We show first that there occur arbitrarily large gaps between consecutive primes:
Theorem 5.5.1. For any positive integer๐พthere exist๐พconsecutive composite numbers.
โฃ Proof. Take any๐ > ๐พ, and consider the integers๐๐ = ๐! +๐,๐ = 2,3, . . . , ๐พ + 1.
Clearly,๐ โฃ ๐๐and๐๐ > ๐, hence every๐๐is composite. โก Remark: We can replace๐!in the proof by the product of primes not exceeding๐.
Generalizing Theorem 5.5.1, we prove now that even both of two consecutive gaps can be arbitrarily large, i.e. there exist primes surrounded by many composite numbers from both sides (these are calledsolitaryprimes).
5.5. Gaps between Consecutive Primes 135
Theorem 5.5.2. For any positive integer๐พthere exists a prime๐such that all numbers
๐ ยฑ 1,๐ ยฑ 2, . . . ,๐ ยฑ ๐พare composite. โฃ
Proof. We choose a prime๐ โฅ ๐พ + 2, and consider
๐ = 2 โ 3 . . . (๐ โ 2)(๐ โ 1)(๐ + 1)(๐ + 2) . . . (2๐ โ 2) =(2๐ โ 2)!
๐ .
Here(๐, ๐) = 1, thus there exist (infinitely many)๐ > 0for which๐ = ๐ + ๐๐is a prime. We show that such a๐meets the requirements. For any1 โค ๐ โค ๐ โ 2we have
๐ ยฑ ๐ = ๐ + ๐๐ ยฑ ๐ = (๐ ยฑ ๐) +๐(2๐ โ 2)!
๐ = (๐ ยฑ ๐)(1 + ๐๐),
where๐๐is a positive integer. Thus every๐ ยฑ ๐is composite. โก Now we prove Chebyshevโs Theorem stating that there must occur a prime be- tween any number and its double.
Theorem 5.5.3(Chebyshevโs Theorem). For any integer๐ โฅ 1there exists a prime๐
satisfying๐ < ๐ โค 2๐. โฃ
This obviously implies that the theorem remains valid for any real numbers๐ โฅ 1 (instead of integers).
Another name for this result isBertrandโs postulate, because the conjecture was first formulated in 1845 by Bertrand in a slightly stronger form: To every๐ > 3there is a prime๐satisfying๐ < ๐ โค 2๐ โ 2. (This version is true as well, and even much stronger results hold, see assertions (A) in Theorems 5.5.4 and 5.5.5.) Theorem 5.5.3 was proved by Chebyshev in 1852. The proof below was found by Erdลs when he was 19years old.
Proof. The basic idea is to observe that the product of primes between๐and2๐is closely related to the binomial coefficient(2๐๐). We assume๐ โฅ 5from now on.
I. We write the standard form of(2๐๐)and break it into the product of three factors according to the size of the primes the following way:
(5.5.1) (2๐ ๐) = โ
๐๐๐= โ
๐๐๐โ โ
๐๐๐โ โ
We denote the three subproducts on the right-hand side of (5.5.1) by๐ด,๐ต, and ๐ถ. It is sufficient to show ๐ถ > 1, since then there must exist a prime๐satisfying ๐ + 1 โค ๐ โค 2๐. (It can be easily shown that every exponent๐๐in๐ถis1, so๐ถequals the product of primes between๐and2๐, see Exercise 5.5.7a.)
To verify๐ถ > 1, we establish upper bounds for๐ดand๐ต, and a lower bound for (2๐๐).
II. Lower bound for(2๐๐): Since(2๐๐) โค (2๐๐)for every0 โค ๐ โค 2๐(see Exercise 5.5.5) (2๐ + 1)(2๐
๐) >
(2๐ ๐) = 22๐,
(5.5.2) (2๐
๐) > 4๐ 2๐ + 1.
III. Upper bound for๐ด: By Lemma 5.4.4, we have๐๐๐ โค 2๐, hence
(5.5.3) ๐ด = โ
๐๐๐โค (2๐)๐(โ2๐)< (2๐)โ2๐.
IV. Upper bound for๐ต: Again,๐๐๐โค 2๐, by Lemma 5.4.4, and since๐ > โ2๐, this implies๐๐โค 1.
We show that๐๐= 0for (๐ > 2and)2๐/3 < ๐ โค ๐. Indeed, such a๐occurs exactly to the first power both in the numerator and denominator of
๐) = 2๐(2๐ โ 1) . . . (๐ + 1)
๐! ,
it appears only in the factor2๐in the numerator, and in the factor๐in the denominator.
(5.5.4) ๐ต = โ
๐๐๐ = โ
๐๐๐ โค โ
This and Lemma 5.4.5 imply
(5.5.5) ๐ต < โ
๐ < 42๐/3.
V. Substituting (5.5.2), (5.5.3), and (5.5.5) into (5.5.1), and expressing๐ถ, we get
(5.5.6) ๐ถ > 4๐
(2๐ + 1)(2๐)โ2๐โ 42๐/3 > 4๐/3 (2๐ + 1)1+โ2๐.
To prove๐ถ > 1it is sufficient to verify that the logarithm of the expression๐ ๐on the right-hand side of (5.5.6) is positive. Since
(5.5.7) log ๐ ๐= ๐ log 4
3 โ (1 + โ2๐) log(2๐ + 1) โ โ as๐ โ โ,
log ๐ ๐> 0if๐is large enough. A calculation shows that๐ > 511guarantees positivity, hence๐ถ > 1for๐ > 511.
VI. Finally, we verify the statement directly for๐ โค 511. This can be done by generating a sequence of primes starting with2where every element is less than the double of the previous element:2,3,5,7,13,23,43,83,163,317,631is such a sequence.
(It is Chebyshevโs Theorem which guarantees the existence of aninfinitesequence with
this property.) โก
Related to Chebyshevโs Theorem the following more general problem arises con- cerning the โgap functionโ:
For which functionsโ(๐)is it true that the open interval(๐, ๐ + โ(๐))always con- tains a prime if๐is large enough?
5.5. Gaps between Consecutive Primes 137
Chebyshevโs Theorem asserts thatโ(๐) = ๐works, but according to Theorem 5.5.1, a constantโ(๐)is not suitable, as the interval(๐, ๐ + ๐พ)is primefree for infinitely many ๐however we fix๐พ.
The order of magnitude of the bestโ(๐)is a famous unsolved problem. We state the related strongest results without proof:
Theorem 5.5.4. (A) Let๐ = 0.525. Then the interval(๐, ๐ + ๐๐)contains a prime for every๐is large enough.
(B) There exists a constant๐ > 0such that the interval
(๐, ๐ +๐ โ log ๐ โ log log ๐ โ log log log log ๐ log log log ๐ )
is primefree for infinitely many positive integers๐. โฃ Both assertions in Theorem 5.5.4 are very deep results (they are much sharper than the ones deducible from the Prime Number Theorem, see Theorem 5.5.5). There is, however, an enormous gulf between them:โ(๐)can be chosen as๐๐, and cannot be chosen as a function not much bigger than the logarithm. Some probabilistic consid- erations suggest that the boundary should be around(log ๐)2.
It is interesting to note that (A) does not imply even the innocent looking conjec- ture mentioned in Section 5.1 claiming that every interval between two consecutive squares contains a prime. To prove this conjecture one has to reduce the exponent๐ to1/2which could not be verified even assuming the famous unproved Riemann Hy- pothesis.
Another remarkable fact about the difficulties in this field is that the previous best result concerning primefree intervals was achieved in 1936(!), which differed from(๐ต) just in the denominator being squared, and there was no progress at all for nearly 80(!) years, in spite of all efforts and a prize of 10000(!) US dollars offered by Erdลs.
The five authors of this slight improvement thus got the biggest prize ever given (now with the contribution of Ron Graham) for the solution of an Erdลs problem.
In what follows, we show how the results of Theorems 5.5.3 and 5.5.1 can be sharp- ened using the Prime Number Theorem.
Theorem 5.5.5. (A) For any๐ > 0there exists an๐0(depending on๐) such that the interval(๐, (1 + ๐)๐)contains a prime for every๐ > ๐0.
(B) For any0 < ๐ < 1there exist infinitely many positive integers so that the interval
(๐, ๐ + (1 โ ๐) log ๐)is primefree. โฃ
Proof. To prove (A), we have to verify
(5.5.8) ๐((1 + ๐)๐) โ ๐(๐) > 0
for every๐large enough. Using the Prime Number Theorem in two different directions, we get
(5.5.9) ๐(๐) < (1 + ๐
4) โ ๐ log ๐
on the one hand, and
(5.5.10) ๐((1 + ๐)๐) > (1 โ ๐
4) โ (1 + ๐)๐ log((1 + ๐)๐) on the other hand, if๐is sufficiently large. Further,
(5.5.11) log((1 + ๐)๐) = log(1 + ๐) + log ๐ < (1 +๐ 4) log ๐.
