HAVE FVE SENOR ENGNEERS WHO REPORT DRECTLY TO ME= tôi có 5 k s cao c p tr c-ti p lăm vi c ỹ ưấựếệ

Một phần của tài liệu Anh ngữ sinh động dành cho mọi lứa tuổi (Trang 27 - 40)

dưới quy n tơi (trình cơng vi c cho tơi bi t). ề ệ ế

INDUSTRIAL ROBOTS=người mây k ngh . ỹ ệ



thương lượng.


POWER PLANT=nhă mây đi n; PAPER MILL=nhă mây gi y.ệ ấ

FACILITIES=ti n-nghi, đ thi t b v mây móc hay trong cệ ồ ế ị ề ơ


MODERNIZE=tđn ti n hoâế


CONCERNS=n i quan tđmố

COMPLEX QUESTION=v n đ ph c t p. ấ ề ứ ạ

STAFF=ban nhđn viín ch huy. ỉ

HANDLE=đi u khi nề ể


cịn tr ng, ch a có ngố ư ười lăm.

ATTRACT=quy n rũ, thu hút. ế

MAKE A GOOD CHOICE=l a ch n khĩo. ự ọ

CHALLENGING=đ y th thâch. ầ ử


EXISTING=hi n cóệ

GROW=l n lín, phât tri n thím ớ ể

GROWTH=(noun) s phât tri n. ự ể

OPPORTUNITIES FOR GROWTH= c h i phât tri n. ơ ộ ể

DEFINITELY=nh t đ nh. ấ ị

REWARD=thưởng công; I'm well rewarded=tôi được thưởng

công x ng đâng. ứ

DESIGN=h a-đ , c c u, v ki u. ọ ồ ơ ấ ẽ ể

FLEXIBILITY=s m m d o, uy n chuy n, linh đ ng. ự ề ẻ ể ể ộ

Flexibility for the future=có th phât tri n thím trong tể ể ương lai.

Xin m i qủ v nghe. ờ ị


Eliz: Hello, I'm Elizabeth Moore. Welcome to Functioning in Business!


Larry: Functioning in Business is an international level business English course with a focus on American business practices and culture. Today's unit is "Introductions, Part 6." This program focuses on personal questions.

Interview: Shirley Graham. Larry: Interview.

Senior Vice President at Advanced Technologies. Good evening, Ms. Graham. Thank you for joining us. Graham: My pleasure.

Eliz: We have already met Mike Epstein, who is a Senior Systems Engineer at your company. He explained to us how he met Charles Blake in China at a trade show. Mr. Epstein was interested in purchasing industrial robots from Mr. Blake's company for one of your factories.

Graham: Yes, that's right. Mr. Epstein felt that the industrial robots would increase productivity at our new factory. Eliz: And you were also involved in the negotiations about the robots? Graham: Yes, I was. Both Mr. Epstein and I met with Mr. Blake when he visited our company.

Eliz: We'll be talking more about those meetings in the coming weeks. Let's tell our listeners a little about your work at Advanced Technologies. As Vice President, what are your main responsibilities?

Graham: One thing I do is oversee our manufacturing plants and facilities. Last year we built a new factory, and of course we're always modernizing our existing facilities.

Eliz: I see. And what are your main concerns in the construction of a new factory?

Graham: That's a very complex question. Of course, one concern is keeping costs within limits. We also have to be concerned with a design that will help improve our productivity and provide flexibility for the future.

Eliz: How many people work for you?

Graham: Well, I have five senior engineers who report directly to me, including Mike Epstein. I also have my own support staff.

Eliz: Before coming to Advanced Technologies, what did you do?

Graham: I worked for Boston Electronics for five years. Eliz: And what did you do there?

Graham: I was in charge of marketing. Eliz: Why did you leave?

Graham: I felt I could handle more responsibility, and the company wasn't growing at that time. So I began looking for a new position.

Eliz: Did you work with an executive recruiter?

Graham: Yes, I did. She was very helpful. She told me that there was a position opening up at Advanced Technologies. Eliz: What attracted you to Advanced Technologies? Graham: The opportunities for growth and for greater responsibility.

Eliz: I see. Do you feel that you made a good choice? Graham: Oh, definitely. My work is challenging and I'm well rewarded.

Eliz: That's all very interesting. Music

Vietnamese explanation

Trong ph n trầ ước c a băi, qủ v nghe ti ng DEFINITELY cóủ ị ế

nghĩa lă ch c ch n, nh t đ nh; tắ ắ ấ ị ương t có ch CERTAINLY.ự ữ

Sau đđy lă ph n th c t p VARIATIONS, câch nói m t ý khâcầ ự ậ ộ


Thí d nh đ ng t vă danh t "REPORT TO" nghĩa lă "ph iụ ư ộ ừ ừ ả

tường trình v i c p trín; lăm dớ ấ ưới quy n ai"; tề ương t có chự ữ

"SUPERVISE"=giâm th , ch huy. ị ỉ

I have five senior engineers who report directly to me= Tơi có 5 k s cao c p lăm tr c ti p dỹ ư ấ ự ế ưới quy n tơi (=tề ường trình cơng vi c cho tôi). ệ

Xin nghe vă l p l i. ậ ạ


Eliz: I have five senior engineers who report directly to me. Larry: I directly supervise five senior engineers.(pause) Eliz: I worked for Boston Electronics for five years. Larry: I was with Boston Electronics for five years. (pause) Eliz: I began looking for a new position.

Larry: I began a job search.(pause) Eliz: I was well rewarded.

Larry: I have a good salary.(pause) Music

Vietnamese explanation

Trong ph n ba băi h c, qủ v nghe ti p cu c ph ng v n vầ ọ ị ế ộ ỏ ấ ề

đ i t c a cô Graham. Cô y Woodside, California, v iờ ư ủ ấ ở ớ

ch ng cô. ồ


Xin m i qủ v l ng nghe. ờ ị ắ


Eliz: May I ask you a little about your personal life? Graham: Please, go ahead.

Eliz: Where do you live?

Graham: My husband and I live in Woodside. That's a little town about 30 miles south of San Francisco.

Eliz: Oh, what does your husband do? Graham: He's a high school teacher.

Eliz: And what do you like to do in your free time?

Graham: Well, my husband and I both love horseback riding. We don't have any children, so we spend a lot of time with the horses.

Eliz: Where do you go riding?

Graham: We ride in the hills above Woodside. Eliz: How interesting. Well, thank you, Ms. Graham. Music

Vietnamese explanation

Trong ph n b n k ti p, qủ v nghe m t cu c đi n đăm vầ ố ế ế ị ộ ộ ệ ề

quâ trình giâo d c (educational background) c a cô Graham.ụ ủ

Cô y t t nghi p Mills College năm 1988 v i văn b ngấ ố ệ ớ ằ

thương m i. R i cô h c l y b ng MBA (cao h c qu n tr kinhạ ồ ọ ấ ằ ọ ả ị

doanh) Đ i h c University of Pennsylvania. ở ạ ọ


Eliz: Let's open up the phone line and see if we have any callers. [Telephone bleep-ti ng đi n tho i] ế ệ ạ

Eliz: Caller Number 1. You're on the air with Functioning in Business.

Female caller: Hello. I have a question for Ms. Graham. What is your educational background?

What prepared you to handle your current position? Graham: I graduated from Mills College in 1988 with a Business major. Then I worked for several years in sales and marketing. In 1990, I went back to school to get my MBA. Female caller: Where did you go?

Graham: I went to the University of Pennsylvania. Female caller: I see. Thank you.

Eliz: Thank you for being with us today. Graham: It was my pleasure, Elizabeth.


Vietnamese explanation

Ti p theo đđy lă ph n l ng nghe r i l p l i, tho t tiín l p l iế ầ ắ ồ ậ ạ ạ ậ ạ

nhóm ch , sau l p l i c cđu; r i nghe cđu h i mă cđu tr l iữ ậ ạ ả ồ ỏ ả ờ

chính lă cđu qủ v v a l p l i. ị ừ ậ ạ


Larry: Listen and repeat.

