Một phần của tài liệu 5b4b5b_e08384443dd84a588d9644dd8aedcd94 (Trang 86 - 87)

Tҥi ThiӅn viӋn, trong mӝt khóa tu, ÿӃn giӡ chҩp tác, Sѭ

cô ngѭӡi Mӻ tӵu chúng lҥi chia viӋc, sau ÿó, Sѭ cô quay sang hӓi mӝt bác lӟn tuәi: - Bác, Are you ready? Bác trҧ lӡi:

- Yes.

Và quay lѭng ÿi.

Chӡ lâu không thҩy bác, Sѭ

cô ÿi tìm, gһp bác ta ÿang ngӗi chѫi ngoài sân, Sѭ cô hѫi ngҥc nhiên, ÿӃn gҫn hӓi: - Bác, are you ready?

Bác trҧ lӡi: - Yes. Bác ÿӭng lên ÿi tiӃp. Chӡ mӝt hӗi lâu không thҩy bác, Sѭ cô lҥi ÿi tìm, gһp bác ta ÿang cҥo râu.

Lҫn này, Sѭ cô ngҥc nhiên hѫn, không biӃt vì sao bác ÿã “yes” rӗi lҥi ÿi làm chuyӋn khác? Nhѭng Sѭ cô vүn ÿӃn gҫn và hӓi:

- Bác, are you ready? Bác ta vӯa cҥo râu vӯa trҧ lӡi:

- Yes.

Sѭ cô nghƭ bác ÿang bұn nên ra sân ngӗi ÿӧi, chӡ mãi không thҩy, lҥi ÿi tìm, tìm quanh ThiӅn viӋn cNJng chҷng thҩy bóng dáng bác ÿâu, sau cùng Sѭ cô vào các phòng thҩy bác ta nҵm ngӫ ngáy khò khò. Sѭ cô lҳc ÿҫu: - Oh, my God !!!.... BҨT ċӖNG NGÔN NGӲ Trong khóa tu gӗm ngѭӡi ViӋt và ngѭӡi nѭӟc ngoài. Không biӃt có viӋc gì quan trӑng, ThiӅn sinh ViӋt ÿi nhanh hѫn bình thѭӡng, vô tình ÿөng mҥnh vào ThiӅn sinh Ҩn ÿӝ.

Vӏ này ÿau quá quay sang hӓi:

- Are you ok?

ThiӅn sinh ViӋt trҧ lӡi: - I am fine, thank you, and you?

ThiӅn sinh Ҩn có vҿ ngҥc nhiên, hӓi:

-Sir,…. are you ok?

ThiӅn Sinh ViӋt cѭӡi, ÿáp: - You are welcome.

ThiӅn sinh Ҩn trӧn tròn mҳt: - ???!!!.... S̷c āͥi Ngày lên n̷ng mͣi Th̭y nͭ Ph̵t c˱ͥi Dâu bi͋n m͡t āͥi S̷c không m̭y sͫi. Nguyên H̩nh

I used meditation as my way out, but somehow it became my way in …

I was born in a religious family, and for many years I have attended church and taken bible study classes. They taught me to become a good person and act the way Jesus wanted me to be … but no one taught me how to practice or how to get to that point. As I looked at the elder people in my church, I saw that they still got upset and angry

when others did something wrong by them. When I saw that, I started to question myself, “What will I be like when I get to their age?” It was clear that if I continue going like this with no one to teach me how to practice, then I will be the same as I am now. Seeing my path was a dead end, I started having fears, worries, stress, and anxiety. That was when I began thinking about practicing meditation. I heard about Universal Door through my friend and thought I would come here to learn how to be calm and to relax.

To my surprise it was nothing like what I had

imagined. As I shared my concerns, such as constant worry about losing my job, losing a loved one, fear of getting sick, growing old, dying and death, anger and irritation at my wife and kids, I started to see a common factor…that I was suffering and I needed help…this was when I started looking for a way out…but who knew that my way out was my way in.

Since coming to the classes, I have learned so much about myself and my problems. Before, be- cause I didn’t know what to do and where to look, I would automatically take out my anger and stress on people and situations around me. As I began learning how to look inside myself and see why I couldn’t be calm and couldn’t relax, I started to see so many things about myself, and that has changed how I interact with family, friends, and situations. Staying with the feelings in my body to see what happens whenever my worries, anger, fears, and irritation arise has been an eye opener to many truths I have never seen before.

From applying this one simple instruction, I can see that my life is starting to improve, especially with my wife and children. In the past, I would immediately take out my anger by yelling at them. But as I start to stay with what is happening in my body in that very moment, I see my reactions came from something within myself. There was something I held onto so strongly that when the op- posite thing happened, I automatically reacted in a way that hurt innocent people for what I’ve al- ready programmed within myself. Being the skeptic that I am, I had my doubts in the beginning; I didn’t really think that this place was right for me. But within a couple of months, after experiencing the truth for myself, I cannot deny the facts. Now, because of what I have seen within myself and the positive results seen by my wife and other people around me, I have a willingness to discover more about who I really am.

Tuan T. (Phә Ân), Land Surveyor

Một phần của tài liệu 5b4b5b_e08384443dd84a588d9644dd8aedcd94 (Trang 86 - 87)

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