2. Factors related to depressive symptom in students
2.1. The relationship between depressive symptom and the general characteristics
- The general characteristics of students, such as: form, gender, religion, family’ residence, current residence, parent’s marital status affect no significantly the depressive symptom with p>0,05.
2.2. The relationship between depressive symptom and stressful events in the life.
- The stressful events in the life factors influence the depressive symptom of the student significantly (p<0,05): “Troubles in finding new friends” (OR = 3,34), “Trouble in making social activities” (OR = 2,46),
“Difficulties in finance” (OR = 4,12), “Difficulties in accommodation” (OR = 3,57), “Finished the relationship with love” (OR = 2,42), “Troubles with parents” (OR = 2,28), “Conflict with roommate” (OR = 2,13).
2.3. The relationship between depressive symptom and personal factors
- The personal factors cause the depressive symptom of student significantly (p<0,05): “Change in sleeping habits” (OR = 1,63), “Change in
eating habits” (OR= 1,95), “Engagement/ marriage” (OR = 4,09), “practising fewer exercises” (OR = 3,3).
2.4. The relationship between depressive symptom and study-related factors - The study – related factors result in the depressive symptom of the student significantly (p<0,05): “Lower academic grade point average” (OR = 1,81), “No satisfied with learning” (OR = 1,54), “Breaking University regulation” (OR = 2,46).
According to the obtained research results, we propose a number of recommendations designed in order to limit the depressive symptom in students at the university as followings:
- A range of discussion activities on experience and scientific learning methods to help student avoid stress and fatigue should be increasingly held throughout joining to studying club such as English clubs, French clubs..., participating in extracurricular activities such as sports, dance sports club, guitar club... Besides, chatting with friends and relatives is required for keeping psychological state balanced in stressful learning process.
- The extracurricular activities, psychological seminar are of necessity for the guidance on preventing depression from students, especially for freshmen enrolling at the university.
- Psychological counseling room in the school is critical to help students have difficulties in learn and in their personal life.
- In order to detect early depressive symptom in the student, it is necessary to carry on regular psychological tests.
- More research on each student form specialized in the particular problems should be taken place to find out solution of students' depression.
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measure prevalence of depressive symptom and related factors in the learning environment. Your information will be managed confidentially, only for research purpose and contributed to improve quality of the academic environment and your well-being as well.
Fill this box □ with your suitable choice Part A: you and yours’ family
A1 Gender 1. Male 2. Female
A2 Birth year ...
A3 Ages ...Ages
A4 Ethnic
1. Kinh 5. Nung
2. Tay 6. Dao
3. Hoa 7. H’Mong
4. Kmer 8. Other ...
A5 Religion
1. Non-religion
2. Christian
3. Buddhist
4. Other...
A6 Year in course
1. Freshman 4. Fourth form
2. Second form 5. Fifth form
3. Third form 6. Sixth form
A7 Family’s residence 1. Rural area
2. Urban area
A8 Current residence
1. Dormitory
2. Room/house rent
3. Living with parents/ relation
4. Other ...
A9 Parents’ marital status 1. Live together
2. Separated
A10 How often do you do excises?