e Khao sát bài toán với các thông sô như sau:
Kích thước quân thé: 300
SO cá thê tinh chon: 50 Ty lệ lai tao: 0.6
Sô thê hệ: 500 Hàm tỷ lệ tương thích: fitscalingrank Ham chon loc: selectiontournament
x 10° Best: 18927.9 Mean: 19137.7
+ Best fitness
+ Mean fitness
cs 3E
wœ wœ œ
= 25
1.5 i i i i i i i i i J
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r, = 103
x 10° Best: 19021.2 Mean: 19208.4
+ ¢ Best fitness
5b + Mean fitness
ow 4=
wœ wo >
u RŠ 3Ÿ
4 Ị i 1 i 1 L l L L J
0 50 100 150 200 250 $300 350 400 450 500
Generation r, = 104
Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thành
x10" Best: 19045.5 Mean: 22897
+ Best fitness
3L * Mean fitness
= of
r4 2 15+
1 = a
s5 4 VY nm * v
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r„= Ì 0)
x 10° Best: 19229.1 Mean: 65263.3
+ + Best fitness
25+ ¢ Mean fitness
3s 4
® 15Ƒ
= 4l
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
r„= Ì 0°
>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
The number of generations was : 362 The number of function evaluations was : 108900 The best function value found was :
The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was:
The best variation value found was The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was:
189279 0.301055 0.451752 0.300104 0.451686 0.300168 0.453769 0.300978 0.300886 : 0.300452 0.304805 0.300207 0.300067 0.3003 14 0.300991 The best variation value found was : 0.00123455 The best variation value found was : 0.000780341 The best variation value found was : 0.00122153 The best variation value found was : 0.000777792 The best variation value found was : 0.00123728 The best variation value found was : 0.000765 109 The best variation value found was : 0.00200035 The best variation value found was : 0.00201786 The best variation value found was : 0.00203667 The best variation value found was : 0.0019928
ly = 10°
Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thành
>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
The number of generations was : 306 The number of function evaluations was : 92100 The best function value found was : 19021 .2 The best variation value found was :
The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was:
0.300519 0.450432 0.300323 0.450031 0.302511 0.45033 0.303761 0.315456 0.303849 0.308146 0.302204 0.320214 0.300194 0.301008 The best variation value found was : 0.00129567 The best variation value found was : 0.000770252 The best variation value found was : 0.00127223 The best variation value found was : 0.000763253 The best variation value found was : 0.00130293 The best variation value found was : 0.000798912 The best variation value found was : 0.00198959 The best variation value found was : 0.00202445 The best variation value found was : 0.00203568 The best variation value found was : 0.00197825
>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
The number of generations was : 375 The number of function evaluations was : 112800 The best function value found was :
The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was:
The best variation value found was The best variation value found was The best variation value found was:
The best variation value found was:
19045 .5 0.300118 0.450012 0.300638 0.450093 0.3005 17 0.45098 0.307498 0.324108 0.300153 0.303614 0.307116 0.319609 0.301167 0.300841 0.00129365 0.0007617769 0.00126607 0.00076975 0.00132626 0.000770605 : 0.00217932 : 0.0020024
0.00210891 0.00199906
ly = 10°
Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thành
>> threebaysixstoryframeoptimization
Optimization terminated: average change in the fitness value less than options.TolFun.
The number of generations was : 374 The number of function evaluations was : 112500 The best function value found was :
The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was : The best variation value found was:
The best variation value found was The best variation value found was The best variation value found was:
The best variation value found was :
19229.1 0.301535 0.452881 0.300269 0.47363 0.300474 0.450967 0.300713 0.341903 0.310516 0.300444 0.300714 0.315233 0.301153 0.300705 0.00127246 0.000761112 0.00119501 0.000767766 0.00133477 0.000760292 :0.0022195 : 0.0021299 0.00213021 0.001995 12
— Qua khảo sát cho thay ứng với từng bài toán cu thé mà thông số phat áp đặt đối với hàm phạt là khác nhau. Dé tìm ra được thông số phạt phù hợp cho bài toán ta cần tiến hành thử nghiệm. Ta có thé tăng hoặc giảm thông số phạt để thu được lời giải tốt hơn với các ràng buộc được thỏa mãn.
Với bài toán nêu trên, chỉ phí tối ưu nhất được tìm thấy ứng với thông số phạt r, = 10°.
Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh