Ngữ pháp: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

Một phần của tài liệu GA TIENG ANH 10 BAN CO BAN (HAY) (Trang 39 - 42)

C- Which asa connector

3) Ngữ pháp: Thì hiện tại hoàn thành

- Thì hiện tại hoàn thành bị đĩng - Các đại từ quan hệ who, which, that

II- Đơ dùng, thiết bị giảng dạy: SGK, đài, băng đĩa, tranh ảnh, poster, handouts,...III- Tiến trình: III- Tiến trình:

- Tiết 1: Reading - Tiết 2: Speaking - Tiết 3: Listening - Tiết 4: Writing

Unit 5: Technology & you TIếT PPCT : 25 Ngày soạn : 18 / 10 /2008

Lesson 1: Reading

I- Aim: Reading about computers

II- Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

- understand & use a number of words about computers such as CPU, VDU, CD ROMS, floppy disks,... - improve reading skill through exercises & develop other skills such as speaking, writing,...

III- Anticipated problems: Ss may find it difficult to understand the words about computers IV- Materials: Textbook, pictures, handouts,

V- Procedure:

Stages &

timing Steps / Activities Work arrangement

Warmer - T prepares a set of pictures of computer parts & puts them among other things. T asks Ss to pick out the parts of a computer. (Parts of a computer: CPU, VDU, CD ROMs, keyboard, mouse, speaker, floppy disk. Other things: a TV remote control, a printer, a camera, a mobile phone)

T-whole class

Pre-reading 1) T asks Ss to look at the illustration of different parts of a computer system & discuss to give each item a name from the box.

(Key: A-5; B-7; C-4; D-1; E-2; F-6; H-8)

2) Pre-teach new words: - T uses the illustration to teach new words. Beside them, there are some other words:

+) miraculous (adj.) / mi'rưkjuləs /: wonderful, fantastic (tuyệt với) +) calculating machine: a machine which can do calculation such as adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing (máy tính)

+) lightning speed: very fast (rÍt nhanh, nhanh nh tia chớp)

+) storage device: a thing used to keep or store information (thiết bị lu trữ thông tin)

+) memos = memorandums (n): - brief notes of things to be remembered - informal letter usually sent from one person to another in an office

3) Brainstorming: - T asks Ss to list the benefits of computers in modern life or things that a computer can do.

- T leads in: As you know, computers play an important role in our modern life. They bring us so many benefits that make our life much easier, more comfortable. The reading passage today will help you know more about this. Group work T-class Group work T-class While-

reading 4) Matching the words with their definitions (Task 1-textbook-page 55)- T asks Ss to read the passage - T asks Ss to discuss in pairs to find the meaning of the words in context. - T goes round to offer help

- T checks Ss' answers, asks Ss to explain if possible & gives the correct ones.

(Key: 1. C 2. E; 3. A; 4. B; 5. D)

5) Choosing the best title for the passage (Task 2- textbook- page 55) - T asks Ss to read the passage carefully.

- T divides the class into groups & asks groups to discuss to choose the best title

Pair work


Individual Group work

- T asks the group representatives to tell their answers & explain why. - T gets feedback from groups & both T & Ss decide on the best title. - T praises the group with the same answer as the one the whole class chooses. (Key: C -What can the computer do?)

6) Answering the questions (Task 3-textbook-page 55) - T asks Ss to read the passage again if they need.

- T divides the class into 2 groups. Group 1 discusses to answer the question 1; group 2 - question 2.

- Groups present - T gets Ss' feedback T-class Individual Group work T- class Post-

reading - T divides the class into groups & gives each gr. a poster.- T asks groups to discuss on the usages of computers & write down on the poster.

- T hangs the posters on the Bb so that the whole class can see & give feedback.

- T finalizes.

Group work


Homework T asks each S to rewrite the post-reading -exercise in their notebook Individual Unit 5: Technology & you

TIếT PPCT : 26 Ngày soạn : 18 / 10 /2008 Lesson 2: Speaking

I- Aim: Talking about the uses of modern inventions

II- Objective: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about the uses of modern inventions in

daily life such as radio, TV, fax machine, air conditioner & the uses of information technology.

III- Anticipated problems: Ss may have difficulty in expressing the uses of fax machine or air-


IV- Materials: Textbook, pictures, posters,... V- Procedure:

Stages &

timing Steps / Activities Work arrangement

Warmer *Guessing what it is

- T prepares small pieces of paper on which T writes the words: radio, TV, fax machine, electric cooker, air conditioner.

- T has some volunteers Ss to go to the Bb & take any of the pieces. Then she or he has to describe the thing on the paper so that others can guess what it is.


Ss - Ss

Activity 1 * Asking & answering the questions (Task 1-textbook- page 56)

- T prepares some pictures of these things: a radio, a TV, a fax machine, an electric cooker, an air-conditioner & hangs them on Bb.

- T has Ss work in pairs to ask & answer about the uses of these devices, using the given prompts.

- T goes round to offer help & be sure that all Ss are involved..

- After a while, T calls some pairs to ask & answer in front of the whole class.

- T has Ss give comments.


Pair work

T - Ss - Ss Ss - Ss T

- T praises those who did well.

Be used to + bare-inf

Be used for + V-ing

Eg : A : Could you tell me what a telephone is used for ?

Một phần của tài liệu GA TIENG ANH 10 BAN CO BAN (HAY) (Trang 39 - 42)

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