Eliz: Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat)

Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Who does Ms. Graham work for?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She works for Advanced Technologies.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Mills College.(pause for repeat)

Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What school did she go to?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She went to Mills College.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Business.(pause for repeat)

Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What did she major in?(pause for repeat) Eliz: She majored in Business.(pause for repeat) Eliz: Sales and marketing.(pause for repeat)

Eliz: She worked in sales and marketing.(pause for repeat) Eliz: What area did she work in after graduation?(pause for repeat)

Eliz: She worked in sales and marketing.(pause for repeat)

Anh Ng sinh đ ng băi 16

Ph n đ u c a băi h c hôm nay lă CULTURAL TIPS-nh ngầ ầ ủ ọ ữ

đi u mâch giúp v văn hóa, qủ v đ ý đ n (vai trò c a) phề ề ị ể ế ủ ụ

n n i lăm vi c - Women in the workplace.ữ ở ơ ệ

LAW=lu tậ


A FEMALE BOSS=bă x p; ngế ười ch huy lă m t bă; băỉ ộ

trưởng phòng.

SUPERVISE=ch huy; giâm thỉ ị

A SUPERVISOR=giâm th ; qu n đ c. ị ả ố

Câch đ c: WOMAN/WOMEN. ọ

Nghe cđu:

-WOMEN STILL GENERALLY MAKE LESS THAN MEN=phụ n nói chung v n còn đữ ẫ ược tr lả ương ít h n nam gi i. ơ ớ

-PAY EQUALITY IS AN IMPORTANT ISSUE IN BUSINESS. S tr lự ả ương đ ng đ u lă m t v n đ quan h trong thồ ề ộ ấ ề ệ ương m i. [Tạ ương t cịn có m t ti ng n a lă pay equity] ự ộ ế ữ

-EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK=tr lả ương b ng nhau choằ

công vi c lăm nh nhau. ệ ư

Xin m i qủ v nghe: ờ ị


Eliz: Hello again. We're here with Gary Engleton, our business language expert. Let's look at our e-mail question, Gary.

Gary: All right.

Eliz: Our first question is, "Is it common for a woman to be a manager in the U.S.?"

Gary: In fields such as law and medicine, the percentage of women is increasing quickly. However, in corporations there are still not many women in the top jobs.

Eliz: Here's another question. "Is women's pay equal to men's?"

Gary: In corporations, women still generally make less than men. Pay equality is an important issue in business.

Eliz: And one more question. "Is it difficult for a woman to supervise men?"

Gary: Some men don't like to have a female boss, but that's changing.

Eliz: In my experience, most of the men I supervise accept me as their supervisor.

Gary: Yes, I think most men today are quite comfortable with a woman as a supervisor.

Eliz: Let's take a break, Gary. Gary: OK


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đđy lă ph n th c t p. Xin nghe r i l p l i. Ph n năy g iầ ự ậ ồ ậ ạ ầ ọ

lă VARIATIONS-câch nói m t ý khâc nhau. Thí d nh trongộ ụ ư

cđu: In some fields, the percentage of women is

increasing= văi ngănh, t s ph n trăm ph n đang tăng.Ở ỷ ố ầ ụ ữ

Thay vì dùng ch PERCENTAGE-ph n trăm, qủ v có thữ ầ ị ể

dùng ch PROPORTION=t l . ữ ỷ ệ

Tương t , thay vì dùng ch TOP JOBS=ch c v cao, có thự ữ ứ ụ ể


FIELD=AREA=ngănh, đ a h t. ị ạ

Xin nghe vă th c t p. ự ậ


Larry: Variations. Listen to these variations.

Eliz: In some fields, the percentage of women is increasing. Larry: In some fields, the proportion of women is increasing. (Pause)

Eliz: There are not many women in top jobs. [ch c v cao] ứ ụ

Larry: There are not many women in high-level positions. (Pause)

Eliz: Pay equality is an important issue.

