To begin with the benefits of using team work, the first advantage is that teamwork as a result of better task completion reduces error rates, members can support each other especially the weaker stduents and they can strive together, shortening the time to do the job (Rosen and Dietz, 2017). If speaking English is done individually, better learners can develop themselves independently and support others as well. Moreover, weaker students can be supported by their peers.
Students in the same team can support each other, that is, the better and better students support the weaker students so that they can progress together in speaking ability, they can bond to exchange and achieve common goals for the team and for themselves. By doing this, both good and weak students can get benefits and as a result, their speaking level can be improved.
For a long time, in the pedagogical argument of authors Long & Porter (1985), learning a second language has created many benefits in teamwork activities. According to Harmer (2007), speaking in a second language reduce pressure and increase the ability to speak fluently in foreign language lessons. He
reiterated the advantages of team work because it increases the number of speaking opportunities; provides a space for speakers to give their different opinions; encourages cooperation and negotiation skills; and promotes learner autonomy.
Additionally, Brown (2001) this is an activity that increases mutual support and help between individuals in the teamwork, especially the exchange of knowledge for good students and weaker students. According to authors Long &
Porter, (1985) team activities promote the following activities: (1) Language input: team work activities are inputs to solve the data process of discussion activities that are used properly, (2) Fluency: is the process of helping them prepare in advance what they want to say according to the materials they have prepared in advance, (3) Communication strategies: students begin to discuss and negotiate what that they intend to say in accordance with the prepared content to avoid duplication of information.
Ur (2011) mentions that a good discussion is one in which most students speak as much as possible. If the participants are motivated, if their expressions are alive, if they react to the ideas of the speaker, and if they can use the language as they require, then it is a proof that the discussion is going well (Ur, 2011).
According to Hess (2001), a team is a natural framework for sharing ideas in the real-world scenario, and it is ideal for a language classroom to communicate. In a large class, students can learn much from team work, because they practice oral fluency, and learn to speak with other members of the team.
Also students lower their affective domain in small teams and feel more comfortable. Sharing the same idea, Klimkowski (2006) stated that team work activities help improve the quality of the teamwork's scenario. Thus, team members contributed different ideas in the team to help improve the quality of a team's output, whereby contributions from many ideas made the content complementary in a richer direction and members also participate more actively in team activities. In addition, Norman (1986) believed that students can exchange experiences with each other and the efficiency be higher when in the team there
is one or a few members who are more outstanding in their learning ability than other students. According to the author Golub (1988, p.1). Teamwork activities are carried out to develop speaking skills to help students speak more and during this talking process learning activities are also starting to take place. In this sense, motivation is a key factor in team work wherein students perform at a personal level because they feel less inhibited about committing errors, which is a stepping stone to learning (Long & Porter, 1985).
According to Herreman (1988, p.11), the benefit that students gain from that teamwork can be transferable and can also be used long-term because after children learn about the motivation the team creates for each individual at this time, they are equip themselves with a better foundation in team activities when they grow up and they are also be less frustrated when they are exposed to a team work environment when they are young.
According to Andersone (2004), teamwork activities are not effective and popular in the educational environment, so teachers' team control activities are not yet mature in educational institutions of Latvia This method when applied to education created new things for students. The limitations that this method brought about are many and teachers believed that they still had shortcomings, specifically the diversity of knowledge required students to have more skills and combine more skills during teamwork, the attitude of each student was different, so if the student was positive, the team activity would be effective, but if the student was not active, the activity would not be effective; Students were not proactive and teachers did not motivate them, especially weaker students, to participate in the learning process.; The negativity was great if they only looked at the weaknesses of the remaining teams in the class
According to Beebe and Masterson (2003), the limitations included: (1) team pressures when the majority opinion dominated the minority, while many students disagreed with the opinions of the majority could lead to conflicts of opinions among members and the rule forced students to follow the majority opinion at this
time, the team might make the mistakes that the majority opinion hadmade at the same time, (2) the dominance of an individual in the discussion process led to the isolation of some other members in the team, some team members still could not contribute comments, (3) when working in teams, members lost focus and depended on the opinions of other members,(4) Team work consumed a huge amount of time and affects the effectiveness of the class. According to Taqi &
Al-Nouh (2014), team work activities did not always improve students and the first method they used was their mother tongue instead of the language of class.
Furthermore, Smith and MacGregor (1992, p7) said that it took time for them to adapt to team learning activities.