Nguai hoc se tim thay a phan nay nhirng qui luat dcm gian de viet mot cau khong gap kho khan. Cac sach giao khoa a My thu gon cac cach viet thanh 5 basic sentences.
Parts o f a sentence
A nh ngir la thu tieng noi va viet uyen ehuyen (flexible) ve van pham va luon luon thay doi theo thcri gian (with time). Song, ngudi hoc (learner) co the ap dung mot so nguyen tac (principles) va quan sat (observe) cac cach dung tir va cach cau true cau (doc sach) thi khi noi hay viet tieng Anh (Standard English) se tuang doi dung (relatively correct) qui tac van pham. Phan dau cua cuon sach nay (Parts o f Speech) da noi ve chuc nang cac loai tir ngu (grammatical terms / elements), nhirng phan tiep theo se noi ve nhung dieu can thiet de nguai hoe (learner: highschool student, college student, autodidact) biet la noi hoac viet dung hay sai van pham.
(Standard English: The written and spoken language of educated people)
Parts of a sentence
Trong phan nay, nguai hoc se lam quen them vai nhirng grammatical terms, bat dau vai cac tir sentence va clause de phan tich dac tinh van pham. Sentence (cau) la mot s6 tir noi hoac viet ghep chung lai theo thu tu (orderly) ciing vcri chirc nang (function) cua timg tir de dien ta y tuang hay viec lam ma nguai doc hay nguai
nghe hieu dugc. Clause (menh de) la mot so tir gom subject va nhung tir theo sau noi ve subject la gi hay lam gi (predicate). Mot cau co the gom nhieu menh de.
Nhieu nguai hoc tieng Anh lam ngon ngu thir hai (ESL or English as a second language), va nhieu sinh vien a nuac My nghi rang loi cau true cac cau cua tieng Anh phirc tap, cam thay mung lung khi doc va lung tung khi viet. Song, thuc ra chi co mot so the cach can ban (basic patterns), vi ngon ngu nao cung vay, dan gian hay phirc tap la tuy a nguai viet (van chuang cung nhu ky thuat).
6 My, nhieu sach giao khoa (textbook) thu gon thanh 5 kieu mau (pattern). N guai hoc nhan xet cac mau nay de biet cau tao cac cau khac nhau theo van pham can ban, roi sau nay khi doc sach se t u tim ra nhung cach viet (style)
Tat ca moi cach viet (style) du dai hay du phuc tap deu co the rut gon khi phan tich chuc nang van pham cua cac loai tu ngu. Trong 5 kieu mau can ban duoi day
subject luon luon la noun hay pronoun, su khac biet giua cac mau chi la phan theo sau subject (predicate), va transitive verb hay intransitive verb (xcm lai 4 DO N G ICT a phan truac).
Subject Predicate
P r e d ic a te g o m :
Dong tu (Verb) hay cum dong tic (verbal phrase) Bo ngicva tan n gu (Complements, objects, modifiers) Tat ca cac chuc nang nay nam a phan hai (theo sau subject) cua mot cau hay menh de.
Pattern 1 duai day se chi gom subject va verb, dcm gian nh§t trong moi cach viet. Song, qui luat nay (rule) se luon luon la dac tinh can ban cho cac pattern khac.
Pattern 1 Subject. Verb
Children run.
The woman arrived. The snow fell.
The sun rises.
Observation: Dong tir la intransitive verb / noi dong
tir (tat ca cac dong tir trong cac cau tren), va khong can co
tan ngu (object). Song, Pattern 1 luon luon co cac cau dai hon voi cac loai tir co chuc nang phu nhu adverbial: where, when, how.
Your friends are in the front hall, (adverb of place) They will come later, (adverb o f time)
She sings beautifully, (adverb o f manner)
Sometimes the neighborhood children run happily down the street, (sometimes / adverb of time; happily /
adverb o f manner; down the street / adverb of place)
Qui tac dac biet
. Verb dung truac subject : Cach viet duai day thuang thay trong pattern 1.
Behind the house stood (verb) an old tree (subject). In the jungle lived (verb) the lion (subject).
Suddenly there came (verb) a cry (subject) for help.
. Expletives :
Co nhieu cau bat dau voi nhung tir there hay it
(expletive/hu tu). Nhirng hu tu nay khong co chuc nang van pham ma chi la chu bat dau cau, va subject trong cau luon luon a phia sau:
There are (verb) ten persons (subject) in this house. It is dangerous (predicate) to p e t a lion (subject).
