.

Turn left. Take Nickel Street to the Bottle Bridge. It is the strangest bridge in the world. It floats!

Turn right onto Main Street. Go through five traffic lights. When you are done, take a right onto Apple Street.

My house is the first one on the right. 66


Mid-Unit Additional Instruction Grade 2/Unit 6/Week 1

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