- Decision No.20/2008/QĂNHNN dated July 4, 2008 on the amendment to the Regulation on shareholders, shares, stocks and charter capital of the State and nonstate jointstock commercial banks issued together with Decision
Quăn lyâ ngoaơi hưịi nùm
Trong bưịi cănh kinh tïị toađn cíìu lím vađo suy thoâi vađ khô cô khă nùng phuơc hưìi trong nùm 2009, nïìn kinh tïị Viïơt Nam seơ gùơp nhiïìu khô khùn vađ thâch thûâc, cân cín
manage interest and exchange rates in line with macro-economic targets.
Manage interest rate in line with inflation developments and monetary policy
management targets: flexibly adjust the base rate and refinancing and rediscount rates at a reasonable level in association with money supply management through such
instruments as open market operations, refinancing and rediscount in order to provide more capital to the market.
Continue to manage exchange rate in a flexible manner in conformity with developments of supply and demand of foreign
currency in the market, thus contributing to promoting export, limiting the trade deficit, containing inflation and stabilizing
Adjust reserve requirement ratios and reform reserve requirement mechanism consistent with requirement of controlling total liquidity; adjust interest rates of reserve requirement deposit in VND in line with the adjustment of interest rates announced by the SBV. Continue to improve mechanism and flexible management of open market operations and other refinancing channels in order to increase liquidity for the market.
Closely control those commercial banks with difficulties in operations to make suitable arrangements and restructurings. Effectively expand credit consistent with regulations and laws; apply suitable interest rates; deal with difficulties in loan repayment and banking credit access of enterprises: Review and revise mechanism of credit extension, implement guaranteed credit mechanism for small and medium enterprises.
thanh toân dûơ kiïịn seơ bõ thím huơt do nguưìn thu ngoaơi tïơ suy giăm. Bïn caơnh ăô, câc khoăn thu nhíơp tûđ ăíìu tû DTNHNN trïn thõ trûúđng quưịc tïị dûơ kiïịn seơ giăm maơnh do tâc ăương cùưt giăm laơi suíịt hađng loaơt cuêa câc nïìn kinh tïị lúân nhû Myơ, Chíu Íu...Do ăô, cưng tâc quăn lyâ DTNHNN phăi ặúơc thûơc hiïơn nghiïm tuâc, chùơt cheơ vúâi nguýn tùưc hađng ăíìu lađ băo ăăm an toađn nguưìn Dûơ trûơ Ngoaơi hưịi quưịc gia. NHNN tiïịp tuơc ban hađnh vađ triïín khai âp duơng câc quy ắnh múâi vïì quăn lyâ ngoaơi hưịi ăưịi vúâi giao dõch vưịn. Tiïịp tuơc thûơc hiïơn xu hûúâng tûơ do hôa câc giao dõch vaơng lai, haơn chïị viïơc sûê duơng ngoaơi hưịi trïn laơnh thưí Viïơt Nam.