Một phần của tài liệu Luận văn thạc sĩ Kỹ thuật xây dựng: Thiết kế tối ưu kết cấu khung bê tông cốt thép chịu tác dụng của động đất sử dụng thuật giải di truyền (Trang 110 - 124)

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Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh


1. Frameoptimization.m file

% Reinforce concrete frame


% Optimize Framecost


% Khanh Ba Nguyen 20-05-15

%---Set the options---

opts = gaoptimset('PopulationT ype’, 'doubleVector’, ...

‘PopInitRange', [0.3 O45 03 O45 03...],...

‘PopulationSize’, 300, ...

'EliteCount'’, 30, ...

'CrossoverFraction', 0.6, ...

'ParetoFraction’, [], ...

'MigrationDirection'[], ...

‘Migration Interval',[], ...

'MigrationFraction',[], ...

'Generations', 500, ...

"TimeLimit’, [], ...

FitnessLimit’, [], ...

‘StallGenLimit’, [], ...

‘StallTest',[], ...

‘StallTimeLimit', [], ...

'TolFun’, le-5, ...

'TolCon’, []. ...

InitialPopulation’, [], ...

TInitialScores'’, [], ...

PlotInterval'[], ...

‘CreationFcn', @gacreationuniform, ...

‘FitnessScalingFcn', @fitscalingrank, ...

‘SelectionFcn', @selectiontournament, ...

‘CrossoverFcn', @crossovertwopoint, ...

'‘MutationFcn', @mutationuniform, ...

'DistanceMeasureFcn'], ...

'HybridFcn', [], ...

‘PlotFcns',@ gaplotbestf, ...

‘OutputFens'’, [], ...

'Vectorized', 'off', ...

"UseParallel', []);

%---Call |gal to Solve the Problem---

[xbest, fbest, exitflag, Output] = ga(@framecost, 34, [], []. []. [. ...

[]: [I. LÍ: L: opts);

fprintf(‘The number of generations was : %d\n', Output.generations);

fprintf(‘The number of function evaluations was : %d\n', Output.funccount);

fprintf(‘The best function value found was : %ứ\n', fbest);

fprintf('The best variation value found was : %g\n', xbest);

2. Framecost.m file function Fp = framecost(x)

% Reinforce concrete frame


% Calculate Framecost


% Khanh Ba Nguyen 20-05-15

Fb = 12*L*(cc*gb*x(1)*x(2)+cs* gs*(x(2 1)+x(22))+cf*(x(1)+2*x(2)) ...

+cc* gb*x(3)*x(4)+cs* gs*(x(23)+x(24))+cf*(x(3)+2*x(4)) ...

+cc* gb*x(5)*x(6)+cs* gs*(x(25)+x(26))+cf*(x(5)+2*x(6))) ...


Fe = 10*H*(cc* gb*x(9)*x(10)+cs* gs*x(29)+2*cf*(x(9)+x(10)) ...

+cc*ob*x(11)*x(12)+cs* gs*x(30)+2*cf*(xC1 1)+x(12)) ...

+cc* gb*x(13)*x(14)+cs* gs*x(3 1)+2*cf*(x(13)+x(14)) ...

+cc* gb*x(15)*x(16)+cs* gs*x(32)+2*cf*(x(15)+x(16)) ...

+cc* gb*x(17)*x(18)+cs* gs*x(33)+2*cf*(x(17)+x(18)) ...

+cc* gb*x(19)*x(20)+cs* gs*x(34)+2*cf*(x(19)+x(20)));

F = Fb+Fc;


Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh

3. Frameanalysis.m file

function G = frameanal ysis(x)

% Reinforce concrete frame


% Analyze Planar Frame


% Khanh Ba Nguyen 20-05-15




Al=x(1)*x(2); I1=x(1)*x(2)43/12;

A10=x(19)*x(20); II0=x(19)#x(20)^3/12;

%% --- Case | ---



epl=[E Al I1];

Edof1l=[61 13 14 15 16 17 18;

72 55 56 57 58 59 60];

[Ex] ,Ey1 J=coordxtr(Edof1 ,Coord ,Dof,2);

for i=1:12 [Ke,fe]=beam2e(Ex1(,:),Ey1G,:),ep!,eq1);

