Một phần của tài liệu Hội thảo quốc tế về các vấn đề môi trường ở Việt Nam và các biện pháp xử lý (Trang 110 - 115)

1 . C ụ c M ỏ i t r ư ờ n g - V i ệ n K h o a h ọ c v à C ô n g n g h ệ M ô i t r ư ờ n g - Đ H B K H N . K h ả o s á t đ á n h g i á t ì n h t r ạ n g h o ạ t đ ộ n g ô n h i ễ m I r o n g m ô i t r ư ờ n g 1 s ố l à n g n g h ề t h u ộ c c á c t ỉ n h H à T â y , B á c N i n h , H ư n g Y ê n - Đ ề x u ấ t g i ả i p h á p g i ả m t h i ể u ô n h i ễ m , c ả i t h i ệ n v à q u ả n l ý m ô i t r ư ờ n g - H à N ộ i - 2 0 0 2 .

2 . C ụ c M ô i t r ư ờ n g - V i ệ n K h o a h ọ c v à C ô n g n g h ệ M ô i t r ư ờ n g - Đ H B K H N . Á p d ụ n g t h ử n g h i ệ m m ô h ì n h p h ò n g n g ừ a ô n h i ễ m v à q u ả n l ý c h ấ t t h ả i n h ằ m c ả i t h i ệ n m ô i t r ư ờ n g c h o l à n g n g h ề t á i c h ế g i ấ y v à c h ế b i ế n g ỗ t ỉ n h B ắ c N i n h - H à N ộ i / 2 0 0 2 .

3 . C ụ c M ô i t r ư ờ n g - V i ệ n K h o a h ọ c v à C ô n g n g h ệ M ô i t r ư ờ n g , s ổ t a y h ư ớ n g d ẫ n c á c g i ả i p h á p c a i t h i ệ n m ô i t r ư ờ n g l à n g n g h ề t i ể u t h ủ c ô n g n g h i ệ p H à N ộ i / 2 0 0 1

4 . Đ ề t à i K C 0 8 - 0 9 M ô i t r ư ờ n g l à n g n g h ề - 2 0 0 2 . Đ ề t à i 1 : H i ệ n t r ạ n g k i n h t ế X ã h ộ i l à n g n g h ề V i ệ t N a m


C â u h ỏ i

] . P h â n l o ạ i l à n g n g h ề , s ự k h á c b i ệ n g i ữ a l à n g n g h ề m ớ i v à l à n g n g h ề t r u y ề n t h ố n g ?

2 . C á c h o ạ t d ộ n g l à n g n g h ề c ó t á c đ ộ n g g ì đ ế n m ô i t r ư ờ n g s ố n g ?

3 . A n h h a y c h ị t ự l i ê n h ệ v à c h o v í d ụ v ề n h ữ n g h o ạ t đ ộ n g l à n g n g h ề ở đ ị a p h ư ơ n g m ì n h v à c á c t á c đ ộ n g c ủ a c h ú n g đ ế n s ứ c k h o ẻ c ộ n g đ ồ n g ?

4 . C á c g i ả i p h á p c ầ n t h ự c h i ệ n đ ể c ả i t h i ệ n m ô i t r ư ờ n g l à n g n g h ề ?


T r a c k 1 G r o u n d w a t e r ( T r a c k d i r e c t o r : K a z u o Y a m a m o t o )

Session Chairperson New No. Title

Nitrogen Satoshi Takizawa I0l Risk Mapping of Groundwater Nitrate Nitrogen (N03-N) under Intensive Cropping Systems A ll T. M. Nhuan 102 Assessment of groundwater quality based on ammonia content in deep wells of Katmandu Valley

103 Nitrate Removal Efficiency and Bacterial Community Structure of Sulfur-Dependent Denitrification Process Treating Effluent from Agricultural Field

Land Use Mitsuharu Tokunaga Ỉ04 Land use change impacts on water quality and quantity case study: Upper Citarum Watershed Al2 Ashraf All 105 Analysis of Protected and critical groundwater zones, Khon Kaen Province, Northeast Thailand

♦♦ 106 Groundwater Protection Zoning by Groundwater Vulnerability Mapping in the Lower Central Plain, Thailand

♦♦ 107 Land subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal and optimal safe yield of groundwater pumping: a case study in Shiroishi of Kyushu, Japan

*• •• 108 Recommendations on Land and Water Usages for Salinization Alleviation in NaKhon Ratchasima Province, Northeastern Part of Thailand

Arsenic K. Yamamoto 109 Accumulation of Arsenic in Agricultural Soil from Irrigation Water in Different Regions of Bangladesh A2l T. T. V. Nga HO Groundwater arsenic pollution: Impacts and sustainable solutions for Bangladesh

♦♦ 111 Natural occurrence of arsenic in the organic-rich aquifer in Hanoi City: sources and mobilization processes 112 Severity of arsenic concentration in sol and arsenic-rich sludge of Bangladesh and potential of their biological

removal: a novel approach for tropical region

113 Community Engagement in Water Supply Management is the Sustainable Way to Ensure Arsenic Free Safe Drinking Water in Bangladesh