From (5.5.9), (5.5.10), and (5.5.11) we get
(5.5.12) ๐((1 + ๐)๐) โ ๐(๐) > ((1 โ๐4)(1 + ๐)
1 + 4๐ โ (1 + ๐ 4)) ๐
log ๐. The coefficient of๐/ log ๐on the right-hand side of (5.5.12) is
(1 โ ๐4)(1 + ๐) โ (1 + 4๐)2
1 +4๐ =
4(1 โ5๐4) 1 +4๐ > 0 (since we may assume๐ < 4/5), hence (5.5.8) follows from (5.5.12).
We apply a proof by contradiction for (B): we assume that the interval (๐, ๐ + (1 โ ๐) log ๐)contains a prime for every๐ > ๐0 for some given๐ > 0and ๐0.
We fix a large integer๐ and consider all primes between๐0and๐: ๐0 < ๐๐ <
๐๐+1< โฏ < ๐๐โค ๐. Using our assumption, we obtain the inequalities
๐๐+1< ๐๐+ (1 โ ๐) log ๐๐ ๐๐+2< ๐๐+1+ (1 โ ๐) log ๐๐+1
๐๐+1< ๐๐+ (1 โ ๐) log ๐๐.
Summing the inequalities in (5.5.13), the terms๐๐+1, . . . ,๐๐get cancelled, and we obtain
(5.5.14) ๐๐+1< ๐๐+ (1 โ ๐)
log ๐๐.
By the definition of๐๐, we have๐๐+1> ๐, thus to get a contradiction it is sufficient to show that the right-hand side of (5.5.14) is less than๐.
To achieve this, we estimate the right-hand side of (5.5.14) from above the follow- ing way:
(5.5.15) ๐๐+ (1 โ ๐)
log ๐๐< ๐๐+ (1 โ ๐)๐(๐) log ๐.
If๐is large enough, then
(5.5.16) ๐(๐) < (1 +๐
4) ๐ log ๐ by the Prime Number Theorem and
(5.5.17) ๐๐< ๐๐
Exercises 5.5 139
if๐is large enough. Substituting (5.5.16) and (5.5.17) into (5.5.15), we obtain that the right-hand side of (5.5.14) is less than
((1 โ ๐)(1 +๐ 4) +๐
4) ๐ < (1 โ ๐
2)๐ < ๐,
yielding the desired contradiction. โก
Exercises 5.5
1. Prove that๐!is not a perfect power if๐ > 1.
2. Verify that at least one of any two consecutive integers is representable as the sum of distinct primes (we allow sums consisting of a single term).
3. Demonstrate that infinitely many primes have (a) 1as first digit
(b) 4as the first thousand digits in decimal system.
4. Prove that neither of the following sums is an integer for1 โค ๐ < ๐:
1 ๐ (b)
1 ๐.
5. Show that(2๐๐)is the largest among the binomial coefficients(2๐๐),0 โค ๐ โค 2๐.
6. Give another proof for Theorem 5.5.2 on the following lines: Choose2๐พprimes greater than๐พ,๐1, . . . ,๐๐พ,๐1, . . . ,๐๐พ, and consider the system of simultaneous congruences
๐ฅ โก ๐ (mod ๐๐) , ๐ฅ โก โ๐ (mod ๐๐) , ๐ = 1, 2, . . . , ๐พ.
Show that the solutions contain (infinitely many) primes๐and they meet the re- quirements of the theorem.
7. (a) Prove that(2๐๐)is divisible by exactly the first power of every prime๐ + 1 โค ๐ โค 2๐.
(b) Show that if๐ > 3is a prime and2๐/5 < ๐ โค ๐/2, then(2๐๐)is not divisible by ๐. How can we generalize this observation?
8. Show that the proof of Chebyshevโs Theorem yields the following stronger result (for๐ โฅ 2): There are more than๐๐/ log ๐primes between๐and2๐where๐is a suitable positive constant.
S 9. (a) Using (A) in Theorem 5.5.4, verify that there is a prime between any two suf- ficiently large consecutive cubes.
* (b) Prove the existence of a real number๐ผ > 1such thatโ๐ผ3๐โis a prime for every positive integer๐.
(c) Why can one not generate large primes practically with the formula in (b)?
10. Establish results similar to (B) in Theorem 5.5.5 using the following facts or meth- ods instead of the Prime Number Theorem:
(a) Theorem 5.4.3
(b) the proof of Theorem 5.5.1
(c) the Remark after the proof of Theorem 5.5.1.
* 11. (Cf. with Remark2on twin primes in Section 5.1.) Prove that for any๐ > 0there exist infinitely many positive integers๐satisfying๐๐+1โ ๐๐ < (1 + ๐) log ๐. (As usual,๐๐denotes the๐th prime.)