[K fJ=assem(Edof1(,:),K.Ke-.f,fe);


bc= [1 0; 2 0; 3 0; 40; 5 0; 60; 70; 8 0; 9 0; 100; 11 0; 12 0];

esól_ I=beam2s(ExI(1,:),Eyl(1,:),ep1,EdI(I:),eq1 21);

es62_1=beam2s(Ex1(2,:),Ey1(2,:),epl,Ed1(2,:),eq1 21);

es63_ I=beam2s(ExI(3.,:),Eyl(3,:),ep1I,Ed1(5 ;),eq1 21);

%% --- Case 2 --- K=zeros(192,192);


{(13)=0.9* 1.2372;

{(25)=0.9*4 0209;

epl=[E Al I1];

Edof1l=[61 13 14 15 16 17 18;

72 55 56 57 58 59 60];

[Ex] ,Ey1 |Ecoordxtr(EdofT1 ,Coord ,Dof,2);

for 1=1:12 [Ke,fe]=beam2e(Ex1(,:),Ey1G,:),ep!,eq1);

[K fJ=assem(Edof1(,:),K.Ke-.f,fe);


bc= [1 0; 2 0; 3 0; 40; 5 0; 60; 70; 8 0; 9 0; 100; 11 0; 12 0];


es61_2=beam2s(Ex1(1,:),Ey1(1,:),ep1 ,Ed1(1,:),eq1 21);

es62_2=beam2s(Ex1(2,:),Ey1(2,:),epl ,Ed1(2,:),eq1 21);

es63_2=beam2s(Ex1(3,:),Ey1(3,:),ep1 ,Ed1(3,:),eq1 21);

Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh

% Group |

Mn_nt=checkbeam(fy,fc,as1 ,as2,w,h0,ab,alpha,coxi);

Mn_pt=checkbeam(fy,fc,as1 ;as2,w,h0,ab,alpha,coxI);

2e61_1 = (abs(max(es61_1(11,3),es61_2(11,3)))/abs(phi*Mn_pt))-1;

e61_2 = (abs(min(es61_1(1,3),es61_2(1 3)))/abs(phi*Mn_nt))-1;

ứ6ẽ_ 3 = (abs(min(es61_1(21,3),es61_2(21 3)))/abs(phi*Mn_nt))-1;

261 = (max(0,g61_1))42+(max(0,g61_2))42+(max(0,g61_3))%2;

%% --- Column constraints---

% Group |

% Combo "MIbottom & Nicor"

if abs(esl_ I(1,3))>abs(esl_2(1.3)) M=abs(esl_ I(1,3));


else M=abs(esl_ 2(1.3));


end [Ne, Negh] = checkcolumn(M,N,L0,w,h,h0,z,ac,fc,fy,E,coxI,as);


% Combo "MI middle & Nicor"

if abs(es1_1(11,3))>abs(es1_2(11,3)) M=abs(es1_1(11,3));


else M=abs(es1_2(11,3));



[Ne, Negh] = checkcolumn(M,N,L0,w,h,h0,z,ac,fc,fy,E,coxI,as);


% Combo "MItop & Nicor"

if abs(esI_1(21,3))>abs(es1_2(21,3)) M=abs(es1_1(21,3));


else M=abs(es1_2(21,3));



[Ne, Negh] = checkcolumn(M,N,LO,w,h,h0,z,ac,fc,fy,E,coxi,as) ; g1_3=max(0,(Ne/Negh)-1)/2;

ứl=gl_I+gl 2+sl_3;

%% --- Coding the constraints---

Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh

4. Seclectiontournament.m file

function parents = selectiontournament(expectation ,nParents options,tournamentSize)

%SELECTIONTOURNAMENT Each parent is the best of a random set.

% Copyright 2003-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

% How many players in each tournament?

if nargin < 4 lÌ isempty(tournamentSize) tournamentSize = 4;


% Choose the players playerlist = ceil(size(expectation,1) * rand(nParents,tournamentSize));

% Play tournament parents = tournament(playerlist,expectation);

function champions = tournament(playerlist,expectation)

%tournament between players based on their expectation

playerSize = size(playerlist,1);

champions = zeros(1 ,playerSize);

% For each set of players for 1 = 1:playerSize

players = playerlist(i,:);

% For each tournament winner = players(1); % Assume that the first player is the winner for j = 2:length(players) % Winner plays against each other consecutively

scorel = expectation(winner,:);

score2 = expectation(players(j),:);

if score2(1) > scorel(1) winner = players(J);

elseif score2(1) == scorel(1) try % socre(2) may not be present for single objective problems

if score2(2) > score1(2) winner = players(J);

end catch end end end champIons(1) = winner;

5. Crossovertwopoint.m file

function xoverKids = crossovertwopoint(parents options ,GenomeLength,FitnessFcn unused ,thisPopul ation)

%CROSSOVERTWOPOINT Two point crossover.