Larry: Equal pay for equal work is an important issue. [v nấ

đ ] (pause) ề

Eliz: Most men today are comfortable with a woman as a supervisor.

Larry: Most men today are comfortable being supervised by a woman. (pause) [comfortable=tho i mâi, d ch u; ngăy nayả ễ ị

ph n l n đăn ông c m th y tho i mâi khi đầ ớ ả ấ ả ược ch huy b iỉ ở

m t ph n ] ộ ụ ữ


Vietnamese explanation

Sau đđy lă ph n ba băi h c BUSINESS DIALOG-Personalầ ọ

questions- Đăm tho i v thạ ề ương m i v cđu h i có tính câchạ ề ỏ

riíng t . ư

A COCKTAIL PARTY=b a ti c rữ ệ ượu.

COCKTAIL=rượu m nh pha nạ ước trâi cđy.

PROFESSIONAL MEETING=bu i h i ngh có tính câchổ ộ ị

chun nghi p. ệ

SALES MANAGER=qu n đ c v mêi v . ả ố ề ụ


ACME ELECTRONICS=tín hêng chuyín v mây đi n tề ệ ử

DEPARTMENT STORES=ti m bâch hóa. ệ

THEATER=k ch ngh . ị ệ

PLAYS=v k ch, tu ng. ở ị ồ


thích s ng thănh ph Philadelphia khơng? ố ở ố



Eliz: Today's Business Dialog is about asking personal questions. Fred and Sue are at a cocktail party at a professional meeting. They are meeting each other for the first time. During the conversation, they ask each other some personal questions. Let's listen.

Fred: Hi, my name is Fred Jones. Sue: Hello, Fred. I'm Sue Carter. Fred: Nice to meet you, Sue.

Sue: Nice to meet you too, Fred. What type of work are you in?

Fred: I work for Ace Department Stores in New York. I'm a sales manager.

Sue: I work in sales too. I'm the sales rep for Acme Electronics in Philadelphia.

Fred: How do you like living in Philadelphia? Sue: Philadelphia is great. The people are very nice. Fred: Have you lived there a long time?

Sue: No. I just moved there two years ago. How about you? Do you like living in New York city?

Fred: Well, the weather is terrible, but I love the theaters and restaurants.

Sue: Do you go to the theater a lot?

Fred: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. New York is great. Music

Vietnamese explanation

Sau đđy chú tr ng v ph n v -Focus on Functions-Personalọ ề ầ ụ

Questions-nh ng cđu h i v đ i t . ữ ỏ ề ờ ư

BUSINESS CONTEXTS=hoăn c nh thả ương m i=BUSINESSạ


BUSINESS SITUATIONS, n i lăm vi c. ơ ệ

MOVE=d n nhăọ

SAFE TOPICS=nh ng đ tăi an toăn khi nói chuy n [khơngữ ề ệ

lăm m t lịng, hay mang ti ng soi bói]. ấ ế

Xin nghe r i l p l i. ồ ậ ạ


Eliz: Now let's focus on personal questions in business contexts.

Larry: Listen and repeat.

Eliz: How do you like living in Philadelphia? (pause for repeat) Eliz: Philadelphia is great. (pause for repeat)

Eliz: Have you lived there a long time? (pause for repeat) Eliz: No. I just moved there two years ago. (pause for repeat) Eliz: Do you like living in New York City? (pause for repeat) Eliz: Well, the weather is terrible. (pause for repeat) Eliz:...but I love the theaters and restaurants. (pause for repeat)

Eliz: Do you go to the theater a lot? (pause for repeat) Eliz: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. (pause for repeat) Music

Vietnamese explanation

Sau đđy, xin nghe Gary mâch câch h i nh ng cđu có tínhỏ ữ

câch câ nhđn môi trở ường thương m i. ạ


ch m đ n đ i t khi h i [ đđu, ch c v , lăm bao lđu, etc..] ạ ế ờ ư ỏ ở ứ ụ


ti n h i [nh lệ ỏ ư ương (SALARY); tôn giâo, theo đ o năoạ

(RELIGION); tình tr ng gia đình (MARITAL STATUS). ạ

Xin nghe l i m y l i đăm tho i gi a Fred vă Sue. ạ ấ ờ ạ ữ


Gary's Tips: Personal questions in business settings. UPBEAT MUSIC

Larry: Gary's Tips.