114 Groundwater contamination by Arsenic in Hanam Province and experiment of Treatment technologies in household scale

T r a c k 3 W a t e r e n v i r o n m e n t m o n i t o r i n g ( T r a c k d i r e c t o r ; H i r o a k i F u r u m a i )

Session Chairperson New No. Title

. : . -. *' . . . ■

Social N. c . Thanh 301 Advances in Urban Hydrologic Forecasts: Use of Weather Rader Information

C ll Keisuke Hanaki 302 Spatial Planning for surface water protected area: A case Study of the Pong River, Northeast Thailand

•# •• 303 Clean Water Supply for Rural Area in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Modeling Sthiannopkao

Suthipong 304 Alternation o f trophic status in a non-harvesting urban water body, Kandy Lake in Sri Lanka

c 12 Hiroyasu Satoh 305 Pulau Tekong and Changi Reclamation: Modeling and Management Perspectives

•ô 306 Metallothionein, a biomarker for copper toxicity in mussel

*• 307 Landfill development causes transition o f flood prone area: A case study in Laguna Plain, Metro-Manila, the Philippines

308 Mathematical Modeling and GIS in Coastal Zone Management

Lake and River Hideshige Takada 309 Characteristics on water environment for typical lakes due to the origin factors in Japan

C21 Jy Wu 310 The differences of Nitrogenous, Phosphorus compounds and Total Organic Matter characters in Tropical hypereutrophic and mesotrophic small ponds

## 311 Pollution of some toxic metals in canal water leached out from Acid Sulphate Soils in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

312 Strategies for sustainable management o f fishery resources in the Pasak Jolasid Reservoir, Thailand Sustainable

Water Use and

Hiroaki Fummai 313 Rainwater and reclaimed wastewater for sustainable water use in mega city Tokyo Wastewater


Fumiyuki Nakajima 314 The importance of urban drainage rivers and lakes in Vietnam

C22 315 Perspective and strategy o f Rainwater Harvesting: Experiences in Korea

316 Water-soluble organic micro-pollutants in municipal wastewater and their removal during advanced treatment

•• 317 Multiple Evaluation of Soil Aquifer Treatment for Water Reclamation using Instrumental Analysis and Bioassay

T r a c k 4 W a t e r e n v i r o n m e n t m a n a g e m e n t ( T r a c k d i r e c t o r : T o s h i y a A r a m a k i )

Session C hairperson N ew N o. Title


Sanitation System C hongrak Polprasert 401 Selection o f A ppropriate Decentralized Sanitation A lternatives in V ietnam

D l l K um iko O gum a 402 The application o f fecal sterols and their ratios as fecal contam ination indicators in w ater environm ent around B angkok

•• •• 403 W ater Pollution in Inner-city Canals in Ho Chi M inh City, V ietnam

W atershed M anagem ent M ooyoung Han 404 Population's view s on the w ater environment: the case o f the N am Pong W atershed

T oshiya A ramaki 405 B uilding capacity for integrated w ater resources m anagem ent in the D ong N ai River Basin o f Vietnam

++ 406 H ydraulic studies to evaluate the alternative lakeshore dike configurations on northern part o f Laguna Lake, Philippines based on their flood control functions and environmental considerations

Fishery H isashi K urokura 407 Fish for the Future: A n A ssessm ent o f Fishery Conservation Policies in the Philippines

D13 W anpen

W irojanagud 408 L east-cost policy options for nutrient pollution reduction in Taal Lake, Philippines

♦ô •• 409 H ousehold Study o f Sm all-scale Fisheries in K om pong Thom Province, Cam bodia

R iver M anagem ent K ensuke Fukushi 410 R oadm ap o f research needs for sustainable urban w ater m anagem ent in Bangkok: V ision goal, Strategies and Indices

D21 Ha Tra Due 411


A nalysis o f reforestation as a w atershed m anagem ent policy for soil erosion control: a case study in the upstream P hong River, Thailand

Perform ances o f D omestic W astew ater Treatm ents in Japan and Environm ental Accounting H ousekeeping (EA H) Books for Domestic W astew ater Pollutants Reduction: from the Perspective o f Counterm easures against Coastal Zone W ater Pollution

•• •• 413 A ssessm ent o f urban and industrial pollution on w ater quality: Kelani R iver Sri Lanka A gricultural W ater

M anagem ent Futoshi K urisu 414 Pollution control technologies and com prehensive m easures for agriculture diffuse source pollution in China

D22 c . H. Lee 415 W ater m anagem ent under changes in agricultural land use: A case study in Dong Anh, H anoi, V ietnam

416 Participatory Iưigation M anagem ent Practices in V ietnam : A Pathw ay in Progress towards Effective and Sustainable U se o f Agricultural W ater

•• 417 Planning and designing o f low cost indigenous w ater harvesting structures for sustainable w ater resources developm ent

Một phần của tài liệu Hội thảo quốc tế về các vấn đề môi trường ở Việt Nam và các biện pháp xử lý (Trang 110 - 115)

Tải bản đầy đủ (PDF)

(115 trang)