% of the given population THISPOPULATION using the available parents PARENTS.

% Two points A and B are chosen at random. The child has the genes of the

% first parent at the locations after A and before B, and the genes of the

% second parent after B and before A. The individual is treated as a ring so

% that sections can wrap around the end.

% Copyright 2003-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

% If GenomeLength is less than equal to 2 then there is one point to do

% crossover and this becomes single point crossover if GenomeLength <= 2

xoverKids = crossoversinglepoint(parents options ,GenomeLength,FitnessFcn,

unused ,thisPopulation);



% where will the crossover points be?

% uniformly distributed over genome

% How many children to produce?

nKids = length(parents)/2;

% Extract information about linear constraints, if any linCon = options.LinearConstr;

constr = ~isequal(linCon.type,'unconstrained’);

% Allocate space for the kids xoverKids = zeros(nKids,GenomeLength);

% To move through the parents twice as fast as thekids are

% being produced, a separate index for the parents is needed index = 1;

Luận Văn Thạc Sĩ GVHD: PGS. TS. Bùi Công Thanh

for i=1:nKids

% get parents parent! = thisPopulation(parents(index),:);

index = index + 1;

parent2 = thisPopulation(parents(index),:);

index = index + 1;

% choose two (nonequal) crossover points sz =length(parent!) - 1;

xOverPointl = ceil(sz * rand);

xOverPoint2 = ceil(sz * rand);

while(xOverPoint2 == xOverPoint1) xOverPoint2 = ceil(sz * rand);


% Deal with the case where the splice wraps around the ends.

if(xOverPointl < xOverPoint2) left = xOverPoint1 ;

right = xOverPoint2;

else left = xOverPoint2;

right = xOverPointl ; swap = parentẽ;

parent! = parent2;

parent2 = swap;


% make one child xoverKids(i,:) = [ parentl(1:left), parent2(( left+ 1): nght), parent! ((

right+ 1): end) ];

% Make sure that offspring are feasible w.r.t. linear constraints if constr

feasible = is TrialFeasible(xoverKids@,:)',linCon.Aineq,linCon.bineg,linCon.Aeq, ...


if ~feasible % Kid is not feasible

% Children are arithmetic mean of two parents (feasible w.r.t

% linear constraints) alpha = rand;

xoverKids(i,:) = alpha*parent! + (1 -alpha)*parent2;

end end

6. Mutationuniform.m file

function mutationChildren = mutationuniform(parents ,options,GenomeLength,FitnessFcn,state ,thisScore,this Population ,mutationRate)

ZMUTATIONUNIFORM Uniform multi-point mutation.



% MUTATIONRATE) Creates the mutated children using

% uniform mutations at multiple points. Mutated genes are uniformly

% distributed over the range of the gene. The new value is NOT a function

% of the parents value for the gene.

% Copyright 2003-2007 The MathWorks, Inc.

if nargin < 8 || isempty(mutation Rate) mutationRate = 0.01; % default mutation rate end

if(strempi(options.PopulationT ype, 'doubleV ector')) mutationChildren = zeros(length(parents),GenomeLength);

for i=1:length(parents) child = thisPopulation(parents(i),:);

% Each element of the genome has mutationRate chance of being mutated.

mutationPoints = find(rand(1 ,length(child)) < mutationRate);

% each gene is replaced with a value chosen randomly from the range.

range = options.PopInitRange;

% range can have one column or one for each gene.

[r,c] = size(range);

if(c ~= 1) range = range(: mutationPoints);

end lower = range(1,:);

upper = range(2,:);

span = upper - lower;

child(mutationPoints) = lower + rand(1 ,length(@mutationPoints)) .* span;

mutationChildren(i,:) = child;


Một phần của tài liệu Luận văn thạc sĩ Kỹ thuật xây dựng: Thiết kế tối ưu kết cấu khung bê tông cốt thép chịu tác dụng của động đất sử dụng thuật giải di truyền (Trang 110 - 124)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(124 trang)