Eliz: Welcome back. It's time for Gary's Tips. What's your topic for today, Gary?

Gary: Today I'll be talking about personal questions in business settings. Personal questions are questions about your living situation, family, and interests. Some personal questions are safe to ask, and others are not so safe. When you're in a business setting, it's best to stick to safe topics. [c "đeo dính" l y câc đ tăi an toăn.] Some safe topics areứ ấ ề

where someone lives, how long the person has lived there, and what interests a person has.

Let's listen to the Business Dialog again.

In the conversation, Fred asks Sue how she likes living in Philadelphia and how long she's lived there. Let's listen. Sue: I'm the sales rep for Acme Electronics in Philadelphia. Fred: How do you like living in Philadelphia?

Sue: Philadelphia is great. The people there are very nice. Fred: Have you lived there a long time?

Sue: No, I just moved there two years ago.

Gary: Then Sue asks Fred if he likes living in New York. She also asks him a question about his interest in the theater. Let's listen.

Sue: How about you? Do you like living in New York City? Fred: Well, the weather is terrible, but I love the theaters and restaurants.

Sue: Do you go to the theater a lot?

Fred: Yes, my wife and I see a lot of plays. New York is great. Gary: There are some topics which are not to ask someone unless you know the person well. You shouldn't ask if someone is married, or about the person's age or religion, or

about how much money a person makes or spends.[đ ng h iừ ỏ

ki m đế ược hay tiíu bao nhiíu ti n.] It's also a bad idea to talkề

about politics in business situations. It is much better to stay with very safe topics. Well, that's all we have for today. I hope today's tips were helpful!

Eliz: Thanks very much, Gary. Music

Eliz: Well, our time is up. Tune in next time for Functioning in Business. See you then!

Anh Ng sinh đ ng băi 17

Trong băi h c năy qủ v s g p ông Max vă cô Kathy, haiọ ị ẽ ặ

người ph trâch chụ ương trình Anh ng căn b n nh m giúpữ ả ằ

qủ v hi u thím v ngị ể ề ười M vă văn hóa M . Ch đ c aỹ ỹ ủ ề ủ

băi h c hôm nay lă cđu HOW MANY BROTHERS DO YOUọ

HAVE?-B n có bao nhiíu anh em?ạ

Qủ v s h c v câch đ m s , vă câch h i b ng câch dùngị ẽ ọ ề ế ố ỏ ằ

Đo n đ u băi h c, Kathy nói chuy n v i Max v chuy n ôngạ ầ ọ ệ ớ ề ệ

khâch m i lín đăi lă Pierre Dubois; ơng Dubois Phâp sangờ ở

thăm người ch M . ị ở ỹ

CUT 1 Music

Max: Hi, I'm Max.

Kathy: Hello. My name is Kathy.

Max and Kathy: Welcome to Dynamic English! MUSIC

Larry: Dynamic English is a basic English language course and an introduction to American people and culture. Today's unit is How Many Brothers Do You Have? This lesson focuses on counting and numbers.

Max: Hi, Kathy.

Kathy: Hi, Max. That's a nice shirt. Max: Thank you. Who's our guest today? Kathy: Today, we'll talk with Pierre Dubois. Max: I remember Pierre. He's visiting from France. Kathy: That's right. Pierre is from France.


Vietnamese explanation

Bđy gi đ n ph n t p đ m câc con s . Xin nghe r i l p l i. ờ ế ầ ậ ế ố ồ ậ ạ


Language Focus. Repeat with a Beat. Numbers 1-5. Larry: Listen and repeat.


Max: 1...2...1, 2, 3 (pause for repeat) Max: 3...4...3, 4, 5 (pause for repeat)

Một phần của tài liệu Anh ngữ sinh động dành cho mọi lứa tuổi (Trang 27 - 40)

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