Pattern 2
Verbs dung 6 pattern 2 nay deu la action verbs
(transitive), theo sau can co direct object; nghia la subject va verb trong cau loai nay can phdi (must) cho biet lam gi (what) hay la ai (whom) thi cau moi du nghTa (a
com plete sentence). Va direct object luon luon la noun hay noun equivalent nhu pronoun.
Subject. Verb. Direct Object
Children play games. Aviators fly airplanes. Aviators love to fly. Someone insulted her. They threw stones at us.
Pattern 3
Verbs dung trong Pattern 3 nay se doi khi la transitive verb, doi khi la linking verb, va a pattern nay nguai hoc se lam quen them voi nhung grammatical terms moi nhu
direct object, indirect object, object complement, subjective com plement (se giai thich voi cac cau duoi
Subject. Verb. Subjective Com plement
Linking Verb The boy is a genius, (noun) The girl is clever, (adjective) She is an actress, (noun) She is unhappy, (adjective)
Explanation: Noun, adjective a nhung cau tren day mo ta / noi them ve subjects: the boy, the girl, va she. Do do, co tir bo nglua cho chu ngir, goi la subjective complement. Do la cac tir voi chi'rc nang van pham de lam mot cau co du nghia (meaning) va dung van pham (correct in grammar).
Other linking verbs
Mot so verb dung trong cac cau thi du duoi day thuoc nhom "other linking verbs" (xem lai 4.Verbs a phan
truac). N guai hoc cung se tim thay noun hay adjective
(subjective complement) theo sau subject va verb.
The weather turned colder. I grew weary o f his talking. Mr. Smith looks healthy.
Later he became an accountant. She remains a very good student.
Thi du cac cau ngan noi ve subjective complement.
Tiep theo tai cac cau dai han de phan tich chuc nang van pham cua timg nhom tir trong mot cau (parts o f a sentence):
Subject. Verb. Direct Object. Object Complement
Henry called Bob a true friend. (adjective + noun)
The committee appointed Mr. Smith president, (noun)
People made him angry. (adjective)
I believe it necessary. (adjective)
Explanation: Bob a cau 1, Mr. Smith a cau 2, him a cau 3, va it a cau 4 la d ir e c t o b je c t. Cac noun hay adjective theo sau cac direct object do de mo ta (describe/explain), noi ro them (tell more about) direct object do, nen goi la o b je c t c o m p le m e n t.
Pattern 4
Pattern 4 nay co 2 complements, nghTa la co indirect object va direct object. Direct object la ngudi nhan hanh dong (the receiver) cho biet who hay what sau transitive verb. Indirect object cho biet hanh dong cua verb do lam cho ai hay cho viec gi (to whom / which hay fo r whom / which). Do do, cau loai nay se la :
Subject. Verb. Indirect Object. Direct Object
The clerk gave me a refund. He gives his parents pleasure.
My sister sent me a gift.
Observation: Trong cau loai nay: (1) indirect object va direct object luon luon di ciing nhau, va indirect object luon luon dung truac direct object, (cac loai ngu trong
pattern nay luon luon theo thu tu S.V.IO.DO).
(2) Indirect object a 3 cau tren la me va his (person).
Song, a cac truang hap khac indirect object (10) co the la
thu khac (thing).
I will give your application a careful consideration. Prepositional Phrase
D uai day la nhung verb thuang dung trong Pattern 4 nay: allow, assign, ask, tell, write, send, show, pay, grant, and so on, va preposition thuang la to hay for.
I sent him the money, (indirect object, Pattern 4)
I sent the money to him , (him is an object of a preposition [to, Pattern 2])
M other bought us some chocolate. (Pattern 4) M other bought some chocolate for us. (Pattern 2)
P a tte rn 5
Co hai complements khi viet cac cau thuoc Pattern 5. Complement a gan verb se la direct object, va complement a xa verb se la objective complement.
object la ai / la gi, hay la adjective de mo ta direct object
ra sao. Do do, pattern loai nay se viet voi dang:
Subject. Verb. Direct Object. Objective Complement
The teacher considers his student a genius, (noun) The parent think their child clever, (adjective)
The work made Henry an artist, (noun)
N ote: Doi khi co the viet objective complement ngay sau verb; nghia la objective c o m p le m e n t (a d jc c tiv c ) ctiiiig truac direct object.
He set fr e e (OC) the caged animals (DO)
thay vi cach dung thong thuang: He set the caged animals free.
S U M M A R Y Pattern 1 : S.V Pattern 2 : S. V. DO Pattern 3 : S. V. SC S. V. DO. OC Pattern 4 : S. V. IO. DO Pattern 5 : S. V. DO.OC